Aloy is the heroine from “Horizon Zero Dawn”, a PS4 and Microsoft Windows game. She was introduced as a collaboration and crossover character between Guerrilla Games and miHoYo.
It was introduced between Versions 2.1-2.1 on PlayStation and Version 2.2 on all platforms. Now, you can obtain her when you reach Adventure Rank 20.
Even if she’s not a Genshin Impact original character and doesn’t have a quest, you can consider her to be part of your party. If you need a Cryo user in your team and you don’t have any except her, we present you some builds for her!
3. Wanderer’s Troupe
Wanderer's Troupe is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Bosses at World Level 2.
The 2-Piece Bonus of Wanderer’s Troupe increases Elemental Mastery by 80 and its 4-Piece Bonus increases Charged Attacks by 35% if the character uses a catalyst or a bow.
Reasons to use this set:
- For Aloy, this set will increase Elemental Reactions and her attacks, so she’s a perfect DPS with this one and a perfect support.
- If you want to use this set, keep in mind that you’ll need characters such as Xingqiu or Xiangling in your team. These characters will help Aloy to deal more Cryo DMG through Elemental Reactions such as Frozen or Melt.
- Since this set just increases Elemental Reactions’ DMG, you can’t really deal DMG with normal attacks. So, we recommend focusing on those reactions more than attacking with normal attacks.
- Since this set is focused on reactions, it’s perfect for big bosses or Abyss. In these places, elemental reactions are very important because they’re what deal more DMG!
- The best bow for this set is the Elegy of the End, a 5-star bow that can be obtained from wishes and its second stat is ER. This bow increases EM by 60 and gains stacks when Aloy uses Elemental Skill or Burst, increasing EM by 100 and ATK by 20%.
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: EM
- Goblet: Cryo DMG/EM Bonus
- Circlet: ATK%/Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Best team for this build:
- Aloy, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Bennet
Reason why:
Aloy deals elemental reactions with Xingqiu and Bennet, but they support her by buffing or healing her at the same time! Also, Kazuha regroups enemies and decreases enemies’ DEF so it’s easier for them to defeat them.
2. Shimenawa’s Reminiscence and Noblesse Oblige
Shimenawa’s Reminiscence is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Momiji-Dyed Court in Inazuma. The 2-Piece Bonus of Shimenawa’s Reminiscence increases your attack by 18%.
Noblesse Oblige is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities and can be obtained from Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern. Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Burst DMG by 20%.
If you like to deal DMG with Aloy’s Elemental Burst while he deals DMG with his basic attacks, this is the perfect build for him!
Reasons to use this set:
- Shimenawa’s Reminiscence increases Aloy’s DMG, making her a really good DPS.
- Aloy’s Elemental Burst creates a Cryo area around the character and deals Cryo DMG. Noblesse Oblige will increase this Cryo DMG.
- This set is focused on an Aloy support, so you have to keep in mind that she’s not the one that will deal the DMG. You have to use another DPS to defeat those enemies.
- Since this set is focused on reactions, it’s perfect for big bosses or Abyss. In these places, elemental reactions are very important because they’re what deal more DMG!
- The Stringless is perfect for this build. This bow increases Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 24%. Another good option is the Sacrificial Bow, a weapon that has a 40% chance to end its CD when you hit an opponent with a skill.
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ATK%
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Best team for this build:
- Aloy, Hu Tao, Xinqiu, and Zhongli
Reason why:
In this team, Hu Tao is the main DPS since she’s the one who will deal the DMG. Aloy and Xingqiu support her with those Elemental Reactions and Zhongli decreases enemies’ DEF and shields his team at the same time!
1. Emblem of Severed Fate
Emblem of Severed Fate is an Artifact Set that can be obtained from Momniji-Dyed Court in Inazuma. Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Energy Recharge by 20% and its 4-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of ER (max of 75% bonus).
Reasons to use this set:
- This set provides a good boost on ER, making it really useful for Sub DPS and Supports that use their Elemental Burst often.
- The 4-Piece Bonus will increase Aloy’s Elemental Burst DMG and her Energy Recharge, so she’ll be able to spam her Elemental Burst and even her Elemental Skill more. She’ll deal a lot of Cryo DMG this way and Elemental Reactions.
- This set is focused on an Aloy support, so you have to keep in mind that she’s not the one that will deal the DMG. You have to use another DPS to defeat those enemies.
- Since this set is focused on reactions, it’s perfect for big bosses or Abyss. In these places, elemental reactions are very important because they’re what deal more DMG!
- Favonious Warbow is the perfect weapon for this set. This 4-star bow has Energy Recharge as its second stat and CRIT has a 60% chance to generate Elemental Particles, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character every 12s.
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ER
- Goblet: Cryo DMG/ER Bonus
- Circlet: ER/Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Best team for this build:
- Aloy, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Raiden Shogun
Reason why:
As we said, Aloy is a support in this team so Raiden Shogun is the DPS who will deal the DMG! Aloy and Xingqiu help Raiden Shogun deal Elemental Reactions, and Kazuha decreases enemies’ DEF and regroups them.