Let’s get to know the specialty ammo in RDO.
This is the Wild West. So, yes, ammo is a part and parcel of your everyday experience. You can always use regular ammo, no doubt about that, but as you progress through the game, you’ll find that specialty ammo is called specialty ammo for a reason. They always give you the edge you need to win a fight. So, let’s dive into these types.
10. Explosive Ammo
Anything that can shoot a round, can shoot explosive ammo. The amount of damage however depends on the size and stats of the gun. With that being said, sometimes explosive ammo can cause you trouble by hurting an innocent civilian.
- Can be used to deal with many enemies closely gathered
- Can be used to hunt down legendary or very large animals easily
- Can be used as a replacement for explosives
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
9. Fire Arrow
Fire arrows might seem fun, but they can be dangerous during missions. Hitting an enemy can cause no problems, but missing and hitting an object or a building can. That can cause issues for allies in the mission. However, sometimes it’ll come in handy.
- Can be used to set fire when needed
- Can be used to keep enemies at bay
- Can be used for tactical play
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
8. Poisonous Throwing Knife
With this, You can be sure that an enemy hit by your knife will perish. While it might seem like a worthy weapon, you could have probably killed the enemy with a regular throwing knife. However, you could use the added DPS for animals that can take more than a knife.
- Damage over time
- Can be used just like a regular throwing knife
- Great for a stealthy approach
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
7. Varmint Ammo
The varmint ammo can only be used for the varmint rifle. The rifle is vital for hunting small animals and for collecting eggs. With the rifle being good for small animals, it should come as no surprise it is worthless against enemies. So, you should only use it for the two purposes that it’s built for.
- You can get 3 star small game
- You can collect bird eggs
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
6. Small Game Arrows
A small game arrow is quite similar to varmint ammo. You can use this instead of a varmint rifle to catch small animals stealthily. You can also use it for collecting bird eggs that can be sold to Madam Nazar.
- Stealth weaponry
- You can get 3 star small game
- You can collect bird eggs
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
5. Split Point
Split-point ammo causes Dead Eye to drain slower than normal, while also doing a little extra damage. With a big group of enemies, the extra Dead Eye can come in handy. This ammo type can be used by almost all types of weapons. You can prolong the use of your dead eye and you’ll feel the difference in a fight for sure.
- Slows dead eye drain rate
- Added damage
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
4. Buckshot Incendiary
Buckshot incendiary can be used only in shotguns. It allows you to light up multiple enemies on fire. The ammo acts like a normal shotgun shell, not causing a lot of the background to catch on fire. It is great if you have a herd of enemies that needs to be dealt with in a very limited amount of time.
- Can target multiple enemies
- Enhanced damage
- Best shotgun ammo
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
3. Dynamite Arrow
You can use it to clear a crowd of enemies with a single arrow. Even if it does not kill the enemy, they will be rolling on the ground missing limbs. It is effective when attacking enemies from a far range, as opposed to buckshot.
- Can be used to deal with many enemies closely gathered
- Can be used to hunt down legendary or very large animals easily
- Can be used as a replacement for explosives
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
2. High-Velocity Ammo
High-velocity ammo is available for pistols, revolvers, and rifles. The ammo is unique, as it can be used to pierce multiple enemies at once. When you line up a shot with multiple enemies, chances are, you’ll wound a couple of them or more with one shot. High-velocity ammo is most useful against animals that tend to run as soon as they hear a gunshot because the bullet reaches them faster making it an easier and cleaner shot.
- Chance to hit multiple enemies
- Helps hunt animals, too
- Adds power to your shot
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
1. Express Ammo
Express Ammo is undoubtedly the best ammo type in the game. It greatly increases damage. So, make sure to use express ammo if you ever need to use a less powerful weapon, perhaps because your primary gun is not clean enough. It makes great weapons even better, especially the fast ones.
- Added Damage
- Lower recoil for faster weapons
- Can make sure that your gun reaches its max damage
How to get it
You can craft or buy it.
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