Top 10 Most Played Video Game Genres In 2015: Page 8 of 10

Top 10 Most Played Video Game Genres In 2015
A Titan takes hold of a pilot in Titanfall

3. RPG

This video game genre has always had a huge following. Something about playing out a story and finding out all the hidden gems and following a path that continually increases in difficulty just brings this genre to life. Some of these titles include The Witcher series, Dark Souls franchise, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect series, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 and more. These titles have been around for a long time and will stay around for a lot longer. If you haven’t yet gotten a chance to launch one of these games you’re truly missing out. With so many people enjoying these games, it’s rare to find someone who hasn’t.

Another way that the roleplaying genre is brought to life is through Action Roleplaying games. As many gamers are veterans to this dungeon crawling birds eye game genre, it’s still one of the most played video game genres in 2015. Relentlessly slaughtering mobs for their loot and exploring the darkest parts of dungeons where nobody can hear you scream are huge selling points for these games. When you’re able to feel as though that next room or next turn may expose a hoarding of treasure and the ability to relax while doing so allows you to be comfortable, you know a genre has accomplished what it has set out to be.

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20 year old gamer and editor, taking lif
Gamer Since: 1994
Favorite Genre: Pro-gaming
Currently Playing: Arma 3
Top 3 Favorite Games:Call of Duty 2, Arma 3, DayZ

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oliverevans's picture

oliverevans 1 year 6 months ago

I appreciate you sharing this insightful information. Your website is excellent tiny fishing. There is a staggering quantity of information on your website.

Jbee02's picture

Jbee02 8 years 1 month ago

Two problems with this article. One. Third person and first person shooters are a sub catagories of the same genre and shouldnt have two spots in this list. Second i feel moba is a sub genre of rpg, and rpg should be number one on this list

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