With so many free games online, we've listed 107 of the best free to play pc games that you can download and play right now
107. Fisftul of Frags (2014)
Developer:Fistful of Frags Team
Genre: FPS
Theme: Wild West Shoot ‘Em Up!
Once upon a time in the wild wild west, 4 groups battled for control of territory. The Desperados, Bandidos, Vigilantes, and Rangers brought their best weapons, ammunition, and fights to duke it out against one another.
Battle after battle was fought. Lives were lost. In the end, only one group was left alive to watch the sun rise another day.
Whose reflexes are superior?
Try your quick-draw in a variety of play modes including Shootout, Teamplay, Break Bad, Team Elimination, and Versus mode.
Choose from black gunpowder based weapons to blast your enemies away. Guns like the Colt Peacemaker, Yellowboy Rifle, and a Pump Shotgun are just a few of the guns that are able to be equipped. There are also melee weapons such as knives, hatchets, and even the use of your very own fists!
There’s more! You can customize between a primary and secondary weapon and even dual wielding. Then, customize the perks of these weapons.
Fistful of Frags is a fun action game to play for free.
Sniping enemies from a distance is safer than going head to head.
106. Gloria Victis (2016)
If you grew up in medieval times…
Developer: Black Eye Games
Genre: MMORPG, Realistic, Medieval
Theme: Realistic medieval MMORPG
Imagine what it would be like to live during medieval times. If you’re having trouble, then Gloria Victis will give you a good idea how it may have felt for someone living during that time.
Tales around a campfire.
In Gloria Victis you play as one of four nations.
Azebians are an agile and warrior people. Their one enemy is the infidels who caused trouble with their empire in the past.
The Ismirs are often noticed by their impressive height. They love to fight, but are also famous for their hospitality.
Midlanders are a prideful people. In the past it has been a curse for them, causing wars and fights. They excel in fencing, archery, and horse riding.
Finally, the Sangarians are also a prideful people. From their city, crafting is quite known and is perceived as an art to master. They enjoy the finer things in life such as fine clothes and food.
Choose a nation that suits you and begin to live the life of a person who lived during medieval times.
Engage in open pvp, non-target combat that requires skill rather than luck, and conquer lands to control territory. With this, gain a reputation for yourself, whether it be a positive one or negative.
Gather the best resources you can find, because if you want that sword you have to forge it. You won’t find it being dropped by a defeated monster or laying on the ground randomly.
Currently the game is in Alpha, which you can join but at a price. Once the game fully launches it will be free to play.
Practice makes perfect.
105. Magic Duels
Magic the Gathering for Noobs.
Developer: Stainless Games Ltd.
Genre: Strategy
Theme: High Fantasy Card Game
Planeswalkers are powerful mages with the ability to leave the world where they were born and travel the Multiverse. You are a Planeswalker, and with your powerful arsenal of spells and weapons at your disposal, you will create your own story.
Become a Planeswalker in Magic Duels.
Ever wanted to play Magic the Gathering but didn’t know where to start? Magic Duels is the way! The game is free to play and will teach you how to play.
There are many ways to play the game, including Solo Battle where you play against AI decks, Versus Battle where you play against real players, and Two-Headed Giant where you can pair of with a friend, AI, or random teammate to fight against another Team of similar build.
It will also bring you through different storylines in each expansion. The lore of Magic The Gathering has been part of what has kept this game so popular for many years.
Get ready for epic battles against monsters, creatures, and other enemies of fantasy in this Free-to-Play game today.
Build an all powerful deck to crush your enemies.
104. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (2014)
‘Let the dueling commence’
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: Collectible Card Game
Theme: Combining depth and simplicity
In Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Blizzard has really achieved something special. The eternal struggle of good card games is in balancing complexity and simplicity, in creating a game that inspires thought but not to the point of deterrence, being easy to learn while avoiding banality. We’re happy to report that Hearthstone straddles this thin line with ease, and is definitely work sinking a few hundred hours into.
Hearthstone accomplishes this duality by creating a game with an easy to understand core set of mechanics, and cards with varied but simply stated uses. Clarity does not have to mean gameplay that is mind-numbingly simple, and this is a fact that Hearthstone exploits to the highest potential.
‘Insight into design mechanics helped Blizzard create a card game that is actually somewhat intuitive- shocking, I know.’
103. Rift (2011)
5 years and still going strong
Developer: Trion Worlds
Theme: Close the rifts, save the world.
There are two sides to every story. In this story, it’s the Guardians a religious group of the Vigil. Then there’s the Defiant, who do not follow the religion, but are focused on science and technology. Which side will you choose?
Battle beasts and other evil creatures in Rift.
Take on your calling. Choose from a Primalist, Warrior, Cleric, Mage or Rogue. Then delve into the Ascended Class System where you have the power to build your character based on your style of play.
Want to roll a hack and slash mage? Go for it. The possibilities are nearly endless.
One of the main mechanics of the game is rift fighting. Rifts are a tear between the planes of the world where monsters can cross through. It’s your job as an adventurer to go out and close them, slowing the monster invasion.
As with any MMORPG, you’ll find raids, dungeons, and PVP instances. You’ll dabble in the crafting world, fishing, cooking, creating clothing and armor. Even join the hunt of artifacts and trade them in for awesome rewards like rare mounts.
Adventure is waiting for you in RIFT.
The Rifts may never be closed, but we must try.
102. No More Room in Hell (2013)
‘Theoretically, if there’s no more room in hell, the worst outcome of dying has been eliminated…sense of urgency fading…’
Developer: NMRiH Dev Team
Genre: FPS, Survival Horror
Theme: Film-reference heavy zombie shoot-em-up
Borrowing heavily from George Romero’s “Of the Dead” series, No More Room in Hell propses that when there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth. Well actually Romero proposed that, but NMRiH made it a reality.
The lack of HUD adds a layer of realism to this stark survival horror game. National Guard NPC’s add an element of randomness, as incurring their assistance is as likely as provoking their aggression. The 30+ weapons, well, I don’t really need to spell out the appeal to that, do I?
No More Room in Hell offers some quality Easter Eggs for the movie buffs out there, with references to flicks like American Physcho and The Big Lebowski. So you can appreciate some cultural refrences as you send those bastards back to h-e-double-hockey-sticks.
‘A very ninja-esque scene here’
101. Vindictus (2010)
‘Little less conversation, a little more action please’
Developer: devCAT
Theme: Narrative and action driven online RPG
Vindictus is truly a gem. With highly responsive action, exciting cinematics, detailed and interactive environments, and a backstory of fair depth, the game puts real care into some of the more typically neglected areas of online games. Plus there just may be romance options.
Vindictus offers players nine premade, backstory infused players to select from- all with some customizable features despite the premade status. Progressing through the dense and engaging storyline can earn your player-character all kinds of titles, abilities, and additional goodies.
You’llbe hard-pressed to find a free-to-play option with as much story depth as Vindictus. You’ll be even harder pressed to find a ftp title with sexier lingerie options.
‘See what I mean?’
100. TERA (2012)
‘This is disturbingly arousing’
Developer: Bluehole Studio
Genre: Massively Multiplayer role-playing game
Theme: The most attractive avatars in MMORPG history doing typical MMO stuff
Besides beautiful avatars with “all the right junk in all the right places”, what makes TERA special? A surrealist, colorful game environment? Yes, it definitely has that, as well as delightfully original creatures populating said world. But what really makes TERA special is the action.
TERA is an MMORPG that plays more like a third person action game than most of its genre-mates. Attacks are satisfyingly executed with a click on the target, and aren’t simply a scripted action with percent chances of success. For example, projectile spells don’t hone in on targets- there’s an anticipatory aspect to launching one.
This feature of TERA creates a more fluid feel to the action that plays out amazingly in game. Battlefield coordination is just so much more exciting with the element of fast-paced skill needed for success. Not to mention, your character will look great doing whatever he or she does.
‘TERA or Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show?’
99. AION (2008)
A look at AION’s character creation and gameplay.
Developer: NCSOFT
Theme: Magic, Dragons, Warring Races Oh My!
Two races, the Elyos and the Asmodians, were formed as a result of the Cataclysm. It was a great war that ended with the damage of the Tower of Eternity, from which all life giving energy shone.
At the time of its destruction, the Lady of Time used magic to put up a force field to protect the tower from further damage or destruction. That field is now in trouble.
There may be a way to save the tower, but there is a cost. One of the lands and its people, Asmodians or Elyos, would have to be destroyed and sacrificed. Now both races fight to save their own and find an alternate way to restore the Tower of Eternity.
For centuries, the Elyos and Asmodians have been at war.
There’s a lot to be said about AION. To start out, there are 6 classes to choose from. Base classes are Warrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, and Muse.
After reaching level 9, you ascend and choose a sub-class for the remainder of the game. You’ll choose from the usual damage, healing, or tanking classes as you would with any MMORPG.
The game also boasts a heavy crafting system. Try your hand at Alchemy, Armorsmithing, Cooking, Handicrafting, Tailoring, or Weaponsmithing to help you earn gold to spend in the game.
As of June 2015, AION has 4 expansions that add new content, quests, and instances.
Choose your class, choose your destiny.
98. Neverwinter (2013)
‘D&D has graduated to the virtual world’
Developer: Cryptic Studios
Theme: D&D fun on the PC
Deep in the Forgotten Realms, in the city of Neverwinter, one hero will change everything- for better or for worse. Well, actually, thousands of heroes. But you get the idea.
Neverwinter is a Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG, complete with all the bells and whistles one would expect a title of such prestige to deliver. You join the fight against Valindra, the notorious Lich Queen, in order to save the realm.
The story is epic, as the setting would necessitate, and the gameplay is tight. The hack and slash combat is endlessly entertaining, and leveling is a highly rewarding experience reflected in the power you feel as a character. Each ability you develop has a unique animation, creating a breathtaking cinematic experience out of every battle.
‘Come on, you only have your soul to lose to eternal damnation here’
97. DC Universe Online (2011)
‘Lex Luthor is at it again- you’re our last hope’
Developer: Daybreak Game Company
Theme: Good vs. evil clash in the war for Metropolis
Kicking off (or rounding out, depending on how you’ve read this) our list is the endlessly entertaining DC Universe Online. All of your favorite DC Comics heroes and villains square off in this expansive RPG, and a crazy sequence of events ensues.
DC Universe immediately thrusts players into the thick of the action. Metropolis is devastated, and it looks like Brainiac is behind it. At least, that’s what Lex Luthor is claiming. Can you take him at face value? Probably not.
DCU then allows players to align themselves with either the heroes or the villains. There’s a vast array of iconic character to choose from, and they’re all just a free download away from being yours to command.
‘Save humanity, or enslave them a race of mega-humans- the decision is yours to make’
96. Paragon (2016)
Mission: Destroy the Enemy Core at all costs.
Developer: Epic Games
Genre: Third Person MOBA
Theme: Futuristic fantasy
Charge into battle against your enemies. Use the jungle for cover, kill their minions, and wipe out their towers to get into their base. Your mission: to destroy their core before they destroy yours.
Defend at all costs!
It's a MOBA, but its not like any you've seen before. No longer is the world flat and top down. Take down your enemy from the cover of the jungle or climb up and strike your enemy from above.
The game also differs from other MOBAs in its item system. As you are showing your enemy who’s boss, orange orbs, called Amber will be left behind. Collect these to earn Card Points.
Once you have enough you are able to buy cards to support and empower your character. You can earn up to 60 Card Levels in a game. There are three types of cards, Active, Passive, and Upgrades.
The game will be free to play when the Open Beta launches on August 16. If the game really seems like something you’d be into, you can purchase the game and get exclusive content including access to the closed beta.
The Arena you must traverse to destroy the enemy core.
95. Bloodline Champions (2011)
Bloodline Champions Gameplay
Developer: Stunlock Studios
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Destroy your enemies using your unique set of skills.
Choose your bloodline. Find your team. Wipe out your enemies and secure the objectives.
Ghost hand misses by a mile.
It takes more than luck to destroy your enemies. In two to three minute fast-paced high energy games, the men will be separated from the boys in Bloodline Champions.
Select your bloodline. Are you a fierce and strong warrior that likes to lead your team into battle and soak damage to keep them alive?
Do you like to inflict pain and suffering on your enemies be it near or from afar?
