Ever wonder which tank does the most damage?
5. Dragoon
High flying and spear wielding dragoon is a melee DPS that holds its own with damage output compared to the other DPS. Its straightforward action makes it simple to learn, though it will take some practice to master with being able to time your jumps correctly.
Dragoon has several combinations that light up as you go through your rotation making it one of the easiest to pick up rotations in the game as a lot of the classes on this list do. These combinations combined with weaving jumps in makes the class fun and allows some freedom of play keeping it from feeling stiff and repetitive.
Excels at:
· Excellent DPS
· Straightforward combinations
· Freedom of game play with jumps and weaved abilities
Choose this Job if:
· You like melee
· You like jumping around the arena
· You don’t care about raid utility
4. Machinist
This pistol wielding tinkerer comes in at number four on the list. A smooth to play physical ranged DPS that keeps the action going. You can move and use your abilities making this one of the most mobile classes in the game.
Not only is it mobile and hard hitting, it has an easy rotation that allows you to keep the heat on your enemy even as you dodge AOEs from the boss. At higher levels you do have to make sure you are weaving your off Global Cooldowns but it is also pretty easy to get the hang of.
Excels at:
· Quick ranged combat
· Freedom of movement
· Dodging Boss mechanics while maintaining DPS uptime
Choose this Job if:
· You like quick paced action
· You like ranged combat
· You like to have a variety of abilities
3. Red Mage
The rapier wielding magical ranged DPS that’s all about balance. With a very intuitive system of balancing the white and black mana gained from using your offensive spells this ends up being one of the easiest classes to pick up in the game.
With its Dual Cast system every other spell is instant cast making it a highly mobile caster allowing you to easily dodge boss mechanics. There is a bit of weaving of off global Cooldowns but they are easy to pick up and naturally flow into your rotation.
Excels at:
· Quickly casting spells
· Freedom of movement
· Off healing the raid
Choose this Job if:
· You like magical combat
· You like faced paced action
· You like bringing raid utility
2. Dancer
The agile, versatile dancer, with chakrams in hand the supportive ranged DPS is a mainstay for many players. Easy to learn rotation plus some of the best class animations in the game dancer easily comes in at number two.
With supportive dances and a strong offensive burst phase, the dancer is a versatile and fun class to pick up. Starting at level 60 it is a lot to learn quickly but once you do the only thing you have to worry about is weaving and holding your fan dances and devilment for your burst phase.
Excels at:
· Fast Paced
· Freedom of Movement
· Raid utility
Choose this Job if:
· You like fast paced action
· You like brining raid utility
· You like ranged combat
1. Summoner
With their book in their hand and their carbuncle by their side this caster is fast and agile. Balancing summoning primals and slinging mostly instant cast spells, this Magical Ranged DPS is a force to be reckoned with.
With the rework to the class in patch 6.0 it is now the easiest class to pick, learn and master. Gone is the ridged and unforgiving Summoner of Shadowbringers. Now instead of knowing when to use what summon, you go through them in an easy to understand and do rotation with minimal weaving and very little room for error.
Excels at:
· Fast paced action with instant cast spells
· High burst damage
· Freedom of Movement
Choose this Job if:
· You like fast paced magical ranged combat
· You like having pets accompany you
· You like having a simple rotation
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