The fantasy world that J.R.R Tolkien created with his The Hobbit has gone on to inspire many other series of books and movies.
From the continuation of The Hobbit story to pirates and spartan warriors, here are some of the best fantasy movies like The Hobbit.
1. Lords of the Ring Trilogy
Lords of the Rings Ultimate Trilogy Trailer 2012
In the fantasy world of Middle-Earth, a ring found by a Hobbit will begin a chain of events. Frodo, the hobbit who discovered the legendary ring to rule them all, begins the epic battles as the free forces of the Middle-Earth fight against the forces of evil. Frodo now must team up with many other adventures and heroes looking to fight back the forces of evil under Saron and destroy the accused ring.
The legendary band of heroes trying their damnedest to stop the evil Sauron from destroying the world that you witness in the movie
2. Harry Potter Series
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) Official Trailer - Daniel Radcliff Movie HD
Harry Potter is a story about a boy growing up to become a great wizard and fight a grand evil foe. We follow the story of Harry, a young orphaned boy who will come to realize his destiny as he grows up. He will attend Hogwarts, the school of the wizarding that watches over growing students and teaches them how to be responsible wizards. Harry will make life long friends and experiences that will make him a great wizard in Hogwarts.
The main characters that we follow in the story of Harry Potter as they grow up in Hogwarts
3. Pirates of the Carribean
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Pirates of the Carribean follows Jack Sparrow and his crew of pirates in the wacky adventures that they often find themselves in. From fighting undead pirates to escaping the British marines, Pirates of the Carribean will have you engaged in its comedy and story. A great watch with the family and popcorn!
Jack Sparrow, the main character, being all happy and jolly as usual
4. 47 Ronin
47 Ronin Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi Movie HD
The story of the 47 Ronin is a legendary tale of forty-seven samurai who now fights to avenge their master. Featuring talents Keanu Reeves and Hiroyuki Sanada, this epic story is portrayed greatly on the big screens. Will the forty-seven ronin get their revenge for their fallen master, Asano Naganori?
One of the characters in the movie with an awesome set of armor! Do you think you can fight this guy?
5. The 13th Warrior
The 13th Warrior (1999) - Modern Trailer
An ambassador is sent by the sultan to the distant lands of the Vikings. The ambassador soon finds himself embroider in the adventures of a band of warriors. Will this band of heroes be able to defeat the mysterious foe that looms over the lands?
The face of a warrior as he draws his sword! The weather effects and cinematography capturing are great!
6. 300
300 - Official Trailer
300 is a thrilling, blood-soaked movie about the Spartan warriors fighting against the massive Persian empire. Follow our protagonist, King Leonidas of Sparta, as he leads 300 warriors to fight against Xerxes, the Emperor of Persia at the battle of Thermopylae.
The action sequences of 300 are filled with violenceand gore that will have any action fan pumped!
7. Maleficent/ Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
Disney’s Maleficent - Official Trailer 3
Maleficent movies are a revision of the old Maleficent villain of The Sleeping Beauty. Now a protagonist, Maleficent is a staunch defender of her people and kingdom until she is betrayed. This betrayal darkens her heart and bent on revenge, it would be a child that she would notice will bring peace to the kingdoms.
Maleficient is an avid magic-user to be feared if you are her opponent along with her unique design that makes her recognizable to all enemies!
8. Hercules (2014)
Hercules Official Trailer #1 (2014)
Son of Zeus, Hercules is a demigod who completes the twelve labors and driven mad by Hera into killing his own family. The modern blockbuster movie about the grand tale of Hercules after these events. Hercules is joined by a legendary cast of heroes to fight against the warlord Rhesus for King Cotys.
Hercules wearing the pelt of a lion as his everyday attire… Would you want to fight that guy?
9. Warcraft
Warcraft - Official Trailer(HD)
Warcraft is a movie based on the hit strategy game of the same name. Orcs have invaded Azaroth using a magical portal to wreak havoc on the land. Humanity musters up a few heroes to fight back against the horde and the true source of the evil behind the invasion of Azaroth.
An unlikely band of allies (being a human and orc) working together to defeat evil!
10. Season of the Witch
Season of the Witch trailer US(2011) filmed in Austria!
Our next entry has us follow two Teutonic Knights transporting a witch to a monastery to be trailed by the monks. The black plague grip the surrounding lands and the monk believe that the witch was the cause of it. Is the witch the true cause of the cursed black plague that has gripped all of the lands?
