Some perks in 7 Days to Die are more useful than others. Today we're looking at the top 15 best perks, warts and all.
15. Advanced Engineering
Turrets don't need to be told what to do.
This perk seems like a requirement. Learning how to make all the things ever is part of the self-sufficiency fantasy of survival horror. You just don't have to play that way if you don't want to.
That's the beauty of this game: you're not pigeon-holed into playing a certain way. If you don't wanna craft, you don't have to.
Advanced Engineering is the perk that unlocks the recipes for the forge, workbench, and cement mixer. These items appear in trader inventories on a regular basis, so your mileage may vary on how useful you'll find this. It also unlocks recipes relating to electricity, traps, and turrets, while making a lot of items cheaper to craft.
If your playstyle leans on traps and turrets, you are going to want this perk. Or not. After all, you'll be able to find everything you could possibly need from your local traders.
Advanced Engineering Perk Review
- A 20% increase to craft speed is okay, but it's not amazing.
- Electrical trap kill XP boost is probably not going to make a big difference in your build unless that's the main way you kill things.
- 35% reduction in crafting cost of forged steel is not terrible, though not a good reason to take this perk.
- Reduced cost of making electrical devices is kind of nice, but again, not a necessity.
- Bottom line: take it if you are focused on crafting, don't take it if you aren't. You can get by without it and still do well.
- Engineer advanced items such as workbenches, electrical items and traps and craft 20% faster on workbenches.
- Unlocks the recipe for the forge, workbench, cement mixer, electrical items, and traps
- Forge crafting becomes 20% faster
- Workbench and cement mixer crafting becomes 20% faster
- Forge crafting becomes 20% cheaper
- Forged Steel and electrical devices become 35% cheaper
- Intellect perk with 5 skill levels
Usefulness: 40/100
14. From the Shadows
Blend in.
This perk is a necessary part of a stealth build, where it helps turn you into a deadly assassin who can creep past unwanted fights before the zombies even know you're around. 'From the Shadows' is great for a very specific sort of player. For the average survivor, it isn't worth the investment.
To make it most effective, pair with melee weapons, bows, and Hidden Strike. If you don't spend the majority of your time in sneak mode, don't bother with this perk.
From the Shadows Perk Review
- Makes hiding 65% more effective at max level, which is a great way to avoid unwanted fights.
- Sneak a lot faster, making exploration quick and painless.
- Paired with Advanced Muffled Connector mods, it can get you close enough in heavy armor to one-shot a zombie with your crossbow.
- Does not protect you from Blood Moon hordes. They will find you.
- The backbone of a good stealth build. Why would you sneak around without it?
- Specialize in sneaking around in the dark and making less noise in general.
- Get 65% better at hiding in the shadows.
- Muffles your movements by an extra 50%.
- Move 50% faster while sneaking.
- Located under the Agility attribute.
Usefulness: 45/100
13. The Penetrator
Take out multiple zombies in one go.
A Perception skill, The Penetrator unlocks armor-piercing ammo and makes your weapons ignore a percentage of enemy armor. It also makes your shots with rifles go through extra targets. This is an excellent perk for folks that enjoy the sniper life. Being able to take out multiple targets at once from a distance, or pop open a POI without effort, is definitely a plus.
PVP players, take note.
It's not spectacular for other playstyles, though it does help other weapons hit a little harder.
The Penetrator Perk Review
- Craft armor piercing rifle bullets and shoot through multiple targets, saving time AND ammo.
- Shoot through blocks without getting close!
- Melt through more zombies at once during a blood moon—if you can avoid getting swarmed.
- Very specialized.
- You find weak spots in a target's armor and can use AP rifle bullets to shoot through multiple organic targets.
- Ignore 35% of armor with firearms, archery, and spears at max level.
- Penetrate 3 additional targets with armor-piercing rounds in hunting, marksman, or sniper rifles.
- Armor-piercing rounds can also destroy up to 1000 HP of a block.
Usefulness: 50/100
12. Deep Cuts
Slice 'n dice.
Craft better knives, do more damage with them, and cause bleeding wounds. Power attacks make your enemies bleed, too, and enemies don't move as quickly when they're bleeding. Yes, you can bleed zombies to death. Don't ask how it makes sense.
This perk is weirdly effective at what it does, and it shines when paired with other agility perks. Take a couple jabs at a zombie, then retreat and let it die. Requires a lot more patience than shooting or blowing them up, but if you're a stealth player, you'll want to take this perk.
Deep Cuts Perk Review
- Slow and damage over time debuffs make kiting zombies a little easier.
- Bleeding wounds alone can kill most zombies, just jab and run.
- A bit of a niche perk.
- There are easier and faster ways to kill if you aren't going for a stealth build.
- Specialize in using bladed weapons like knives or machetes to bleed your foes dry.
- Deal 50% more damage with bladed weapons.
- Inflict up to 7 bleeding wounds debuffs on an enemy. Power attacks inflict 5.
- Enemies run 20% slower while bleeding.
- Attacks refresh the bleed.
Usefulness: 50/100
11. Archery
You can still one-shot zombies with a bow without this perk.
Bows are an effective weapon from the beginning. They're easy to make, and the ammo can be crafted in your bag. Archery unlocks better bows and the simply excellent Iron Crossbow, which is your first foray into crossbow use. I love crossbows. Being able to take out distant enemies without worrying about the noise from gunfire is a big plus, and it can save your life early on.
Feathers can sometimes be a problem, but you'll have an easier time getting those from nests than you will getting eggs.
I am a big fan of this perk with the caveat being that I'm also a big fan of silent headshots. If you don't like bows, don't use them, and don't ever plan to, then this perk just won't work out for you.
Archery Perk Review
- Shoot harder. Shoot faster. We like that.
- Make better quality bows.
- And yet… still not completely necessary for being effective with bows.
- Agility points plus a level 5-6 bow purchased from a trader, plus decent aim… congratulations, you're already an assassin without this perk.
- Master the use of bows and crossbows.
- Deal 50% more damage with bows and crossbows.
- Aim, draw, and reload 50% faster.
- Craft wooden bows and iron crossbows.
Usefulness: 55/100
10. Demolitions Expert
An easy, almost-painless way to deal with zombie hordes is with explosives. Once you're able to make or buy a workbench, all you need is gun powder, plant fibers, and short iron pipes to craft pipe bombs: then it's time to unleash carnage.
Just one point into Demolition Expert unlocks the recipe.
Demolitions Expert Perk Review
- 50% chance to stun with explosives in first level
- Pipe bombs are more efficient than any other weapon at eliminating groups of zombies…
- … unless you don't have access to a workbench
- It's easy to accidentally nuke yourself if you're brand-new to the game
- Requires minimal investment in Perception
- Specialize in explosive weapons to stun, cripple and dismember your foes
- Maxes out in 5 points
- 50% damage increase
- 35% faster explosive reload
- 50% faster aim
- 45% greater chance to blow zombies to bits
- Stun, stun, stun
Usefulness Score: 60/100
9. Parkour
If this zombie knew Parkour, he wouldn't have had any problems with me.
Become Spider-man, sort of. Located in the Agility tab, Parkour makes jumping drain less stamina and prevents you from mangling yourself when you fall from great heights. It also lets you jump three blocks high, which is useful for getting out of hairy situations.
If you're anything like me and prone to flinging yourself off high places in video games, then Parkour is a must because it will save your life so many times. You'll be able to fall from ridiculous heights without shattering your limbs. That extra-high jump makes sneaky gameplay a breeze. Greet your friends by jumping around like a maniac without destroying your stamina.
Parkour Perk Review
- No crafting unlocks
- Prevents exploration-and-misadventure-related injuries
- Increased jump distance can be helpful for making shelters accessible to you but not to zombies
- Jump stamina drain is not a big deal compared to tool or weapon usage
- Safe fall distance increase is very useful for escapes
- Reduce jumping stamina cost by 40%
- Fall safely from a distance of up to 5 meters
- Jump 2 meters high
- Never sprain or break a leg when falling
Usefulness: 65/100
8. Pummel Pete
Bring it on.
Pummel Pete, located under the Strength attribute, is a perk that boosts the effectiveness of clubs and baseball bats. Get a damage boost, deal even more hurt to stunned baddies, and get a better chance to knock zombies on their asses with your power attacks.
Bats and clubs are great because they don't require ammo, they have a bunch of useful mods, and they aren't too hard on your stamina. Stamina is important in the apocalypse.
Pummel Pete Review
- Turn stunned enemies into ground meat.
- More knockdown chances = fewer zombie bites.
- Craft better weapons with every level.
- Massive improvements to a weapon class that is very cheap to make and upgrade.
- Puts you into direct contact with zombies, opening you up to getting hit, which isn't great early on.
- Obviously not worthwhile if you prefer attacking from range.
- Specialize in knocking your foes senseless with clubs.
- Unlocks baseball bat crafting.
- 50% more damage with clubs & bats.
- 200% more damage to stunned enemies.
- 100% chance for power attacks to knock down enemies.
- 3 successive hits in a short time causes the last blow to do 100% extra damage.
Usefulness Score: 70/100
7. Master Chef
Delicious snacks, coming soon.
Everyone has to eat, especially during the apocalypse, and crafted food is better for you than scavenged food. Each point invested in Master Chef unlocks more recipes, but in the early game, you can get away with just investing one point to unlock Bacon and Eggs and Boiled Meat.
Bacon and Eggs is the best early-game food for keeping yourself full, and will keep you happy and healthy while you navigate the end of the world. It's worth it to keep investing in this perk because of the buffs that cooked foods provide, such as better stamina regeneration and increased health.
Master Chef Perk Review
- Unlocks recipes to turn you into the best chef the apocalypse has to offer.
- Boost stats and recover from bad zombie times a lot faster than with Charred Meat.
- Higher-end recipes require hoarding a lot of materials.
- Makes canned foods more effective.
- Create more filling meals with advanced benefits and learn to cook faster.
- Unlock the best, most efficient meals in the game.
- Cook 50% faster.
- Unlock Grandpa's Awesome Sauce, Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir, and Grandpa's Moonshine.
