16 Apr 2020
What Are The Best Melee Builds in The Outer Worlds?
5. The Paladin (High Damage)
The Paladin build is perfect for anyone with an itch to one hit any enemy in the game all while using a big hammer.
The Paladin Excels in:
- One hitting enemies
- Regenerating health
- Clearing a room in one power attack
The Paladin Details
- Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence at very high
- Perception, Charm, and Temperament down to below average
- Tag melee and tech
- Take dirt farmer aptitude for -3% N-Ray Damage received
- Invest levels on tech skills
- Once science hits 50 focus on it till its 100
- Get prismatic hammer on the groundbreaker
- Begin raising 2-Handed to 100
- Get Companions, Felix and Vicar Max
- Equip Max with shrink ray
- Equip Felix with Goop gun
- Equip Paladin with Legendary iconoclast armor and helmet
- Help Iconoclast faction
- Level Prismatic Hammer as you level up cost 200 bits each
Tier 1 perks:
- Toughness
- slow the world
- Strider
- Cheetah
- high maintenance
- quick and the dead
- resilient
Tier 2 perks:
- weird science
- speed demon
- harvester
Tier 3 perks:
- wild science
- Confidence
- armor master
- tactical master
4. Sudden Impact (1-handed melee)
The Sudden Impact is perfect for anyone wanting to run in and hit with speed and precision all while using a 1-handed hammer.
The Sudden Impact excels in
- Hitting things hard with a hammer
- One shotting anything at an early level
1-handed details
- Strength and perception up to Very high
- Dexterity and intelligence stay at average
- Charm down to below average
- Temperament up to good
- Tag Melee and defense
- Take Factory worker Aptitude
- First level up all points in defense
- Get dodge up to 80
- At level 8 put points into melee
- Focus on 1-Handed to 80
- Put points into block
- Get elite troop armor and ordnance control helmet gold
Tier 1 perks
- Cheetah
- Lone wolf
- Resilient
- Toughness
- Slow the world
Tier 2 perks
- Scanner
3. Elite Trooper (slash melee)
The Elite Trooper is perfect for anyone wanting to slash away at enemies while taking very little damage.
The Elite Trooper Excels in:
- Hacking enemies effectively
- Using a combination of melee weapons
The Elite Trooper Details:
- Strength and Intelligence up to very high
- Dexterity and Charm stay at average
- Perception down to below average
- Temperament up to good
- Tag melee and tech
- 1-handed and science to 60
- Max out 1-handed and block
- Max science
- Equip Ionized Paper Knife
- Heavy armor with high armor rating
Tier 1 perks
- Toughness
- Cheetah
- High maintenance
- Resilient
- Lone wolf
Tier 2 perks
- Harvester
Tier 3 perks
- Armor master
- Revenge
- Tit for tat
2. The Assassin (1-handed melee)
The Assassin is perfect for anyone who wants to experience stealth at its finest and be able to sneak up behind enemies and take them out without alerting their friends.
The Assassin Excels in:
- Using stealth to their advantage
- Not raising the alarm and making everyone hostile
The Assassin Details:
- Strength and Dexterity up to high
- Intelligence up to very high
- Perception and Charm stay at average
- Temperament down to below average
- Tag 1-handed and sneak
- Get 1-handed, sneak and block to 100
- Equip officers spine gold or supper time
- Equip iconoclast apostle armor and helmet
Tier 1 Perks:
- Toughness
- Slow the world
- Lone wolf
- Quick and the dead
- Resilient
- High maintenance
Tier 2 Perks:
- The Reaper
- Speed demon
- Scanner
- Harvester
Tier 3 Perks:
- Confidence
- Armor Master
- Tactical master
- Last stand
- Tit for tat
1. The Praetorian (Supernova Melee)
The Praetorian is perfect for anyone who is brave enough to want to take on supernova difficulty by being alone and using a big hammer may succeed.
The Praetorian Excels in:
- Hitting hard with a hammer
- Accomplishing supernova game difficulty
The Praetorian Details:
- Strength, Dexterity, and Temperament up to very high
- Intelligence, Perception, and Charm down to below average
- Tag melee and defense
- Take any aptitude that improves any damage resistance
- Level up melee
- Depending on weapon choice level up either 2-handed or 1-handed to 60
- Get dodge to 80
- Get block to 100 or medicine or science to 100
Tier 1 Perks:
- Toughness
- Lone wolf
- Cheetah
- Resilient
- High maintenance
- Quick and the dead
Tier 2 Perks:
- Harvester
- Speed demon
- The reaper
- Weird science (if using science weapon)
Tier 3 Perks:
- Tit for Tat
- Armor Master
- Revenge
- Last stand
- Tactical master
- Wild science ( if using science weapon)
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