1. Beginner Leader Build

This build is best for a new player who enjoys leading other Survivors. You do not have to be in a SWF for this build. While it is more beneficial to be in a team, you can be a solo player and still use this perk set. All the perks in this build are easily accessible to new players. The perks are also simple and straightforward to use.
- Complete generator repair with other Survivors to gain benefit from the perk Prove Thyself.
- Assist a teammate with the perk Leader. This can include healing, sabotaging, unhooking, cleansing, unlocking chests and opening Exit Gates.
- When one of your teammates becomes hooked, you will see the auras of all other Survivors with your perk Kindred. This is a great information gathering tool. It will help you decide if you should go for the unhook, or if you are better off providing Prove Thyself for the repair speed bonus.
- Unhooking another Survivor will grant you a healing boost with the perk We’ll Make It.
- If any other teammates are near to assist with healing after the unhook, they will receive the healing speed bonus from your Leader perk.
- If you become hooked, your teammates will see the auras of all other Survivors and the Killer if they are in range of your Kindred. This is handy for helping your teammates decide the most efficient way to unhook you.
- Once the Exit Gates are powered, don’t forget to provide your Leader effects to a Survivor opening the Exit Gate.
Beginner Leader Strengths:
- Easily accessible perks – All perks used for this build are available in the base game of Dead by Daylight. Some are general perks, and some are unlocked through the base game character Dwight Fairfield.
- Aura reading - Kindred provides tactical information for not only you, but your other teammates as well depending on who is currently hooked.
- Speed boost to actions - This build provides speed boosts for almost every Survivor action in the game.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Offering: Bloody Party Streamers
- Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in all categories for all players in this trial.
- Perks:
- Kindred: Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. While you are on hook, all Survivors’ auras are revealed to all other Survivors. If the Killer is within an 8/12/16-meter range, the Killer’s aura is revealed to you and all other Survivors. While a Survivor other than you is on the hook, all other Survivors’ auras are revealed to you. If the Killer is within an 8/12/16-meter range of the hooked Survivor, the Killer’s aura is revealed to you.
- Leader: Increase other Survivors’ healing, sabotaging, unhooking, cleansing, opening Exit Gates, and chest unlocking speeds by 15/20/25% when they are within an 8-meter range from you. Survivors can only be affected by one Leader at a time. This effect persists on other Survivors for 15 seconds after leaving the Leader’s effective perk range.
- Prove Thyself: For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4-meter range, gain 6/8/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range.
- We’ll Make It: When you rescue a Survivor from a hook, gain a 100% speed increase while healing others for 30/60/90 seconds.
2. Beginner Healer

This build is best for a new player who enjoys healing other Survivors. All the perks in this build are easily accessible. The perks are simple and straightforward to use. These perks keep the player in the background, away from direct contact with the Killer. New players will be able to excel with this build.
- Complete generator repairs until you are needed.
- Bond will allow you to see when a Survivor is injured.
- Once you are sure they are out of danger, use your Sprint Burst to quickly reach your injured teammate.
- Botany Knowledge will allow you to quickly heal your fellow Survivor.
- Once you are finished, use Deja Vu to continue repairing a generator and prevent a 3 gen.
- Sprint Burst can also be used to evade the Killer, or after healing to quickly return to a generator.
Basic Beginner Healer Strengths:
- Easily accessible perks – All perks used for this build are available in the base game of Dead by Daylight. Some are general perks, and some are unlocked through base game characters.
- Simple perks - Each perk has a single function that is straightforward and easy to understand.
- Multipurpose – This build allows you to focus on quick healing, as well as the main game objective generator repair.
Build Details:
- Item: Any item that is not a med-kit as Botany Knowledge gives you a penalty for healing with one.
- Offering: Any tier Primrose Blossom.
- Primrose Blossom Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fresh Primrose Blossom – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fragrant Primrose Blossom – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Perks:
- Bond: Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Allies’ auras are revealed to you when they are within a 20/28/36-meter range.
- Botany Knowledge: You transform plants found around the campfire into tinctures that slow down bleeding. Healing speed is increased by 50%. Healing item efficiency is reduced by 20%.
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
3. Basic Beginner

