36 Images That Show Us The Brutal World of The Culling: Page 8 of 8

the culling preview
Blood... Blood Everywhere.

4. My Little Stockpile!

Alright, let’s get started.

Like Costco, I deal in bulk. So instead of making one knife at a time, why not mine out eight rocks and make the knives all at once? It doesn’t exactly save time, but hey, it looks cool. A little pile of rocks of your own making can be oddly heartwarming during a competition that almost surely means you’ll die.

3. Is This a Bad Time?

Oh no! Someone tripped and hit their head!

Every now and then, you’ll stumble upon someone else’s victim. This is a very emotional experience, since one part of you feels bad for the victim, while the other part of you wishes that it was your victim. Honestly, we’re all horrible people.

2. The Wall

I think I’ve heard about this! It’s from Game of Thrones, right?

You’ll see the border of the map in most every game you play. Large energy pylons seem to keep the digital blue wall in place, and no matter what you do, you can never get behind it. Oddly enough, if it weren’t for the announcer and this wall, you could almost forget that you were in a homicidal game show. Almost.

1. Game Over

Oh sweet, I got jeans!

After all that work you put in… someone with awful timing or a much better set of gear took you down. It can be frustrating, but at least you can learn something from most defeats. Excluding the defeats where you were just shot a couple times with a Magnum; those are just dumb.


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Written by Colin Bellairs. Leave a comment to let me know what you'd like me to write about next!

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