Fishing is a great way to make money in Red Dead Online, Here are the most expensive fish in the game
From jaw-dropping landscapes, roaming wildlife, and insanely intense gunfights to everything, both the offline experience and the online component of Red Dead Online seemingly have it all. There are various species of fish to seek out and catch in the vast world of Red Dead Online and each one has its own unique traits.
10. Perch
Selling Price: $1.25
Perch are one of the most common fish in the game and can be found in lakes and rivers all over the map. They respond best to bread, although will go for just about any type of bait if it dangles in front of them for long enough. They hate the rain, meaning the best time to catch them is when it's sunny and dry.
Perch can sell for a very respectable $1.25 in Rhodes or St. Denis and this is the same price offered by the Tall Trees trapper. Anywhere else though, and the best players can expect to make is a dollar for every fish they sell.
How to get it:
Go fishing
9. Smallmouth Bass
Selling Price: $2.00
Smallmouth Bass is a fish which is not to be underestimated. This clever little devil can weigh up to six pounds or a nice-sized portion of flaky fish meat. The Smallmouth Bass prefers crickets over lures and is active rain or shine.
A hungry outlaw can find the Smallmouth Bass in Lake Don Julio south of Armadillo, on the Upper Montana River directly south of Riggs Station, and on the west coast of Flat Iron Lake.
How to get it:
Go fishing
8. Largemouth Bass
Selling Price: $2.00
The Largemouth Bass fights hard and gives outlaws a feeling of accomplishment when reeled in. Skilled fishermen can find this prize fish all over the southern map.
From the southern tip of the San Luis River below Tumbleweed to the coasts of Iron Lake to the swamps of Lemoyne, the Largemouth Bass can be seen jumping out of the water. They are most active on rainy days and have a taste for crawfish.
How to get it:
Go fishing
7. Longnose Gar
Selling Price: $3.13
If an outlaw wants a challenge, the Longnose Gar is a great place to start. The Longnose Gar can be as long as six feet and weigh up to 20 pounds. Sadly, for the size of the fish, it will not help you earn much.
The Longnose Gar can only be found in the swamps of Lemoyne; in Blue Water Mash and in the shallow water a few feet away from Lakay. This monster loves overcast weather and Swamp Lures.
How to get it:
Go fishing
6. Channel Catfish
Selling Price: $3.13
The Channel Catfish is a monster fish that can weigh anywhere from 14 to 20 pounds. This fish loves muddy swamp waters, natural baits, and overcast weather. The Channel Catfish can also be caught with a Swamp Lure.
As a determined player, you can find this fish on the Kamassa River as it flows through Lemoyne, northeast of San Dennis. An outlaw can also find it on the banks of the Lannahechee River.
How to get it:
Go fishing
5. Lake Sturgeon
Selling Price: $4.00
The Lake Sturgeon is one of the biggest fish in Red Dead Online. The Lake Sturgeon can weigh up to 20 pounds and bring in $4.00 to the seasoned fishermen.
The Lake Sturgeon can be found on the west banks of Iron Lake, as well as throughout the swamps of Lemoyne. The only downside of reeling in a Lake Sturgeon is that a player can only carry one at a time on the back of their horse.
How to get it:
Go fishing
4. Sockeye Salmon
Selling Price: $4.25
The Sockeye Salmon can be spotted swimming upstream in a fast-flowing cold river. The best chance of hooking one of these big guys is on an overcast day using a river lure. You’ll find six pounds as a decent weight for the fish.
Sockeye Salmon reside north of Big Valley in the Little Creek River and the northern part of the Dakota River, in the area around Bacchus Bridge, just north of Fort Wallace.
How to get it:
Go fishing
3. Steelhead Trout
Selling Price: $4.25
The Steelhead Trout is a worthy opponent for the outlaw fishermen of Red Dead Online. If you’re dedicated enough, you’ll get thrilled with the catch.
The Steelhead Trout can be found where the Dakota River feeds into Flat Iron Lake, the Lower Montana River just west of Thieves Landing, and in the San Luis river south of Manteca Falls. This hard-fighting fish loves worms and rainy weather.
How to get it:
Go fishing
2. Muskie
Selling Price: $5.00
From the list, The Muskie is the fish that is most difficult to catch. It loves the icy cold water of West Elizabeth, Ambarino and New Hanover. The best places to track down this beast are on the Owanjila west of Strawberry, Lake Isabella, and in the northern part of the Kamassa River near Brandywine Drop.
Bagging a Muskie can be lucrative and make players up to $5.00. The Muskie does not go after live bait, yet can be enticed with Lake Lures.
How to get it:
Go fishing
1. Northern Pike
Selling Price: $5.00
In my opinion, the most enjoyable fish to hook is the Northern Pike. The Northern Pike is one of the most aggressive fish in Red Dead Online. They can be seen north of Van Horn, north of Annasburg on the Kamassa River, and the Dakota River north of Valentine.
This fish can be sold to any butcher and it should weigh anywhere from 14 to 20 pounds. River Lures and worms work best for attracting this beauty.
How to get it:
Go fishing
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