What is the best conflict detector for you?
It's no secret that adding custom content and mods can get addicting, but having too many in your game can cause a few issues, not to mention they can end up broken, or conflicting with another mod. That is where the Sims 4 conflict detectors come into play.
The big questions to answer are, what is a conflict detector, and how will it help you? When your CC/Mods have a conflict, the conflict detector can pinpoint which mods are having issues so they can be remedied.
The function of a conflict detector makes it easier to get rid of duplicate files, delete files that are not supposed to be in the Sims 4, and so much more. They are a lifesaver to have, but which ones are the best?
Let's take a look at the top three conflict detectors that are the best for Sims 4. How does each one work and which will be best for you?
3. Mod Conflict Detector by DmitryMalfatto
Customize your UI for your Conflict Detector.
In 2015, DmitryMalfatto released the Mod Conflict Detector for all simmers to use to save time on finding conflicting mods. This conflict detector does much more than detect conflicts.
Unlike most applications, you don't have to place it in your mod folder. You just have to put it in a special place to access it.
I would recommend making a folder on your desktop and unzipping the file into that, don't forget to use your language from the language files. This Mod Conflict Detector deletes files that do not belong, analyzes files to check exact functions, and detects stray files, just to name a few of its functions.
There is a system requirement for this program to work correctly. Make sure your system has at least 1 GB of RAM and .NET Framework 4.6, and your operating system should be windows Vista and up.
Download and start-up are fairly simple, and there is the ability for advanced settings, though it isn't necessary. With this being the first Mod Conflict Detector, being made in 2015, it sets the bar for others.
Download Mod Conflict Detector by DmitryMalfatto: here
2. TS4 Package Conflict Detector - Windows Only by Scumbumbo
Make sure your mods and cc are not conflicted. Photo from Scumbumbo.
For Windows run computers only, there is a conflict detector made by Scumbumbo called TS4 Package Conflict Detector - Windows Only. Due to an incident, this program is slightly more difficult to install, but once that hurdle is jumped, it's easy to use.
The primary function is simply to point out conflicts between mods/CC in your Sims 4 game. You will have the ability to find duplicate files, conflicting files, duplicate resources, conflicting resources, and even packaging errors.
It has a stop for you to have the application scan subfolders for those who have many folders to sort out their mods/cc. The only downside the TS4 Package Conflict Detector has is the installation being a bit more complicated than just unzipping the files, but as I said before, once you get past it, you are golden.
There is a default mode that is extremely fast at scanning all your files, according to Scumbumbo and I concur with that. With the default mode, it is very easy to give your mods a quick scan to make sure everything is alright.
You won't be disappointed with this conflict detector. Keep in mind the Verify Readability of All Resources in Packages should only be used if the Sims 4 doesn't load at all and you think a mod may have gotten corrupted.
Download TS4 Package Conflict Detector - Windows Only by Scumbumbo: here
1. Better Exceptions by TwistedMexi
TwistedMexi comes in again for the win.
As always, TwistedMexi brings us a magnificent tool to use in our Sims 4 game. TwistedMexi created Better Exceptions to find broken scripts, animation errors, clothing issues, and more.
This is a mod that works similarly to the other conflict detectors, except you use it while you are in the game while playing. If you want to use the newest feature, the outfit CC tracker, make sure you have the cheat, testingcheats true, on before right-clicking on your sim.
TwistedMexi has tested this tool to the full extent to make sure they are providing you with the best conflict detector possible. From finding bad CC to mods that need to be updated due to a new patch, you will have an easier time getting them pointed out.
All the conflict detectors are amazing in their own right, but TwistedMexi goes above and beyond the traditional conflict detector. With in-game scans and messages about recent updates, your game will run smoothly.
Download Better Exceptions by TwistedMexi: here
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