There are different kinds of weapons in Siege. Some of them work best for close quarters combat, and some of them excel at longer distances. So it can be quite challenging to say that one weapon is better than the other, because the other one might work better in a certain situation. With that said, the list of weapons in this article will still give players a good idea of what makes a weapon great.
Generally, what players should look for from weapons in this game is its compatibility to attachments, its stock recoil, damage, rate of fire, and magazine size. Those are the core elements that can determine if a weapon is great or not, and this article will go in-depth on that.
15. 9x19VSN
The 9x19VSN is a submachine gun that is available to Kapkan, Azami, and Tachanka. If we look at its stats alone, the weapon is quite average. It has decent damage, good rate of fire, and its magazine capacity is neither small nor big. So you might be wondering, why the hell is it in this list then? Well that’s because of factors that aren’t listed on the weapon’s stats. First of all, the 9x19VSN is a very reliable weapon because its stock recoil is very manageable. That means that the user will have good accuracy and stability with it even while firing in long sprays.
Secondly, when it comes to operator Tachanka, the 9x19VSN is compatible with the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x. That makes Tachanka one of the very few defenders in the game that can equip a high-powered scope like the scope 2.0x. With these scopes combined with the weapon’s very manageable recoil, the user will have really stable firing experience. Another factor that makes it a really good weapon is that its range damage drop-off is not that high, so even at long distances, the user will be dealing good damage with this weapon.
9x19VSN Strengths:
- The 9x19VSN’s stock recoil is very manageable so the user would be able to handle it even with just one recoil control providing attachment, allowing them to equip other attachments for different benefits
- For Tachanka, the 9x19VSN is compatible with the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x which are great scopes because they provide high zoom level without really sacrificing a lot of peripheral view
- Its range damage drop-off is weak, so even at long distances, the user will be inflicting good damage, which is a good partner for the scopes 1.5x or 2.0x in the case of Tachanka.
- It’s a very balanced weapon with good damage, decent rate of fire, and a good magazine size, and combining those with the great qualities listed above, makes the 9x19VSN qualified to be on this list.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 34
- Fire rate - 750
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 30
14. 552 Commando
The 552 commando is one of the best weapons you can use in the game because it can really make short work of your enemies. That’s because as you can see from its stats, its damage is really high, and its rate of fire is quite decent. But what makes it a really great weapon is that its stock recoil is even more manageable than the 9x19VSN’s above. Because its recoil is very easy to control, the user will be able to use it even without any recoil control providing attachments, and instead benefit from other attachments that provide other advantages.
Because of its very manageable recoil, the user can use the angled grip instead of the vertical one and because of that, they’ll be able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster. That’s important because it really fits IQ and Grim, the two operators that can use this weapon, because their gameplay involves a lot of switching to and from their special gadgets. As for its barrel, the user will be able to afford equipping it with a suppressor which will remove its muzzle flash, silence its gunshots, and most importantly, remove its directional threat indicator.
552 Commando Strengths:
- Its recoil is so manageable that most players would be able to handle its weapon kick even without the presence of any recoil control providing attachments
- The user will be able to afford equipping this weapon with an angled grip instead of a vertical one because of its low recoil, and that’ll allow them to go into aim-down-sights stance faster
- Because of its very manageable recoil, the user will also be able to equip it with barrel attachments that doesn’t provide additional recoil control like the suppressor
- It’s compatible to the scope 1.5x which is a great scope for both IQ and Grim, and in the case of Grim, it’s even compatible with the scope 2.0x which will make him highly effective at long-range
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 47
- Fire rate - 690
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 30
13. Para-308
Like the two weapons above, the Para-308 is such a reliable weapon because of its very manageable recoil. This assault rifle is available to Brava and Capitao and honestly, it’s one of the reasons why I love using those operators. With the Para-308, the user will be firing at enemies with great accuracy, and when their shots hit, they’ll definitely sting. That’s because the Para-308 has high damage. Its rate of fire leaves something to be desired but it is by no means slow. It’s actually pretty average for an assault rifle so I don’t even consider it a drawback.
Another great thing about the Para-308 assault rifle is that it’s compatible with a wide variety of attachments. When it comes to scopes, the only high-powered one that is compatible with it is the scope 1.5x, but that’s totally fine because its zoom level is just perfect for the range that Capitao and Brava would usually engage their enemies in. Most players would probably be able to handle its weapon kick even without the presence of any recoil control providing attachment, but for players looking for great stability, they can just choose one recoil control providing attachment, be it for the grip or for the barrel.
Para-308 Strengths:
- Its stock recoil is very manageable and that allows for more weapon customization since the user won’t be stuck with only to using recoil control providing attachments
- Its damage is high, and combining that with its very decent rate of fire, it can really make short work of IQ or Grim’s enemies
- It’s compatible with all the muzzle attachments which makes it highly customizable according to the user’s own playstyle or the map they’re playing in
- It’s compatible with the scope 1.5x which is a great scope for both IQ and Grim since they mostly operate at close to medium range, and the scope doesn’t sacrifice a lot of peripheral view.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 47
- Fire rate - 650
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 30
12. SC3000K
The SC3000K is Zero’s unique assault rifle and is one of the newest weapons in Siege. It’s also become one of the weapons with the highest damage per second in the game, and that’s one of the reasons why it’s on this list. Zero’s role is mostly for intel-gathering and gadget disabling, but because of his SC3000K, he has a lot of offensive capabilities as well. Another reason why it belongs to this list is because its stock recoil is also very manageable and it’s compatible with a wide variety of attachments which makes it customizable to the player’s own playstyle or the map they’re playing on.
Because of the combination of its highly manageable recoil and compatibility with a wide variety of attachments, the user can afford to equip it with attachments that provide advantages other than more recoil control. The SC3000K is compatible with all barrel attachments in the game, so the user can take advantage of the suppressor and the extended barrel. It’s also compatible with the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x which are great scopes and provides a good amount of zoom level to the user for increased accuracy while also not eating up a lot of peripheral view.
SC3000K Strengths:
- Because of its high damage and fast rate of fire, the SC3000K is one of the weapons in Siege with the highest damage-per-second and because of that, it can make short work of enemies.
- It’s compatible to a wide variety of attachments and its recoil is very manageable and that combination makes it highly customizable to the user’s own playstyle or the map they’re playing on
- All of the barrel attachments in the game are compatible to the SC3000K so the user can really experiment which one works best for their own playstyle
- The scopes 1.5x and 2.0x are compatible with the SC3000K and both scopes are great for accuracy and for the distance where Zero engages his enemies most of the time
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 45
- Fire rate - 800
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 25
11. UMP45
The UMP45 is a submachine gun issued to FBI SWAT operators Pulse and Castle. It’s one of the highly underrated guns in Siege and that’s mostly because its damage is not that spectacular, its rate of fire is not that fast, and its magazine size is a bit smaller than average. However, if you think about it more, in all those categories, the weapon doesn’t have it all that bad. Its damage, magazine size, and rate of fire aren’t really that low. What’s more is that it shines in other areas that are not listed on paper, and you’ll really only know about them once you’ve handled the weapon.
It excels primarily because of its very low weapon kick. Because the UMP45’s recoil is very low, the user can afford to run it with no recoil control providing attachments at all and still be able to handle the weapon’s recoil well even at medium to long range. And since the UMP45 is also compatible with a wide variety of attachments, the user will be able to freely customize it according to their own playstyle or the benefits they want to take advantage of. As for my recommendation, with this weapon, it’s best for the user to run it with an angled grip, and for its barrel, they should definitely go with the extended barrel or the suppressor.
UMP45 Strengths:
- Its recoil is very low due to its relatively slow rate of fire, and because of that, the user will be able to afford equipping it with attachments that provide benefits other than additional recoil control
- The UMP45 is compatible with a wide variety of attachments so the user can customize it to his own playstyle or the benefits that he wants to take advantage of like higher damage or more speed
- For Castle, the UMP45 is compatible with the scope 1.5x which is a great scope as it provides a higher zoom level without putting the user at a disadvantage at close range
- It’s compatible with all barrel attachments in the game, so if the user wants higher damage, they can run it with the extended barrel, and if they want stealth benefits, they can go with the suppressor.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 38
- Fire rate - 600
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 25
10. DP27
Tachanka’s DP27 light machine gun deserves to be in this list, more so than any other time, because it’s been recently buffed. Its damage went from 49 to 60 and that’s most likely because the devs buffed Tachanka’s 9x19VSN so much by making it compatible to the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x that most players just always went for it when choosing Tachanka’s primary weapon, completely ignoring the DP27 which is only compatible with 1.0x scopes. With that said, now that the DP27’s damage has become much higher, it’s high time that players start coming back to it.
That’s because it doesn’t only have a massive amount of damage, it’s also one of the most destructive guns in the game. Because of its destruction rate per shot, the DP27 is an excellent utility for reworking the map to the defender’s advantage. Perhaps its only weaknesses are its slow rate of fire and long reload time, but its strengths more than make up for it. That’s because on top of all the strengths we’ve already discussed, the weapon also has a very manageable recoil and It has a sizable magazine. And since it can now be equipped with any 1.0x sight that the user wants, they can enjoy better accuracy with it than before its rework.
DP27 Strengths:
- It inflicts very high stopping power per shot, especially now that its damage has been buffed from 49 to 60 in an effort to balance out the pick rate between it and the 9x19VSN
- It may have a slow rate of fire but because of that, its weapon kick remains very manageable despite its overwhelming firepower and destruction rate per shot
- Its reload time may be quite long but its huge magazine size more than make up for that, especially if the user has good trigger discipline and paces their shots well
- Its destruction rate per shot is very high and that allows the user to use this weapon as a utility for reworking the map with rotation holes and more lines of sight for fragging enemies
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 60
- Fire rate - 550
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 70
9. R4-C
The R4-C has long been one of the most popular weapons in Siege. It started as a unique assault rifle to Ash, and in the old school days of Siege, it used to be compatible with the scope 2.5x. But the devs deemed the weapon to be too powerful with a scope 2.5x in the hands of Ash who’s an all-out offense type operator with 3-speed rating, so they removed it. But now with the addition of operator Ram to Team Rainbow, the R4-C is back as one of the most popular weapons in Siege, and that’s because with Ram, it’s compatible again with high powered scopes.
Granted that Ram isn’t an all-out offense type of operator like Ash, the R4-C is incredibly powerful in her hands, because it’s compatible with the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x. With these high-powered scopes, Ram players will enjoy great accuracy, especially at close to medium range where Ram usually operates in. That, combined with the fact that the weapon inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, has a fast rate of fire for an assault rifle, has a good magazine size, and its recoil is very manageable, makes the R4-C worthy of being in this list among other great weapons in the game.
R4-C Strengths:
- With operator Ram, the R4-C assault rifle is compatible with the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x which are perfect for the distance that Ram usually operators in which is close to medium range
- The R4-C, contrary to its recoil pattern image within the game, actually has a very manageable recoil despite its fast rate of fire, and that also allows the user to customize it further.
- The R4-C assault rifle is compatible with all the barrel attachments available in the game, and since its stock recoil is very manageable, the user could run it with the suppressor or extended barrel
- Its good amount of damage per shot combined with its fast rate of fire makes the R4-C one of the weapons in Siege with the highest damage-per-second rating
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 39
- Fire rate - 860
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 30
8. Luison
It would be a disservice to not put Caveira’s Luison on this list because it truly is one of the most unique and powerful weapons in the game. It may not be a realistic weapon, but lore-wise, Caveira apparently modified it to fit her “style” more. This weapon is almost a special gadget to Caveira rather than just a unique weapon to her, because it directly aids her in performing her Interrogation special ability. That’s because for Caveira to be able to interrogate an opponent, they have to be put in a down-but-not-out state first.
The Luison helps with that because its shots aren’t lethal in the sense that it will always put an enemy in a down-but-not-out state first before killing them. That helps Caveira a lot because obviously, if she kills her enemies, she won’t be able to Interrogate them. Note that the Luison will inflict a lethal shot to an opponent who’s already in a down-but-not-out state though. The Luison will also put any operator, regardless of their armor rating, with just a couple or few shots at its optimal range. Its range damage drop-off may be brutal, but at close range, it’s basically a monster.
Luison Strengths:
- It helps Caveira a lot in performing her Interrogation special ability because its shots will always put an enemy in a down-but-not-out state first before inflicting a lethal shot
- At close range, it’s capable of downing an operator, regardless of their armor rating, with just a few shots, so even though its range damage drop-off is high, at close range, it’s basically a monster.
- It has a custom suppressor made by Caveira herself, so its shots are very silent, so unless you’re very close to it when you hear it go off, it can be quite difficult to determine where its shots are coming from
- Even though handguns, with the exception of a few, can’t be equipped with other sights or scopes, the Luison’s default iron sights are good enough that it won’t hinder the user’s accuracy
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 65
- Fire rate - 450
- Mobility - 45
- Capacity - 12
7. FO-12
The FO-12 is Ela’s unique shotgun and remains as one of the most popular weapons in the game as a whole, not just in the shotgun category. It’s even more powerful now that non-slug shotguns have been recently buffed. Now, shotguns will have tighter pellet spread and better accuracy when the user goes into aim-down-sights stance with them before shooting. They will also have more destruction rate per shot when the user is hip firing, and also when moving. This buff impacts the FO-12 a lot because even before, it’s already strong in those areas.
Perhaps the most unique thing about this shotgun, however, is that it’s compatible with a wide variety of attachments. Unlike most non-slug shotguns, the FO-12 can even be equipped with a suppressor or an extended barrel. That provides a lot of versatility to Ela because with a suppressor, she’d be able to fire this weapon silently, so she can be creating rotation holes on soft walls with relative silence, and pump enemies’ bodies full of holes with it without them immediately realizing where her shots are coming from. The extended barrel on the other hand would make its damage higher, and its range longer.
FO-12 Strengths:
- The FO-12, unlike most non-slug shotguns in the game, is compatible with a wide variety of attachments, making it highly customizable to the Ela player.
- The destruction rate per shot of the FO-12 is really high, and it’s capable of punching a hole on an unreinforced wall big enough for an operator go through with just one properly placed shot
- Its stock recoil can be very challenging to control, but since it’s compatible with the vertical grip, the user can just equip it on the weapon and its recoil would be manageable
- Daring Ela users can also equip it with an angled grip which is really good for flick shots as it’ll allow the user to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal and that’s great for shotguns
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 26
- Fire rate - 400
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 10
6. OTs-03
The OTs-03 is Glaz’s unique marksman rifle and I can honestly say that without bias, even though I’m a Glaz main, that it’s the best marksman rifle in the game. That’s because of its unique qualities that sadly, only Glaz can use. First off, its scope has a very high zoom level which is 4.0x, and that’s obviously great for accuracy at medium to long range, but wouldn’t that mean that Glaz would be at a heavy disadvantage at close range? Well, not really. That’s because the OTs-03 sight is called the Flip Sight and just as the name implies, the user can flip it to its 1.0x sight.
So when the Glaz user is expecting an enemy encounter at close range, they can just easily press the middle mouse button and they’ll be using a 1.0x sight instead of the weapon’s scope 4.0x. Secondly, the OTs-03's most dangerous specialty is its thermal sight. Its scope 4.0x has a thermal sight that allows Glaz to see enemies in a bright yellow hue. That thermal sight will also highlight enemies in that bright yellow hue when they’re behind the effects of smoke grenades or Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System. And like all marksman rifles in the game, the OTs-03 has devastating stopping power as well as destruction rate per shot.
OTs-03 Strengths:
- Glaz’s OTs-03's 4.0x scope has a thermal sight that allows him to see enemies in a bright yellow hue even when they’re behind the effects of smoke grenades or Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System.
- The OTs-03's sight is called the Flip Sight, and it’s named like that because it can be flipped from its 1.0x to its scope 4.0x and vice versa. This allows the weapon to excel even at close range.
- Like any designated marksman rifle, the OTs-03 has devastating stopping power, as well as penetration power due to its high destruction rate per shot which can also be used to destroy soft hatches.