Or would you rather support your team by healing their injuries?
The choice is yours which path you choose. Within each Bloodline; Tank, Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Healer, you will choose from champions with their own unique skills and abilities. Each requires time and patience to master.
Once you have assembled your team, choose a challenge. Crush your enemies to dust in Arena mode, a Team Deathmatch that will test your skill. Capture the Artifact and hold it long enough to win. Go head to head against the enemy team in a control point game mode called Conquest.
Do you think you have the skill set to destroy your enemies? There’s only one way to find out.
The beam of doom.
94. Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II (2010)
Get ready to fight some scallywags!
Developer: Octoshark Studios
Genre: Action, First Person Shooter
Theme: Pirates, Vikings, and Knights!
It’s a dog eat dog world out there. You’ve got to team up with your fellow man be he Pirate, Viking, or Knight. Set out to claim your territory, treasure, or just destroy your enemy once and for all.
Argh! We be coming for you!
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights pits the three groups against each other in head to head battles and challenge. Control each group against another as you battle for gold and jewels, territory, or total domination over the others. It’s all up to you.
The game has 6 different game modes. A unique version of Capture the Flag, Booty Mode pits you against others to fight for… you guessed it… BOOTY! Capture chests filled with gold and jewels and return it to your base. Hold onto them and win the game.
In Territory mode, you fight for territories. Pretty simple right? Well, to win the game you have to keep the territories you take, otherwise your enemy can steal them from you and win.
Team Deathmatch is what you’d expect. Teams fight each other to the death. The team with the most kills at the end claims victory.
Trinket Wars is another version of Team Death Match. It’s like TDM after 20 cups of coffee. Gather trinkets around the map, then use them to defeat your enemy.
Last Team Standing. That’s it… be the last team standing.
In Object Push Mode, work with your team to complete the assigned objectives. It can be as easy as raiding the enemy base or as complicated as multiple steps to complete the objective.
Get ready for action and download Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II today.
That’s gonna hurt tomorrow.
93. Street Warriors Online (2016)
Become a warrior of the streets.
Brawl in the illegal underworld of Street Warriors Online. Knock your enemies out with a single punch. Kick them while they’re down and call yourself king of the streets.
Flying kick!
In Street Warriors Online, compete in street battles of 2v2, 4v4, or 8v8 with three different game modes to choose from.
To win these street battles, you won’t have any magic or weapons. You’ll only have the power of your body, strategic and skillful blows and kicks.
In Skirmish, beat up all the enemies to win a round. Win three rounds to call yourself the victor.
In Conquest, spray over your team’s graffiti to earn points. Reach the amount of required points to win.
In Capture the Bag, you must capture bags and deliver them to a van. When you reach the limit requested, you win.
Other great features to this game include character customization. With over 150 clothing parts you can make your characters unique and fit the style you want for them. There are 8 different characters and three classes, Bruiser, Slugger, and Swarmer, to choose from.
Play with your friends or make new friends in Street Warriors Online. Hit the streets and show the other team who’s boss.
The last man standing wins.
92. Tree of Savior (2016)
Find the Goddesses and save the world
Developer: IMCGAMES Co., Ltd.
Theme: Fantasy world
At first when the Goddesses stopped answering prayers, everyone assumed that it was temporary. Then chaos engulfed the kingdom, monsters emerged and began killing and destroying everything in their path. Now, a quest has begun to find the Goddesses to help return the land to what it once was.
On your quest you will encounter many enemies, some of whose looks may be deceiving.
Tree of Savior boasts four main classes that branch off into 80 sub-classes, giving you a huge variety of options in which to build your hero. Sub-classes like Alchemist, Cryomancer, Monk, and Hackapell are just a few of these interesting classes.
There is also freedom of choice with different jobs, skills, and stats. You pick the route you choose to create the hero you want to be. Then you will embark on a journey to find the missing Goddesses and help save the world.
Poison is an effective way to deal with monsters.
91. World of Tanks (2011)
‘War Thunder community, give tank world a chance. You might be surprised’
Developer: Wargaming
Genre: Action MMO
Theme: Well, it’s a world populated entirely by tanks
The hardcore military vehicle gamers out there have already probably chosen a side- War Thunder or Wargamings various worlds. If you find yourself in this camp, I urge you to give World of Tanks a chance. As far as free games go, this one is a winner- especially if you’re into games that are almost exactly like it.
Of course, real diehards will know the above statement to be far from the truth. But I want you to think about it for a moment- are they really? Isn’t World of Tanks simply a different twist on enjoying the same core thing- blowing each other to bits with highly powerful vehicles? Sure, War Thunder offers stunning realism, and feels more authentic as a result. But don’t let that overshadow the undeniably smooth gameplay in WoT. It’s competitive, it’s fast, and honestly, it’s boatloads of fun.
‘Big, beautiful, and blowing stuff up- the three b’s of WoT’
90. Mabinogi (2008)
‘Ok, I cannot be the only one stunned that Mabinogi has Welsh roots…’
Developer: devCAT
Theme: Irish mythology based MMO
A full free to play only punctuated by optional microtransactions, Mabinogi is and oldie (relatively) but a goodie. Mabinogi is comprised of Irish folklore inspired background, high customizability, and three distinctive character classes.
Mabinogi is a game that doesn’t seek to define your experience from the outset. With a general skill tree that is consistent from race to race, Mabinogi toes the line between freeform customizability and definition of character with remarkable balance. There’s also a whole bevy of economic positions to choose from, ensuring your fastidious character never has to go on Mabinogian welfare.
‘Gather round children, as I recount Irish folklore as an anime character”
89. Total War: Arena (2016)
Total War: Arena, a look at this amazing F2P game
Developer:The Creative Assembly
Genre: Strategy Multiplayer
Theme: Reliving historical battles
It’s mid-day as your army marches in the summer heat towards a rumored enemy encampment. You’ve been marching for what feels like days, but soon you’ll be in the thick of it. With a leader like yours, there’s no way you can fail.
Total War: Arena takes what is enjoyed in other Total War games and gives it a new free to play platform with an incredible multiplayer system. Relive some of histories battles with famous leaders guiding their troops into battle.
A powerful leader.
In Total War: Arena, you are a powerful leader commanding an army. Fill the shoes of some of histories most famous leaders such as Leonidas, Alexander the Great, and Caesar just to name a few.
Once you have chosen your leader, choose 3 armies to back you up. Each army you choose will have a certain set of skills to aid you in battle.
Then, take your leader and your army. With 9 other players you will be put up against another team of 10 players. Together, you will fight with on goal in mind: demolish the other team.
A bloody and victorious battle.
88. Dungeon Defenders 2 (2015)
‘Shiny things abound in a shiny game’
Developer: Trendy Entertainment
Genre: Tower defense meets ARPG
Theme: Tons of loot
Gaudy? Perhaps. Ostentatious? A bit. But isn’t that what we love about games these days? With a slightly candied feel to its super polished presentation, Dungeon Defenders 2 blends tower defense and ARPG in its slick production.
A heavy emphasis on cooperation dominates DD2. Players rush around, defeating waves of enemies and collecting the plethora of loot left in their wake. Players also spend in game currency collected to upgrade the various defensive structures they can opt to erect in their never ending clash with goblins, ghouls, orcs and other various baddies.
The sugary art design may feel a bit trite to some, but Dungeon Defenders 2 is, without question, a free-to-play blast.
‘Bubbly madness indeed’
87. Rad Soldiers (2012)
‘Hm, looks like something I’ve seen before…’
Developer: WarChest Unlimited
Genre: Turn Based Strategy
Theme: Merciless mercenaries malign and murk
RAD Soldiers, a 2012 iOS exclusive freemium title, is a turn-based strategy game that definitely does not take aesthetic or gameplay elements from other, more famous titles. Nope. Not at all.
Clear copycatting aside, RAD Soldiers is an enjoyable diversion on a slow summer day. For a mobile game, it presents and plays right up there with some similar PC titles. The characters have some personality, the classes offer a bit of tactical nuance, and the combat overall isn’t overly flabby. Despite a rather stingy freemium model, RAD Soldiers is a decent game to pull up on the smartphone every once and again.
‘For an iPhone game? Not half bad’
86. Ballistic (2014)
‘Wait…that’s in-browser?!’
Developer: Aquiris
Genre: FPS
Theme: The most incredible programming achievement of modern time
Okay, this isn’t the first browser based game to have blown us away with its depth and detail. But seriously, look at Ballistic. Just look at it. It’s gorgeous. Would look at home on a next gen console. And it’s free. In a browser.
Once you dispel the shellshock, take a closer look at Ballistic. The gameplay is responsive and satisfying. The framerate almost never stutters. The class system is effective. The maps are sexy and classy. It’s just a marvel that this game exists, and that alone makes it worth a try.
‘Beauteous environment? Check’
86. World of Warplanes (2013)
‘The skies are a cruel, cruel master’
Developer: Wargaming
Genre: MMO Action
Theme: Living out the ace fighter pilot fantasy
The year was 2011. Developer Wargaming was in the midst of developing World of Tanks, a game that is exactly what it sounds like. One day, a creative genius at the studio said something like, “What if we made a game exactly like this…but with planes?” On that day, history was made.
Well, maybe not history. But World of Warplanes is historically accurate. Pilots can choose from one of over one hundred warbirds from the peak years of dogfighting: World War II. The accuracy ends with name and appearance however- WoWp loosely bases the planes attributes on real life, but keeps them all at certain levels to ensure a balanced experience that doesn’t have new pilots wringing their hands after two flights.
World of Planes is one of those games that combines quality, high-flying action with just enough thematic elements to transport you to a long-forgotten time. Take to the skies and defend your nation like the heroes of WWII, without all of the potential for actual death.
‘Some Goose and Maverick stuff going on right here’
85. Age of Wushu (2013)
‘Do you Kung Fu?’
Developer: Suzhou Snail Electronic Co., Ltd.
Genre: Action MMORPG
Theme: Ming-Era China needs you
Kung who? Kung fu! Age of Wushu welcomes you to the Ming dynastic era of China, a tumultuous period in history, and urges you to join a faction and fight the good fight- or the bad one, if you prefer.
Age of Wushu is a game that takes great pains to convince you of your surroundings, and it really pays off. The partly-sandbox map is filled with architecture evocative of the Forbidden Palace. Traditional RPG elements abound, with my personal favorite feature being the 17 life skills you can build. Become a painter, a calligrapher- whatever your 15th century Chinese heart desires.
‘Slice and dice’
84. Infinite Crisis (2015)
‘The DC Comics MOBA’
Developer: Turbine
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Take control of your favorite DC superhero or villain and dominate!
Lose yourself in the world of DC Comics in Turbine’s new MOBA, Infinite Crisis. Replete with gorgeous, canon-true aesthetics, Infinite Crisis puts players in control of their favorite DC character. You can choose from the the Joker, Batman, Lex Luthor, Hawkgirl, Shazam, even the Blue Beetle. The choice is yours.
Infinite Crisis has the classic three-lane MOBA map, but also so much more in the way of gameplay modes. Coast City, for example, is a two lane map, with a huge jungle full of resources. In an intriguing gameplay twist, some playable champions have attributes making them more attuned to the jungle setting- creating some strategic interplay between champion and arena.
A shiny MOBA option with fairly flab-free gameplay, Infinite Crisis should be on your radar whether or not you’re a superhero nut. And if you are a superhero nut, what on Earth are you waiting for?
‘Flash will run circles around you bro’
83. Spellweaver (2016)
Weaving spells and things
Developer: Dream Reactor
Genre: MMO, Strategy
Theme: A love child between Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering
Powerful minions await the command of a hero like you. Lead them into battle and destroy them with magic and speed.
The road map of the travels ahead.
Spellweaver is a free to play, fast paced, card game that is similar to other TCGs such as Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering. However, Spellweaver also brings new mechanics to the table.
First is hero development. As you play games your hero levels and gains resources. They can also develop other hero skills, which is ideal in crafting a hero to support you deck’s strategy.
Then there is a creature speed mechanic. Fast creatures can be a great asset to your deck as they can only be attacked by creatures with the same speed stat or lower. This means if a creature has a speed of 2, he cannot attack a creature with a speed of 3.
Deck building is also unrestricted. You can add cards from all magical aspects, allowing for ultimate deck-building creativity.
Legendary creatures are ready to fight for you.
82. Airmech (2015)
Developer: Carbon Games
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Massive transforming robo MOBA
Take to the skies, or crush on the ground- Airmech lets you decide. A free-to-play MOBA with a technological twist, Airmech puts players in command or a powerful transforming death machine. It’s quick, it’s brutal, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun.
In Airmech, players pilot their potent death machines against each other in a battle for each other’s factories- their bases. The PvP games offer 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 options, each with their own individual appeal. The resource system is simple (one to manage: credits), the combat explosive, and the price is free.
'Destroy that masterpiece of industrial achievement!’
81. Blacklight: Retribution (2013)
‘Why reinvent the wheel, when you can simply perfect it?’
Developer: Zombie Studios
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Theme: Cyberpunk
Blacklight: Retribution doesn’t surprise you. It doesn’t drop some unheard of feature on playeers, the type likely to have half the fans scratching their heads and the other half pretending they love it out of loyalty. Rather, Blacklight takes tried-and-true aspects of the multiplayer FPS genre, tightens them up, and makes the game free to play.
Beloved for its organic control scheme and deep customization options, Blacklight offers tight gameplay to the backdrop of graphical beauty. The cyberpunk theme is a welcome change to a war-theme heavy genre. If the hardware is there, this game is graphically right up there with top tier paid titles. A fantastic free shooter.
“Crisp, smooth, and free. The modern gaming world is so full of treats.”
80. Romero’s Aftermath (2015)
Developer: Free Reign Entertainment
Genre: Zombies, MMO
Theme: Zombies!!!
It’s a tough world out there. Not only do you have to rebuild a crumbled society, you also have to fight off the zombie horde that likes to hang out on your doorstep making all those eerie noises and trying to bite you.
A sturdy fortress.
Survive in a world where you are the minority. Take on the role of a survivor and scavenge, build, and fight.
One day at a time you have to acquire the resources to make yourself off better than the day before. Craft over 40 recipes to build things that you cannot find out in the world.
Build a fortress to protect yourself and your friends. Then grow crops to provide a sustainable food source.
But zombies aren’t the only enemies you have to worry about. There may be bandits out there, watching your every move and waiting for the right time to strike and take all of your hard earned work.
There’s a lot to Romero’s Zombies. It’s a sandbox MMO that allows the player to immerse themselves in a world where surviving is the goal.
You’re in a pickle.
79. Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age (2016)
Developer: Crytek, Crytek USA
Genre: Survival horror, Action, RPG
Theme: Monsters… everywhere.
Something evil is coming. Most mortals don’t even know it exists. But Hunters do, and they’re here to save the world.
Hopefully this will slow him down.
In a world where monsters do exist, you take control of a hunter, who’s sole mission is to rid the world of the bloodthirsty creatures that walk upon it.
Join up with 3 other hunters in this 4 player co-op and go monster hunting. While the game will be free to play, you’ll be able to pay for customization features like skins and clothing.
There’s not much else out about the game, but it is set to start a beta before the end of 2016. It also looks extremely fun!
Step aside.
78. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (2006)
“A classic procedural death labyrinth”
Developer: DCSS Dev Team
Genre: Roguelike
Theme: Rich gameplay that doesn’t rely on graphical quality
In the upper crusts of gaming circles, crusts stuffed with board and computer gamers alike, the roguelike genre is held to a lofty standard. Its hallmarks include permanent death of the player character, randomly generated (usually dungeon) levels, and strategic and tactical prowess. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a fan favorite.
Players create their character, choosing such things as species and background, and venture out into a dungeon that reveals its utterly random design as you move along. Items and enemies abound. You are on the search for at least 3 of the 15 “Runes of Zot”, located somewhere in the labyrinth death trap that you have chosen to explore. The question is: are you up to the challenge?
“For those who value quality over graphics”
77. Fishing Planet
Developer: Fishing Planet LLC
Genre: Sports, Simulation, MMO
Theme: Relaxing day out fishing.
Want to go fishing but the weather outside isn’t cooperating? Well, hop in your virtual boat, grab your virtual fishing pole, and let’s go fishing!
Grab a pole and relax
Fishing Planet is a new, highly realistic fishing simulator with a lot of give. There are 7 waterways and multiple maps to fish on.
Using thousands of tackle combinations, cast your line and reel in over 32 different species of fish. Each has their own AI and behavior, giving a challenge when catch them.
Experience various weather conditions without actually having to go outside.
Even compete in tournaments with personal and team scores, achievements, leaderboards, and top-player lists.
So what are you waiting for? Grab this relaxing free to play game today.
A variety of fish to be caught.
76. Medusa’s Labyrinth (2016)
Discover the secrets of the labyrinth.
Developer: Guru Games
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror
Theme: Ancient Greece horror inside of a labyrinth.
Ancient Greek myths and legends have been with us for over 2000 years. Medusa, the Minotaur, and other mythical creatures that aren’t exactly comforting. Enter the labyrinth a solve the mysteries that are hidden inside.
A majestic labyrinth full of secrets.
Medusa’s Labyrinth is about full immersion. There is no HUD screen to tell you how much health you have or an inventory to distract you. Instead, you enter with just the clothes on your back.
As you venture through the labyrinth, you’ll find parchments with information written on them that hints to the mysteries in the labyrinth.
The atmosphere of the game is definitely unnerving. As you walk down corridors, you find some areas boarded off, some with closed doors that do not open, and quite often you may be wandering around with a source of light.
There are other things in the labyrinth with you. Ancient myths and legends that are alive. If they know you are in their labyrinth, they will hunt you down and kill you.
Medusa’s Labyrinth is free to play on Steam now. If you are into horror games and Ancient Greek myths and legends, this game is definitely worth playing.
Stay out of sight.
75. Gunbound (2006)
‘Cutesy on the outside, bloodthirsty maniacs on the inside’
Developer: Softnyx
Genre: Artillery Multiplayer
Theme: Goofy projectile lobbing vehicles head to head
As far as two-dimensional free-to-play turn based artillery vehicular multiplayers go, Gunbound is probably your best option. In fact, it may be your only option.
Gunbound offers a deep turn-based experiences littered with RPG elements. Your avatar is fully customizable, your mobile (vehicle) is chosen from one of twenty, and then you’re off to the battles. Terrain conditions alter mobile performance, adding some much appreciated depth to the gameplay. Gunbound is an entertaining combination of sharp tactical gameplay and goofy visuals, and it’s well worth a look.
‘Like Dragon Tales, but much more death’
74. Warframe (2013)
‘Stylish, sexy, and satisfying third person coop’
Developer: Digital Extremes
Genre: Third Person Shooter
Theme: Ancient warriors vs. militarized humanoid clones
A glamorous free-to-play shooter that feels a bit like Mass Effect 3, Warframe is crisp, attractive, and ultimately a mesmerizing sci-fi experience. It’s got the action, it’s got the looks, and it’s got a zero dollar price tag.
Warframe manages to combine melee and shooting elements that both have chutzpah, a rare feat for the free to play sphere. Punishing kills are rewarded with enemies that react with ragdoll-style physics. Charging with your sci-fi katana will slice foes cleanly in half. It’s great, brutal fun- not to mention, free.
‘Like a katana through a watermelon’
73. Everlasting Summer (2014)
‘Don’t forget your specs’
Developer: Soviet Games
Genre: Visual Novel
Theme: Anime dating sim
Calling Everlasting Summer a game might be a stretch- titillating piece of drawn-out erotica is probably a bit more apt. The atmospheric visual novel is immersive, and, if you are the type who particularly enjoys dialogue in games, compelling.
Everlasting Summer puts players inside the mind of Semyon, a 25-year old internet addicted recluse. He falls asleep on a bus, and wakes up 18 again, at a summer camp full of nubile young female campers who have sexual interest in you. This is a game that will leave you loving yourself in whole new ways.
‘Just a touch suggestive’
72. Toribash (2006)
‘What did I just watch?’
Developer: Hampus Studios
Genre: Turn-based fighting
Theme: Full control over the entirety of your ragdoll’s joints
Part one-time party gag, part actually entertaining free game, Toribash is a one of a kind game that pits uncoordinated ragdolls against each other in one on one hand to hand combat. Initially, the goofy gameplay mechanics solicit little more than a giggle, a fun thing to show off to friends. Play a little, and you’ll start levying crazy combos on your ragdoll counterpart.
This game plays like part Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots, part something strange and previously undefined. The result is a game that will have you laughing for hours on end.
‘Things can get seriously violent on Toribash’
71. Drakensang Online (2011)
‘Isometric, open world MMORPG’
Developer: Bigpoint Berlin
Theme: Diablo based MMO
German developer Bigpoint Berlin cites Diablo as a major influence for Drakensang Online. With over 100 hours of free to play content, two character classes, and diverse skill trees, Drankensang presses all the right RPG buttons for gamers a little short on dough.
Drakensang Online pits the Dragonknight freedom fighters and magic-wielding Spellweavers against the various dragons and other baddies taking residence in the land of Anderworld. The dungeons are challenging. The glory can be yours.
‘It’s about to be a bloodbath’
70. ARK: Survival of the Fittest (2016)
Developer: Studio Wildcard, Instinct Games, Efecto Studios, Virtual Basement LLC
Genre: Action, Adventure, MMORPG, Strategy
Theme: It’s like The Hunger Games with dinosaurs.
72 survivors are thrust into the prehistoric wilderness. Your first goal is to raid the giant cache that lays before you. But beware, other survivors are going for the goods as well and will stop at nothing to get to them.
With the help of your tribe you must craft weapons to survive, train dinosaurs to fight and ride, and battle to be the last tribe standing.
An army of dinosaurs and men.
ARK: Survival of the Fittest is a Multiplayer Online Survival Arena. The goal is to be the last tribe standing at the end of the match. To do this you must tame creatures to ride and fight for you as well as craft items to help you.
Engage in multiple game modes including teams of 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, and 6v6 that can last anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours long.
The game is in early access, but has a robust ranking system, tournament, and spectator features for those who are competitive.
A dragon is a beast to fear in the arena.
69. IMVU (2004)
“An entire virtual reality”
Developer: IMVU Inc.
Genre: Metaverse
Theme: Anime-themed alternate reality
With over 3 million active users and a virtual goods catalog with over 6 million items, IMVU has presented people with a free and
fully featured escape from reality since its 2004 release. Players pursue virtual jobs, have virtual romances, and build virtual personas, often exercising their innermost unrealized desires. It’s powerful stuff.
One warning though- there is a very sexually forward aspect to IMVU that may be off putting to some gamers. As long as you steer clear of the less trustworthy folk, IMVU is a fun and immersive experience.
‘Be whoever you want to be- it’s up to you’
68. Dragon Nest (2011)
‘Action-MMORPG that plays smooth as butter’
Developer: Eyedentity Games
Genre: Action MMORPG
Theme: Tight action, witty dialogue, great RPG
Rarely has an action RPG given us as much control over the action as Dragon’s Nest. This game really pushes RPG combat past the overly tactical and overly button-mashing tendencies they are often imbued with, creating a polished experience that stacks up well against the competition. The dialogue is crisp and often quite funny, creating a quirky storytelling atmosphere.
There’s a deep pool of free-to-play RPG options for today’s gamers to choose from, but the aforementioned reasons should place Dragon Nest on your to-do list.
‘A lush overgrown jungle plus anime equals a potent combo’
67. Freestyle2: Street Basketball (2015)
Developer: Joycity
Genre: Action, sports
Theme: Street basketball
Grab the ball and hit the court with your friends to play some street basketball. It’s high tempo with fast and loose rules that allow the focus on teamwork and freedom of movement.
Girls can play basketball too.
Play your favorite court positions, center, power forward, small forward, shooting guard, and point guard. Create your own play style with over 30 skills.
Hit the court to perform some sweet freestyle moves as you dribble, pass, shoot, and score! The game allows for freedom of movement and won’t allow you to break the rules. If something isn’t allowed you just can’t do it.
This game requires some skill though. It’s not just about mashing buttons. There are combos to perform, and the harder the combo the more complex the skill you are using.
This game is currently in beta, but definitely worth checking out, especially if you enjoy sports games.
Every good game needs an audience.