This build is best for a new player who enjoys a broad spectrum of game play. From generator repair to unhooking to healing this build covers it all. The perks in this build are easily accessible, simple and straightforward to use. New players will be able to excel using this build.
- Use Deja Vu to locate a generator to repair. You receive a speed boost on generators highlighted by this perk.
- Bond will allow you to see the aura of other Survivors.
- Complete generator repair with fellow teammates to gain the most use out of the perk Prove Thyself.
- When a teammate is hooked you can use Bond to decide if you should stay on the generator or go for the unhook.
- If you decide to unhook your fellow Survivor, the perk We’ll Make It provides a healing boost. This boost has a long duration, so it is always a good idea to unhook your teammates to keep your healing boost active.
Beginner Build Strengths:
- Easily accessible perks – All perks used for this build are available in the base game of Dead by Daylight. Some are general perks, and some are unlocked through the base game character Dwight.
- Simple perks - Each perk has a function that is straightforward and easy to understand.
- Multipurpose – This build allows you to focus on a broad spectrum of game tasks. You excel at generator repair. Saving fellow Survivors from hooks provides a great healing boost.
- Aura reading – Your aura reading perks provide constantly valuable information with the position of your teammates and potentially problematic generators.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Item: Ranger Med-Kit
- 24 charges that increase the speed that you heal others by 50%, unlock the self-healing action, and decrease the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%.
- Addon 1: Gel Dressing – adds 16 charges to the med-kit.
- Addon 2: Abdominal Dressing – adds healing speed by 15%.
- Offering: Bloody Party Streamers
- Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in all categories for all players in this trial.
- Perks:
- Bond: Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Allies’ auras are revealed to you when they are within a 20/28/36-meter range.
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
- Prove Thyself: For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4-meter range, gain 6/8/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range.
- We’ll Make It: When you rescue a Survivor from a hook, gain a 100% speed increase while healing others for 30/60/90 seconds.
4. Sabotage Build

This build is excellent for players who enjoy swooping in to sabotage a hook. They relish the sweet clank of the hook on the ground right in the Killer’s face, denying them victory. The perks used in this build are straightforward and easy to use. You just need to perfect your timing, so you are not too early to the hook or too late. Being too early gives the Killer the chance to divert to another hook in range. Being too late results in your teammate getting hooked and you most likely becoming injured.
- You will use the perk Empathy to get a lock on your teammate’s aura. Once they become injured, you should stick close by.
- When your teammate is put into the dying state and picked up by the Killer, Saboteur will activate.
- Quickly locate the likeliest hook the Killer will go to.
- Your perk Background Player will also be active. Use this perk’s ability to race within 5 meters of the Killer, and towards the likeliest hook.
- Once you are within 5-meters of a carried Survivor the perk Breakout will activate and increase their wiggle speed.
- In some cases, your teammate may be able to wiggle out.
- In other cases, you will need to reach the hook and use Saboteur to sabotage it. This can be performed without a toolbox. It is recommended you have a toolbox on hand in case you need to sabotage, and your perk Saboteur is on cool down.
- Breakout can be swapped with the perk Flashbang. This allows you to try to get a flashbang save before the Killer reaches the hook. This perk can also be used at the hook to give you a few extra seconds to sabotage. Using Flashbang this way may save you from becoming injured if it’s going to be a tight squeeze to get the sabotage done.
Sabotage Build Strengths:
- Simple perks - Each perk has a function that is straightforward and easy to understand.
- Time efficiency - You are quick on your feet when a teammate is in trouble.
- Flexibility - An item is not required with this build. You have the flexibility to bring any tool. You can also swap Breakout with Flashbang if that suits your playstyle better.
- Aura reading – You can easily track any injured Survivor. This knowledge will help you be in the right place at the right time to assist with a sabotage. You also see the auras of hooks. This is handy to know so you have time to reach the hook before the Killer.
Build Details:
- Item: Alex’s Toolbox
- 18 charges that increase repair speed by 10%, unlock the sabotage action, and increase the sabotage speed by 100%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Grip Wrench – hooks sabotaged using the toolbox take an extra 20 seconds to respawn.
- Optional Addon: Hacksaw – increases toolbox sabotage speed by 30%.
- Offering: Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks:
- Background Player: When the Killer picks-up another Survivor, Background Player activates for 10 seconds. When you start running, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running movement speed for 5 seconds. This perk cannot be used while Exhausted and causes the Exhausted effect for 30/25/20 seconds.
- Breakout: When within 5-meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste status effect, moving at 5/6/7% increased speed. The carried Survivor’s wiggle speed is increased by 25%.
- Empathy: Dying or injured allies’ auras are revealed to you when within a 64/96/128-meter range. Empathy does not reveal auras of allies when they are in direct contact with the Killer.
- Saboteur: See hook auras in a 56-meter radius from the pickup spot if another Survivor is being carried. Scourge hooks are shown in yellow. Unlocks the ability to sabotage hooks without a toolbox. Sabotaging a hook without a toolbox takes 2.3 seconds. The sabotaging action has a 70/65/60 second cooldown.
5. Super-Hero Hook Saves Build

This build is excellent for players who want to be the superhero in the shadows. The perks in this build are decently easy to use and have very little requirements you have to worry about. You are generally out of harm’s way until the damsel, your fellow Survivors, need to be rescued from the hook.
- The perk Distortion will hide you from any aura reading perk the Killer has brought at the start of the game.
- Since the Killer should have no idea where you are, you will use the perk Deja Vu to see the generators located closest together.
- Once one of your teammates is hooked, you should jump into action and rescue them.
- The perk We’ll Make It will allow you to perform quick heals underhook. Any other Survivors nearby can also receive a quick heal, as this perk has a decent activation time.
- Rinse and repeat.
- If you become hooked, you can activate the perk Deliverance to rescue yourself. This perk provides a 100% guarantee of unhooking yourself as long as you already unhooked another Survivor.
Super-Hero Hook Saves Build Strengths:
- Hidden Aura – Distortion protects your aura from being read by the Killer. This increases the chances of another Survivor being hooked before you. If you rescue that Survivor, this activates the perk Deliverance.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time on healing, and unhooking. Instead that time can be spent on generator repair.
- Multipurpose - When you are not unhooking a fellow Survivor, you are still benefiting the team by using your perk Deja Vu to repair generators and break 3 gens.
Build Details:
- Item: Ranger Med-Kit
- 24 charges that increase the speed that you heal others by 50%, unlock the self-healing action, and decrease the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%.
- Addon 1: Gel Dressing – adds 16 charges to the med-kit.
- Addon 2: Abdominal Dressing – adds healing speed by 15%.
- Offering: Any tier Primrose Blossom
- Primrose Blossom Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fresh Primrose Blossom – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fragrant Primrose Blossom – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Perks:
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
- Deliverance: After performing a safe hook rescue on another Survivor, Deliverance activates. You now have a 100% chance of unhooking yourself during the escape attempt. A successful Deliverance from the hook triggers the Broken status effect for 100/80/60 seconds.
- Distortion: When your aura would be shown to the Killer, the perk activates. Distortion starts with 1 token. When your aura would be read, Distortion activates and consumes a token. For the next 8/10/12 seconds, your aura and scratch marks will not be shown to the Killer. For each 30 seconds spent in chase, regain 1 token, up to 2.
- We’ll Make It: When you rescue a Survivor from a hook, gain a 100% speed increase while healing others for 30/60/90 seconds.
6. Recovery Totem Build