- Its recoil is quite manageable, so even if the user opts with the suppressor instead of the muzzle brake, its weapon kick can be handled well as long as the user paces their shots well.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 71
- Fire rate - 380
- Mobility - 36
- Capacity - 15
5. POF-9
The POF-9 is the newest weapon in Siege. It’s an assault rifle that is available to Sens. It’s on this list because it’s quite unique for an assault rifle in that it has a huge magazine capacity. That’s perfect for Sens’ gameplay where she mostly has to perform flank watch and backline support. Because of the high magazine capacity of the POF-9, Sens can continuously fire suppressive shots and support their teammates from the rear. What’s great is that it goes hand in hand with its very manageable recoil.
Its stock recoil being manageable means that the user can just simply equip it with a vertical grip and have a non-recoil control providing attachment for its barrel. That’s important because in Sens’ case, it’ll be extremely beneficial for their role if they equip their POF-9 with a suppressor. With a suppressor on the POF-9's barrel, Sens and keep firing suppressive fire through their R.O.U. Projector System to provide support without a directional threat indicator that enemies could use to counter Sens. Another great thing about the POF-9 is that it’s compatible with high powered scopes like the scope 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x. This really ups Sens’ game because with these high-powered scopes, they’ll be able to target their enemies well from medium to long range.
POF-9 Strengths:
- For an assault rifle, it has a huge magazine capacity, which is perfect for providing suppressive fire while watching the flanks or supporting teammates from the back
- Its recoil is manageable enough that the user should be able to handle its weapon kick even with just the vertical grip providing the additional recoil control on the weapon
- It’s compatible to scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x which makes it highly customizable to the user’s preferred zoom level and will definitely up their accuracy, especially for medium to long range shooting
- If the user equips it with a suppressor, it’ll be perfect for suppressive fire through Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System, especially since the weapon has a huge magazine capacity.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 35
- Fire rate - 740
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 50
4. M249 SAW
The M249 Saw, not to be confused with its non-saw variant, is unique to operator Gridlock, and is unique compared to most light machine guns in the game. That’s because this light machine gun can be reloaded quite fast. That’s because of its detachable magazine, making it one of the most convenient weapons to use in the game. That’s also because it has the qualities that the typical light machine gun has, like high damage, good rate of fire, and high magazine capacity. This is why the M249 Saw is easily one of the best light machine guns in the game.
This is also perfect for operator Gridlock since her role is mostly for flank watch and backline support. That means that it would be great for her to be able to provide suppressive fire well, and due to the M249 Saw’s fast reload speed, high magazine capacity, and manageable recoil, she’ll be able to perform that effectively. It’s also compatible with high powered scopes such as the scope 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x, so the user can really customize the weapon to their liking. They can also further lower down its recoil by equipping it with a vertical grip or a barrel attachment that provides more recoil control.
M249 SAW Strengths:
- The M249 Saw variant has a detachable magazine, so unlike most light machine guns in the game, it can be reloaded quite fast, which is really helpful for engagements with multiple enemies
- Like most light machine guns in the game, the M249 Saw boasts a sizable magazine, which means that with this weapon, the user won’t have to reload a lot.
- The M249 Saw can inflict a high amount of damage per shot which makes it capable of downing an opponent very quickly, especially at close to medium range
- It’s compatible with all common high-powered scopes like the scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x, which really aids with the user’s accuracy.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 48
- Fire rate - 650
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 60
3. T-95 LSW
Like the M249 Saw above, the T-95 LSW is an exceptional light machine gun. It basically takes what’s great with the M249 Saw and even goes beyond that. That’s because it also has a detachable magazine, so it can be reloaded fast. On top of that, its damage is also high, its fire rate is very decent, and its magazine size is huge. The T-95 LSW almost feels like a turret in assault rifle form. In fact, if someone told me that it’s an assault rifle and I didn’t read its label, I would have believed it. The weapon feels very light and convenient to use despite it containing so much power.
Part of it being so convenient to use is its very manageable recoil. I personally attach at least one recoil control providing attachment to it, but there are many who can control the weapon even without any. With an angled grip instead of the vertical grip, Ying would be able to go into aim-down-sights faster than normal and would be able to aim and frag enemies blinded by her Candelas faster than normal. What’s scary is that the T-95 LSW is also compatible with high powered scopes like the scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x, so the Ying player has a plethora of customization options.
