Top 15 Lord of The Ring Villains, From Least to Most Powerful: Page 11 of 15

lord of the rings villains

5. The Witch-King of Angmar    


The Witch-King holding a flaming sword

If you run into something bad, chances are you don’t want to run into the leader of the bad things. That is exactly what the Witch-King of Angmar is, he is the leader of the Ringwraith group known as the Nazgul. He is Sauron’s second in command and was tasked with finding the ring and bringing it back at any cost. When the hobbits built a fire at Weathertop and alerted the Nazgul that they were there, it was the Witch- King that stabbed Frodo poisoning him. 

During the battle of the Pelennor Fields the Witch-King was killed by Mary with the help of Eowyn. That fight can be seen here  Eowyn fight with Witch-King

The Witch-King riding a fell beast

Eowyn meets the Witch King of Angmar

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Growing up as the outcast of his Elvin clan in the forest of the Moonshile islands, Tommy has hung up his bow and quiver for a notepad and laptop, he now plays and writes gaming articles.
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