65. Card Hunter (2013)
Valley of Tezkal game playthrough
Developer: Blue Manchu
Genre: RPG, Card Game, Strategy
Theme: A tactical card game and table top hybrid
Grab your Funions and Mountain Dew! Your friend Gary wants to try his hand out at gamemaster. He’s borrowed his brother’s monsters to show you how the game is run.
It’s more than just a table top game. There’s also cards involved, and it’s a whole new take on the collectible card genre.
It stinks in here.
You begin your journey with three characters borrowed from Gary’s brother, each with their own abilities. With them is a deck of 36 cards.
As you play, Gary tells you the story, as though you were living inside of real Dungeons and Dragon or other table top style RPGs. Each round you play a card from one of your adventurers.
It is a unique game that blends card collecting, RPG elements, and table top gaming all into one. Single player mode teaches you the game and takes you through the story with Gary being your gamemaster/teacher.
When you’re feeling confident, take you skills into the multiplayer world and challenge complete strangers. Build an unstoppable army and take over the world.
Gary, the gamemaster of awesome.
64. Grand Chase (2008)
‘World’s first 6 on 6 real time online fighting game’
Developer: KOG Studios
Genre: MMO Sidescroller Fighting
Theme: 2.5D anime fighting frenzy
Developer KOG Studios channeled its inner Super Smash Bros and released Grand Chase, a 2.5D fighting sidescroller with some RPG sprinkled on top.
Grand Chase is best a san online fighting extravaganza, with players zipping and whirling across the screen, performing dazzling combos and daring acrobatics. The RPG elements shine as well, in the form of various jobs, loot, and traditional RPG leveling systems.
Grand Chase will hook you if you’re the type to fall into a 2D sidescrolling hole and emerge out the other side weary and confused. We’ve all been there. Right?
‘The verdict on anime Super Smash? Not half bad.’
63. Salem
Can you survive the harsh conditions AND witches?
Developer: Mortal Moments
Genre: Sandbox Crafting MMO
Theme: Survival in Colonial America times... witches included.
You came to America hoping to find a better life. What you found was a harsh world that you would have to survive in. Collect resources, craft shelter, hunt for food, and do everything in your power to survive.
Build a sustainable homestead for survival.
In Salem you take on the role of a recently relocated colonist. You’ve come to America to start a new life. But you weren’t expecting the perils that you will be facing.
Learn some tricks of the trade to get you through your first few weeks. Build a livable shelter, hunt and gather, craft weapons, and forge alliances with your neighboring survivors.
It’s a game centered heavily on crafting. It’s a sandbox MMO that allows players within it to build and destroy all to their hearts content.
But there’s more. It’s Salem after all, which means you’ll come up against some foes that are strictly forbidden to live; witches.
Witches are all around you. Maybe your sweet little neighbor is a witch, after all her garden survived a very harsh winter.
Or perhaps YOU are the witch. You’ve been shown the dark side and have decided to join in the ranks against the mortals. It’s your choice how you survive.
62. Block N Load (2015)
Developer: Jagex, Artplant
Genre: Action, FPS, MMO
Theme: It’s like Minecraft FPS.
There’s five of you and five of them. To win you must build and attack your way to their base all while destroying and defending their advance on your base. Do you have what it takes to get to them first?
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.
Choose a hero and let the games begin. Block N Load isn’t your run of the mill FPS. First, you’ve got to build.
Build a wall to keep your enemies out. Build traps to slow them down. Build until your heart’s content.
After building, the battle begins. Your target: the enemy team’s base. Charge full on toward it, dodging traps, and destroying everything they’ve built to keep you out.
But be mindful, they’re goal is the same as yours and they’re coming for your base. Hopefully you’ve prepared.
Blast it to bits!
61. The Expendabros (2014)
Developer: Free Lives
Genre: Side-Scrolling Run and Gun
Theme: Brotastic bros bromancing brover exbrosive brodowns
A goofy and cheeky sidescroller, The Expendabros takes legame director Evan Greenwood’s enduring fondness for cheesy 80s action movies and combines it with Contra-esque gameplay for an utterly brotacular experience.
As you may have picked up on, the playful allusion to the “bro culture” that is currently sweeping white American males ages 16-22 is a constant theme throughout The Expendabros. This game never passes on an opportunity to capitalize on humorous cultural fads with quirky dialogue and unexpected events. It’s worth a play for a laugh and some fun.
‘Go bro yourself’
60. Warface 2016: Anubis (2015)
Developer: Crytek
Genre: Action
Theme: A war-ravaged future team game
The world lies in ruins after decades of a deep economic freefall. Even the strongest national identities were affected by the recession. From the ashes of the destruction a paramilitary force known as Blackwood has risen.
As part of an elite force known as Warface, you must defeat them. Failure should never cross your mind as you fight to take down Blackwood.
Should’ve been watching your back.
From the creators of Far Cry and Crysis, Warface 2016: Anubis is an all new free to play, action FPS.
Join with your friends and play one of four different classes. Suit up as a Rifleman, Sniper, Engineer, or Medic and lead your team to victory. Each class has its own unique skills for you to master.
Or if it tickles your fancy, gear up for a full on versus match with teams made up to eight players. You can participate in Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Plant the Bomb, Storm, Destruction, or Capture.
Fight for the good forces of Warface or the corruptness of Blackwood. New daily missions, and a constant flow of maps and weapons will keep you on your toes.
Brother down!
59. World of Warships (2015)
‘Unleash your inner Nimitz’
Developer: Wargaming
Genre: MMO-action
Theme: Naval combat perfection
War-based combat diehards have often begged the question: where’s my naval warfare? As its land-based cousins have continually lavished in the spotlight, naval combat has been the military gaming bastard child, languishing in the corner, not making eye contact with anyone at the party. Alas, naval folk need sulk no more- for World or Warships is coming.
A yet unreleased Wargaming production, World of Warships looks to be a beautiful naval combat simulator. Players command real historical vessels from nations ranging from the U.S. to the U.S.S.R., from Germany to Japan. Advancing involves progression through your nation of choice’s tech tree, upgrading your vessels along the way.
If you’re a boat nut who has found yourself silenced as your buddies go on about World of Tanks and War Thunder, take joy in knowing you aren’t alone. A solution to your problems is coming.
“Landlubbers, stick to COD.”
58. Loadout (2014)
‘Take TF2, remove all semblance of strategy or class significance, step back, and enjoy’
Developer: Edge of Reality
Genre: Multiplayer Third Person Shooter
Theme: Over-the-top cartoonish madness
Is Loadout just another freewheeling, free to play batch of shooter madness? Yes, and no. Loadout would be certifiably insane if it were a person, but the broad character customization options create a gameplay experience that’s fresh enough the provoke interest and familiar enough to feel like home.
The appearance customization options for your player character are zany and hilarious (see the scantily clad and rather rotund woman in the video). The gun customizing is definitely a highlight- as you play, your upgrades will grow your weapon of choice along with you, organically adapting to your developing playing style.
Loadout looks like TF2, and comparisons are certainly justified. Play it, and you’ll find that it offers just enough freshness to keep you hooked.
‘Helga I am so into that’
57. Kingdom Wars- MMORTS (7/10)
‘Play God for an hour or six’
Developer: Reverie World Studios
Theme: Veni, vidi, vici
Kingdom Wars puts you in control of a city and an army, and your goal is to take the cities of others. Simple, brutal, and empowering, this is a game that will have you developing some serious Machiavellian tendencies if you don’t keep yourself in check. Seriously. Remember to take breaks.
Featuring three races to choose from, many game modes, a gorgeous 3D map with scale replicas of strongholds, realistic weather change, and a base builder that offers customizability reminiscent of city sims without the hassle, Kingdom Wars is an immersive experience that has put me under for the past three days. Help. Please.
‘Not in my house’
56. Star Conflict (2014)
‘Interstallar dogfighting over picturesque planets? Sign me up’
Developer: Gaijin Entertainment
Theme: The most grandiose stage of warfare- free
Climb into the cockpit of a futuristic spacecraft that would take ten zillion dollars to make with today’s technology and blast off to subdue an enemy army full of similarly unreal flight vehicles over an exotic planet in a galaxy, lightyears from your own. Welcome to Spacecraft.
With dozens of different ships, environmental design grand enough to rival the Sistine Chapel, and intuitive and accessible controls, Star Conflict offers something to satiate the deepest desires of those among us who gaze upward at the stars and wonder, “what else?” Games like this truly set the imagination alight and abuzz.
‘The immense and intimidating dreadnought’
55. Marvel Puzzle Quest (2013)
Developer: Demiurge Studios
Genere: Puzzle RPG
Theme: Combining two faddish things to create an uber-fad
They say innovation is when one combines two things in a new and exciting way. With that definition in mind, I can totally see what Demiurge Studios was going for. Take one thing people are mindlessly obsessed with (weird gemstone puzzle games) and take another (blockbuster superhero media) and just smash them together haphazardly. The result is, of course, Marvel Puzzle Quest.
Alright, maybe I’m being a little harsh. Those puzzle games are, admittedly, addictive, and the superhero storyline twist adds a certain new level of depth to the gameplay. You build a team full of superheroes who have different skills to use on the game board- certainly an intriguing twist. So ignore my jaded ass. This is a fun and imaginative game that is worth a look if you’re into that sort of thing.
‘What’s more action packed then dragging your finger over some random shapes? Exactly.”
54. Spiral Knights (2011)
‘Oh the things one can do with Java’
Developer: Three Rings Design
Theme: Platform-y hack-n-slash in a browser
It never ceases to amaze me what some folks can do with Java. Indeed, Spiral Knights is a project that evokes such amazement in me and a gamer base that used to number in the several millions.
Spiral Knights allows you to play solo or with others, a choice that many gamers do not take for granted given the MMO-only approach taken by many titles these days. The game is massively multiplayer, but keeps things small for its players; PvP matches are 6 on 6, instances of the setting contain a couple dozen player knights at most, dungeon raiding coop mode allows teams of 4. It’s a game that embraces connectivity without drowning you in it.
Put simply, Spiral Knights is some of the most Java-based fun you can have, and developer Three Rings Design continues to update it regularly. Join in, loot up, and fall in love.
‘Aww, he’s hacking and slashing his way into my heart’
53. Elsword (2011)
‘So this is 2.5D huh? Funky.’
Developer: KOG Studios
Genre: MMO Fighting Side Scroller
Theme: Exploring the second and a half dimension
I’m ordinarily not too keen on side-scrollers- I’m just too attached to the third dimension of reality to let it go. Elsword’s clever 2.5 dimensional platforms feel built for people like me, using an extra bit of depth in the 2D setting to provide the oomph and flourish in the combat that 2D games could never do as well as 3D titles.
Elsword offers many of your typical RPG features in its lineup. Players take control of one of ten individualistic characters (including Elsword himself), each with 2 “Job Changes” that you acquire as you level. Job Changes provide distinctive paths for your character to go down; for example, Elsword can first choose to focus on swordsmanship or developing magic, with the second job change being a heightened extension of those choices (“Lord Knight” and “Rune Slayer” in this case). At level 20, players can buy a “Skill Notebook”, allowing them to take control of skill customization.
It’s pretty conventional in its gameplay, but its funky art direction and addictive action make Elsword a solid free-to-play option for anime lovers and sidescroller nuts alike.
‘That hit count announcer in the corner gets me all tingly’
52. America’s Army: Proving Grounds (2013)
‘Ahh, pro-military propaganda gamified for children. I love America’
Developer: United States Army (no joke)
Genre: Tactical first-person shooter
Theme: Winning the hearts and minds of the American fourteen-year-old boys
Some call it insidious, most consider it ethically murky, and many consider it just a really fun game. But we aren’t here to discuss ethics (much as I wish we were). We’re here to talk about games for the sake of gaming, and America’s Army: Proving Grounds is a genuinely entertaining FPS no matter who produced it.
Proving Grounds puts heavy emphasis on small tactical unit maneuvers, an attempt to stay true to the current methods employed by America’s actual army. In this sense, if one has already decided to take up arms for their country, this can be a good primer; otherwise, it can be a good way to engender empathy for those willing to die a cold and nameless death for a cause.
As a military FPS, America’s Army: Proving Grounds is exactly what you would expect it to be, but a good rendition of that expectation nonetheless.
