Top 10 Most Played Video Game Genres In 2015: Page 9 of 10

Top 10 Most Played Video Game Genres In 2015
A Titan takes hold of a pilot in Titanfall

2. First Person Shooter

With major titles in this genre such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Counter Strike this genre has stood the test of time. This is one of the oldest genres around, dating back to DOOM days. Games under this title have a huge amount of different playstyles to choose from. Whether you want to be a casual player or a hardcore one, this is one of the most played video game genres simply because it keeps you interested. This is one of the major points that truly sets this genre apart from the rest.

The addition of being unable to check corners in third person and having to peek carefully adds an element to these games that truly intimidates players. What type of player are you? Do you enjoy running around taking as many people down with you or do you like to attempt to survive it out and hide in a corner waiting for your prey?

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20 year old gamer and editor, taking lif
Gamer Since: 1994
Favorite Genre: Pro-gaming
Currently Playing: Arma 3
Top 3 Favorite Games:Call of Duty 2, Arma 3, DayZ

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oliverevans's picture

oliverevans 1 year 6 months ago

I appreciate you sharing this insightful information. Your website is excellent tiny fishing. There is a staggering quantity of information on your website.

Jbee02's picture

Jbee02 8 years 1 month ago

Two problems with this article. One. Third person and first person shooters are a sub catagories of the same genre and shouldnt have two spots in this list. Second i feel moba is a sub genre of rpg, and rpg should be number one on this list

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