Intimidate your opponent with the right badass decal!
Rocket League should be a game that’s all about having fun, and it is. Somewhat. The problem is that it’s such a good game that the masses have started taking it really seriously. From players grinding the ranked ladders daily and trying to go pro into Esport tournaments to people spending hours in their garage tuning and customizing their rides.
The player base is so invested that the game has its own series of online marketplaces to buy and sell cosmetics such as boost, decals, bodies, you name it. Players have even developed a mini side hustle off of trading in-game items while trying to get to their favorite premium cosmetic or even making a profit!
With the price of good-looking animated decals going sky high, we’re here to help you uncover some of the hidden gems. Let’s take a look at the top 10 best-animated decals if you’re on a budget!
10. Dot Matrix
Some players don’t want sports lines and fast streaks going up and down their car, maybe they want a change. The Dot Matrix decal is a solid choice for those looking to change it up a bit while adding some different shapes and effects to their vehicle.
The Dot Matrix is a very rare class decal that trades for around 50 credits only! You really can’t go wrong with that price and might as well add it to your collection if you’re a cosmetics enthusiast or collector. It has nice looking slow flashing dots running all around its body while providing some thick blacks in color.
9. Distortion
This decal has been around for a while and hasn’t lost much popularity since. The Distortion decal is pretty unique in its own way as you won’t find many other decals like it. It gives off Cyberpunk or old Sega games vibes for some reason.
The Distortion is a very rare class decal that goes for around 50 credits only! It’s one of the cheapest on the market. It features highly contrasted dark colors that go all around the blacks. Its animation is also really cool in the way it flashes and rotates on every inch of the car.
8. Leviathan
Whenever I look at the Leviathan decal, it feels like a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s the bubbles going all over the body slowly as if you’ve just opened a refreshing beer or soda, or it could be the clean-looking squiggly lines running across the hood that resemble seaweed in the ocean.
The Leviathan is an import class decal that goes for an average price of about 300 credits. It’s certainly worth a look at as it’s really well balanced. It provides a nice canvas for some really cool designs if you’re not into all the fast-paced flashy decals.
7. Labyrinth
You either love it or hate it. The Labyrinth decal looks as if you’re staring at an optical illusion. Some love them and some hate them, but one thing is for sure, it’s definitely catching the eyes of friends and foes. It’s a really fun decal though.
The Labyrinth is our first black market class decal on this list that goes for just around 150 credits! It’s not the cleanest design, but it’s really flashy, cool, and in your face all the time. The animation doesn’t leave an inch of your car exposed as it makes it flash with different moving line patterns all over. Mesmerizing.
6. Smokescreen
It’s literally in the name of the decal. The Smokescreen decal is just a smokescreen that’s painted all over your car. Sounds boring, right? Well, maybe, depending on your creativity. You could just select one color and move on. Or, you can find some great designs by mixing and matching several paint styles and colors.
The Smokescreen is an import class decal that sells for around 70 credits only. Its animation might be simple, but it’s really clean which caught my eye. As I said, the only limit is your imagination. The slow-moving matte finish clouds are really soothing on the eyes as well. A classy fun decal.
5. Wetpaint
The name isn’t the most inspiring, I’ll give you that much, but this decal is seriously clean. It’s not your average stripes paint job. The animation resembles splashing through wet paint, hence the name, where the first part of the car has moving multi-colored liquidy stripes all over, while the back part is cleaner.
The Wetpaint is actually a black market class decal that costs around 150 credits. It’s subtle and straight to the point in terms of animation. I’d argue that it doesn't really feel like a black market decal, but for 150 credits only, you can’t really go wrong here.
4. Parallax
I don’t know about you, but I instantly thought “Creeper!” when I saw this decal. Maybe it’s because I’m a big Minecraft fan, but nonetheless, it’s a decent design. The Parallax decal moves away from the regular types of designs you’d see in the game.
The Parallax is a black market class decal that costs around 250 credits. When you look at the animation, it reminds you of those old NES 2D games with pixelated cubes but remastered almost. The animation also runs across the front end of the car to the back with different-sized cubes to give it a more eccentric look. Sleek.
3. Partly Cloudy
This decal is my personal favorite on the list. The Partly Cloudy decal is one of the sleekest designs I’ve ever seen. The name suggests clouds, but I see them resembling smoke puffs. It’s a really badass simple decal with a lot of room for creativity.
The Partly Cloudy is a limited class decal that trades for around 200 credits. The animation features random-sized clouds roaming across the body of your car like a storm brewing. The edges of the clouds are also a little more transparent allowing for nice color fusions between the primary and the accent.
2. Streamline
Introducing one of the best decals you may have never heard of. The Streamline decal is nothing complicated and really simple on the eye, but it has one of the best animations at a cheap price! It’s super fresh-looking.
The Streamline is a black market class that’s selling for around 250 credits. The animation features streaks of stripes running across the front and back of your car. On one side, the lines run from the front of your car to the back, and on the other side, they run in the opposite direction.
1. Slipstream
Claiming the number 1 spot on this list is none other than a fan favorite. The Slipstream can belong on so many top lists regardless of its budget price. It’s a really cool-looking animation that combines a bit of everything from still lines to glowing animations.
The Slipstream is a black market class decal that trades for around 200 credits only! That’s a steal if you look at how good and well it blends in so many colors, especially whites! The animation speaks for itself with how eccentric, flashy, and bright it can get. This is a gem among all the premium-priced decals players are willing to splash their credits on, be different!
All prices detailed are from Rocket League Insider, rl.insider.gg
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