Keqing is a really beloved character and everyone wants to have a wallpaper about her, but it’s kind of difficult to find a good one.
Today, we’re going to show you 15 wallpapers that are freaking awesome. You can find all of them on Wallpaper Engine, a Steam application dedicated to wallpapers.
15.Keqing with bubbles
In this wallpaper we can see Keqing playing with a bubble. This wallpaper looks really comfy and beautiful because of the purple and soft colours.
This wallpaper is really amazing.
14.Romantic Keqing
In this wallpaper we can see Keqing offering you a chocolate box. It seems like this was made for Valentine’s Day. There’s also a cat around her and her outfit looks really cool.
This wallpaper is really beautiful.
13.Keqing laying on the floor
Here we can see Keqing laying on the floor while she blushes and looks at you.
It’s a very simple wallpaper but it doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. The colours are really amazing and the art style is very beautiful.
12.Keqing with a butterfly
Here we can see Keqing in the water with a light butterfly flying around her.
The colours and the light in this wallpaper look amazing and the way she’s been drawn is very beautiful too.
11.Keqing with Diluc
Here we can see in a kind of anime style Keqing and Diluc. It looks like they’re fighting. Keqing is using her Elemental Burst and Diluc is casting his Elemental Skill since his claymore is on fire.
10.Keqing looking at you
Here we can see Keqing looking directly at you with a pink bond around her and some sakura flowers flying around.
It’s a very simple wallpaper but it’s a really beautiful one too.
9.Keqing with a cat
Keqing looks like a cat with that hairstyle, so it’s not weird that we find a lot of fanarts with her with cats. This time, we can see her carrying a white cat with her.
She looks so happy here and the colours are very relaxing and beautiful.
8.Keqing enjoying some time alone
Here we can see Keqing in Liyue's house enjoying some time alone with some butterflies flying around her. Butterflies match her colour’s outfit!
This one is really cool because it moves.
7.Keqing in the middle of the night
In this wallpaper we can see Keqing wearing her special skin for Rite Lantern. She’s in the middle of the night looking at the moon with a really happy face.
The colours in this wallpapers are really beautiful since they’re all blues and purples.
6.Keqing and Ganyu
Ganyu and Keqing are really good friends so here we have a wallpaper that represents that friendship. Their colours match perfectly and it looks really beautiful because of the light and the colours the artist chose.
5.Keqing fighting Oceanid
Here we can see Keqing fighting Oceanid, a Genshin Impact’ boss. Keqing is a really good fighter and we can see it being represented here.
The colours and the environment are really beautiful in this wallpaper.
4.Keqing working
Here we can see Keqing working. She’s a good fighter but she’s also a hard-working woman that has a lot of things to do.
She looks really beautiful here and that’s why we love this wallpaper so much.
3.Keqing in the water
Here we can see Keqing in the water with light flowers around her.
The colours and the light in this wallpaper look amazing and the way she’s been drawn is very beautiful too.
2.Summer Keqing
In this wallpaper we can see Keqing with some Liyue’s flowers. The colours and the environment remind me a lot of summer.
Keqing looks really beautiful here blushing and looking directly at you.
1.Keqing in a garden
This is one of my favourites. In this wallpaper we can see Keqing in a garden looking directly at you while blushing. She’s wearing a really beautiful dress.
We love this wallpaper so much because she looks really beautiful on her dress.