We’re all looking for a get rich quick scheme in America, but in real life, we might not find one. Fortunately for us gamers, Far Cry 5 warrants a very easy option: prepper stashes. Designed by those crazy enough to believe in the apocalypse (and ended up being somewhat right), some civilians of Hope COunty have hidden away some incredible prepper stashes filled with money, perks and goodies galore. With 28 stashes in the game, which ones should you hit first? Get your shovels, flashlights and lockpicks ready, we’re listing the top 10 prepper stashes in Far Cry 5.
10. Sunken Funds
Get your pirate booty with these Sunken Funds!
It’s not quite Pirates of the Caribbean, but you’ll be feeling your swashbuckler vibes out on this Hope County island with this booty. Just make sure no scurvy peggies catch you in the act!
What makes Sunken Funds Great:
- A great waterside view of Hope County
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
9. Open World Perk Points
Dig into Jacob's region to find those prepper treasures!
Where a lot of these prepper stashes hold many easy perk points, there are many available around Hope County NOT in prepper stashes. And what’s better than one perk point? How about 20 freebie perk points? This video will help you navigate to these locations and help you level up your abilities at any time throughout your gameplay.
What makes Open World Perk Points Great:
- Quicker than most prepper stashes
- Can find all over the map of Hope County
- Does not need to be completed all at once like other prepper stashes
How to Solve Open World Perk Points
8. The Holdouts
Don't "holdout" on this prepper stash any longer!
So I don’t think when Elliot left his house he thought YOU would be getting these supplies…but clearly given the massive “RESIST JACOB” sign on his house I don’t think he would mind giving it to you after all….
What makes The Holdouts Great:
- Vietnam lighter to add to your collection (prize for collecting all 12)
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
7. Gone Squatchin’
Get your big foot on....
Unfortunately you won’t be finding the elusive sasquatch on this mission, but what you will find is arguably better. Just get ready for the possibility you MAY spot said beast on your salmon fishing trip….
What makes Gone Squatchin’ Great:
- Fishing Magazine: Chinook Salmon, giving you locations of Chinook Salmon in Hope County
- Vinyl crate for Turn The Tables side quest with Wheaty
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
6. O’Hara’s Haunted House
Is it Spooky season???
Get ready to get spooked on your search for this prepper stash. Hope County’s resident’s got a little creative with how to protect their loot here….make sure you throw on a diaper before you grab this stash….
What makes O’Hara’s Haunted House Great:
- A really good scare!
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Bliss Oil, useful for seizing outposts and enemy fights
- Ammo, because you can never have too much of that
How to Solve O’Hara’s Haunted House
5. Playing With Fire
You might want to bring a backpack for this one.....but not for books...
This stash will bring you back from the scary elements of the previous stash, but still is somewhat creepy? Why? It’s on a good old yellow school bus. Well, at least it starts there…then goes to a sewer. Kind of like many of this author’s report cards….
What makes Playing With Fire Great:
- Molotov - Enhanced Recipe which proves very useful in outpost takedown
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
How to Solve Playing With Fire
4. Hanger Pains
Check out this pain of a prepper stash.
The name says it all: getting into this hangar is a bit of a pain! But what you’ll find inside will have you flying high…..literally.
What makes Hanger Pains Great:
- Pack Hunter plane which is accessible from any Plane Spawn location
- Cheeseburger Bobblehead to add to your trophy collection
- Hares Magazine which allows you to find Hare locations throughout Hope County
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
3. Man Cave
You won't find the football game on in this man cave...
Every guy’s got a man cave, but not every man’s got a prepper stash. And not every man has a 2012 Kimberlite TCZ, but after you find this stash, you sure as hell will!
What makes Man Cave Great:
- 2012 Kimberlite TCZ accessible for free from any Car Spawn location
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
2. Overwatch
Grab some grappling hooks...you're gonna need 'em.
Raptor Peak is not a location to take lightly, but for the outcome of this stash you’ll have to risk it. But overwatch? Yeah! It would be nice to have someone to watch over you up there….
What makes Overwatch Great:
- Flight Suit outfit
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities
1. Getaway
You won't want to "get away" from this stash!
McCollough’s garage has our favorite prepper stash find. SSR? Super Seriously Rad? You be the judge when you get the chance to run some peggies down flat in this bad boy on four wheels.
What makes Getaway Great:
- 1973 Pygmation SSR car available from any Car Spawn location
- $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
- Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities