Dokkaebi is one of the best intel gatherers on the attacking side. With her Logic Bomb, she forcefully turns on defender mobile devices and has them ring loudly. That loud ringing often gives away their location to the attacking team on top of it masking the sound cues that the attacking team makes during their approach.
But Dokkaebi doesn’t only excel in gathering intel. The choices she has for her weapons and utilities are quite varied and the player can really customize her loadout according to their own playstyle. This article will help you in choosing the best loadout setup for you while taking into account the recent big changes that came with Year 9 Season 1.
5. Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip + C75 Auto with Suppressor and Laser + Impact EMP Grenade
This loadout setup is for Dokkaebi players who are looking to maximize the recoil control on their Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle. To a lot of players, having the best recoil control possible on their weapon is the way to go, and it makes a lot of sense, since great recoil control translates to great accuracy as well. With this loadout setup, Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR will have both the muzzle brake and vertical grip attachments which specializes in lowering the vertical kick of weapons.
The muzzle brake specifically is great for lowering the recoil of single shot weapons like the Mk 14 EBR because it specializes in lowering the first shot recoil of weapons, while the vertical grip will lower the weapon’s overall vertical recoil. So with this loadout setup, especially with the 2.5x zoom level from the magnified B scope, Dokkaebi will be hitting her opponents with great accuracy regardless of the distance. And when the Mk 14 EBR has to be reloaded in the middle of combat, she can easily switch to the C75 Auto machine pistol which is a fully automatic, rapid firing weapon.
Excels in:
- Having the muzzle brake attachment on the barrel of Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR will make its recoil very low because the muzzle brake attachment specializes in lowering the first shot recoil of weapons
- The vertical grip attachment on Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons which will further make the Mk 14 EBR stable
- The magnified B scope on Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle will greatly up her accuracy when aiming-down-sight with it because it will provide her with a 2.5x zoom
- Having a fully automatic and rapid firing weapon in the C75 Auto machine pistol as Dokkaebi’s secondary weapon which is great for finishing off enemies when the primary weapon needs to be reloaded
- The two impact EMP grenades in Dokkaebi’s arsenal will be great utilities for enabling hard breaching or for temporarily disabling troublesome defender gadgets like Maestro’s Evil Eyes
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - C75 Auto with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact EMP Grenade
4. BOSG.12.2 with Magnified B scope and Vertical Grip + SMG-12 with Red Dot A, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Stun Grenade
The BOSG.12.2 is a slug shotgun modeled after shotguns that are used for hunting big game. That means it can hit targets from long-range, though it has a pretty steep range damage drop-off. Unlike non-slug shotguns, the BOSG.12.2 is capable of hitting headshots. It also has the second highest damage out of all weapons in the game, so at its optimal range, it can down an enemy with just one or two shots. But a lot of players are intimidated to use it.
That’s because it can only fire two bullets before needing to be reloaded and its reload speed is quite slow. Its recoil per shot is also very strong and that’s why I’m recommending players to equip a vertical grip to it. That way, after firing the first shot, your aim will still be around the same angle so it will be easier to hit the target on your next shot. For her secondary weapon, it’s important for Dokkaebi to have the SMG-12 machine pistol as a partner to the BOSG.12.2. That way, she’ll have a fully automatic weapon to switch to when the BOSG.12.2 has to be reloaded in the middle of combat.
Excels in:
- The BOSG.12.2 has devastating stopping power per shot. It has the second highest damage out of all weapons in the game and can take out an opponent with just one or two shots at its most effective range
- The vertical grip attachment on Dokkaebi’s BOSG.12.2 will add a lot of vertical recoil control on the weapon and that will help the user hit his next shot since the first shot won’t throw off his aim that much
- The magnified B scope with its 2.5x zoom will really help Dokkaebi hit her targets with her BOSG.12.2 from any range. It’s also great for pinpoint shooting due to its arrow tip reticle.
- The SMG-12 machine pistol will be a great secondary weapon to switch to when Dokkaebi needs to reload her BOSG.12.2 in the middle of combat since it’s fully automatic, has a good sight, and fires rapidly.
- The three stun grenades in Dokkaebi’s arsenal would be great for pushing and blinding or deafening opponents behind their hiding spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - BOSG.12.2 with Magnified B scope and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - SMG-12 with Red Dot A, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
3. Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Smoke Grenade
This could be the most versatile Dokkaebi loadout setup and that’s why it ranks so high in this list. The Mk 14 EBR is a great weapon since it deals heavy damage per shot and its recoil is very manageable. Being a marksman rifle, its shots also have a high destruction rate, meaning it can be used to destroy unreinforced hatches or open up lines of sight on unreinforced walls. Equip its barrel with a suppressor and Dokkaebi will have great stealth benefits in conjunction with the offensive power of the Mk 14 EBR.
The suppressor on the barrel of Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. It’ll also greatly silence the gunshots of the weapon, making it harder for enemies to hear where the shots are coming from. So with this loadout setup, Dokkaebi could be strafing them from afar without them knowing where the shots are coming from. As for her secondary weapon, the Gonne-6 hand cannon would be a great utility for Dokkaebi for disabling pesky bulletproof defender gadgets like a deployable shield, Evil Eye, or a Melusi Banshee.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on the barrel of Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making it harder for enemies to perceive where the shots are coming from
- The suppressor on the Mk 14 EBR’s barrel will also greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots, making it even harder for enemies to know where Dokkaebi is shooting from through audio cues
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR through the use of the vertical grip attachment which is important to have since the suppressor doesn’t add more recoil control
- The gonne-6 hand cannon will be a great secondary weapon for Dokkaebi since she can use it to disable a troublesome bulletproof enemy gadget and it can also be used to quickly bring down a door, window, or even a Castle Armor Panel.
- The two smoke grenades in Dokkaebi’s arsenal would provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempt, as well as provide a lot of distraction to the enemies.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
2. Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip + C75 Auto with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade
The change on the angled grip attachment is one of the biggest changes in the game that came with Operation Deadly Omen. For the longest time, angled grips added an aim-down-sight speed boost on weapons in the game, but now what it does is add a +20% reload speed bonus. That adds a lot to the dynamics of the game and I’m personally a fan of the change. With angled grip on Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle, she’ll be able to get back into the action quicker than normal when she’s reloading in the middle of combat.
Of course, the downside to equipping the angled grip is that it doesn’t provide additional recoil control on the weapon. And that’s why for this loadout setup, we’re partnering it with the muzzle brake barrel attachment. Muzzle brakes specialize in lowering the first shot recoil of weapons, so when equipped with single shot weapons like the Mk 14 EBR, each shot will have really low recoil. With this loadout setup, Dokkaebi will have great balance between reload speed and recoil control.
Excels in:
- Having a great recoil control on Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle due to the presence of the muzzle brake on its barrel which specializes in lowering the first shot recoil of weapons
- Dokkaebi having a +20% reload speed bonus due to the presence of the angled grip attachment on her Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle which is great for engagements with multiple enemies at the same time
- The magnified B scope will give Dokkaebi a great boost in accuracy since its 2.5x zoom will allow her to see her targets very well and the better you see your targets, the easier it will be to hit them
- The C75 Auto machine pistol fires rapidly and has a very manageable recoil compared to most machine pistols so it’s an excellent secondary weapon. It can also be equipped with a suppressor as its only barrel attachment.
- The two smoke grenades in Dokkaebi’s arsenal will be great for creating panic and confusion on the enemies and they’re also great for providing cover for the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempt
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - C75 Auto with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
1. Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Suppressor, and Horizontal Grip + Gonne-6 + Stun Grenade
The horizontal grip attachment is the newest item in the Siege arsenal and when attached to a weapon, it provides a +5% movement speed bonus on the operator who’s holding the weapon. On paper, that may not sound like much, but it’s actually quite a big perk, especially for operators whose roles involve them having to move a lot for map control. One of the operators that will greatly benefit from a +5% movement speed bonus is Dokkaebi because it fits her role and gameplay very well.
Dokkaebi is mainly an intel gatherer operator. It takes several seconds to activate her Logic Bomb, and once it’s successful, it makes enemy mobile devices ring loudly. That also means that to maximize the use of her special gadget, it’ll be best for Dokkaebi to get to the enemy’s location fast and frag said opponent. The +5% movement speed boost from the horizontal grip on her Mk 14 EBR will help her with that. Thankfully, the stock recoil of the Mk 14 EBR is very manageable so even without an attachment that adds recoil control, most experienced players should be able to handle its weapon kick.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip will provide a +5% movement speed bonus to Dokkaebi when she’s holding her Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle and that will make her more effective in performing her role
- The suppressor on the Mk 14 EBR’s barrel will allow Dokkaebi to shoot enemies without providing them a directional threat indicator that would have told them where she’s shooting them from
- The suppressor on Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle will also be a lot more silent than normal, making it harder for enemies to hear where Dokkaebi is shooting them from
- The Gonne-6 hand cannon is an excellent utility for Dokkaebi as she can use it for disabling one troublesome bulletproof defender gadget or for quickly bringing down a barricade or even a Castle Armor Panel
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Mk 14 EBR with Magnified B scope, Suppressor, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: