Let’s get to know the shotguns in Red Dead Online.
No cowboy is complete without a quality shotgun loaded with power. Firearms play a major role in the Wild West. Choosing the best one is a matter of life and death. It doesn't matter if players are hunting, playing PvP, or taking down NPCs because, at the end of the day, a player with an inferior weapon is bound to get the shorter end of the stick more often than not.
Shotguns use a different style of ammo when compared to other weapons in-game, firing a spread of pellets instead of a single projectile. This increases the chance of hitting an enemy on the run or hitting multiple enemies but limits the effective weapon range of most shotguns to close-quarters combat.
5. Repeating Shotgun
Price: $434
Unlock level: 11
AN UNRIVALED MARVEL OF POWER. This Lancaster Repeating Shotgun is nationally recognized as the strongest shooter in the market. You will barely feel it in your hands until it goes off, and then, Lord Almighty, you will say prayers to God first and Lancaster soon after. FIRE THIS GUN 10,000 TIMES AND SEE.
How to get it
It can be purchased from all gunsmiths or via the Handheld Catalog.
4. Semi-Auto Shotgun
Price: $540
Unlock level: 42
UNSURPASSED PENETRATION AGAIN AND AGAIN. The Brun et Fabre Semi-Automatic Shotgun is the highest grade, the most perfect, and the best-priced semi-auto shotgun made in the world. One of the most attractive fancy firearms on the market.
How to get it
It can be purchased from all gunsmiths or via the Handheld Catalog.
3. Pump-Action Shotgun
Price: $266
Unlock level: 5
For the man who has more tongue than sense, the mere sound of the Lancaster Pump-Action Shotgun loading a shell into the chamber should have him shut his mouth right quick. We think the new Lancaster design makes this the finest pump-action shotgun available on the market today.
How to get it
It can be purchased from all gunsmiths or via the Handheld Catalog.
2. Sawed-Off Shotgun
Price: $111
Unlock level: 19
A lightweight shotgun that is easy to use and conceal, as many situations in modern times require. The safety and durability and, above all, superior penetration of this fine shotgun cannot be matched. This one’s a freaking sidearm and you can dual-wield, too. FOR THE MAN THAT ENJOYS WIELDING AN HONEST SURPRISE.
How to get it
It can be purchased from all gunsmiths or via the Handheld Catalog.
1. Rare Shotgun
Price: $258
Unlocked from the start
Handcrafted, elegantly designed, and unique in every way, it will soon become your most cherished possession after the Good Book and faithful dog. Surely those on the business end of it will blush and stammer at the honor of being threatened with such a masterpiece of artistry.
How to get it
It can be purchased from all gunsmiths or via the Handheld Catalog.
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