Are you ready to bring a spark of magic to your games? This build provides an important support role with your boon blessings. The perks used require knowledge of totem spawns but are generally easy to use. This is a cheeky little build that can waste the Killer’s time and provide excellent healing for your team.
- Quickly locate a totem in your game to bless. Totems will spawn in specific areas on your map.
- You have the option to swap out one of the two non-boon perks for a totem locating perk such as Small Game. This will come in handy if you are unfamiliar where totems spawn.
- Once you have acquired a totem, you can bless it with Boon: Exponential and Boon: Circle of Healing.
- All boons in your build will be applied to the totem you are blessing. You cannot pick and choose which blessings attach to the totem.
- Any Survivor who goes into the dying state can fully recover and get up off the ground if they stay in Boon: Exponential’s range.
- Tenacity will allow you to crawl to a pallet or slip away into a bush to hide from the Killer. This will provide you with extra time to fully recover out of the dying state.
- Once out of the dying state, a fellow teammate can use Boon: Circle of Healing to heal you back to full health in record time.
- If you happen to go down outside of the Boon: Exponential, or another Survivor is not close by to heal you, you can use the perk Plot Twist to heal yourself.
- Plot Twist can be swapped out for Boon: Shadow Step. This boon will hide your aura and scratch marks from the Killer. This can enhance your build to be more Looping focused and less about Recovery.
Recovery Totem Build Strengths:
- Recovery – Boon: Exponential combined with Tenacity and Plot Twist provides a fantastic get back up and go combination.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time being able to recover from the dying state without assistance.
- Healing – Boon: Circle of Healing provides a fantastic speed recovery for healing as long as there is a fellow Survivor nearby.
- Multipurpose - With this build you can loop the Killer, repeatedly recover from the dying state, hide and heal.
Build Details:
- Item: Any besides a med-kit as it gives no benefit when healing in the boon.
- Recommended: Utility Flashlight
- 12 seconds of use that increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, increases the blindness duration by 15%, and decreases the accuracy of the flashlight beam by 20%.
- Addon 1: High-End Sapphire Lens – Increases the range of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the width of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, and increases blindness duration by 15%.
- Addon 2: Long Life Battery – Adds 6 seconds of use to the flashlight.
- Offering: Bloody Party Streamers
- Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in all categories for all players in this trial.
- Perks:
- Boon Exponential: Press and hold the ability button near a dull or hex totem to bless it and create a boon totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 24-meter range. All Survivors within the boon totems range recover 90/95/100% and completely recover from the dying state.
- Boon Circle of Healing: Press and hold the ability button near a dull or hex totem to bless it and create a boon totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 24-meter range. Any Survivor within the boon totem’s range gain a 50/75/100% healing speed bonus to healing others. Med-Kits give no bonus to healing in the boon totems range. Injured Survivors have their auras revealed to all other Survivors when inside the boon totem’s range.
- Tenacity: Your ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to crawl 30/40/50% faster and recover at the same time. Grunts of pain while in the dying state are reduced by 75%.
- Plot Twist: Plot Twist activates when you are injured. Press the ability button while crouched and motionless to enter the dying state silently. When using Plot Twist to enter the dying state you leave no blood pools, you make no noise, and you can fully recover from the dying state. When you recover by yourself using Plot Twist, you are healed instantly, and you gain a 50% Haste for 2/3/4 seconds.
7. Generator Gremlin Build

Generator Gremlin activate! This build provides fast generator repair to power the Exit Gates in record time. The perks are simple and straightforward to use. If you do not like engaging with the Killer and prefer to perform main game mechanics, this build is for you.
- Locate a generator to start repairs.
- The perk Streetwise will activate once you, or a fellow Survivor, use a toolbox to repair the generator. Streetwise will activate for any Survivor’s item in range.
- Hyperfocus will activate when you hit great skill checks. This will greatly increase the progress on the generator you are repairing.
- Stake Out is used as a safety net for Hyperfocus. As long as you have gathered tokens for Stake Out by being in the Killer's terror radius but not in chase, any good skill check becomes a great.
- If you are not concerned with your ability to hit great skill checks, Stake Out can be swapped for Fogwise. This will allow you to keep an eye on the Killer’s aura when hitting a great skill check.
- Once your toolbox is depleted, you can spend time in a locker using the perk Built to Last to recharge part of your item.
- Rinse and repeat until all the generators are repaired.
Generator Gremlin Build Strengths:
- Generator Repair – This build excels at generator repair.
- Item Efficiency – You are able to extend the uses in your team’s items and you can replenish charges once they are depleted.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time being able to repair generators at an enhanced speed.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet - Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Perks:
- Built To Last: After hiding inside a locker for 14/13/12 seconds, with a depleted item in hand, 99% of its charges are refilled. Each use of Built to Last reduces the amount of charges refilled by 33%.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
- Streetwise: Reduce consumption rate of item charge by 15/20/25% for you and allies within an 8-meter range. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
- Hyperfocus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
8. Generator Team Build

This build is great for speedy team generator repairs. Even if you are a solo player, you can still run this build. Just find a fellow Survivor to get the most benefit. The perks are decently easy to use. What better way to help your team than be a generator gremlin?
- It will be important to charge up the perk Stake Out by remaining within the Killer’s terror radius for a duration of time, but not in chase.
- Use Deja Vu to quickly locate a generator to repair.
- Make sure another Survivor is repairing the same generator as you to get the most benefit out of the perk Prove Thyself.
- Once you start getting skill checks on the generator, make sure to hit as many great skill checks as you can. Hyperfocus will greatly increase the generator repair progress.
- If you happen to hit a good skill check instead of a great, Stake Out will automatically revert that skill check into a great.
Generator Team Build Strengths:
- Generator repair speed – The combination of Prove Thyself and Hyperfocus is phenomenal for generator repair. Along with Stake Out as a safety net for Hyperfocus, you will be hard pressed to find a better perk combination for great generator repair.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time being able to maximize your efficiency on generator repair speeds.
- Teamwork – This build provides massive benefits when another teammate is also running these perks. Even if you are a solo player, you can still provide a helping hand to your team by ensuring you are repairing a generator with a fellow Survivor.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet - Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Perks:
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
- Hyperfocus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
- Prove Thyself: For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4-meter range, gain 6/8/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
9. Solo Generator Build

