The Culling: A New Game Based on The Hunger Games?

the culling preview, hunger games, pvp
Will You Survive?! ...Probably Not.

So What's The Culling All About?

The Culling is a new indie Early Access game on Steam, made by the creators of Lichdom: Battlemage. But I’ll tell you right now, it doesn’t show. As someone who wasn’t a fan of Lichdom, I say The Culling is a well-executed, enjoyable slaughterfest. A bloody mess in a good way, if you will. Here’s ten features that should be praised if you’re going to play this game.

10. So... It's the Hunger Games?


Has Photoshop gone too far?!            

Yes! No. Look, it's complicated. Hear me out before you and your Katniss Everdeen body pillow run into the sunset.

The Culling, like the Hunger Games, pits fighters against one another in a large jungle-like arena filled to the brim with traps, weapons, and oddly excited voice overs from a man in a heavenly sound booth. Okay, maybe not that last one. But it is a pretty fun feature.

If you're looking for a game that encourages mindless violence, look no further. If you're looking for a game that will make you feel like you're in the Hunger Games, minus the "luck" of being raffled into it, look no further. If you're looking for a game that will let you hide in trees and drop hives of genetically-engineered bees upon unsuspecting foes, keep on looking. And hit me up when you find that game. That sounds awesome.

The Culling is the best arena-based slaughterfest out there right now. No other game can offer a scenario in which you're a hit away from the “Hunted” screen (a.k.a. the “You’re Dead, Stupid” screen), and you jump off a rock cliff, spin around midair, and shoot an opponent with an arrow to win the game. Now sure, that's a very niche market, but it's one The Culling fills. And just like the Hunger Games, the Culling will make adrenaline pump through you like a spear through Rue.

Too soon?


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Gamer Since: 2002
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Battleborn
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dishonored, The Stanley Parable, Heroes of the Storm

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Marlile 8 years 2 months ago

My first article. Hope you guys enjoy!

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