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DOTA 2 (2013)

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DOTA 2 is the highly successful sequel to Dota 1 and played by millions of players worldwide. The game features all the old heroes along with new heroes like the Legion Commander, Phoenix and the Oracle. Players can choose from over 100 different heroes, each with its own unique skills and ultimate ability and battle their enemies in 5v5 matches to climb the MMR ladder and prove their skills.

Winning on the battlefield will require choosing the right heroes, obtaining powerful items, killing enemy heroes and destroying the enemy team's Ancient. With the brand-new features of tracking player stats as well as completing "Steam achievements," DOTA 2 provides players with an intensely enjoyable multiplayer online battle arena.

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M.Nikolic's picture

M.Nikolic 9 years 2 months ago

It is the clash of tactics, fight for dominance, hours of sleep substituted for training and improving your skills.Dota2 is not only the Guiness Record-holding game with the highest tournament prize money (The International 2014, $10 million), but it is also the most competitive moba in the world, along with LOL. It requires precision and accuracy in executing the right action at the right time, but also the ability to think and play both solo and as a team player, and to think outside the box.

All Comments (24)

EarlySummeR's picture

EarlySummeR 7 years 4 months ago

I like the game and hate the public community

ttglwhammy's picture

ttglwhammy 9 years 2 weeks ago

Originally DOTA 2 was a Warcraft 3 Frozen throne map named DOTA, defence of the ancients. The game became so popular internationally that it was remade a stand alone game labelled DOTA 2, The remake included enhanced game play, graphics and much more. where you can with friends, chat and enjoy yourself. Your heroes appearance can be modified to give the character a more stylish and custom look. The game also involves a lot of thought and multitasking which I think is great.

AndreiCostea's picture

AndreiCostea 9 years 3 weeks ago

With DOTA 2, Valve offers its customers an alternative to one of its most obvious competitors, League of Legends. If LoL is all based around strict gameplay rules and cookie cutter builds, DOTA 2 brings in an air of flexibility which many players hail as being golden. A wide array of champions, an equally massive item pool from which to choose and with very few strictly defined roles to fill, DOTA 2 offers some of the most interesting team-fighting experiences. Although very many people consider it to be quite a challenging game for new players due to the numerous item-character combinations, I found this characteristic to be precisely the catalyst which made my DOTA 2 experience quite a pleasurable one. It is quite refreshing to win a match, while being able to freely choose how you itemize your character, not having cookie-cutter builds more or less forced onto you as a singular pathway to a winning condition.

mixerfish's picture

mixerfish 9 years 3 weeks ago

An amazing game. If you are looking for a cut edge moba this is the game for you, however if you are new to moba I would strongly suggest taking upon a simpler moba type of a game. This game requires reflexes, fast thinking and ofcourse a great team work skills to claim victory on the battleground.

rickcubillas's picture

rickcubillas 9 years 3 weeks ago

A game so good it threatens everyone from primary to college level students. This game has character! From it's epic story line to it's cast of heroes, this game is the reigning king of gaming in my country. What separates it the most is the team play that pits heroes with each of their strengths and weaknesses coming to play. Sequels from a great game is hard to come by they say, but DOTA 2 really pushed through the original DOTA and is now "OWNING" so to speak. Play the game and you'll be saying it as well. On my estimation this is "Godlike".

xavirex's picture

xavirex 9 years 3 weeks ago

Defense of the Ancients 2 isn't your everyday role-play game for which you turn on your PC hoping to finish the game and getting back to your everyday life. It is that game which plunges you into a world of greed where you play game after game hoping to win! It becomes a virus that causes you to influence other people to play along with you. There are many things about this game that stand out from most other MOBA games that you may (or may not) have played in the past (RTS too, but dare I mention League of Legends here). From the technical aspect, the game mechanics are far too different from other games. Each character has its own set of powers, and with a plethora of items to build, it allows an almost infinite builds possible, which is exactly what makes it an interesting game, because you never know what might happen. The only problem with such differentiation is that there exist heroes that are overpowered and some which are highly under-powered (which causes a gap between teams often). Also, the fact that almost anybody can play in Normal Matchmaking creates a disappointment, because there is always that one guy who keeps shouting "noobs" over the chat. Of course, there is no option to report the same. If only the word "noob" was censored, DotA 2 might have been better than it already is (*sigh*).

Rinisa's picture

Rinisa 9 years 3 weeks ago

Unlike its main competitor League of Legends, DOTA offers its complete heroes roster free to play. It features a friendly community fluent in Russian, Portuguese and trashtalk (if the EST servers are anything to go by) and an addictive, friendship-ruining fun. Dota is the MOBA others should model themselves after.

MarkD's picture

MarkD 9 years 1 month ago

"Dota 2 is total overhaul and refinement of what was originally Blizzards iconic characters. The goal of this game is to destroy the other teams ""Ancient"" hence the original title Defence of The Ancients but when steam purchased the rights to Dota (1) they simply named it Dota 2 (no acronym) You enter a world where the interface and skill sets are very simple but never let that fool you, the learning curve in Dota 2 is very high and may take you roughly 50-60 actual games just to graduate from the ""Noob"" title. Hero variety is key in winning as each team must have a competitive composition that introduces us to roles like Tanks, Setters, Support and Carry. Matches take a minimum of 40-60 minutes and in general has 3 phases; Early game, Mid Game and Late game and depending on the hero type chosen, those said stages is where specific hero types shine most (Support heroes are very good in the early game but come late game, this is where Carries devastate the most) The in itself is very dynamic. A losing team may be able to tip the pendulum in their favor once their heroes are fully equiped and has chosen a better Carry than the other team, this type of scenario doesnt only happen in the late but more often than not every 10mins ""Clashes"" or ""Teamfights"" where all 10 players from both sides duke it out in an epic 1-2min battle that usually decides who gets to move forward or destroy the opposing teams Ancient Pros: -A staggering amount of heroes (110) -Excellent graphics -Each and every game is always a new experience Cons: - Very high learning curve - Not so creative hero names (i mean it) - The games matchmaking always teams you up with a player 500 mmr (rank) lower than you (Noobs) - Trashtalking (lol)

belsken's picture

belsken 9 years 1 month ago

Dota 2 is the gold standard of MOBAs. Featuring over a hundred different heroes, each fast-paced 5v5 match is unique. Players must adopt new strategies as they adapt to the strategies of their enemies. If you have a competitive itch that needs to be scratched, this is the game for you.

mwaff's picture

mwaff 9 years 1 month ago

“Dota 2” offers fans of the original title a chance to return to the MOBA genre in familiar settings. The free-to-play title gives players full access to its roster of heroes from the start. This freedom combined with a well-made matchmaking system allows players to jump into the genre with little barriers or safety nets.

TheSergeant's picture

TheSergeant 9 years 1 month ago

Being a sequel to the DOTA that most of the gamers of this generation has grown up to, this game definitely rocked not only my world but also the gaming experience of other players. It incorporated the DOTA I used to know to the game by using the same heroes. The biggest leap of DOTA2 from DOTA is the graphics. This game did not settle on the previous low quality graphics but improved it to a quite realistic one for a better gaming experience. Definitely a must-play game.

mread05's picture

mread05 9 years 1 month ago

The most traditional of the current MOBA's, being the sequel to the game that kicked it all off. DOTA2 is a competitive, challenging and dynamic game. Fairly balanced, and constantly supported, DOTA2 boasts a robust system that will engage players for years to come. The community for the game is, also, one of the better ones for MOBAs, letting even solo play be more enjoyable than the competitors.

lightingft's picture

lightingft 9 years 1 month ago

DoTA 2 is an extremely addicting game which is suited for any RTS and MoBA fan. The game is complex, with a lot of variety, and although it is repetitive, every game is different. You can go many ways, wrong or right, every time. It requires time, though, and there’s always something you can learn.

mmtolsma's picture

mmtolsma 9 years 1 month ago

Dota 2 is one of the best MOBAs out there. With over one hundred playable heroes to choose from, each and every game you play is different. It takes a couple games to learn the ropes, but thankfully you can figure it out against bots or real people of your level. Once you get the hang of it, you will never stop playing.

tiemahshoo's picture

tiemahshoo 9 years 1 month ago

As far a MOBAs go, Dota 2 is here to stay. It offers competitive game play that's dynamic thanks to a large hero pool and items that enhance both user preference and situational combat. While it can be overwhelming for beginners, it's worth a try if you're a MOBA fan.

Dream3r's picture

Dream3r 9 years 1 month ago

After 200+ hours of gameplay I'm still not bored with this title and it was free! After two years I've only spent $10 on the optional in game purchases and that was simply because I felt Valve deserved at least some of my money. The game is very repetitive but it's so well balanced that you could play the same game mode for years...and that's exactly what I and millions of others are doing.

JJSF's picture

JJSF 9 years 1 month ago

When DotA gets married to Valve and births a baby on Steam, an entirely new standard for MOBAs is born along with it. Valve provides stunning visuals, and the arena structure is tried, extensively tested and balanced. The real genius lies in the fact that players can create cosmetic upgrades for heroes and sell them on the in-game market. Not only does this fuel the already massive interest of the largest playerbase on Steam, but it provides the resources to facilitate Dota's e-sports religion!

NarcisG's picture

NarcisG 9 years 1 month ago

The reason why you go on Twitch Tv and you see DotA2 after League of Legends is because of game difficulty and concentration. Make no mistake, this is not a game that you should ignore! This is a game for gamers who respect themselves. While you are still bound to an arena, the map of DotA2 is filled with interactions and objectives for you to secure. The learning curve for this game is very steep: many heroes, long 1 hour matches and over 100 items, but mastering DotA2 means mastering MOBAs.

bigbadwolfe's picture

bigbadwolfe 9 years 1 month ago

Probably one of the most popular MOBA's out right now, Dota 2 isn't for the faint of heart. The team matches aren't just a test of skill but also of mental fortitude. To do well you'll have to rise above the trash your opponent(and sometimes teammate) spews.

Shogun's picture

Shogun 9 years 2 months ago

A friend is teaching me to play Dota, it's pretty funny but I get lost a lot. I am very used to the gameplay of League of Legends and is pretty different, I would learn to play better.

Dagonli3's picture

Dagonli3 9 years 2 months ago

Dota 2 is game that will take hours of your time. A lot of my friends are asking me how can i play game that has only one map. It's simple because every game that you play can end differently. You need to be able to time your actions right, only one little mistake can be fatal for your team. This game will truly test your mind.

anjatutubo's picture

anjatutubo 9 years 2 months ago

Dota2 is great , it is the best game to release stress. I love using drow because because of its strength, and damage that he does when he hits enemies.

M.Nikolic's picture

M.Nikolic 9 years 2 months ago

It is the clash of tactics, fight for dominance, hours of sleep substituted for training and improving your skills.Dota2 is not only the Guiness Record-holding game with the highest tournament prize money (The International 2014, $10 million), but it is also the most competitive moba in the world, along with LOL. It requires precision and accuracy in executing the right action at the right time, but also the ability to think and play both solo and as a team player, and to think outside the box.

Maestro's picture

Maestro 9 years 2 months ago

If you ever wanted to test the limits to which you can push your mind to, this is the game for it. Calculating your opponent's every move, staying a step ahead of them and crushing them with perfect execution. The infinite wombo-combos, the crazy jukes, the right item choices and so many other elements that take a life time to master. This game will captivate your mind in so many ways that you will think about even when you are asleep.

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