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Hastelgado's Profile

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Available GD Points: 4
About - Tarek Al Nomeiry: Being born in the golden era of gaming when social media didn't exist yet, Tarek's life revolved around every single geeky thing you could think of from offline games to anime. Such a life allowed him to gain hundreds and thousands of hours of experience on different topics and genres. Being experienced in analytical writing, he loves to obsess and over analyze every little detail in his favorite games from aesthetics like a game's OST to statistical information that could give you that extra edge in combat in your preferred FPS. Or, a "try hard sweat" in short. However, he does believe that games are meant to be fun first and foremost. He's even a nerd in his life outside gaming having achieved a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering, which erm.. might explain his obsession over Minecraft having played it since it's introduction. He's sank hundreds of hours into his beloved First Person Shooters from the old days of Modern Warefare 2 to his most recent favorite Apex Legends and sports games such as FIFA, PES, and WWE wrestling. Tarek's hobbies include sports and investing. He's also worked previously as sports journalist covering his team, The Arsenal.

Level 5 Newbie

1432 xp

until level 6

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