The Huntress is a killer that uses her axes to hit survivors from a far distance, enabling her to hit survivors across the other side of the map. It is generally considered a very powerful killer; however, much practice is required to be considered a pro in huntress, allowing you to use the m1 and m2 buttons flawlessly within the game.
Nonetheless, let the fog reveal the best Huntress Builds:
5. The Toxicity of Huntress Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by D3AD Plays
The Toxicity of Huntress build is a build that focuses on toxicity and how to create an atmosphere as toxic as possible, using all the possible killer advantages to kill and sacrifice the survivors as fast as possible.
Nonetheless, this can be greatly supported by Barbecue & Chilli and Iron Maiden, one of the most powerful perks for the Huntress, which would reveal the aura and then allow you to throw the hatchets from long distances, making it a very good build for the Huntress.
What the Toxicity of Huntress Build Excels In:
- The Iron Maiden perk is particularly powerful, especially for the Huntress, where you can open lockers much faster when grabbing the hatchets and simultaneously reveal any survivors who might have entered a locker which is unlikely unless the survivor is inexperienced.
- With Barbecue and Chilli, you will be able to see the auras of any survivors who might be outside your terror radius once hooking a survivor, which gives you the ability to throw the hatches from a far distance, especially if the survivors are sitting at the generator, giving you a more probable hit.
Build details & perks:
- Corrupt Intervention: At the start of the Trial, the 3 Generators located farthest from you are blocked by The Entity for 80/100/120 seconds. Corrupt Intervention deactivates prematurely once the first Survivor is put into the Dying State.
- Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage: At the start of the Trial, four random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks: The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white. Each time a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply: The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed for 5/6/7 seconds.
- Barbecue & Chilli: After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60/50/40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 4 seconds.
- Iron Maiden: You open Lockers 30/40/50 % faster. Survivors who exit Lockers will scream and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds, revealing their location to you for 4 seconds.
4. I Hear & See All Huntress Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Twoknee
The I Hear & See All Huntress build is a build which describes the vision of the killer where she can see everything according to the perks listed in the build.
With perks such as bitter murmur, I'm all ears, and barbecue & chilli, she can see the survivors in different situations, making it a very great build for aura revealing, and therefore, a build recommended especially for beginner players where they require the least effort on finding survivors.
What the I Hear & See All Huntress Build Excels In:
- The perk Bitter Murmur is an underrated perk many killers don't use. However, it will allow you to see the auras of survivors once the generator has been completed, allowing you to throw the hatchets and, at the same time, have an idea of where the survivors would be during that time.
- With the perk I'm all ears, you will be able to see the auras of the survivors who have performed a rush action within a large 48-metre radius of your location, which is very big considering there is an unlikely chance of losing the particular survivor when lost in a chase.
Build details & perks:
- Discordance: Any Generator within a range of 64/96/128 metres being repaired by two or more Survivors is marked by a yellow Aura. When the Generator is first highlighted, Discordance triggers a Loud Noise Notification on the Generator. After the Generator is no longer within range or is being repaired by just 1 Survivor, the highlighted Aura will linger for another 4 seconds.
- Bitter Murmur: Each time a Generator is completed, the Auras of all Survivors within 16 metres of that Generator are revealed to you for 5 seconds. Once the last Generator is completed, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 5/7/10 seconds.
- I'm All Ears: Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 metres of your location has their Aura revealed to you for 6 seconds. I'm All Ears can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- Barbecue & Chilli: After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60/50/40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 4 seconds.
3. Relentless Huntress Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by RedsGamingGears
The Relentless Huntress build is a build that is completely relentless and doesn't care about the survivors in any way, causing them to suffer as much as possible with the following perks such as Pain Resonance and Iron Maiden, which would make it difficult for them to go near lockers or generators, which is a great combination when it comes to the Huntress, as she will have the ability to throw the hatchets from far, and take this as an advantage.
Overall, this build is decent for the Huntress, taking long-distance perks to its advantage.
What the Relentless Huntress Build Excels In:
- The perk Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, is considered one of the most powerful perks in terms of generator regressing, as it will allow you to see the survivors who start repairing the most progressed generator after regressing, therefore allowing you to come back to the generator and gain lots of time in the killer's perspective.
- The Iron Maiden perk is particularly powerful, especially for the Huntress, where you can open lockers much faster when grabbing the hatchets and simultaneously reveal any survivors who might have entered a locker which is unlikely unless the survivor is inexperienced.
Build details & perks:
- Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance: At the start of the Trial, four random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks: The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white. Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply: The Generator with the most Progression explodes, instantly losing 9/12/15 % of its Progression and starting to regress. Survivors repairing that Generator will scream but not reveal their location.
- Lethal Pursuer: At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of a Survivor's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds.
- Darkness Revealed: When you search a Locker, the Auras of all Survivors within 8 metres of any Locker are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Darkness Revealed has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Iron Maiden: You open Lockers 30/40/50 % faster. Survivors who exit Lockers will scream and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds, revealing their location to you for 4 seconds.
2. The Fun Killing Spree Huntress Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by HybridPanda
The Fun Killing Spree Huntress Build is a focus build on getting as many survivors as possible with the help of perks which would define the aura-revealing perks, where the Huntress will be able to see survivors mainly through the locker area, making lockers a dangerous spot for the survivors, and great for the Huntress, making this one of the best builds for the Huntress, and a well-deserved number two spot on this list.
What the Fun Killing Spree Huntress Build Excels In:
- With Barbecue and Chilli, you will be able to see the auras of any survivors who might be outside your terror radius once hooking a survivor, which gives you the ability to throw the hatches from a far distance, especially if the survivors are sitting at the generator, giving you a more probable hit.
- The Iron Maiden perk is particularly powerful, especially for the Huntress, where you can open lockers much faster when grabbing the hatchets and simultaneously reveal any survivors who might have entered a locker which is unlikely unless the survivor is inexperienced.
Build details & perks:
- Lethal Pursuer: At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of a Survivor's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds.
- Barbecue & Chilli: After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60/50/40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 4 seconds.
- Darkness Revealed: When you search a Locker, the Auras of all Survivors within 8 metres of any Locker are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Darkness Revealed has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Iron Maiden: You open Lockers 30/40/50 % faster. Survivors who exit Lockers will scream and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds, revealing their location to you for 4 seconds.
1. The Chef's Kiss Huntress Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by CoconutRTS
The Chef's Kiss Huntress build a build that is the Chef's speciality of Aura Revealing Combinations. It is similar to the second-place build; However, it gains more vision, with aura being revealed in more often situations than usual, making it so much easier for the killer to find and hit survivors through short and long distances.
Nonetheless, it is a build that I would recommend to everybody as it is a very powerful build that will allow you to see everything on the map and take this as an advantage to kill and sacrifice the survivors as fast as possible.
What the Chef's Kiss Huntress Build Excels In:
- Lethal Pursuer allows you to see any survivors at the very start of the game, allowing you to get a quick start on their probable location and, at the same time, allowing you to use your hatchets and get some early hits if you have a skill of a sniper.
- With Barbecue and Chilli, you will be able to see the auras of any survivors who might be outside your terror radius once hooking a survivor, which gives you the ability to throw the hatches from a far distance, especially if the survivors are sitting at the generator, giving you a more probable hit.
Build details & perks:
- Lethal Pursuer: At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of a Survivor's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds.
- Barbecue & Chilli: After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60/50/40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 4 seconds.
- Darkness Revealed: When you search a Locker, the Auras of all Survivors within 8 metres of any Locker are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Darkness Revealed has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Bitter Murmur: Each time a Generator is completed, the Auras of all Survivors within 16 metres of that Generator are revealed to you for 5 seconds. Once the last Generator is completed, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 5/7/10 seconds.