Do you prefer to rely on yourself, but still want to be a productive teammate? This solo generator repair build is for you. This build does require some totem spawn knowledge, and a little setting up to gain its full potential. The small hassle is worth the reward though. You will always have a generator repair speed buff, whether you are injured or healthy.
- Before starting a generator, there are a few perks you need to activate to provide the highest efficiency with this build.
- Overzealous requires you to cleanse a totem to activate the generator repair speed buff. If you get lucky and find a hex totem, the repair speed is doubled.
- Stake Out needs to be charged by being in the Killer’s terror radius but not in chase. This can be accomplished by being near a fellow teammate in chase.
- Find a generator to repair. The perk Hyperfocus will activate, and you will need to hit great skill checks.
- Don’t worry if you hit a good skill check instead of a great, Stake Out has your back. This perk will turn a good skill check into a great.
- If the Killer comes sniffing around and manages to injure you, Overzealous will deactivate.
- The perk Resilience will activate when you are injured, providing a small reduction in generator repair speed compared to Overzealous. However, you now have a speed buff to other actions such as healing, unhooking and cleansing a totem.
Solo Generator Build Strengths:
- Consistent generator repair speed – Whether you are healthy or injured, you maintain a generator repair speed buff.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time being able to repair generators quicker. You also save your team valuable time with the multitude of speed buffs you acquire from Resilience.
- Multipurpose - With this build you can repair generators faster. You can also cleanse totems more efficiently, which is extremely valuable when the Killer has a hex build. While the totems may be situational, Resilience provides a speed buff for multiple other main game mechanics.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet - Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Perks:
- Hyperfocus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
- Resilience: Grants 3/6/9% additional speed when repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing or blessing a totem, opening Exit Gates, and unlocking while injured.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
- Overzealous: After cleansing or blessing a totem this perk activates. Your generator repair speed is increased by 8/9/10%. This bonus is doubled if you cleanse or bless a hex totem. This perk deactivates when you lose a health state by any means.
10. Catch Me If You Can - Looping Build

This build is great for looping the Killer. The perks are decently easy to use for players of different skill levels. They will help you keep the Killer busy, away from your teammates, and focused on you. Be as quick as a cheetah, nimble as a deer and as sturdy as a bear.
- Once you have acquired the attention of the Killer, it is your job to keep their attention. You are benefiting your teammates by being the distraction so they can focus on repairing generators.
- The perk Windows of Opportunity is fantastic for looping. The auras of pallets, breakable walls and vaults are highlighted. You can always plan out your next moves ahead of time.
- While in chase with the Killer, it is a good idea to keep them away from your teammates. The perk Bond is perfect for this purpose. By being able to see other Survivor auras, you can take the Killer to a safe looping area away from them.
- If the Killer manages to land a hit, Resilience will activate. You will get a speed buff for multiple actions, but most importantly a speed boost for vaulting. This perk allows you to extend chase, as you are harder to catch.
- You could arguably swap out Resilience with Finesse. Finesse has a much faster vaulting speed when you are healthy, but also comes with a cool down.
- If you get into another sticky situation, you can use the perk Dead Hard. This will allow you to take a hit instead of being put into the dying state.
Catch Me If You Can Build Strengths:
- Aura Reading – Between the two perks Windows of Opportunity and Bond, this build has great aura reading. You can keep the Killer away from your teammates and plan out a good place to loop all at the same time.
- Distraction – You are keeping the Killer’s attention on you so your teammates can finish important game objectives like generator repair.
- Extending chase – The perks Dead Hard, Resilience and Windows of Opportunity all allow you to extend chase with the Killer. Dead Hard provides an extra hit before going into the dying state. Resilience provides a vaulting speed buff, so you are harder to catch. The perk Windows of Opportunity provides valuable information on where to loop. You won't be blindly running into an area where there may not be any pallets or windows to use.
Build Details:
- Item: Utility Flashlight
- 12 seconds of use that increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, increases the blindness duration by 15%, and decreases the accuracy of the flashlight beam by 20%.
- Addon 1: High-End Sapphire Lens – Increases the range of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the width of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, and increases blindness duration by 15%.
- Addon 2: Long Life Battery – Adds 6 seconds of use to the flashlight.
- Offering: Any Tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks:
- Bond: Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Allies’ auras are revealed to you when they are within a 20/28/36-meter range.
- Dead Hard: Dead Hard activates after you are unhooked or unhook yourself. When injured, tap into your adrenaline bank to avoid incoming damage. Press the active ability button while running to gain the Endurance status effect for the next 0.5 seconds. This causes Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds, then deactivates.
- Resilience: Grants 3/6/9% additional speed when repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing or blessing a totem, opening Exit Gates, and unlocking while injured.
- Windows Of Opportunity: Auras of pallets, breakable walls, and vault locations are revealed to you when within a 24/28/32-meter range.
11. Hide And Go Seek - Looping Build