T-95 LSW Strengths:
- Despite being a light machine gun, Ying’s T-95 LSW can be reloaded fast due to its detachable drum magazine, and that’s really useful for high traffic situations in Siege.
- The T-95 LSW’s rate of fire is not that fast but it makes up for it with its high stopping power, which, especially at close to medium range, can take down an enemy with just a few shots.
- Like any other light machine gun, the T-95 LSW’s magazine capacity is huge, and that also helps with high traffic situations where the user has to deal with multiple enemies at a time
- The T-95 LSW is compatible to the scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x, so the user has a lot of option when it comes to the sight that they’re more comfortable with
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 46
- Fire rate - 650
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 80
2. ASC12
The ACS12 is a slug shotgun so it’s really more akin to a rifle than your typical shotgun that shoots multiple pellets per shot. It ranks so high in this list because aside from its slow rate of fire, it doesn’t really have that much drawback. Besides, even that slow rate of fire is kind of offset by the fact that it’s a fully automatic weapon, and that’s one of the reasons why it’s so convenient to use. But the main strengths of the ACS12 are its heavy firepower, very low recoil, high magazine capacity for a shotgun, and compatibility with a wide range of attachments.
For its sight, Alibi and Maestro can equip it with any 1.0x sight or a scope 1.5x or 2.0x. Azami on the other hand can’t equip it with a 2.0x scope, but she’s able to use it with a 1.5x one as well as all the other 1.0x sights. It’s also compatible with both the vertical grip and angled grip, but since its recoil is so low, there’s really not much sense in equipping it with a vertical grip. The user can instead just take advantage of the aim-down-sight speed boost from the angled grip when using this weapon. Another thing that’s great about this weapon is that despite being technically a shotgun, it can be reloaded fast due to its detachable magazine.
ASC12 Strengths:
- The ACS12 has heavy stopping power per shot and can down an opponent with just a couple or three shots at its optimal range regardless of their armor rating
- The ACS12 is compatible to high powered scopes like the scope 1.5x and 2.0x which are great scopes because they don’t eat up a lot of peripheral view while providing high zoom levels
- Its recoil is so low that there’s almost no difference between its weapon kick when it’s equipped with a vertical grip and when it's equipped with an angled grip, so it only makes sense to equip the latter.
- It’s a shotgun that fires a single slug per shot, capable of dealing headshots even at long distances, and despite being a shotgun, it’s fully automatic and its magazine size is big for a shotgun
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 69
- Fire rate - 300
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 30
1. V308
The V308 is an assault rifle that is unique to Lion. It ranks so high on this list because it has all the qualities that a player would want for their weapon. It’s basically as close to a perfect weapon that you can get in the game. It has high firepower, its rate of fire is far from slow, its magazine capacity is big, its weapon kick is very easy to manage, and last but not the least, it’s compatible with a wide range of attachments. Lion players basically lucked out because of this weapon, and it’s one of the reasons why Lion is a very popular operator.
Because of its very manageable stock recoil, a lot of players are able to handle its weapon kick even without the presence of recoil control providing attachments. I personally prefer using at least one of them in the vertical grip while I equip the suppressor on its barrel for more stealth benefits. Its compatibility with high powered scopes such as the scopes 2.0x and 2.5x makes it one of the weapons in the game that can really up the user’s accuracy, combined with its stable recoil of course. The weapon also has a quick reload speed despite its huge magazine capacity, and that’s very important for high traffic situations or spots in Siege.
V308 Strengths:
- It has a huge magazine capacity despite being an assault rifle that is very light to use and has a quick reload speed. This helps a lot when it comes to engagements with multiple enemies.
- Its rate of fire and damage are quite high, which means Lion players would be able to take down their enemies fast with this weapon, especially at close to medium range
- It’s compatible with the scopes 2.0x and 2.5x which provide high levels of zoom and that will really help the Lion player see their enemies better which will in turn up their accuracy a lot
- Its recoil is low enough that even if the user attaches an angled grip to it instead of the vertical one, there’s a high probability that they’ll still be able to control its weapon kick well.
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 44
- Fire rate - 700
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 50
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: