Saw Cleaver
Serrated for your pleasure.
Base Stats
- PHYS- 90
- STR Scaling- D
- SKL Scaling- E
- ARC Scaling- D
One of the first weapons available also happens to be one of the best. The initial folded form has a quick R1 attack and encapsulates Bloodborne’s swift, lethal combat. This is a weapon that, if used right, can serve well into the late game as well.
The Saw Cleaver is probably the best entry point when it comes to Bloodborne’s trick weapons. It falls into the “easy to use, hard to master” category and can be used to string together wild combos.
- The weapon is serrated in both primary and secondary forms, giving it a bonus against beast enemies.
- Good for close quarters in folded form and medium-distance combat in the unfolded form.
- The rally potential for this weapon is massive, with the ability to quickly retaliate and earn some health back after taking damage.
Where To Find It
Available from the start after awakening in the Hunter’s Dream, or after finding the Saw Hunter Badge.
Hunter's Axe
Take it for a literal spin and watch the beasts fly.
Base Stats
- PHYS- 98
The starting weapons in Bloodborne are a lot like your starter Pokemon- they’ll be with you forever and grow along with you. The Hunter’s Axe is a fantastic weapon for up close fighting in base form, and the transformation extends reach and gives a great charged attack that can stagger most enemies.
- Great strength scaling that makes it just as useful in the late game.
- The second form is amazing for crowd control, especially if surrounded by enemies like in Sewers or Forest areas.
- Another solid beginner pick, but can take a little while to get used to.
Where to Find It
If not chosen first, will be available from the Messenger Shop after finding the Saw Hunter Badge
Great for poking AND smashing. Not good for home repairs.
Base Stats
- PHYS- 105
Kirkhammer can be a versatile weapon for a strength build, and while it might not be as fast as some others on the list, it packs a punch. A standard longsword in the first form, the blade interlocks with a massive stone to form the world’s largest Whack-A-Mole hammer.
- Sword form, while not as strong as the hammer form, is great for either fighting quick or in close quarters.
- Hammer form can easily stagger an enemy after a few hits.
- Flattening enemies with charged R2 attacks never gets old.
- Sword form is considered a “Righteous” weapon which gives bonus damage against some enemies.
Where To Find It
After finding the Sword Hunter Badge it can be purchased from the Bath Messengers.
Threaded Cane
Not the tasty kind of cool whip.
Base Stats
- PHYS-78
- STR- E
- SKL- C
- ARC- D
While it’s not everyones favorite weapon, the Threaded Cane does have an honorable place among Bloodborne’s armory. Essentially just a stick in it’s primary form, it shines when transformed into a sweeping whip. A great choice to pick enemies off while keeping a distance.
- Fast in either form, and can be utilized with quickstop to be extra deadly.
- The whip form is a serrated weapon, while the cane form is righteous, giving them bonus damage against certain enemy types.
- Scales well with Skill builds, and with the right runes can be used to poison enemies from a safe distance.
Where to Find It
Available as the first pick, but otherwise can be bought from the Bath Messengers after finding the Saw Hunter Badge.
Blades of Mercy
*Contains 0% mercy.
Base Stats
- PHYS- 60
- ARC DMG-30
A little more complicated to get, but worth it. This weapon is faster than a hedgehog on a green hill, and does about the same amount of damage. The primary form is a base short sword, but the secondary becomes dual-wielded short swords for even faster strikes.
- Fun and fast attacks that can be used to land massive attack strings on enemies or dash between different enemies quickly.
- The secondary form attacks fast and can be great for building up poison or bleed damage.
- Great for dodging around enemies while still doing damage, with both quick and strong attacks being fast.
- Great rally potential. Combined quicksteps and attacks can get health back quickly and safely before dancing back out.
Where To Find It
Complete Eileen the Crow’s questline. As usual, there’s the option to kill Eileen as well, but it’s not an easy win.
Logarius Wheel
If only it could make a Logarius Unicycle.
Base Stats
- PHYS 100
- ARC- 25
- STR- C
The Logarius Wheel is silly, completely stupid looking, and also great for flattening enemies into the stone streets of Yharnam. Sure it might not be pretty, but it can deal massive physical damage in the first form, while the second form blows up the Arcane damage and scaling.
- The secondary form drains HP steadily depending on how much it’s charged, but also allows every hit to heal the wielder when active.
- Secondary form deals massive arcane damage while also being considered a Righteous weapon, dealing devastating damage to some enemies.
- Has S scaling in STR when fully upgraded.
Where To Find It
Bought from the Bath Messengers after acquiring the Wheel Hunter Badge.
Ludwig’s Holy Blade
Big or small, Ludwig always aimed to satisfy.
Base Stats
- PHYS-100
Until the release of The Old Hunters DLC, Ludwig’s Holy Blade was the go-to overly large sword in Bloodborne. Functioning like the Kirkhammer, a standard longsword combines into the sheath to make a massive, two-handed blade. Just as deadly in either mode, but with added reach and devestation when in the greatsword form.
- Righteous weapon, so it gets bonus damage against some enemies.
- Charged R2 attack in greatsword form can do massive damage while maintaining distance.
- Has some of the best transformation combos in the game, allowing for huge damage and stagger potential.
Where To Find It
Ludwig’s Holy Blade can be bought from the Messengers after obtaining the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge
Tesla only wishes he could have made this.
Base Stats
- PHYS- 80
- BLT-40
- STR- D
A shockingly good weapon for early and endgame. While it is one of the few weapons that doesn’t transform, it does get an extra buff of bolt damage, allowing it to zap certain enemies back to the eldritch nightmare they came from. Fast strikes, along with the ability to buff without using stamina, make the Tonitrus a legitimate threat in Yharnam.
- Innate bolt damage can be a huge boost against some enemies, even more so when buffed.
- Allows the same fast-paced and close quarters fighting style as other smaller weapons in the game, but gives the extra bolt buff to set it apart.
- If used in conjunction with the right gems and good parry reflexes, the Tonitrus can be a weapon of choice even into the endgame.
Where To Find It
Obtained either after finding the Spark Hunter Badge, or from a chest in Y’ahargul, Unseen Village.
Hunter’s Blunderbuss
It makes a big bang and splatters enemies. What more do you want?
Base Stats
- BLD ATK- 20
- BLD- D
It seems basic, but that’s exactly the point- you can’t get through Bloodborne without knowing the basics. The Hunter’s Blunderbuss is one of the best tools for learning the parry system Bloodborne uses, bar none. It gives good stopping power, great damage, and will stun enemies no problem.
- Can usually stun enemies during a parry, and sometimes even just in close quarters combat.
- Wide spread of the shot helps stumble faster enemies and keep them managed.
- Has a slightly slower reload, but makes up for it in damage at close range.
Where To Find It
Available from the beginning or after finding the Saw Hunter Badge.
Did someone leave the stove on?
Base Stats
- FIR- 45
Fire is one of the few sure-fire (finger guns) ways to bring the pain in Bloodborne, so being able to spray it like a garden hose is obviously an option.The Flamesprayer is great for any build or character, but ends up being the best for Arcane builds in the early game. It can be used just as effectively on big boss enemies or even just mobs of villagers, but almost anything flammable works.
- Makes almost any enemy into an extra-toasty batch of Blood Echoes.
- Amazing for crowd control, especially when fighting multiple beast and human enemies.
- Can be continuously sprayed by holding the fire button at the cost of Quicksilver Bullets.
- Really brightens up a room.
Where To Find It
It can be given by Gilbert after defeating Father Gascogne. Otherwise it will be available for purchase after finding the Radiant Sword Hunter badge.
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