This build is best for a player who enjoys playing hide and go seek with the Killer. You provide a distraction for the Killer, then silently slip away. Once you are healthy again, you can jump back into the action. This build is fun to use, and always provides a little laugh when the Killer is left chasing their own tail.
- Grab the Killer’s attention so your teammates can focus on repairing generators.
- The perk Head On can be used to stun the Killer when you burst out of a locker.
- Quick and Quiet pairs nicely with Head On. The Killer won’t know you are even in a locker.
- If you become injured while looping the Killer, Lucky Break will activate. Your trails of blood and scratch marks disappear for a limited amount of time. You can use this to either break away from chase to heal in safety, or mind game the Killer.
- The perk Iron Will also activates as long as you are not Exhausted. This completely suppresses your grunts of pain from your injuries if you have the top tier of this perk.
- You need to time the use of Head On and Iron Will. Head On’s Exhaustion will cause Iron Will not to activate. You can either save Head On for when you are healthy or mix the two together. The Killer can track you by sound, then suddenly there is nothing but silence. This is a handy advanced technique that can leave the Killer chasing their own tail while you have already snuck away to heal.
Hide And Go Seek Strengths:
- Distraction – You provide an annoying distraction with Head On when you are looping the Killer.
- Disappearing – The combination of the perks Quick and Quiet, Lucky Break, and Iron Will provide the perfect get-away combination. This gives you time to heal in safety.
- Time Efficiency – You always pop back up tempting the Killer into chase. This grants your teammates precious time to complete generator repairs.
Build Details:
- Item: Utility Flashlight
- 12 seconds of use that increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, increases the blindness duration by 15%, and decreases the accuracy of the flashlight beam by 20%.
- Addon 1: High-End Sapphire Lens – Increases the range of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the width of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, and increases blindness duration by 15%.
- Addon 2: Long Life Battery – Adds 6 seconds of use to the flashlight.
- Offering: Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks:
- Head On: While standing in a locker, for 3 seconds, Head On activates. While Head On is activated, perform a rush action to leave a locker to use Head On. If the Killer is standing within Head On’s effective range, the Killer is stunned for 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Head On cannot be used while Exhausted. You do not recover from the Exhausted status effect while running. Head On cannot be used when you have idle crows.
- Iron Will: Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 80/90/100%. Does not function while Exhausted.
- Lucky Break: Lucky Break activates any time you are injured. While Lucky Break is active, you won’t leave trails of blood or scratch marks for a total of 40/50/60 seconds. While healthy, for each 1 second spent healing another Survivor, increase Lucky Break’s duration by 1 second. Lucky Break’s duration cannot increase beyond its starting value.
- Quick and Quiet: The vault and actions’ noise detection and audio range is reduced by 100%. This effect can only trigger once every 30/25/20 seconds.
12. Healing Hands Build

