[Top 10] Minecraft Most Common Mobs
What is a mob?
The term mob comes from the word mobile entity, and these entities in Minecraft are creatures whose behaviour comes from artificial intelligence.
Mobs can have different shapes and sizes and they generally resemble real-life creatures like animals or sometimes monsters, their purpose is to have the player interact with them and get some sort of gain from the interaction.
Mobs can be separated into 3 categories, passive, neutral and hostile; passive mobs will not do anything to the player, while neutral mobs will only attack if provoked, but hostile mobs will attack the player insight, be careful with hostile mobs.
So here is a list of the top 10 most common mobs in Minecraft.
10. Enderman:
The Enderman is a neutral mob that was inspired by the famous creepypasta of the Slenderman; it will only attack the player if it is provoked, either by attacking first or looking at it directly into the eyes, the Enderman is the only mob in the game that is capable of interacting with blocks by picking them up and placing them somewhere else.
· Health points: 40
· Drops: Ender pearl, any block being held
· Nature: Neutral
9. Drowned:
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The Drowned is a type of zombie that can either spawn underwater or if a normal zombie stays underwater for a certain amount of time, they also tend to spawn at night, but it is not as common as a normal zombie.
· Health points: 20
· Drops: Trident, nautilus shell, rotten flesh, armour, copper ingot
· Nature: Hostile
8. Spider:
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The Spider is a giant six-legged insect mob that can spawn either inside of caves or in the overworld at night, the spider only attacks if it senses the player as a threat, they can climb through walls and trees and some of them will poison you if they attack.
· Health points: 16
· Drops: String, spider eye
· Nature: Neutral
7. Skeleton:
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Skeletons like the other mobs on the list only spawn at night and will burn if exposed to the sun, but unlike the others on the list, skeletons can spawn in the nether making them one of the most common mobs, due to them being able to spawn in a large variety of biomes.
· Health points: 20
· Drops: bow, arrow, bones
· Nature: Hostile
6. Creeper:
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The creeper is a hostile mob that tends to approach the player silently at night, when the creeper reaches the player it makes a buzzing sound and if the player does not react it will blow up taking everything in its path.
· Health points: 20
· Drops: gun powder
· Nature: Hostile
5. Zombie:
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Zombies are one of the most common mobs in the game, they can either spawn in caves or at night in the overworld; one of the reasons why they are so common is because they tend to spawn in groups, unlike the other mobs in the list, Zombies might be slow, but if a hoard were to head your way then you shouldn't hesitate and run for your life!
· Health points: 20
· Drops: Rotten flesh, iron ingot, carrot, potato, natural or picked up equipment
· Nature: Hostile
4. Pig:
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Pigs are a common mob that usually spawn in grassy biomes during the daytime, they can be equipped with a saddle and be used as a method of transportation. They are also a good source of food since they can drop from one to three pieces of raw pork chop.
· Health points: 10
· Drops: Raw porkchop
· Type: Passive
3. Cow:
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Cows spawn in grassy biomes and tend to appear in herds of two or three, they are a good source of leather and food, to get the leather you must kill the cow, but the good news is that you will also get some raw beef in return.
· Health points: 10
· Drops: Leather and raw beef
· Nature: Passive
Everything you NEED to know about the Sheep in Minecraft
Sheep, are a passive mob that is found mostly on grassy biomes and, commonly, spawn in groups, their wool can come in a variety of colours; but, the most common is white, sheep are a good source of wool and can be trimmed by using a pair of sheers without having to kill the sheep.
· Health points: 8
· Drops: Wool, Raw mutton
· Nature: Passive
1. Chicken:
Everything You Need To Know About CHICKENS In Minecraft!
Chickens are by far the most common of mobs in Minecraft, because of their size and the way they breed, chickens can either spawn or hatch from an egg. Since they are so small they tend to spawn closer together and in bigger quantities.
· Health points: 4
· Drops: Feather, raw chicken, eggs
· Nature: Passive
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