New to the game, unsure of where to get clay? Or even why you need it?
Clay is a very valuable commodity, due to it being a resource that is used in a lot of crafting and depending on what platform you play depends on where and how you can find it.
Clay is needed for making the forges as well as smelted to make upgraded tools.
Method 1 Digging:
Here is an image of what clay can look like on the map. This only pertains to Alpha 16 or lower as in Alpha 17 there are no clay pits to dig. This is the most common option on the PlayStation platform as well as steam if you do not have alpha 17 and up.
- Craft a shovel, at beginning stages a stone shovel would work. Unless you find a steel or iron shovel.
- Stone shovel gives you the basic resource
- Iron shovels give you better resource amounts
- Steel gives you the best resourcing amounts
- Look for goldenrod and cotton. Those plants in a cluster indicate a clay patch.
- Look around big rocks because sometimes there is clay under or around them.
- Clay patches are usually only 4-6 blocks deep and about 6 blocks wide.
- After that, you might have to find another spot or go deeper.
- Mining under grass, snow, and other zones can give you a chance at clay.
In Alpha 17 to find clay just dig anywhere. It comes up as clay soil and it is found everywhere in the world. While digging for clay in Alpha 17 I would recommend not digging to close to your base as the zombies can dig as well and thus attack your base.
Method #2 potted plants:
You go to this location to get potted plants then scrap them to get clay soil. Only available in Alpha 17 and higher.
This cannot be said for the PlayStation format.
- Multiple locations have potted plants but the daycare has the most clay pots.
- Hotels and apartments have potted plants as well
- You can find them in almost all other buildings at least one.
- You can only scrap potted plants if they are not damaged so try not to damage them while fighting zombies.
Method 3 Traders:
Traders can sometimes have clay available to purchase using tokens.
How to get tokens:
- Selling items to the trader
- Treasure map finding
- Cash registers
- Trash bags and bins
- Sometimes zombie loot drops
- Alpha 17 trader quest
Method 4 blocks:
You can get the clay out of destroying certain blocks. Most common are the blocks at the military bases throughout the world. To destroy blocks you can use any of these axes:
- Stone axes
- Iron pickaxes
- Steel pickaxes
The higher the ax the better the resource, so if you use a steel pickaxe you are going to get more resources back than if you used a stone or iron pickaxe.
The list above are the different pickaxes that you can make. Steel pickaxe is a late game item so you will mostly use stone and iron starting out.
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