How Should You Build Ayato?
The young but highly accomplished head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner, Kamisato Ayato has finally arrived in Genshin Impact. This boba-loving older brother of Kamisato Ayaka is sure to be a fun yet powerful addition to your party!
Ayato’s Elemental skill converts his normal attacks into a big AoE Hydro Damage. Though he is unable to do a charge attack or plunge while in this state, he makes up for it by attacking rapidly. With that said, here are our Top 3 Genshin Impact Best Ayato Builds That Wreck Hard!
3. Taser
A taser team is what we usually call a Hydro+Electro team. This team is especially good for constant damage and very good for crowds as the electro charge can also transfer to other wet enemies.
5 Star Weapons:
Haran Geppaku Futsu: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your Elemental DMG and normal ATK DMG
Mistsplitter Reforged: Crit DMG, Base ATK and an increase to your Elemental DMG
Primordial Jade Cutter: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your HP and ATK bonus based on HP
Skyward Blade: Energy Recharge, Base ATK and an increase to your Crit Rate, Movement and ATK Speed as well as normal and charged DMG
4 Star Weapons:
The Black Sword: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your normal and charged DMG
Amenoma Kageuchi: ATK, Base ATK and give you more Energy
Lion’s Roar: ATK, Base ATK as well as increase to enemies affected by Electro
Echoes of an Offering: 2 pieces ATK +18%, 4 pieces normal ATK +70% if triggered
Heart of Depth: 2 pieces hydro DMG +15%, 4 pieces charged and normal ATK +30%
Gladiator Finale: 2 pieces ATK +18%, 4 pieces normal ATK +35%
Thundering Fury: 4 pieces Electro-charged DMG +40% and decrease CD of your Elemental Skill
Good Substats: Crit Rate, Crit DMG, ATK%, HP%
Raiden Shogun, Yae Miko, Beidou or Fischl for applying Electro
Zhongli for Shield
Yun Jin for Normal ATK increase
Kazuha or Sucrose for Swirling and Elemental
Bennett for ATK+Healing
2. Permafreeze
A permafreeze team is when your enemies are constantly affected by Cryo and Hydro elements making them unable to move and thus allowing you to constantly attack without receiving damage.
5 Star Weapons:
Haran Geppaku Futsu: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your Elemental DMG and normal ATK DMG
Mistsplitter Reforged: Crit DMG, Base ATK and an increase to your Elemental DMG
Primordial Jade Cutter: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your HP and ATK bonus based on HP
Skyward Blade: Energy Recharge, Base ATK and an increase to your Crit Rate, Movement and ATK Speed as well as normal and charged DMG
4 Star Weapons:
The Black Sword: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your normal and charged DMG
Amenoma Kageuchi: ATK, Base ATK and give you more Energy
Echoes of an Offering: 2 pieces ATK +18%, 4 pieces normal ATK+70% if triggered
Heart of Depth: 2 pieces hydro DMG +15%, 4 pieces charged and normal ATK +30%
Gladiator Finale: 2 pieces ATK +18%, 4 pieces normal ATK +35%
Blizzard Strayer: 4 pieces increase Crit Rate by 40%
Good Substats: Crit Rate, Crit DMG, ATK%, Energy Recharge, HP%
Ayaka, Rosaria or Ganyu for applying Cryo
Diona for applying Cryo, Healing and Shield
Yun Jin for Normal ATK increase
Kazuha or Sucrose for Swirling and Elemental
Bennett for ATK+Healing
1. Vaporize
Caused by enemies affected by Hydro+Pyro, Vaporize multiples the damage of the attack that caused it making it one of the most powerful elemental reaction in the game.
5 Star Weapons:
Haran Geppaku Futsu: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your Elemental DMG and normal ATK DMG
Mistsplitter Reforged: Crit DMG, Base ATK and an increase to your Elemental DMG
Primordial Jade Cutter: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your HP and ATK bonus based on HP
Skyward Blade: Energy Recharge, Base ATK and an increase to your Crit Rate, Movement and ATK Speed as well as normal and charged DMG
4 Star Weapons:
The Black Sword: Crit Rate, Base ATK and an increase to your normal and charged DMG
Amenoma Kageuchi: ATK, Base ATK and give you more Energy
Lion’s Roar: ATK, Base ATK as well as increase to enemies affected by Pyro
Echoes of an Offering: 2 pieces attack +18%, 4 pieces increase normal attack by 70% if triggered
Heart of Depth: 2 pieces hydro attack +15%, 4 pieces increase charged and normal attack by 30% after elemental skill for 15 seconds
Gladiator Finale: 2 pieces attack +18%, 4 pieces normal Attack +35% if sword, claymore, or polearm wielder
Good Substats: Crit Rate, Crit DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery, HP%
Xiangling for applying Pyro
Bennett for applying Pyro and ATK+Healing
Zhongli for Shield
Yun Jin for Normal ATK increase
Kazuha or Sucrose for Swirling and Elemental