Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG with various weapons for many different jobs, some of them looking very distinctive, unique, and shiny.
In this game, a shiny weapon is much more than just glamour. It shows off someone’s hard work, either for grinding, time spent, and effort.
This is because many shiny weapons in FFXIV are acquired through a difficult trial, an extremely challenging raid, or through grinding painful hours into a distinguished relic weapon.
This article will show you the best, most unique weapons for every battle job in FFXIV that a player can get either for its looks, performance, or what it represents.
1. Paladin’s Excalibur and Aegis Shield
Excalibur has been notorious in many fantasy games and movies, and Final Fantasy XIV is not an exception. Donned as a Paladin’s trusted weapon along with the Aegis as a shield, this pair is one of the most desirable weapons for many Paladins.
One of the main reasons why Excalibur and Aegis are very popular is for their look. The shine of the weapon is very bright but not bright enough to dim down the intricate engravings and designs on the sword and shield.
In addition, it is one of the hardest relic weapons that could be acquired by many players. Excalibur and Aegis are Zodiac relic weapons, one of the hardest relic weapons acquired in the game. Here is the full guide on how to get this pair of swords and shields.
The Zodiac weapons are the hardest weapons to get in-game for their grindy steps and how many hours the players need to spend on a single complete weapon. However, owning a complete Zodiac weapon such as the Excalibur and Aegis is a major flex for many FFXIV players.
Fellow Paladin players interested in grinding for this weapon can find the full details on the steps and the weapon on this page!
2. Warrior’s Bravura Ultima
Bravus Ultima shines blue as if the moon is smiling in the darkness.
Ultimate weapons are, undoubtedly, the hardest weapons to get in Final Fantasy XIV as it requires players to clear the hardest content in the game, Ultimate Raids.
However, players who can get their hands on these weapons can show them to everyone to show their achievement of clear the hardest content in the game.
Even if most Warrior’s relic weapons are not popular among players, Warrior’s ultimate weapons are still highly sought. In particular, Warrior’s Bravura Ultima.
The main reason why Bravura Ultima is so highly sought of is because of its bright looks. Another reason is that players can acquire it through clearing The Weapon’s Refrain, the Ultimate Raid, which has the highest number of clears in the game.
Players looking to create an Ultimate Raid static can start off by reading and watching some guide. A complete guide on The Weapon’s Refrain raid can be seen here.
In addition, fellow Warrior of Lights looking to get a hand on this weapon can find the complete information on this website.
3. Dark Knight’s Cronus Lux
Dark Knight’s fierce and dark greatsword.
Cronus Lux is one of the most chosen weapons for a lot of Dark Knights out there. The main reason is obviously, how it looks.
The color scheme of Cronus Lux suits a Dark Knight like jam and bread. The dark, purple glow and the red and black intricacies of the blade suit a Dark Knight’s deathly and dark aura like a sleeve.
Cronus Lux is the complete version of the Anima Relic weapon, and a player needs to complete all the steps necessary in an Anima Relic weapon grind to get this weapon. Here is the full guide on how to do the Anima Relic weapon grind.
Dark Knight players who would like to get this weapon may see the full information about Cronus Lux here.
4. Gunbreaker’s Blade’s Resolve
A Gunbreaker’s sword made out of crystals.
Blade’s Resolve is one of the most popular Gunbreaker’s chosen weapons right now. This is because, as a new job that is only introduced in Shadowbringers, Gunbreaker players do not have as many options as other jobs.
Another reason why this weapon is very popular is because of how it looks, as this shiny blue weapon really suits a lot of glamours for Gunbreakers. In addition, owning this weapon will show off to other players that you have completed the Shadowbringers’ relic quest/
Blade’s Resolve is the last step of Shadowbringers’ relic weapon, so a player must grind through all requirements and quests of this relic to be able to get this weapon. The guide to finish Shadowbringers’ relic weapon can be found here.
In addition, further information about this weapon could be found on this website.
5.White Mage’s Nirvana Zeta
A White Mage’s unique Nirvana Zeta.
Another Zodiac Relic weapon widely popular among the players is the Nirvana Zeta, the final step for the White Mage’s Zodiac weapon.