Usefulness: 75/100
6. Lucky Looter
With Lucky Looter, you spend less time looting and get better items for your trouble. It's especially helpful early on, and boosts the quality of stuff you find when in your initial 'running around screaming' phase.
As you find better gear, you live longer. As you live longer, your chances of finding better stuff increases, and on, and on.
Lucky Looter Perk Review
- When maxed out it more than doubles how quickly you loot containers. Sometimes that's the difference between getting out alive and being a snack.
- Does not impact the loot bonus of people you play with, just you and the containers you open.
- Starts out weak, not really shining until maxed out.
- Once maxed, it's common to get level 5 and 6 equipment, so well worth maxing early.
- Specialize in tracking down the motherlode and maybe getting a little extra for your trouble. You find better loot with every perk level.
- Looting is 80% faster.
- Adds 25% to loot bonus.
Usefulness: 80/100
5. Mother Lode
My poor, overflowing inventory.
One of the most important things early on in 7 Days to Die is establishing a shelter to prepare for the hordes of undead that want your tasty brains. Building takes a lot of materials, and the Mother Lode perk boosts what you get from ore, stone, terrain blocks, and trees.
You'll need all that stuff if you want to survive the apocalypse.
Mother Lode Perk Review
- Each point lets you harvest 20% more stuff.
- The more you build, the more stuff you need. Simple.
- Just get this perk.
- Harvest more resources and bring home the mother lode.
- Harvest 100% more from ore, stone, terrain blocks and trees.
Usefulness: 85/100
4. Miner 69'er
Mining is less of a chore with Miner 69'er.
Craft better tools and do more damage to blocks with them. This perk makes your life so much easier, since you'll have no problem bringing down trees or digging holes.
Oh, you'll also repair your buildings faster. Yay!
Miner 69'er Perk Review
- Higher block damage = faster harvesting.
- Spend less time digging, more time doing other stuff.
- Out-repair the damage zombies do up to a certain point. Don't expect to out-repair a Blood Moon horde, though.
- Maximize your mining efforts by increasing tool damage to bring down rocks and trees faster.
- Increase tool damage by 50%.
- Increase block damage by 150%.
- Make level 5 harvesting tools.
Usefulness: 85/100
3. Better Barter
Traders are our friends.
I love the trade system in 7 Days to Die, and Better Barter is a great perk for working with it. A 25% discount on purchases—and 25% more dukes when you sell—is huge, especially as you get into dealing with higher item tiers. This perk is a must to get the most out of traders' secret stashes, too.
Get this perk. Do it.
Better Barter Perk Review
- Save tons of dukes. Knocking 20,000 dukes off the price of a gyrocopter is nothing to sneeze at.
- Getting extra dukes for selling things is also a no-brainer.
- An expanded secret stash gives you access to high-tier equipment much earlier in the game.
- Combine with The Daring Adventurer for best results.
- Specialize in convincing area traders to give you a better deal and open up their secret stashes of the really good stuff.
- Get the best loot out of the traders' secret stash.
- 25% more dukes when you sell to traders.
- Pay 25% less when buying from traders.
- Located under the Intellect attribute
Usefulness: 95/100
2. Sexual Tyrannosaurus
Ready to deliver headshots.
Sexual Tyrannosaurus is a must-have. Not only does it reduce the amount of stamina your melee weapons and tools use, it also grants you 30 stamina per killing blow.
Oh, and as if that wasn't enough, your power attacks use less stamina, too. It's the type of perk that's hard to turn down, whether you're a melee player or not.
Sexual Tyrannosaurus Perk Review
- Use less stamina when fighting and harvesting. Efficiency is king when it comes to surviving the apocalypse
- Power attacks use 50% less stamina, meaning you can hit harder for longer. Get out of rough situations, fast.
- Getting stamina back with every killing blow keeps you fighting
- This perk does not have any disadvantages.
- Specialize in unleashing a relentless assault of blows guaranteed to leave your prey slack-jawed at your unyielding stamina.
- Reduce tool and melee weapon stamina use by 25%.
- Reduce power attack stamina use by 50%.
- Get 30 stamina per killing blow.
Usefulness: 100/100
1. The Daring Adventurer
Gimme quests.
Max out this perk with 8 points in Intellect and rake in the dukes and rewards from questing. Questing is the best way to gear up your character and get access to the best stuff earlier than you would by following the crafting path.
Higher questing tiers produce better rewards. Combined with this perk, you can rake in the loot and, by extension, the dukes. Win-win.
Combine this perk with Better Barter for the best results: rewards you don't want will sell for higher prices, and the things you want to buy will be cheaper.
The Daring Adventurer Perk Review
- Each level in this perk offers more quest reward options, and more chances to get better stuff.
- More dukes from quest rewards is beneficial for pretty obvious reasons if you're regularly buying upgrades from the trader.
- Workbenches, forges, and chemistry stations have a good chance of appearing in your quest rewards—getting them early is a HUGE time-saver.
- Be a daring adventurer! Get better rewards for doing quests.
- Choose two quest rewards instead of one.
- Get 20% more dukes from quests.
- Get three more quest reward choices.
Usefulness: 100/100
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