2K Games: A List of the 10 Best 2K Games To Play in 2015 and 2016

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2K goodness!

2K Games has published some of the best games we know; here are ten of them!

Developer, distributor, and publisher of video games, 2K Games is home to titles widely considered to be the best of their respective genres. And they boast games for several of the most popular genres known to the gaming world. First-person shooter? Turn-based strategy? Sports simulation? You name it, they’ve got it.

Here then, is A List of the 10 Best 2K Games To Play in 2015 and 2016. We’ve focused on the most recent games, and included a few that have yet to be released but have all the signs of becoming massive hits. So let’s begin with game number…

10. Battleborn

Blizzard isn’t the only developer with a first-person MOBA in the works; Gearbox Software, creator of the Borderlands franchise, is behind the eagerly anticipated Battleborn, due for a late 2015 or early 2016 release.


Cartoon violence

So why are we excited about Battleborn? Check out those beautiful, eye-catching colors, and that charming, cartoony art style. And this being Gearbox, we can expect stellar shooting – not to mention addictive MOBA elements such as leveling up, interactive battlegrounds, and a roster of eclectic heroes to kick butt with.

Battleborn is a science fiction fantasy hybrid. Its story involves different species fleeing to the planet Solus, where they form factions and fight the Varelsi – the monsters responsible for destroying entire star systems in the universe. Sounds great to us!


That wacky art style...


New look, good old fasioned shootin'!


Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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tsheardy's picture

tsheardy 5 years 7 months ago

Nioshock was my favorite game the year.

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