With a weapon that looks as if it has wings, Nirvana Zeta is a weapon that is highly desired by a lot of White Mage players. In addition, having a last-step Zodiac weapon is always a huge flex for many players, as grinding the Zodiac Relic weapon is anything but easy.
White Mage players who would like to have this soft, angelic weapon can look through how to grind through the Zodiac Relic weapon in this video.
In addition, players can also find more information about this weapon on this website.
6. Scholar’s Anabasis Lux
Scholar’s winged fairy book.
Heavensward’s relic weapons, the Anima Relic weapons, are often known for their beauty, and Scholar’s Anabasis Lux is one of them.
Popular for its winged book that looks like the wings of Eos, Scholar’s trusted fairy, Anabasis Lux is widely popular among Scholar players in Final Fantasy XIV. In addition, Anima Weapons are known as one of the less taxing relics to grind in the game, making the weapon even more desirable for most players.
While it may not be suitable for players who would like a unique weapon barely none other can own, Anabasis Lux is still a great choice for many healers out there. The full guide on how to complete the Anima Relic weapon grind can be found in this video.
In addition, more information about this weapon can be found on this page.
7. Astrologian’s Solstice Recollection
The shiny star represents an Astrologian’s connection with the stars.
Astrologian’s Solstice Recollection is dubbed as the job’s prettiest weapon in-game, which suits the aesthetic of the job perfectly.
While Solstice Recollection only requires finishing the first few steps of the Shadowbringers’ relic weapon quests, they are still widely popular among many Astrologian players for their looks, which suits the card-player jobs very well.
As Solstice Recollection looks beautiful and is not very hard to get, this weapon can be the prime choice for many Astrologian players out there, especially those who would like to match their glamorous outfit with an equally majestic weapon.
Astrologian players who would like to get this weapon can find out the full guide on how to grind for a Shadowbringers’ relic weapon in this video.
More information about Solstice Recollection can be found here.
8. Monk’s Kettle Knuckles Nexus
Whacking bosses with a pair of kettles.
Kettle Knuckles Nexus can almost be seen as a troll weapon, but it’s still hugely popular among Monk players in Final Fantasy XIV. After all, what’s better than punching your enemies to their deaths with a pair of Kettles?
While this can be seen as a funny weapon, acquiring it is extremely hard, which creates a big reason why many collectors of rare weapons out there would love to have this weapon.
To acquire this, a player must first complete the Zodiac Relic quest grind in all its entirety, which is popular for its long and painful grind. The full guide on how to complete a Zodiac Relic can be found in this video.
Afterward, a player would unlock a quest that enables them to grind for this weapon, requiring a set of small grinds. Players who would like more information about this weapon can find it here.
9. Dragoon’s Gae Bolg Novus
Purple Shine on the Gae Bolg Novus.
Gae Bolg is one of the most famous weapons for Dragoons, as it has high importance in the Heavensward expansion. Making this important weapon shiny causes an irresistible allure for all Dragoon players to grind for this weapon.
Gae Bolg Novus requires a player to grind through the Zodiac Weapon relic, although not all the way up to the finishing quests. However, it still requires some time and mindless grinding. A full guide on how to grind through the Zodiac Weapon Relic can be found here.
In addition, players who would like to find out more about this weapon can find it here.
10. Ninja’s Sandungs Lux
A Ninja’s sharp blue daggers.
As the third Anima Weapon to be featured in this list, Sandungs Lux definitely has a reason why it is one of the best looking weapons for a Ninja.
With its blue shine and intricate engravings on the blades, it is a favorite among many Ninja players out there for its eye-catching allure. In addition, as compared to many of the relic weapons out there, Anima Weapon is one of the less taxing to grind.
Because of these reasons, Sandungs Lux is highly revered among many ninja players out there. For players who would like to start their Anima Weapon relic grind to get this beautiful set of daggers, they can find the full guide here.
In addition, players who would like to know more about this weapon can find the information here.
11. Samurai’s Pyros Blade
A Shiny, Flaming Blade.
Samurai’s Pyros Blade is shiny, flaming, and brightly lit. It is very eye-catching and dramatic, which suits a Samurai’s dramatic skills very much.
The Pyros Blade will make a samurai’s wide and sharp skills look even more stunning, and that is why several Samurai have been eyeing this particular blade from Eureka to use in future battles.