‘Great looking windows in Unreal Engine 3, wow’
51. Aura Kingdom (2014)
‘It looks like an anime version of Fable’
Developer: X-Legend
Theme: Bright, bubbly, and beautiful anime world
An upbeat MMO in the vein of Eden Eternal, Aura Kingdom is a fluid, balanced experience with just enough variety to keep you hooked into the wee hours of the morning.
Aura Kingdom is typical in many sense that fantasy MMORPGs are: you get thrust into a village, have to interact with the locals to acquire your first quests, and surrounds you with other player characters to emote with. It differs slightly in a couple of key areas. First, the stats system behind the combat is made available- a mainstay in the old RPG days that is increasingly falling out of favor today, much to the chagrin of many a traditionalist. Second, the leveling system eschews the skill tree in favor of giant square that doesn’t confine players down certain paths- increasing the customization options exponentially.
Aura Kingdom is a laid-back MMORPG experience. Chill out, find and love a pet, level however you want- anything goes in this anime MMO.
‘Anime: unrealistically cute humans meet ridiculously scary monsters’
50. Defiance (2013)
‘From Syfy to wifi’
Developer: Trion Worlds, Human Head Studios
Genre: TPS ARPG Multiplayer
Theme: Banish the terraforming aliens from your planet
Defiance is a polished, attractive third person shooter tied to a show on the channel Syfy. Critics who derided the game as “not addictive enough” have missed the point of what it’s meant to be: a casual, entertaining gaming experience.
Part of the fun- and, arguably, the real purpose of the game- is that Defiance has an interesting storyline told through high-quality cutscenes. The hook is in the serious gaps in the background information that’s imperative to fully understanding the story, prompting hooked players to tune in on the Syfy channel whenever the show airs.
As an MMO experience, Defiance is admittedly forgettable. Played as a single player ARPG, however, and the game holds up quite well. With a sprawling open world, a Dodge something at your disposal, and stylish and satisfying action, Defiance offers an action-packed experience that is great for a quick afternoon diversion.
‘This would be a great spot for a Mass Effect-style action prompt’
49. Double Action: Boogaloo (2014)
‘Release the doves’
Developer: Two really cool dudes
Genre: Third Person Shooter
Theme: John Woo-esque badassery
Widely lauded as “the best f*****’ game I’ve ever played!!!!” by caffeine-addled adrenaline junkies across the internet, Double Action: Boogaloo is a totally, utterly free shooter that thrives on one key feature: Matrix-style acrobatics.
This is something special. I don’t need to explain this one, it’s simple. You dive around like a complete badass and blast people’s heads off with a dramatic flair Liberaci would blush at. And it’s freer than a bald eagle. Download now.
48. Pinball Arcade (2012)
‘Ever since I was a young boy, I played that silver ball…’
Developer: FarSight Studios
Genre: Pinball
Theme: Pinball
It’s pinball.
‘From Soho down to Brighton, I must have played them all...’
47. Unturned (2015)
‘Survival horror has never been so…Minecrafty’
Developer: Smartly Dressed Games
Genre: Open World Survival “Horror”
Theme: Concatenating DayZ and Minecraft
Unturned is the wildly successful free-to-play survival horror game with a Minecraft inspired art design. Maintain your vitals- hunger, stamina, etc.- and scavenge the wilderness for life-sustaining resources. Oh, and it was totally developed by a sixteen-year-old.
The world of Unturned is, due to its Minecraftian design, seemingly unlimited by possibility. You’re equally likely to stumble across an abandoned town as a military base, or a golf course. It’s free, accessible, and at its core the game works. Plus, playing it will encourage a sixteen year old who will probably be doing something a lot more impressive in the years to come.
‘Ominous cloudbricks they be’
46. Might and Magic Duel of Champions (2013)
‘A battle of wits’
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: Card Game
Theme: You know, cards and stuff
Might and Magic: Duel of Champions is a nuanced, sophisticated strategic card-playing online multiplayer. The game is actually not dissimilar to the Witcher 3’s gwent- and, as with gwent, the mental buzz associated with outfoxing your foe is simply irresistible.
Duel of Champions is filled with many of the standbys that card-gamers will doubtlessly recognized: intricately portrayed exotic monsters, a strong drive to continue playing in pursuit of collecting rare cards, a positive feedback loop stemming from the collection of these rare cards that convinces you to play more because of your now distinct advantage, all of the classic features. Ubisoft has tried to add context via in-game dialogue between duels, but it’s largely unnecessary. If you’re into card games, give Might and Magic: Duel of Champions a look.
“It might look a bit intimidating, but play a little and you’ll feel the magic”
45. Firefall (2014)
‘Exotic open world settings make this shooter a winner’
Developer: Red 5 Studios
Genre: MMO Shooter
Theme: Dystopian world saving
Focusing on immersive world development (located in lush locales like Hawaii and Brazil) and clever quest design, Firefall is an action-packed shooter with vaguely RPG-style tendencies. In its dystopian future setting, society is collapsing, humanity is on the verge of extinction, and you’ve got to blast your way out of it.
The top reason to check out Firefall is its dynamic quest engine. You can get lured into helping a wounding citizen, only to be ambushed by his bandit buddies. Sometimes tornadoes come and transport you to a loot-heavy dimension, always a rewarding experience. You can even create your own personal dynamic events with a special machine called a “thumper”.
Firefall is colorful, exciting, and varied. As dev Red 5 Studios continues to update its intriguing quest generator, we’ll certainly have an eye out for a potential gamechanger.
‘The future looks an awful lot like the past here’
44. Fortnite (2015)
Developer: Epic Games, People Can Fly
Genre: Survival sandbox
Theme: Gather resources, build a fort, and stem the zombie tide
Epic Games founder Time Sweeney describes upcoming Fortnite as “Minecraft meets Left 4 Dead”, a comparison that is sure to have hardcore survivalists and devoted zombie situational response theorists alike salivating in anticipation. Fortnite’s ambitious and innovative gameplay mechanics may just prove Sweeney a prophetically apt metaphor generator.
Played best as a co-op, Fortnite thrusts you into a sizeable, semi-cartoonish sandbox. In it players team up, scavenge items and resources, and build defensive forts and settlements with their spoils. It’s exactly the kind of society-rebuild mechanic that draws so many zombie lovers to the genre in the first place (myself included), and it’s exciting to see somebody finally run wild with the concept.
Fortnite will be released later this year, so zombie fanatics keep your eyes peeled: this free to play option might just be the best one we get.
‘Why can’t real buildings be this fun? Damn you material constraints!’
43. Realm of the Mad God (2011)
‘It’s raiding made easy’
Developer: Spry Fox
Genre: MMO shooter
Theme: Pick-up-and-play option for some cooperative fun
What do you get when you concatenate arcade-style, WASD controlled shooting with the raids that have been a long-time hallmark of the MMORPG genre? One hell of a fun time.
Realm of the Mad God is a Flash based shooter that doesn’t take itself too seriously (as its Flash-written source code would suggest). Players team up and kill monsters to earn experience and fame- which, true to RotMG’s casual nature, is shared rather than split. The game is simple without being brain-dead; its easy to use controls and focus on cooperation over competition make it accessible, while features like guilds, attributes, classes, and loot typical to RPGs add just enough substance to keep you hooked.
Simply put, Realm of the Mad God is loads of fun, both for casual gamers and hardcore types simply looking to relax little.
‘Proof that hiding behind graphics will always lose to a genuinely fun experience’
42. RoboCraft (2013)
‘Redefining what it means to enjoy the fruits of your labor’
Developer: Freejam Games
Genre: Vehicular combat, creative building
Theme: Build a robocraft, break a robocraft
“It’s Lego meets Robot Wars on another planet,” heralds PC Gamer. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Robocraft is a third person vehicular combat multiplayer that pits player crafted robo-vehicles against each other in interplanetary combat. Building your craft is as easy and intuitive as building with Legos, with upgrades being earned through the combat aspect of the game. The building process is presents players with near limitless opportunities for creation, and is easily the highlight of the game. Players can craft their baby and tinker to their hearts’ content.
Maker-gamers, Robocraft beckons you. Its gamer base recently surpassed the 300,000 mark, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Get downloading, and get building.
‘Imagine the possibilities…’
41. Archeage (2014)
‘Closer to a virtual life than an MMORPG’
Developer: XL Games
Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
Theme: The most comprehensive multiplayer gaming world yet?
Upon first glance, Archeage may appear to be nothing more than a (particularly pretty) fantasy MMORPG. Crafting, questing, skill trees, open world travel- all of the earmarks are there. Delve a little deeper, and the intricate world of Archeage will begin to reveal itself.
Have you ever played an MMO with a player-run political system? Have you ever thought this a distant possibility that you would never see? If the answer to either of those is anywhere near “yes”, you need to play Archeage. In perhaps its most ambitious feature, derelict players found accused of crimes, such as theft or assault, get judged by a jury of their peers in a player-run courtroom. If the accused is found guilty, the player gets imprisoned, where he or she can either dutifully serve the duration of the sentence or dig out an escape route.
The judiciary system is just the tip of the iceberg for Archeage. It’s a high-aspiring game that delivers on its goals, and is definitely worth your attention.
‘Court is now in session’
40. Gear Up (2015)
Battle your foes from the seat of your very own tank.
Developer: Doctor Entertainment AB
Genre: Action Multiplayer
Theme: Customize battle tanks and battle it out against enemies.
Strap into the driver’s seat of your very own tank. Your mission is to destroy everyone you see and be the last tank standing.
Get that lady a pink tank. Ladies love pink tanks.
Get ready to wage war on your enemies in style. With over one million parts to choose from, the customization in this game is nearly endless. Create a tank with spider legs or give it the body of a submarine.
Choose your weapon. Maybe you’d like a rocket launcher to blast your foes to bits. Or perhaps you’d like a flamethrower to roast your enemies like marshmallows.
Then take your bad ass self out into the arena and show off your skills. Battle up to 16 other players in Single Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, or Conquest.
Unlock achievements and make a name for yourself on the leaderboards.
Hovertank takes no prisoners.
39. Brawlhalla (2015)
Legends are born every day.
Developer: Blue Mammoth Games
Genre: Action Multiplayer
Theme: Fight other legends to become the champion of Valhalla.
Everyone wants to be a legend. Do you have the ability to conquer the others and take your place at the top of Valhalla ranks?
Meet the Legends.
Brawlhalla is a 2D Super Smash Brother’s-esque platform action game. Choose from 20 legends with their own unique stats, weapons, and abilities.
Fight against other real life players and climb your way up the ranks. Or if you’d rather, play single player mode and just chill. Either way, you can play this action packed beat-em-up for free.
Battle against your enemies by bashing, slashing, punching, and knocking them off the platforms. The last man standing takes the title of champion of Valhalla.
Get off my platform!
38. Echo of Soul (2015)
‘Like you’ve never tried to ride your dog before.’
Developer: Nvidius
Theme: Mounting goofy animals and laying waste to enemies
Hailed “Best MMORPG 2014” in Thailand, Echo of Soul puts a wide selection of weird animals to mount for your player-controlled Soulkeeper as you go about collecting souls. I’ll try what the Thai are having, please.
Echo is your classic MMORPG with a weird South Korean twist (did I mention it’s weird?), complete with 5v5 battles, 15v15, guild vs. guild, and a vibrant open world. There are your classic solo dungeons, raids, upgradeable skill tree powered by the souls of your enemies, normal stuff really. There are even occupations, and magic eggs.
If you consider yourself a bit of a quirky personality, Echo of Soul is probably a fit for you. If you live in Thailand, contact me and we’ll exchange information privately.
37. Hawken (2012)
‘We’re conscious of our Spanish speakers here at Gamers Decide’
Developer: Reloaded Games
Genre: Mech Combat Multiplayer
Theme: 23rd century warfare, today
In a world overrun with industrialists possessing seemingly limitless resources, one gamer-controlled robot will take ultimate control- will it be you?
Maybe, but it’ll take a while. The real joy of Hawken is bonding with your newfound virtual robot companion. As you and your 20-foot death machine get really intimate, you’ll be picking up all sorts of attachable upgrades for it along the way. RPG style class trees offer further options for customization of your mechanical buddy.
Hawken is really a love story about a gamer and his or her robot- kind of in the vein of The Iron Giant, but with significantly more explosions. It’s beautiful, really.
