The Nexus is scary place, I recommend a guide…just not Brightwing.
Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard’s entry into the MOBA category and represents Blizzard throwing their hat into the e-sports ring. Before you go pro and take on the world check out these 12 guides to get yourself off in the right direction.
Mastering the Basics: Wax on Wax off
12. Absolute Basics - Beginners Guide by Lagforce Productions
This first guide is for the visual learner, or someone who doesn’t want to read a bunch of stuff. This 8 minute video plows through the very basics of Heroes. This is a great guide for those who have never played a MOBA, or if you just want to understand what differentiates HotS from other MOBA, such as League of Legends, or DOTA 2.
No! Not Gollie! Why do the good die young?!
11. Welcome to the Nexus: A basic guide to Heroes of the Storm by Team Liquid
This basic guide gives a pretty quick overview HotS will get you up and running very quickly. What sets this guide apart is the in detailed explanation of how to roll through the phases of the game. HotS isn’t about charging headlong into battle, but mastering the varied stages of the match.
Also, there is a glossary at the end of the guide to help understand the terminology, and knowing how the enemy walks and talks is a basic principle of battle. Except Murky, I don’t anyone knows what he is saying.
Not the most warm welcoming party, but hey we aren’t here for cuddles and hot cocoa.
10. Heroes of the Storm: A guide for new player and experienced LoL/ Dota players by Tackles
Tackles guide to HotS allows players with experience in other MOBAs the opportunity to understand what makes Heroes different and awesome. Utilize this guide in order to gain information on how to build an effective strategy for each individual map you will encounter.
The ultimate battle of ultimate heroes…wait, is Murky dressed like a Terran Marine? That’s just ridiculous.
9. Heroes Academy by Squadron
Heroes Academy by squadron is a series of 7 youtube videos that give you a visual play by play of how to master each individual element of HotS. Use this guide to give you a thorough brush up on the battlefield and give yourself a leg up in the Nexus.
There is no “I” in team, but there is “meat”. Who’s wants lunch?
8. Heroes of the Storm guide by Blizzard Watch
Blizzard Watch’s HotS guide will take you from the sidelines all the way to center stage. This guide may have some of the fundamentals of a basic guide, but also includes descriptive map guides, hero guides, and up to date news to keep you continually running at full speed through the Nexus.
Is Brightwing the only available guide, or can I wait for the next tour?
7. Heroes Of The Storm Guide: How To Master Blizzard's New MOBA by Pete Haas
Pete Haas writes for Cinemablend.com with a quick objective based guide to ensure you are focused in the right direction. It is so easy to get distracted with all the pretty colors and mesmerizing sounds in the Nexus, so having a guide to keep you on track will help you keep your head.
Rockband: HotS Edition.
6. Heroes of the Storm Guide by Heroes of the Storm Source
HotS Source is a go to web for all things Heroes of the Storm. This guide is a sectioned guide that runs the basics all the way to detailed map and strategies. The only downside to this guide is the lack of guides for all available heroes.
Check out that giant keyhole, how big is the guy who lives inside?
Heroes and Builds
5. Tempo Storm by Tempo Storm
The Tempo Storm hero guide is a collection of gamer created builds for the Nexus heroes. What is nice about this collection is the variety of builds that allow you to pick and choose between different play styles and builds. If you don’t like the way one guide suggests you run Rehgar, click one panel over and you have yourself a different view.
If these guides aren’t enough Tempo Storm also includes guides written by the pros. Still not enough? You think you have a better build? you can also submit your guide, and teach the players a game or two.
I’m Tycus, I’ll be your guide. Keep your questions to yourself.
4. Icy Veins by Damien and Vlad
The hero guides published on the Icy Veins hero list a very comprehensive guides written by top ranked players. Their guides are very detailed, including tactics for each map, and which characters play best with your favie. Come here to be taught the best by the best for the best chance to win the best games…best.
Look at all that gold, it’s good to be the best.
3. Heroes Fire by Moba Fire
Heroes Fire isn’t the same “here is how to build your hero” set up that you will find in other guides, though they do have plenty of links to gamer built guides. Instead, this guide focuses on giving you the most up to date information for each hero. This allows you to build you own hero with all the information you could possibly want, including videos of each hero ability in action.
Heroes fire also includes an weekly update on their main page that will give you a preview of the upcoming free rotation characters, so you know in advance what builds to start memorizing.
Looks like the gang’s all here. I feel like a gamer in a candy store!
Financials and Pocket Books
2. Gold Farming Tips in the Heroes of the Storm
Who knew that this whole time Blizzard was trying to teach us all about budgeting? With the myriad of ways to spend your precious, hard earned gold it is nice to have a financial advisor on your side. The HEROES OF THE STORM HERO GUIDE’s gold farming tips will not only maximize your gold, but also your efforts to get more gold.
Gamers are the only beasts who love gold more than pirates.
1. Heroes of the Storm is expensive: This is your guide to what to buy, and avoid, in the store by Daniel Friedman
While Daniel Friedman’s view of HotS monetary system is a bit cynical his guide to where, when, and how to spend your gold can save new players a lot of headache and frustration. The sheer honesty of the author’s opinions may be a little off putting to hardcore Blizzard fans, but his insights are clearly presented and help you know when it is best to work for gold or spend real-world cash.
Combine this guide with your favorite hero guide, and you will be quickly on your way to maximizing your favorite hero and dominating the Nexus.
Look at those doubloons pouring out from that hero’s corpse!
School’s not out yet check out these articles for more fancy learnin’.
Heroes of The Storm Gameplay: 10 Interesting Facts About This Awesome Moba