Medic, we need a medic! This build is all about healing. If you love running around and providing healing hands, then this is the right pick for you. This build provides great aura reading. Not only can you see your teammates in need, but fellow Survivors can see you as well. It also provides fantastic healing and recovery speeds.
- Empathy allows you to see any Survivor that is injured or in the dying state. This a great counter to the Killer perk Knockout.
- If a Survivor is put into the dying state, you will have the opportunity to quickly recover them with the perk We’re Gonna Live Forever.
- The perk Empathic Connect will allow your teammates to see your aura when they are injured. They will know right where to go to get some speedy healing.
- Lastly, the perk Botany Knowledge will add a hefty increase to your healing speed. However, it does reduce item efficiency.
Healing Hands Strengths:
- Aura reading – Both you and your teammates can see each other’s auras when they are injured.
- Time efficiency – Knowing where to go for healing saves precious time to work on generators. Extremely fast healing and recovery speeds also saves time.
- Teamwork – Everyone is working together to provide efficient healing.
- Healing – This build provides massive healing speed boosts.
Build Details:
- Item: Any that is not as med-kit as Botany Knowledge will reduce the effectiveness of the item.
- Offering: Any tier Primrose Blossom
- Primrose Blossom Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fresh Primrose Blossom – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fragrant Primrose Blossom – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Perks:
- Botany Knowledge: You transform plants found around the campfire into tinctures that slow down bleeding. Healing speed is increased by 30/40/50%. Healing item efficiency is reduced by 20%.
- Empathic Connection: Whenever another Survivor is injured, they can see your aura within a range of 32/64/96-meters. You heal other Survivors 30% faster.
- Empathy: Dying or injured allies’ auras are revealed to you when within a 64/96/128-meter range. Empathy does not reveal auras of allies when they are in direct contact with the Killer.
- We’re Gonna Live Forever: When healing another Survivor in the dying state, your healing speed is increased by 100%. Once healing is complete, the healed Survivor gains the Endurance status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.
13. Healing Helper Build

Perhaps strictly healing is not your cup of tea. This is an alternate healing build that also allows you to focus on main game mechanics. You will be able to repair generators, provide your teammates with small buffs, and efficiently heal fellow Survivors.
- Use the perk Deja Vu to locate the three generators positioned closest together.
- Empathy allows you to see any Survivor that is injured or in the dying state. This a great counter to the Killer perk Knockout.
- If the Survivor manages to escape the Killer, you can meet up with them for a healing.
- If the Killer happens to catch the Survivor, you can rescue them from the hook. The perk We’ll Make It will provide quick healing.
- At any time during the game, if another Survivor aids you in healing, they will receive a speed boost from the perk Leader.
- Leader will also provide a fantastic speed buff for other in-game actions such as, but not limited to, sabotaging and opening the Exit Gates.
Healing Helper Strengths:
- Aura reading – You can see your injured or dying teammates auras.
- Time efficiency – Knowing where to go to provide healing, providing a multitude of speed boosts to your teammates, and quick underhook healing saves precious time to work on generators.
- Teamwork – Your perks provide benefits for everyone on the team. Anyone who comes to help will be rewarded with speed boosts.
- Multipurpose – While healing is the focus of this build, your perks also provide a helping hand in generator repair and other game actions.
- Healing – This build provides great healing speed buffs.
Build Details:
- Item: Ranger Med-Kit
- 24 charges that increase the speed that you heal others by 50%, unlock the self-healing action, and decrease the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%.
- Addon 1: Gel Dressing – adds 16 charges to the med-kit.
- Addon 2: Abdominal Dressing – adds healing speed by 15%.
- Offering: Any tier Primrose Blossom
- Primrose Blossom Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fresh Primrose Blossom – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Fragrant Primrose Blossom – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism.
- Perks:
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
- Empathy: Dying or injured allies’ auras are revealed to you when within a 64/96/128-meter range. Empathy does not reveal auras of allies when they are in direct contact with the Killer.
- Leader: Increase other Survivors’ healing, sabotaging, unhooking, cleansing, opening Exit Gates, and chest unlocking speeds by 15/20/25% when they are within an 8-meter range from you. Survivors can only be affected by one Leader at a time. This effect persists on other Survivors for 15 seconds after leaving the Leader’s effective perk range.
- We’re Gonna Live Forever: When healing another Survivor in the dying state, your healing speed is increased by 100%. Once healing is complete, the healed Survivor gains the Endurance status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.
14. Locker Gremlin Build