This Pyros Blade is the third step of the Eureka Relic, which a player can get through grinding the Eureka instance in FFXIV. Players who are totally new to Eureka but want to grind for this flaming weapon can see the full guide to Eureka in here.
In addition, Samurais who want more information about this blade can find it on this page.
12. Bard’s Artemis Bow Nexus
A bright shine to the bow.
Bard is a job that is famous for many of its beautiful bows and weapons, which is why it is very hard to choose a specific best-looking weapon in this article.
However, many Bards have agreed that the Artemis Bow Nexus is one of the best-looking bows out there, with its eye-catching shine and glam.
Artemis Bow Nexus can be obtained in the sixth step of the Zodiac Relic grind, right after getting your Novus weapons. Players interested in starting grinding for this job can find the complete guide on how to start your Zodiac weapon in this video.
Similarly, Bard players looking for more information on this weapon can find it on this page.
13. Machinist’s Deathlocke Lux
Shiny, draconic gun.
Anima weapons are non-exhausting in their release of beautiful and cool-looking weapons, and Machinist’s Deathlocke Lux is one of them.
As the fourth Anima Weapon featured in this list, Deathlocke Lux has some reasons why it is one of the most chosen weapons for many Machinist players out there.
With its blue and green shiny weapon shaped like a dragon, it made any Machinist players out there beam with pride and coolness as they wield it into battle.
Players interested in this weapon and would like to start on their Anima Weapon grind journey can check the video for it here.
Similarly, Machinist players who would like more information about this particular shiny weapon can find it here.
14. Dancer’s Enchufla Recollection
A graceful weapon for a beautiful Dancer.
Dancers are often known for their graceful, alluring moves. For this reason, their weapons must also exude that kind of aura to make it the perfect weapon for a Dancer, and the Enchufla Recollection depicts that perfectly.
Like the Solstice Recollection, players can obtain the Enchufla Recollection through the first few steps of the Shadowbringers Relic grind. This means this weapon could be obtained rather easily and did not need much time to sink as the last relic weapons.
Players interested in starting the grind on Shadowbringers Relic weapon to get these elegant-looking chakrams can find the full guide on starting their relic journey in this video.
In addition, Dancer players who would like more information about the Enchufla Recollection can find it here.
15. Black Mage’s Ultimate Hvergelmir
An eye-catching Rod for a Black Mage.
It’s shiny. It’s eye-catching. Its designs are intricate and graceful, perfect for a Black Mage who loves to fling powerful spells with their rods.
In addition, it’s also the hardest weapon to get in Final Fantasy XIV, and any players who can have the Ultimate Weapon series are bound to have bragging rights as the only way to get this weapon is to clear The Epic of Alexander, the hardest content in the game.
Players who are looking to get this awesome-looking weapon can find out more about the guide on how to start your journey to beat TEA in this video.
In addition, players who would like to know more information about this weapon or other TEA weapons, in general, can find it here.
16. Summoner’s Ultimate Dreadwyrm Grimoire
A Summoner’s Shiny, Draconic book.
Like the Ultimate Hvergelmir, players would obtain the Ultimate Dreadwyrm Grimoire by clearing one of the hardest contents in the game. Particularly, this weapon would have a player clear The Unending Coil of Bahamut raid.
The Unending Coil of Bahamut, more commonly known as UCOB, is also one of the three Ultimate raids currently available in Final Fantasy XIV. Any players who could obtain this particularly shiny weapon would show it off to other players that they have cleared the hardest contents in the game.
FFXIV players who are curious about this particular raid and would like to create a static to clear it in the future can find out more information and guide about UCOB in this video.
Also, Summoner players who would like to know more information about this weapon, or UCOB weapons in general, can find the information here.
17. Red Mage’s Brunello Physeos
A Red Mage’s shiny purple sword.
While Eureka is known for its long, tiresome grind, many players would still go through it to get their hands on its unique weapons, and this includes the Red Mage’s Brunello Physeos.
A player could obtain Brunello Physeos in the last step of the Eurekan Relic grind. While it may be very time-consuming, this weapon may have allured a lot of players because of the low percentage of players having it due to its tiresome grind, as well as its purple shine.
FFXIV players interested in this weapon and would like to know more about Eureka can find the complete guide in this video.
Similarly, players who would like to know more about this particular weapon can find more information about it here.
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