‘I know I said 23rd century combat, but this could be possible in half a century, which is kind of scary’
36. Eden Eternal (2011)
‘There’s no way a little anime character with a voice that annoying could take so many massive, semi-bipedal monsters, but we’ll suspend disbelief for you X-Legend’
Developer: X-Legend
Genre: Fantasy MMORPG
Theme: MMO that vaguely resembles Adventure Time (just me?)
A somewhat typical, but undeniably fun MMORPG, Eden Eternal is a well -polished open-world cartoon of a game. It’s noted for its open, kind community, and high-fidelity graphics. Plus, cutesy anime characters.
Eden’s game-changing feature is the ability to change classes without sacrificing levelling or loot. There’s something deeply rewarding about being able to try something completely different while keeping the spoils of your previous efforts. Go figure.
Anime fans/gamers with a desire to engage in same sex relationships in your MMOs, look no further. While Eden Eternal may not be the most innovative MMORPG in recent years, it is certainly one of the most enjoyable.
‘Hentai, anyone?’
35. Dungeons and Dragons Online
‘Bringing the tabletop to the laptop’
Developer: Turbine
Theme: Come on, you already know
The one that started it all, brought to you in digitized form. DnD Online computerizes the polyhedral dice, animates your imagined character, and technifies (made-up word) the land crafted by the dungeon master.
Dungeons and Dragons is crammed with all of the detail you would expect from such a longstanding title. The level of detail in the character customization, questing, the city that you inhabit, is extensive and deep. Just like the classic tabletop, DnD Online provides you with all the tools to truly craft your destiny in the city of Stormreach. You can really lose yourself out there.
Dungeons and Dragons has one of the most devoted fanbases of all time, and its MMORPG counterpart serves as a perfect entry point for newcomers to the classic title. Give it a shot, but do your best to keep in mind that real life is still there if you do.
‘So that’s what they mean by ‘Dragons’’
34. Runescape (2001)
‘A historical journey with the much beloved classic’
Developer: Jagex Game Studios
Theme: Nostalgia at its finest
The old Java-run classic, Runescape was the addiction of choice for many of my young gaming friends back in the day. Odds are, you have a similar experience- and if not, you better see what you’ve been missing.
Questing in Runescape is perhaps its best feature. Not every quest consists of the tired old fetch and kill objectives; in their syead are puzzles, trials, and other challenges that leave the player feeling a sense of accomplishment. The avenues for customization in Runescape are seemingly boundless. You can build a home and furnish it, you can work on runecrafting one day and logging the next- the world is freeform, and doesn’t lock players in on tracks (very valuable for our newer gamers testing the waters of online gaming).
You’ve probably given Runescape a shot already. If you have, I propose that we raise a virtual glass to the old masterpiece, for old times’ sake. If you haven’t, Runescape will welcome you with open arms.
‘Bravo, Jagex. You’ve come a long way.’
33. Uncharted Waters Online (2010)
‘The Age of Exploration meets great, late ‘80’s/early ‘90’s sounding theme music’
Developer: Koei Tecmo
Theme: An exciting and dark time in European history reimagined
Growing up, I would often lament the lack of available frontiers to explore as I wandered around the woods in my backyard. Age has taught me that there is still much to explore, if not in the exact fashion that I had romanticized, but the yearning for a time when the whole world was new still lurks deep within myself and many other would-be explorers.
Uncharted Waters Online transports players back to the famed Age of Exploration, giving us all a chance to realize those yearnings. Players choose from one of the European naval powers to hail from, each of which come complete with nationality-specific storylines. After choosing one of the three classes, players can then select from over 70 different occupations to begin making their fortune and building their armada-driven empire.
Economics lie at the core of this game’s strength. The detailed and option-heavy player driven economy is full of chances to invest, stockpile, and earn. This creates a feeling of significance attached to the exploration, the ship-building- because there is just so much to do with your money. Uncharted Waters Online is really the closest to de Gama or Vespucci that most of us will ever get.
‘A duel in Town Square! How antiquated.’
33. Perfect World (2008)
‘Is the barbarian class voiced by Jack Black?’
Developer: Beijing Perfect World
Theme: Chinese mythology based take on MMO
Welcome to the world of Pangu, filled with panda-headed barbarians and mystical psychics, cactopods and winged elves. The world of Pangu is colourful, quirky, and memorable.
The basis in Chinese mythology provides Perfect World with a plethora of rich background lore for the players to get into (and since China has basically been there since the dawn of civilization, they do have some decent stories). The lore contextualizes a standard but beautiful MMORPG. It’s also extremely solo-player friendly up to level 20- a huge plus if you’re looking for a more laid-back, less immersive MMO to sink your teeth into.
‘It’s like a trip to China without having to give up Facebook for the week’
32. Quake Live (2010)
‘Wait…this runs in a browser?’
Developer: id Software
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Theme: Browser-based and fast-paced
The mere fact that a game as smooth and aesthetically pleasant as Quake Live runs in a browser is an impressive feat of computer programming. The additional fact that it’s fun as all hell makes it nothing short of a technological marvel.
Okay, that could be a bit strong, but Quake Live is a fantastic, explosion-heavy game that offers a variety of innovative game modes. There’s Freeze Tag, a mode that ‘freezes’ players in place after being fragged, stuck until a teammate thaws them. There’s Harvester, a mode that generates skulls after fragging an enemy, which you then bring back to your team’s stockpile.
Did we mention it runs in your browser?
‘Ah, the trusty railgun’
31. Mechwarriors Online (2013)
‘A hi-tech brawler of a mech FPS’
Developer: Piranha Games
Genre: Mech combat multiplayer
Theme: See video caption
Mechwarriors Online is a game that works hard on delivering a smooth, balanced, and satisfying combat design. Your giant destructo-bot is pitted against other based on weight class, damage output, armor capacity, and player skill to ensure a balanced match every time- something that really pays off in game.
Mechwarriors puts you behind the optic sensor of a giant, fully upgradeable mech. You can buy entirely new mechs as well as parts, and here there is great variety in size- from the 20-ton Locust to the 100 ton Atlas. The different upgradeable parts for the mech sizes creates a feeling of a different game as you plat weight class to weight class, adding countless hours of replayability.
Mechwarriors Online is a great option for all you tech-loving psychopaths out there, if a little expensive for a free-to-play option (you can still grind for everything- no unwelcome game breaking restrictions, just intense grinding). Quality maps, intimidating machinery, customizable upgrades- really, what more can you ask for?
‘I’m personally a lover of body part specific damage indicators in my HUD’
30. Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy (2016)
Live the Bible and the story of Jesus Christ.
Developer: Wholetone Games
Genre: RPG
Theme: Time of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Live the life and death of the Messiah Jesus Christ through the eyes of the saviour as well as through the eyes of those who witnessed it. From birth, to death, to risen again, you’ll experience it all in Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy.
The fated arrival of the three wise kings.
The first game of this trilogy is actually Jesus Christ RPG. In it you take on the role of Jesus who is on a mission to save the world. You take on quests to heal the sick and exorcise demons.
Other playable characters in JCRPG include Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and Judas Iscariot.
Then the second game is actually a prequel in which you relive the early days of Jesus, before he was even born. In the first part of the game you play as the Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph, who are looking for a place to stay for the night.
Once in the fated Bethlehem stable you are then put in control of the three wise kings. Their mission is to find the new baby Messiah. Along the way they must battle spirits, robbers, and foreign gods to make their way to the newborn king.
Finally, baby Jesus joins your party, though at this point in time he is only a toddler. He has not reached his full potential, so he helps out the best he can.
The third and final game of the series is Rise Jesus Christ RPG. In this thrilling finale you once again take control of Jesus on his mission to save the world. You also once again get a chance to play as Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and Judas Iscariot.
You also have the opportunity to play as some new characters including Malchus, Gesmas, Dismas, and Angel Gabriel.
In this final installment you experience the events of the final days before Jesus’s crucifixion. You experience his death, go to Heaven, and rescue innocent souls in hell.
This game is a mix of history, comedy, and seriousness. An interesting take on the Bible and its portrayal of the life, death, and rise of Jesus.
With every miracle Jesus performs, his abilities increase.
29. Fallen Earth (2009)
Developer: Icarus Studio, Reloaded Productions
Theme: Post-apocalyptic power struggle
Noting the release date, post-apocalyptic theme, and Grand Canyon location makes it kind of clear to see what original developer Icarus Studios was going for with Fallen Earth (before flying too high and selling out to ftp giant Reloaded). But there’s nothing wrong with piggybacking on buzz created by a world-class franchise like Fallout, and when the game is as good as Fallen Earth it’s a win all around.
With an easy-to-use inventory (that some console games could honestly take some tips from), constructible dwellings, various vehicles, and 6 equippable weapons at a time, Fallen Earth has enough content to keep you going long through this summer as you wait patiently for Fallout 4. The coolest part of the game is the faction system. Six factions struggle for control of the post-apocalyptic canyon, each with their own views on how the land should be governed (or ruled, or none of the above). The player can choose to ally with a group, or strike out as a lone wolf (my personal choice for post-apocalyptic settings. Trust no one).
Fallen Earth has enough variety in its 1000 km map (based off of real topographical models of the area) to last impatient Fallout nuts until November 4th. Plus it’s a cheaper way to experience the Grand Canyon.
‘An MMO that often plays like a 1 player’
28. Phantasy Star 2 Online (2012)
‘Polished Japanese MMORPG that is also in Japanese’
Developer: Sega
Genre: Multiplayer Action RPG
Theme: Who knows, it’s in Japanese
Phantasy Star is likely a familiar title if you happen to be one of the millions of non-Japanese who are utterly obsessed with Japanese culture (I’m friends with some of you. You’ll never accept that I just don’t care for your favorite anime). Unlike most multiplayer RPGs, Phantasy Star Online 2 is a responsive, action-oriented addition to the genre, and the seamless action is great.
Noted for its helpful, multilingual community, Phantasy Star Online 2 is a seamless transition for players new to online RPGs switching over from the single player ARPG console titles, a feat accomplished by bridging the genre gap with the type of gameplay they’ve come to love.
‘I must admit, the Japanese have come up with some incredibly creative creatures over the years.’
27. Strife (2014)
‘Not another DOTA copycat’
Developer: S2 Games
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Being different from LoL and DOTA
Yes, Strife is a much hyped MOBA with the familiar top-down camera panning over a 5v5 battle punctuated by resource gathering. Yes, the primary goal is destroying the enemies’ main structure, called the “Crux” in Strife. But no, Strife is not another DOTA wannabe. So what makes it different?
Most importantly, Strife is incredibly easy to pick up- a main objective developer S2 Games had when designing Strife. First, they shortened their hero list by combining strategic roles within individual heroes, creating an experience that begs experimentation that newbies need. Second, they implemented a shared gold system, removing the toxic blame-game perpetuated in more competitive MOBA titles. Finally, the map is smaller and more streamlined, providing a more direct way to approach a strategically roundabout genre.
Strife is in open beta right now, so it’s far from done. If you’re missing out on the MOBA experience and want to get your feet wet, this is a great opportunity to join a newly formed and promising community.
‘A refreshingly simple HUD is another feature that makes Strife a great learner MOBA’
26. AdVenture Capitalist (2015)
Start your journey to riches by squeezing lemons!
Developer: Hyper Hippo Productions
Genre: Capitalism, Casual
Theme: Makin’ dat money!
Your journey from rags to riches starts with a lemonade stand. When you’ve earned enough profit buy more lemonade stands. Buy as many as you want!
Now you can buy anything you want.
Or you could choose to move up to more profitable ventures such as newspapers, pizza delivery, or your very own shrimp boat! The bigger the venture, the higher the payout. How rich do you want to be?
AdVenture Capitalist is a mind-numbingly fun clicker game. Start as a lowly lemonade stand owner and earn money to build more stands. Then begin to seek out other ways to profit, such as owning a newspaper delivery service, donut shops, shrimp boats, and more!
Tired of clicking and waiting? No problem! Hire managers to do the tedious work for you. They’ll even work for you while you’re not in the game!
That’s right. When you return after a long day of real life work that pays next to nothing, AdVenture Capitalist will leave you feeling satisfied with the millions… or maybe trillions you’ve made while being AFK.
Then you can expand further, by taking your business to the moon, and even Mars! Overall, AdVenture Capitalist is addicting to say the least. If you haven’t given it a chance, go download it now.
All dat money.
25. Wakfu (2012)
‘Proof that quality lives beyond the fad that gave it life’
Developer: Ankama Games
Theme: Turn-Based Tactical RPG with staying power
Turn-based, grid-based, and tactical do not exactly sound like a recipe for what is “sexy” in gaming right now. Despite this reality, Wakfu has more than enough interesting, innovative, and engaging features to keep players return to its world as its former competitors continue to be left in the dust.
The real appeal of Wakfu is how alive the world feels, and how significant the player partaking in the world feels. This is accomplished through a number of means: player-controlled governmental systems that do things like elect governors and raise militias, a wildlife management system that allows players to either raze or trim flora, and a light/dark meter that reflects actions players make in the world (past simple dialogue responses).
These features, contrasted with the somewhat “outdated” core nature of Wakfu, illustrate the previously alluded to idea: quality outlasts fads, every time.
‘Plus who can resist these bizarre anime characters?’
24. Orcs Must Die! Unchained (2016)
Set traps and battle enemies in Orcs Must Die Unchained.
New rifts, gateways to other worlds, have opened up across the world. This has led heroes to come from far and wide to claim them for their own. But with these new rifts, a new breed of enemy has appeared: The Unchained.
No longer are the Orc horde mindless and unorganized. Now they actually pose a threat. It’s up to the heroes to stop them.
Precise shots take down even the hardiest foe.
Recruit your team. Play with friends and choose from a roster of powerful heroes to push back the Orcs and save ancient strongholds.
There are currently 5 game modes to choose from: Siege (5V5 PVP), Siege Co-Op (5 players vs 5 bots), Custom Game, Tutorials and Practice Games, and Endless Mode.
Once you’ve chosen your mode and your team, get ready for battle. You’ll be put up against another team with the goal of leading your minions into the enemy minion’s rift, a powerful gateway that connects the human world from the dead world and allows the Unchained through.
Set traps to slow your enemies down and deal massive amounts of damage to finish them off.
To achieve victory, you must get enough minions into your enemy’s rift to score 20 points. When this happens, the rift becomes unstable, halting enemy forces from coming through.
Knock knock! Who’s there?
23. Dirty Bomb (2015)
Developer: Splash Damage
Genre: Multiplayer first person shooter
Theme: Futuristic FPS
A somewhat post-apocalyptic shooter that plays fast, fast, fast, Dirty Bomb is a highly accessible free-to-play option that is brimming with potential. Developer Splash Damage’s first piece of intellectual property shows a genuine effort to polish off a quality shooter with some fresh ideas.
Completing objectives is the primary mission in Dirty Bomb. This can make it initially seem like an overly formulaic and basic shooter that simply guides teams from A to B for huge, strategy-free free-for-alls. Upon closer inspection of the maps, players can find hidden paths leading them into strategic positions- adding an intriguing gameplay element that makes choosing from one of Dirty Bomb’s 12 playable mercenaries a strategic decision.
Dirty Bomb is in open beta right now, but we highly suggest you check it out. If DB can follow through on the potential it shows, you can expect it to be a more polished shooter, in the spirit of Brink, and boatloads of fun.
‘Mmmmm explosions’
22. League of Legends (2009)
‘The fabled classic’
Developer: Riot Games
Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Theme: Hating every player you come in contact with- just kidding
A long-time staple of the free to play MOBA genre, League of Legends is a competitive clashing of colorful creatures commanded by cranky kids. If the rampant animosity doesn’t scare you away, and you suffer through the hazing-filled orientation period that is the learning curve, League of Legends is actually quite a rewarding experience.
Pitting five-on-five teams against each other in LoL’s classic three lane jungle setting, League is a brutal, intense clash of bizarre and silly monsters. An element of strategy is added with the resource-filled forests controlled by each team off the beaten path. Choosing between a direct attack or a resource grab can completely change how a match gets played out.
Like most other games in the MOBA genre, LoL isn’t for the weak willed. Suffer what those who came before you have suffered, and you will be rewarded with hateful epithets and a completely superficial sense of superiority.
‘If you understand what’s going on here, you’re already lost to the League.’
21. Planetside 2 (2012)
Developer: Daybreak Game Company
Genre: Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter
Theme: Massive battles literally spanning the sides of planets
Fighting to control the planet of Auraxis is every bit as grand as it sounds. With maps that span huge expanses, guns that deliver satisfying and visceral devastation, and land and air crafts looming imtimidatingly in the distance, Planetside 2 really captures the feeling of interplanetary struggles for control.
Planetside 2 really shines in its skill at handing players full control of the intense assault upon their opponents. Use the tanks, or don’t use the tanks. Send a team of scouts out to lure huge packs of enemies to a strategic location before having your snipers pick them off from the overpass. Anything is possible with a little team coordination in Planetside.
The details add the extra oomph needed to flesh Planetside 2 out into a masterpiece. Day/night cycles add a sense of duration to the epic quagmires. The in-game progression system is deep and varied. The classes are versatile and egalitarian. Play Planetside 2 and quench that dark desire for warfare lurking deep within you.
‘But really, why wouldn’t you drive one of these things?’
20. Lord of the Rings Online (2007)
‘The battle for Middle Earth rages on”
Developer: Turbine Inc.
Genre: Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing game
Theme: An extended foray into Tolkein’s world
There’s something about games based on wildly successful cultural icons that creates an amazing community around said game. LOTR Online exemplifies this heuristic perfectly. An attractive free-to-play with considerable accessible content whilst free, LOTR Online gives Tolkien freaks a chance to exercise their inner hobbit/elf/dwarf/Sauron.
The generosity of LOTR’s free to play model cannot be understated. For the first 20 levels your character progresses through, the game constantly makes you feel rewarded for playing via an abundance of free stuff. The gameplay is classic fantasy MMORPG stuff, like fetch quests and slay quests, but the level of polish these features are presented with makes Middle Earth come alive.
With the recent Hobbit movies having recently transfixed national attention, now is likely as good as ever to get into LOTRO. So go build your character, get crafting, help defeat the Witch King, join a kinship- do whatever your hobbit-loving heart desire.
‘What are you waiting for? Middle Earth needs you.’
19. Marvel Heroes 2015 (2013 originally)
‘Gets you right pumped to pull some Downey Jr. action’
Developer: Gazillion Entertainment
Genre: Massively multiplayer action role-playing game
Theme: Freakin’ superheroes
Crafted by the creative mind behind Diablo and Diablo dos, Marvel Heroes gives the classic top-down combat to the Marvel World. If you didn’t catch that, I will reiterate: Diablo with superheroes.
So as one would expect, Marvel Heroes is an absolute blast. Players who dismissed MH after a shaky 2013 release take notice: it has undergone a serious revamp. The best part is how playing as your favorite superhero just feels like such a true representation of the character. Carrying out one of the many varieties of missions in MH truly feels like a superhuman adventure.
With an in-game world that’s totally true to Marvel lore, Team-up Heroes that can join your player character in game, several canon-referential NPC appearances, and even pets, there is no shortage of small details that create the fleshed-out world of Marvel Heroes 2015. If it seems hard at first, persevere- after all, you’ve got a world to save.
‘Huge fan of the classic Wolverine suit right here’
18. Maplestory (2005)
‘That is some beautiful background music’
Developer: Wizet
Genre: Fantasy MMORPG, 2D
Theme: Some South Korean’s imagination
It’s a testament to a game’s addictive quality that people still play it 10 years after its release. Maplestory may appear to be a goofy MMO sidescroller from the outset, but go ahead and try to lvl up just once. Go ahead. I dare you.
Maplestory’s imaginative 2D world gently plops you into it as a jobless peon, and it’s up to you to grind your way to the top. With a boatload of quests giving players a sense of direction in their quest for prominence, Maplestory offers an easy primer on the addictive MMORPG genre. Players control a cute, customizable 2D hero, available in one of four classes that each offer two or three specialization upgrades.
All told, Maplestory is a fun, colorful twist on a high-fantasy dominated genre. While it may seem initially too different to get into, many hardcore gamers have found it to be a laid-back change of pace from their typical MMO.
‘We all need a little 2D in our lives’
17. Team Fortress 2 (2007)
‘Feeeels like the fiiirst time!’
Developer: Valve Corporation
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Theme: Awesome cartoonish fps mayhem
What is it about Team Fortress 2 that has kept us so captivated since its 2007 Orange Box release? Is it the notoriously competitive community, constantly adding their own creative contributions to TF2 in the way of items, weapons, and maps? Is it the character classes that are each infused with loads of class-fitting personality? Or is it the cartoonish aesthetics, somehow easing the tension typical in highly competitive environments?
The answer is likely a concatenation of these three key factors. TF2 is another Valve classic, pitting the RED team against the BLU in classic multiplayer FPS game modes like capture the flag (called Special Delivery) and king of the hill. Each of the nine playable characters are given distinctive personalities, creating a more immersive experience for the players.
Most of you have likely already tried Team Fortress 2 by now, but if not, the time is now to give it a shot. Its cartoony presentation helps keep it fresh despite its age, and its devoted based isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
‘I wish I could experience intimacy on this level.’
16. War Thunder (2012)
‘Insert Top Gun theme here.’
Developer: Gaijin Entertainment
Genre: Vehicular Massively Multiplayer Online
Theme: World War II inspired planes & tanks mayhem
Gearheads, rejoice: your free to play vehicular heaven awaits you. War Thunder offers players the choice between tank-based and plane-based combat, and neither option is short on beauty, realism, or completely epic battlefield square-offs. Whether you prefer dogfighting of trench-plowing, War Thunder is a richly detailed game offering some serious variation within its contents.
War Thunder’s game modes come in four categories: the pick-up-and-play Arcade mode, the challenging Realistic mode (which has options to recreate historical battles), Simulator mode, and the delightfully goofy Unrealistic battles. Some notable options in Unrealistic mode include flyable “My Little Pony” aircraft, a Japanese aircraft resembling Godzilla, and a “bouncy” tank with rubber armor that shoots root vegetables (what?). Seriously, it’s worth checking out.
‘Who thinks the players on the leaderboard get recruited by the US Air Force drone program?’
15. Star Trek Online (2010)
Developer: Cryptic Studios
Genre: Sci-Fi Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
Theme: Intergalactic Trekking
Cryptic Studios deserves kudos for the work they’ve put into Star Trek Online. Its 2010 release unveiled a game rife with bugs, static, lifeless characters, and limited narrative structure. It felt like the game that might have been.
Cryptic has spent the last five years quietly making iterations to STO, adding a richer in-game engine for dialogue, a plethora of canonically accurate quest material, and a greatly expanded narrative arc. In short, this game became something worthy of representing the universe true Trekkies hold near and dear.
Whether you count yourself amongst the Klingon-fluent krazies, give STO a look. A heavily customizable player character, plus your very own pilotable upgradeable ships, plus the aforementioned upgrades, equals a Star Trek gaming experience for the ages.
“I’m living out all my wildest Captain Kirk fantasies!”
14. Path of Exile (2013)
‘The Diablo 3 we all deserved- free’
Developer: Grinding Gear Games
Genre: Action role-playing
Theme: Bada** Dungeon crawler in the spirit of Diablo 2
I still can’t believe Path of Exile is free. Both Gamespot and IGN declared it their 2013 PC game of the year, a stunning achievement considering its free-to-play status. This beautiful, atmospheric dungeon crawler will have you drowning in loot- a key ingredient in the highly addictive experience.
Path of Exile gives the player six classes to choose from, but the customization doesn’t stop there. PoE’s innovative gem system provides a ridiculous number of ways you can upgrade your character, combining dynamic active skills with about 1,350 possible passive upgrades.
If you found yourself feeling a little…loot-poor after Diablo 3, and you haven’t checked out Path of Exile yet, do yourself a favor and download it today.
‘Are you sure it’s free?’
13. Tribes: Ascend (2012)
‘It’s Halo on uppers!’
Devloper: Hi-Rez Studios
Genre: Multiplayer First Person Shooter
Theme: Futuristic fast-paced sci-fi action
Rarely have I ever played a game and felt so…free. The combination of high-flying jetpacks and fast-gliding skis that are Tribes: Ascend’s bread and butter create a shooter that plays unlike any other FPS out there.
Gorgeous and huge landscapes provide the perfect playground for the zippy pace Tribes offers. With everyone moving wildly across the map, eliminating your foes becomes less about quick-shooting madness and more about clever positioning and careful forethought.
All-told, the Tribes: Ascend recipe breathes life into a sometimes stale genre, with its unique and difficult to master style making each kill scored into one to savor.
‘Kind of idyllic until a dude with a jetpack comes out of nowhere.”
12. Star Wars The Old Republic (2011)
‘A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”
Developer: Bioware
Genre: Massively multiplayer online role playing game
Theme: Star. Wars.
From the makers of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series’ comes the now free to play Star Wars: The Old Republic. Since SWTORs December 2011 release, fans have been split on the positivity of their final opinion of the game, but if you’re a gamer, and a Star Wars fan at all, this game needs a look.
Combining Bioware’s penchant for cinematic storytelling with gear-acquiring, upward-levelling staples of the MMORPG genre, SWTOR is a polished, gorgeous, and exciting entry into the Star Wars universe.
Criticism rightly abounds due to the restrictions placed on players by the game’s take on “free-to-play”, but the chance to live in Bioware’s take on the Star Wars universe makes any such headaches feel insignificant.
‘You know you want to be this guy.’
11. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantom Strike (2014)
‘I do love my gadgets’
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: Mutiplayer tactical third person shooter
Theme: Gadget-donning spies vs. spies
Fast-paced, futuristic, fun, and full of firefights, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantom Strike offers everything a spy-loving Clancy fan could possibly desire. A clean, attractive third person shooter loaded with killer gadgets, Phantom Strike offers a quality gaming experience that you can easily sink hundreds of hours into.
Phantom Strike offers gamers three distinct classes, each with their own sick tech to play around with. The sniper class is my personal favourite, with its cloaking device and radar-pinger that reveals enemy locations. Each of the classes are built to specific lay styles, and the interplay between them creates some very interesting situations in-game.
If you’re a huge fan of the Tom Clancy games, there’s a decent shot that you have yet to check this out due to it being released practically simultaneously to Future Soldiers. If that’s the case, and you have a decent chunk of time to waste, I highly suggest you give this a shot.
‘Sneaky is the name of the game, as usual’
10. Blade and Soul (2012)
Get revenge for the death of your master in Blade and Soul
- Developer: NCSOFT and Tencent
- Genre: Action, MMORPG
- Theme: Revenge is a dish best served cold.
No one is prepared or even expected an attack on the Hongmoon School. Jinsoyun, a former student at the Hongmoon School, attacked the school, slayed the students and your beloved Master. Now you must use your training to seek vengeance and stop Jinsoyun’s plan of releasing dark forces upon the world.
Beautiful and exciting characters to play.
To begin your journey, you must first choose your race and class. Were you born among the strong and powerful race of the Gon? Or did you survive among the Lyn, a race known for unpredictability and mischievousness?
Are you the Yun, a race of strong willed females that are heavily attuned to nature? Is your path that of the Jin, the friendly race that is strong like the Gon, but has high moral sense of right and wrong?
Once you’ve made your choice of Race, you’ll need to choose your class. Take note that there are many classes that are restricted by race, so you may want to do a little research before choosing between these incredible classes.
Choose between Blade Master, Destroyer, Summoner, Force Master, Kung Fu Master, Assassin, Blade Dancer, Warlock, or Soul Fighter. The classes have their own unique abilities and traits.
A powerful combo.
9. Gems of War (2014)
Gem swappin card game!
Developer: Infinity Plus 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Strategy, RPG
Theme: Puzzle gems RPG
In the world of Kystara, there are kingdoms ready to be conquered. Build and train your army and prepare to take them by force and with strategy.
Every match gets you one step closer to victory.
Gems of War is unlike any gem swapping game you’ve ever played. It’s a mix of RPG, gem swapping, and collectible card game rolled all into one.
In Kystara you will find many kingdoms to visit and conquer. Gather your troops and take them into the battle field. In the field you will match gems to power your troops and then match skulls to attack.
Earn new troops by conquering kingdoms and exploring the world. Find or buy and equip weapons to make your troops stronger. Conquer everything that stands before you.
8. Wildstar
Get your sci-fi on.
- Developer: Carbine Studios
- Genre: Action, MMORPG
- Theme: Sci-Fi
The Dominion and the Exiles are fighting over the newly discovered planet, Nexus. The Dominion are an intergalactic empire that want to control the galaxy. The Exiles are a group of refugees and outlaws who are fighting against the Dominion. Choose your faction and fight to claim Nexus as yours.
Get ready to experience fast-paced action in Wildstar. After choosing your character and faction, you must choose between six different classes: Warrior, Spellslinger, Esper, Engineer, Stalker, and Medic.
Then your real adventure begins. Destroy enemies with your unique skills. Earn experience and level your character through dungeons that have fearsome boss monsters.
Even more, endlessly customize your character and housing in Wildstar. Buy and equip sweet mounts, costumes, and even pets.
If you’re into Sci-Fi RPGs, give Wildstar a try.
Get ready to battle.
Tiny but deadly!
7. Pirates: Treasure Hunters (2016)
Get with your crew and destroy the other team!
- Developer: Virtual Toys
- Genre: MOBA
- Theme: A MOBA with Pirate Ships
Get ready to sail the seas and pillage the lands. Battle with your chosen hunter against the other team to claim all the victory and the booty. Jump into your very own vehicle and blast the other team away.
Pirates: Treasure Hunters is a fresh new look at MOBAS. The goal of the game is to defeat the opposing team by destroying their totems and bastion before they destroy yours. There is also a mode in which you have to conquer Domination Points and surpass your enemy.
There are vehicles in this MOBA. Hop into a pirate ship and shoot your enemies with cannons. Jump into a – and shoot them off the map.
Everything can be unlocked by playing and earning in game currency, so there’s no need to spend real money. If you’re a fan of MOBAs, give this one a shot.
Battle for treasure and glory!
Steer your pirate ship to victory with your crew.
6. The Elder Scrolls Legends (2016)
A TCG with an Elder Scrolls Twist.
- Developer: Bethesda
- Genre: Strategy Card Game
- Theme: Build an all powerful deck to crush your enemies.
Enter Tamriel during a time of conspiracy, an Emperor fleeing his city, and a fallen Imperial city. An untold chapter in the history of Tamriel where you play the part of the hero and have the chance to change it.
The Elder Scrolls Legends is a fast-paced competitive strategy card game. The goal is to reduce your opponent’s health to zero before they do the same to you first.
First, you will choose your class and race. All of these ring familiar with fans of The Elder Scrolls series. Races to choose from include Argonian, Breton, Dark Elf, High Elf, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, Redguard, and Wood Elf.
You also have the choice between 10 different classes; Archer, Assassin, Battle Mage, Crusader, Mage, Monk, Scout, Sorcerer, Spellsword, and Warrior.
Begin the game by learning how to play with the help of its captivating story mode. This will be your guide as you learn the mechanics of the game. Once you feel comfortable you can test your skills in Battle Mode or Arena Mode.
The game mechanics are fairly easy to grasp. You start your first round with one magicka, that you use to draw a card onto the unique 2 lane battlefield. As your mana grows by one each round, you’ll soon be able to draw more powerful cards to the playing field.
A unique feature to this game is the use of runes. When you take a large amount of damage, one of your runes will break and this will immediately draw an extra card from your deck. This may change the enter game and take you from a losing battle to a winning one.The same can also be said for your opponent.
Currently you can sign up for the BETA on The Elder Scrolls Legends website. If chosen, you are able to play the game, provided you agree with their NDA.
Archers are agile with a deadly aim.
A carefully chosen card can change the outcome of a close game.
5. Heroes of the Storm (2015)
‘Not just another MOBA.’
- Developer: Blizzard
- Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
- Theme: a clashing of classic Blizzard titans
The MOBA genre is one marked by hyper-competitive environments that can be toxic to a more casual gamer. Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard’s high-quality solution to that problem.
While Heroes makes a genuine effort to be accessible to all gamers, it does not compromise on strategically intense gameplay. Its five-on-five battles pit classic Blizzard heroes from titles like Diablo against each other. Its seven different maps all have individual nuances to them that create radically different battles from match to match. Individual objectives add incentive for players to move around the map and avoid stagnation.
Best of all, Heroes of the Storm is truly free of the intimidating environment of its famously competitive cousins. If you have yet to try a MOBA, this is your entry point.
‘Ahhh, a plain-English HUD.’
4. Smite (2014)
‘Redefining religious warfare since ‘12.’
- Developer: Hi-Rez Studios
- Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
- Theme: Mythology-based arena epic
With 51 playable characters from seven different mythologies, Smite has a very distinctive way of making you feel, well, smote. With a more personal third person camera view than most top-down angles typical to MOBAs, Smite’s strength lies in its pure intensity. Destroying your mythical foes with Thor’s mighty hammer with the camera right behind you is, well, cool.
Two teams of 3-5 go head to head, slaying legions of minions, toppling strategically defensive Phoenixes, and ultimately trying to defeat the opposing Titan. The backdrop is beautifully detailed, with scenes ranging from cavernous colosseums to villages replete with marble-clad Doric architecture. Plus, you play as totally badass gods.
The best part of Smite is how enjoyable its free-to-play suite is. The option allows players to play as 10 of the possible gods at a time, with Hi-Rez rotating the free options on a regular basis. And come on, who doesn’t want to play God for an hour or six?
‘Keep it classy, Hi-Rez.’
3. Dota 2
‘Epic atmosphere and fast-paced action make Dota 2 an easy #1’
- Developer: Valve Corporation
- Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
- Theme: Challenging strategic team combat in fantasy setting
WARNING: Dota 2 is not for the faint of heart. Upon entering the uber-competitive environment that is arguably Valve’s magnum opus, new players are greeted with a friendly “Welcome to Dota 2!”, followed promptly by “You suck.” With over 100 playable heroes to choose from and seemingly infinite strategic nuances to explore, Dota 2 presents hardcore gamers with a daunting, difficult path to one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of all time.
The goal is simple: team up, strategize on your feet, and beat the other team. The path is not simple. With hundreds of spells with myriad effects, technical nuances guarded heavily by the fervent fan base, and unique abilities for each of the wildly different heroes, opposing teams can take wildly different shapes and approaches from match to match.
‘Can you handle Dota 2?’
2. APB Reloaded
‘Welcome to San Paro.’
- Developer: Reloaded Productions
- Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Third Person Shooter
- Theme: GTA-style gang-clashing
ABP Reloaded pits players against each other in intense gang activity related clashes. Contracts for heists will often end in a fast-paced vehicular getaway careening through the streets of San Paro. Players accumulate cash from completing these missions, spendable on clothes, cars, guns and more.
Despite some harsh reviews from critics, APB presents a fun free-to-play options, with few limitations placed on players from the free-to-play status. New developer Reloaded has taken steps to present players with a bug-free, action-packed experience, striving to eliminate the staleness complained about in many early reviews. If you were turned away by initial looks at APB, and can’t get enough of GTA online, APB Reloaded is a great, free option to get your fix.
‘Aaaaand boom goes the dynamite.’
1. Duelyst
Champions are chosen to fight for glory.
- Developer: Counterplay Games
- Genre: Strategy, RPG
Every year a duelyst is chosen by their city to compete for glory in a grand tournament. This year, you have been chosen. Will you bring fame and glory to your city?
A think-on-your-feet strategic card game, Duelyst will give you a run for your money. Build a deck with 40 cards that includes Generals, minions, spells, and artifacts.
Use your Generals to command your army. Summon minions to fight at your side. Cast spells that enchant your enemies or blast them out of your path.
Not strong enough? Then equip your General with some artifacts that will make him unstoppable.
An interesting feature for Duelyst is the use of a tiled gameboard. When minions are summoned they are placed on tiles also called units. Minions must be within one unit of an enemy minion or general to attack it.
Also, you draw two cards per turn, versus other card games where you only get to draw one. You can also return a card to your deck and draw a new one each turn as well.
To call yourself a victor you must amass an army to take down the enemy’s general. Once his health reaches zero, you are the winner.
Fierce battles occur in the grand tournament.