This build utilizes a niche in Dead by Daylight games. The locker, usually set off to the side in one's mind, is the main show when using this build. The perks are easy and straightforward to use. There is a bit of set up. However, this small set up is well worth the reward.
- Before the fun can begin, you must be a generator grunt. Once you have activated Flashbang with your generator repair progress, the show will start.
- You need to grab the attention of your partner, the Killer.
- Bring them to a suitable looping area and let the show begin!
- You can use any combination of your perks Quick and Quiet, Head On, Deception and Flashbang. The choice is yours; be creative.
Locker Build Strengths:
- Distraction – This build provides distractions for the Killer that will confuse and surprise them. You are also a distraction. By keeping the Killer focused on you, your teammates can repair generators.
- Multipurpose – This build focuses on blinding and stunning the Killer, but also requires some generator repair to gain the full benefit out of your perks.
- Stuns – The perks Head On and Flashbang will stun the Killer.
- Blinds – Flashbang will blind the Killer. If you pair this build with a flashlight that will add to the amount of blinds you can achieve.
Build Details:
- Item: Utility Flashlight
- 12 seconds of use that increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, increases the blindness duration by 15%, and decreases the accuracy of the flashlight beam by 20%.
- Addon 1: High-End Sapphire Lens – Increases the range of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the width of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, and increases blindness duration by 15%.
- Addon 2: Long Life Battery – Adds 6 seconds of use to the flashlight.
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Offering: Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks:
- Deception: Interacting with a locker while sprinting will trigger a loud noise notification at your location and cause you to leave no scratch marks for 3 seconds. You no longer enter lockers while sprinting and while this perk is active. Deception has a cooldown of 30/25/20 seconds.
- Flashbang: After completing 50/45/40% progress on any generator, Flashbang activates. Enter a locker and press the active ability button to craft a flash grenade with 1 charge that detonates with a loud bang and a flash of light. This creates a noise notification. It can be used to distract or blind.
- Head On: While standing in a locker, for 3 seconds, Head On activates. While Head On is activated, perform a rush action to leave a locker to use Head On. If the Killer is standing within Head On’s effective range, the Killer is stunned for 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Head On cannot be used while Exhausted. You do not recover from the Exhausted status effect while running. Head On cannot be used when you have idle crows.
- Quick and Quiet: The vault and actions’ noise detection and audio range is reduced by 100%. This effect can only trigger once every 30/25/20 seconds.
15. Anti-Tunnel Build

Often in games of Dead by Daylight, you encounter a Killer whose favorite strategy is to tunnel. They will single out a Survivor, chase them down repeatedly, and hook them until they are dead. The Killer will actively ignore the other Survivors in the game to accomplish this. If you find yourself facing Killers who tunnel, this build may be perfect for you. This build can help counter tunneling or be used to purposefully cause a tunnel.
- Once you are rescued from the hook or unhook yourself the perk Off The Record will activate. This keeps your aura hidden from the Killer and they won’t be able to hear your grunts of pain.
- If the Killer still manages to track you down and put you into the dying state within the time limit, you are equipped with the perk Decisive Strike to fight back.
- You can also use the perk Dead Hard to take an extra hit instead of going into the dying state.
- Use Decisive Strike and Dead Hard interchangeably based on which perk you think will grant you the most benefit in your current situation.
- Decisive Strike will deactivate once the Exit Gates are powered. If you are looping the Killer during this time, the perk Adrenaline will activate. This allows you to instantly heal one health state.
- You can swap Off The Record for Deliverance if you want to use this build to purposefully trigger a tunnel. Immediately getting off the hook tends to make the Killer turn right around and focus on you again. This is a good tactic for Survivors that can time when to use their perks, and are good at looping. You are essentially turning an anti-tunnel build into a distraction build.
Anti-Tunnel Build Strengths:
- Anti-Tunnel – These perks all work together to ensure you have the best chance of escaping the Killer if they become a little too obsessed with you.
- Time Extension – This build provides multiple opportunities for you to escape the Killer’s grasp. This extends the time it takes the Killer to hook you.
- Solo – When you run this build you do not have to rely on other Survivors, as long as you are unhooked or unhook yourself with a stroke of luck.
Build Details:
- Item: Any
- Offering: Bloody Party Streamers
- Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in all categories for all players in this trial.
- Perks:
- Adrenaline: This perk activates when the Exit Gates are powered. Instantly heal one health state if you are injured or in the dying state and sprint 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds. Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhausted status effect, but causes it for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Dead Hard: Dead Hard activates after you are unhooked or unhook yourself. When injured, tap into your adrenaline bank to avoid incoming damage. Press the active ability button while running to gain the Endurance status effect for the next 0.5 seconds. This causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds and then deactivates.
- Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for 40/50/60 seconds. While active, complete a skill check when grabbed by the Killer to escape, stunning them for 4 seconds. Succeeding or failing this skill check disables Decisive strike. You become the Obsession after stunning the Killer. The perk and its effects are disabled if the Exit Gates are powered.
- Off The Record: Once you are unhooked or escape from the hook, Off the Record activates for 60/70/80 seconds. This perk and its effects are disabled once the Exit Gates are powered. While Off the Record is active, your aura will not be shown to the Killer, grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 100% and you gain the Endurance status effect.
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*All image credit goes to the creators*