At this point, most people have heard of Valorant if not played it at least a couple of times! It’s a very popular game now, but what if you’re just starting and want to learn the game? Or even if you’re already playing but want to improve? The best way to learn is to watch how the experts do it! There’s no harm in having some fun while learning. That’s why this article was made! In this article, I’m going to show you the best Youtubers that can help you get better while being entertained by them.
Here are the top ten Valorant YouTubers:
10. Videogamedunkey:
Videogamedunkey is one of the most hilarious YouTubers out there! He generates a lot of funny content and he’s actually a very good player! In Valorant you might not find many videos but you will enjoy them! And if you want to become a YouTuber yourself then you can actually learn a thing or two about making funny videos by watching his content.
YouTube Channel:
9. Skadoodle:
Skadoodle is an American player who previously played for T1! He is a skilled player who you will surely enjoy! He’s a bit underrated but if you enjoy good plays then you will like his playstyle! In a recent player voting, you will actually find that he ranked highly as a YouTuber for Valorant!
YouTube Channel:
8. Laddiff:
lalala ❤ (Valorant montage)
Laddiff is one of my favorite YouTubers! Not only will he make you love to play the game, but you will enjoy every bit of his videos! Many Redditers say he’s one of the best -If not the absolute best- Montage creators in Valorant!
YouTube Channel:
7. Myth:
The Funniest Valorant Match I've Ever Played
If you’re in this for the skills then Myth is your guy! But if you’re in this for funny content then Myth is still your guy! Myth is one of the respected players for his skills and many players love him because he provides entertaining videos where skill and funny content meet!
YouTube Channel:
6. Hitscan:
Hitscan is not like other Valorant YouTubers where he just brings some skills or montage to impress you! He brings knowledge! Which you will surely need in order to know how to play the game better and choose the right agents! He explains every aspect of the game, changes, and even skins! So he is your go-to guy if you want information on the game.
YouTube Channel:
5. XTR:
The New Way to Phoenix Flash in Valorant
XTR is the sweet mix between a skilled player and someone who you would want to watch to laugh and enjoy yourself! What’s really good is that he has great tips for beginners and reviews VODS and tells people what they’re doing wrong so you will surely gain some practical knowledge from watching his videos.
YouTube Channel:
4. Noted:
They Call Me FLICK MACHINE - Valorant
Noted is one of my favorite YouTubers to watch for skills! I mean, he’s so known for his flicks which can be pretty inspiring and amazing! It’s also fun because there is nothing better than watching smurfs getting smurfed on! As that’s how it feels watching Noted’s videos.
YouTube Channel:
3. Hiko:
My Best ACES, ROUNDS , FUNNY MOMENTS In VALORANT | Closed Beta Stream Highlights
You probably heard of Hiko at least once if you’re searching about players and YouTubers! He’s one of the professional players and he has been on the scene for a few good years now! His skills are surely remarkable but he’s also funny and entertaining so you will get the full package with him! You might think he’s a bit old, but with Hiko Old is truly Gold!
YouTube Channel:
2. Tenz:
The famously known among pros and fans! Tenz is a Canadian professional player who is currently playing for Sentinels. He has some insane plays in Valorant. He was a CS:GO veteran and that made it much easier for him to switch for Valorant later on. If you want to enjoy seeing people get destroyed then Tenz would serve you well!
YouTube Channel:
1. Shroud:
Shroud is probably the most famous YouTuber in shooting games! He was chosen for the 1st spot because he is always entertaining, skillful, and funny! You will never get bored of watching his content as he offers a diversity of content and he has a huge fanbase that you will probably be one of them! He also plays other games so if you want a break from Valorant you won’t have to look elsewhere.
YouTube Channel:
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