Rocket League is like any competitive game: it requires training. Here is a list of the Top 15 Best Training Packs that will get you where you need to be and further.
15. AERIAL CAR CONTROL (A3E1-92C2-8757-4195)

When getting into more advanced gameplay, aerial car control is critical to your success. This pack starts you off with all static setups, which is good for practicing your takeoff, what angle to come from and consistency. Getting into the air without worrying about reading the ball just yet enables you to focus on how you use your battle car instead.
Reasons to choose Aerial Car Control:
- Improves precision.
- Can be applied to any action in game (shots, clears, challenges).
- Trains car control.
14. DRIBBLE TRAINING (04C1-42C8-6E5D-6F75)

The point of this training is in the name; the Platinum level set gently sets up the ball so you can practice your own approach to dribbles and keeping control. It presents different situations where this tactic is useful (near goal, after big hits to take possession) so you can hone your skills.
Reasons to choose Dribble Training:
- Trains dribbling technique.
- Presents eight different shots with varying scenarios, helping you recognize them in game.
- Sets you up for learning to take possession of the ball.

Basic Aerials is a smaller pack that sets the player up for slower aerial shots on goal; with the arch of the ball path, you can start hitting at its lower point and build up to higher interceptions to make the shot (or absolutely dunk it from the ceiling), while learning what works best for your adjustments in the air.
Reasons to choose Basic Aerials:
- Sets you up for more advanced aerials.
- Great for overall car control (takeoff, landing, boost management).
- Trains reading the ball as it moves.
12. WALL TO AIR DRIBBLE (5A65-4073-F310-5495)

This pack was made for new players and later ranks looking to practice their skills at air dribbling; three shots are set for you to take them up the wall, and do your best to get them to goal. While you do that, you’ll also be refining your aerial and ball control technique, making you dangerous on offense.
Reasons to choose Wall to Air Dribbles:
- Every shot has multiple ways to approach it.
- Gradually increases in difficulty, pushing players to grow.
- The pace allows learning for lower ranks and creativity for veterans.

This training sets up the ball to challenge your advancing mechanics. You'll want to know how to half-flip, and the pack will continue to off-the-wall aerials, and groundwork while you practice reading and getting to the ball.
Reasons to choose Diamond Mechanics:
- Practice important basic mechanics.
- Enhances dribbling and aerial consistency.
- Designed to get you advanced to Diamond rank.
10. AIR DRIBBLES (ECE7-F71A-5F48-7B46)

It kicks off with three static setups so you can find your style of getting the ball from the ground, into the air and to goal. Air Dribbles lets you work through the steps while practicing keeping it in possession and control.
Reasons to choose Air Dribbles:
- This pack is excellent for beginners to get a head start on the mechanics, and veterans to polish their skills.
- You can focus on ball control without worrying about reading it yet.
- It reiterates what a scoring opportunity for an air dribble might look like.

This training set shoots high-speed shots on goal, with various starting positions that make the saves a bit more difficult. Using ground, backboard and aerial saves, it helps you develop swifter reactions as you practice.
Reasons to choose Diamond Defense:
- Improve defensive skills.
- Increases reliability in Diamond-level situations.
- Puts quick decision-making in practice as much as defense.

This pack pushes different shots quicker than the earlier aerial training sets, with wall and ground bounces for you to read and try to shoot into goal. It's less forgiving on trying to make shots at a lower point, which develops your ability to read the ball while gaining aerial consistency.
Reasons to choose Intermediate Aerials:
- Gain confidence and reliability on aerial hits.
- Practice more complex shots.
- Good for Bronze-Plat trying to advance their rank.

This Pro pack is all about the backboard, and clearing the ball away from it. You can practice reading the ball on its approach near goal, and practice different ways to defend the hit. Basic taps work, or this set can be used to practice getting off of the backboard to turn a clear into an aerial play.
Reasons to choose Backboard Defense:
- Train your reaction to different backboard situations.
- Changes in height and angle of the ball challenges your ability to read and react to them.
- Gain consistency on clears and defense.
6. 10 SHOTS TO MASTER (8A9B-4843-7039-8611)

This series of shots are common opportunities you’ll see in game to make a shot on goal; it starts off with basic wall bounces, and works up to hits from across the field. The greatest challenge is the time limit on each shot, which will help build your reaction time and power on the ball with each training session.
Reasons to choose 10 Shots to Master:
- Develop advanced ground shot capabilities.
- The opposition is tougher than most of the previous packs, which is great for ranking up and keeping your skills sharp.
- Train consistency in recognizing opportunities for shots on goal at higher ranks.
5. SAVES (2E23-ABD5-20C6-DBD4)

This pack has 46 different shots created to challenge you in the variety of ways the ball can make it into goal. It positions your car in various ways that make it more complex, or powerful, to help you gain the defensive consistency you’ll need.
Reasons to choose Saves:
- Puts you in high-pressure situations to practice last second saves.
- Develops consistency in reading that there is a high-pressure situation and reacting to it.
- Positions your car to mechanically challenge you going for the ball.

These ten shots will challenge mixing offense and defense, while trying to make those last second goals that put you ahead. Learn to strike as quick as a Champ (you usually get three seconds to make magic in this pack) by reading complex situations that you can turn into opportunities.
Reasons to choose Shots You Shouldn’t Miss:
- Focuses on shooting while you practice defense.
- Builds accuracy and consistency.
- Develops speed while challenging your reaction time.

The keyword here is ‘uncomfortable’. These defense drills involve complicated shots on goal, and works every tactic you might need to use. You’ll train your aerial, ground, and backwards saves to become the ultimate goalie.
Reasons to choose Uncomfortable Saves:
- Great problem-solving practice on defense.
- Has everything from straightforward saves, to from-the-ground backwards saves, developing consistency and skill.
- Builds and challenges your ability to use various methods of saving the ball.
2. IN FRONT REDIRECTS (D46A-5488-5A22-2763)

This training pack is designed to practice receiving and redirecting the ball into goal. A variety of downfield passes are sent your way, and it’s up to you to train how you go about scoring. Along with striking, you’ll exercise your take off, aerial control and speed while developing consistency.
Reasons to choose In Front Redirects:
- Goes from straightforward plays to more advanced aerials, giving you a wide range of training.
- Learn to recognize passes that can become shots on goal.
- Refine your technique for hard-to-reach plays.
1. AERIAL FLIP RESET SHOTS (998E-329B-7A64-6794)

Aerial Flip Reset Shots takes the top pick for this list, because it requires every tool you’ve developed in the other packs. You’ll use your aerial car control, take-off, dribbling, backboard training, and redirect training to pull off these twenty maneuvers. It’s made for advanced players, but works for lower levels trying to get their reset technique going too.
Reasons to choose Aerial Flip Reset Shots:
- Improves every other skill while you work towards this challenging shot.
- Exercise your timing and control.
- Advance your aerial reach and abilities.