[Top 25] Famous Monsters from Fantasy Movies and Games: Page 4 of 5

Famous Monsters from Fantasy Movies and Games
What's a story without some kind of monster? Still a story, just probably not as interesting.

9. Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal - Game of Thrones

Three dragons, the children of Daenerys Targaryen. Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal are fearsome (well, maybe not in that picture) creatures who help their mother in her quest to take the Iron Throne.

We get to meet these three relatively early in the series. From small little dragonlings, they grow to fearsome beasts capable of bringing cities to ruin. As far as famous dragons go, these three are definitely well known. Maybe not by name, but definitely by their mother. All three of them are your typical dragons.

Strong, tough scaly hides, and fire-breathing. Viserion, however, is eventually killed and reanimated by the Night King, causing him to transform like other wights do. The three of them are classic dragons in every sense of the word. While they do serve their mother, they actually are free creatures, and have been known to leave for little adventures of their own.

I am a sucker for dragons, and unlike Skyrim’s dragons, these three are famous for the right reasons.
Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal are most known for:

  • Being the three dragons of Daenerys Targaryen, hatched by her from eggs.
  • Viserion being killed by the Night King, and reanimated by him as well.
  • Drogon melting the Iron Throne in grief and rage over his mother’s death.
  • Being the last known living dragons in the world.



8. Koopas/Goombas - Mario

The two main enemies of the Mario franchise, Koopas and Goombas are often in service to King Bowser, though many of them are also unaffiliated and lead normal lives.

The two most iconic- and probably recognizable- monsters ever. Goombas and Koopas are among the first enemies we ever meet in the Mario games, and while their base versions aren’t really anything special, they have many variants that are stronger. Both Goombas and Koopas have para-versions (ones that fly). They also have spiky versions, or ones that are just stronger overall.

Goombas tend to rely on head bonking to attack, while Koopas are more diverse. They usually throw hammers or attack with their shells, but some of ‘em can use magic too. Goombas and Koopas may not be the strongest or most showy, but there’s no doubt they’re some of the best known monsters in gaming history.

Honestly, I was going to put them on this list separately, but I don’t think one is any better or lesser known than the other. Unless I counted specific characters, though even that would probably end in a tie.
Goombas and Koopas are most known for:

  • Being the staple enemies of the series, making an appearance in almost (if not every) Mario title.
  • A majority of them swearing allegiance to Bowser.
  • Being some of the weaker enemies in the series.


7. Tarrasque - Dungeons & Dragons

One of the most feared monsters in Dungeons & Dragons. A Tarrasque is a gargantuan Titan that usually spells death for a player party. There’s a reason it’s known as the TPK button.

Even people who haven’t played D&D may have heard about this monstrosity. It’s popular as a final boss in longer-term campaigns, or as a party killer. It’s considered one of the strongest monsters in D&D, and if you look at its stat block (5th Edition), you can see why. It’s immune to targeted spells like magic missile, and has a chance of firing them back at the caster. It gets five attacks (multiattack), and it can hit like a freight train.

It’s immune to fire and poison, and can only be attacked by magic weapons. It’s got an AC of 25, blindsight, and a handful of condition immunities. It can swallow players and basically digest them each turn, and its health pool is nothing to sneeze at either. It’s a popular death machine for good reason.

I’ve only ever had the chance to fight a Tarrasque once. My Cleric (may he rest in pieces) couldn’t land a hit, and ended up getting himself ripped in half. Good times.
Tarrasques are most known for:

  • Being one of the strongest D&D monsters, having high damage, immunities, health, and AC.
  • Being a popular choice for a final boss, or a party wipe for GMs who want to end their games.
  • Having an absolutely amazing design. It looks as fearsome as it is.


6. Balrogs - Lord of the Rings

Demons of power, Balrogs were once Maiar who were corrupted by Melkor into his service. They would later serve Morgoth.

Balrogs are some of the coolest looking fire demons. Powerful, agile, and ferocious, they have somewhat humanoid shapes. They have large horns, fiery “manes,” flaming whips, and cool looking molten weapons. Powerful enough to contend with Gandalf in a one-on-one battle, and a single Balrog was able to drive the Dwarves from their home of Khazad-dûm.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a super cool fantasy world. Then I think of things like Balrogs and remember why it’s good that I don’t.
Balrogs are most known for:

  • Formerly being Maiar, who were persuaded, corrupted, and turned into demons by Melkor.
  • Combat prowess, possessing great strength and surprising agility.
  • Driving the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm from their home single handedly.
  • Contending with Gandalf in a one-on-one battle, and even managing to end the battle in a draw, with both sides dying.



5. Murlocs - World of Warcraft

Murlocs are a race of humanoid fish monsters from World of Warcraft. They have their own cultural structure, and do what they must to survive.

I don’t know a World of Warcraft player who hasn’t mimicked the iconic “Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle” of a Murloc at least once. Often seen as creatures of lesser intelligence, there are debates on whether or not Murlocs are smarter than people think. Honestly, it’s smart to let people think you’re not. They’re found, in some variation, in many zones in the game.

They’re proficient with weapons and magic, mostly water and earth elements. Many serve- either willingly or unwillingly- the Naga, and they almost never associate with other races. Their language is Nerglish, which they share with Makrura and a few other aquatic races. Murlocs are mainly hostile, though some friendly ones do exist, and you can also get a few as battle pets. A Murloc of your very own!

Popular Murloc phrases include “Flllurlog,” “Mglmglmglmgl,” and “Mrgllll glrrm gl”. They have such a way with words.
Murlocs are most known for:

  • Mmmm mrrrggk (Good Magic. Yes, “good” in Nerglish is “mmmm.”)
  • A diverse skillset, being able to use magic and weapons, tame aquatic creatures, and fish exceptionally well.
  • Being enslaved and occasionally killed by the Naga.
  • Their iconic battle cry: Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!


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The most lovable NPC you'll ever meet, unless you touch his sweetroll. From the suburbs of New York, gaming has been his whole life.
Gamer Since: 2008
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Wizard101, Final Fantasy XIV
Top 3 Favorite Games:Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn, The Sims 4

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