Our two knights who we follow in this grand adventure acted by Ron Perlman and Nicholas Cage
11. Clash of Titans (2010)
Clash of Titans - Official Trailer[HD]
In an alternative history where the gods of ancient greek loser worshipers and thus their powers., Perseus, the son of Zeus, finds himself against the odds as he fights against horrible monsters that serve the gods in order to save humanity. The gods will bring forth their wraith on the mortal world and Perseus must find a way to defeat such foes.
Our main hero of the story, Perseus, armed and ready to fight!
12. Brotherhood of the Wolf
Brotherhood of the Wolf Official Trailer #1 - Vincent Cassel Movie(2001) HD
Brother of the Wolf is a film recounting the story of the Beast of Gervudan. Two hunters, Chevalier de Fronsac and Mani search for this beast to end it's terrorizing the countryside. Will our two hunters find out the mystery of the Beast of Gervudan?
The scene shows how the combat is very intense and highly choreographed in the movie
13. Van Helsing (2004)
Van Helsing(2004) Official Trailer|Fear
Van Helsing is a story of the quest to slay vampires and the legendary vampire, Dracula. Our main protagonist, Van Helsing, finds themselves in Romania, heading for Dracula castle for the ill-fated fight between vampires and humans. Will Van Helsing kill the immortal vampire or will he fail?
Example of the attire that our band of heroes wears, with a unique trench coat, hat, and.... crossbow?
14. Your Highness(2011)
Your Highness Trailer - Your Highness Movie Trailer
Our next movie is Your Highness, a movie that does not take itself too serious. We follow Prince Fabious and his comedic brother Thadeous as they aim to save Fabious’ bride. This is one wacky adventure that you don't want to miss out on!
Wonder if you notice how wrong this whole scene looks...
15. Conan the Barbarian(2011)
Conan the Barbarian(2011) - Official Trailer - “A Legend Will Rise”
Having lost his family and his village at a young age, Conan now seeks revenge against the warlord that caused his plight. Conan is filled with action as our hero fights all kinds of foes of all shapes and sizes. Will Conan prevail and achieve his revenge?
The new retelling of Conan still stays true to the style and themes of Conan…... being that our protagonist barely has armor on
16. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (2010)
Based on the video game of the same name, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is a tale of a street urchin named Dastan adopted by the king of Persia. Dastan would go on to saving the family from doom using a powerful dagger that allows the bearer to travel backward into time. What will Dastan do with such tempting powers?
This movie was inspired by the game which was made by Ubisoft, which itself is a re-imaging of the 1989 game trilogy. The main character(right) and his royal family
17. Beowulf(2007)
Beowulf (2007) - HD Trailer
Our next entry is Beowulf, a modern telling of the classic story. Beowulf is a legendary hero who leads a band of heroes to assist in the help of killing Grendel, a monster that terrorizes the lands. How will Beowulf and the company prevail against such a horrible beast?
Beowulf with a golden horn and sword in hand makes a hard decision that will impact his fate
18. Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones|Season 8|Official Trailer
Game of Throne is a show about political intrigue and deceptions of Westeros. The tv series will have the viewers watch the many factions trade blows and create alliances to gain control over Westeros. Meanwhile, up north, the White Walkers threaten to invaded all of Westeros. With 8 seasons to watch, experience the ebb and flow that is Game of Thrones.
John Snow, one of the many people who will follow in this story of Westeros
Upcoming Movies Like The Hobbit
The Witcher(TV Series)
The Witcher | Official Trailer | Netflix
The Witcher is the story of Geralt of Rivia, a mutated human called a Witcher. A professional monster hunter, Geralt often finds himself fighting against the worst of monsters. But sometimes, its the humans themselves that are worst than any monster Geralt has faced.
The Lord of the Rings (TV Series)
Our next upcoming series is The Lord of the Rings tv series created by Amazon as a rival to HBO’s Game of Thrones. Taking place before the first movie (Fellowship of the Ring), new stories will be told in the fantasy land that is Middle-Earth. The series might explore some of the stories of other characters that we haven't seen much of in the main series of movies.
Dungeons and Dragons
A reported film planned to be released in 2021, Dungeons and Dragons in a movie format sounds like a blast! The large, diverse settings that can be picked is massive and the kinds of characters that can be cast are immense! Only time will tell what Dungeons and Dragons movie will turn out to be.
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