Electro characters in Genshin Impact are better than many would think
Currently, in Genshin Impact the Electro element has gained popularity thanks to the new region of Inazuma and the Electro Archon, the Raiden Shogun Ei. This element is quite versatile and is the one that has the most elemental reactions, maybe they’re not as powerful as others, but they’re still useful in many scenarios.
Because of this, let’s take a look at what are the Best Electro Characters That Are Amazing!
5. Kujou Sara
The future of the Tenryou commission
Sara is a character that we get to know in the main story quest of Inazuma. She’s the adopted daughter of the Kujou Clan of the Tenryou Commission. The role of Sara in a team is that of support that will buff the attack of any member for a period of time and recover some energy as well.
Kujou Sara Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/sara/?lang=EN
What makes Kujou Sara great
- Attack buff is great and welcome in any team composition.
- Energy recovery for the whole party is also amazing to spam your bursts faster.
4. Fischl
The princess of the eternal night
Fischl is a Sub-DPS whose elemental skill (her familiar Oz) constantly attacks enemies shooting electro projectiles. Something amazing about Oz is that he remains on the field even if you swapped Fischl to another character, this opens a window to elemental reactions and crowd control of enemies.
Fischl Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/fischl/?lang=EN
What makes Fischl great
- Constant electro damage thanks to Oz.
- Unlike Xianling’s Guoba, Oz’s attacks will aim and hit any enemy.
3. Beidou
Famous pirate from Liyue
Beidou is a character who’s popular thanks to her ability kit and how well her ultimate performs against multiple enemies and with other elements, especially in end-game content like the Spiral Abyss where she can be either a main carry or an excellent Sub-DPS.
Beidou Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/beidou/?lang=EN
What makes Beidou great
- Paired with a Hydro support, the amount and speed of electro-charged damage she can cause is insane.
- Her elemental skill has high damage multipliers and also applies electro.
2. Keching
Keqing is a strong electro DPS that is present in Genshin Impact from day one since she’s a permanent 5-star character and although at this point of the game there are plenty of other 5-star carries that do way more damage, she's still good enough.
Keching Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/keqing/?lang=EN
What makes Keqing great:
- Multipurpose elemental skill that can do big damage and it's easy to spam thanks to its low cool down.
- Her burst is great for both small and big enemies, plus it has a wide area of damage.
1. Raiden Shogun
The most powerful representation of thunder in Teyvatt
Raiden Shogun (also known as Ei) has been the most popular electro character to date, with the highest-grossing banner to this date. She's a character supposed to be used as a support, yet she can also be a DPS, and she excels at both roles.
Raiden Shogun Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/shougun/?lang=EN
What makes Raiden Shogun great
- Fastest electro damage from her elemental skill in the game so far at 0.9 milliseconds.
- Strong elemental burst capable of deleting enemies with one hit.