15. Officer Williams
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7siTPGrpzw
Bangalore has so many skins, it's actually quite insane, but one of her best is one she launched with. Officer Williams is extremely vibrant with its amazing black, white and yellow colour combination. It's hard to go wrong with this skin. It looks great even when compared to skins of the modern era of Apex legends.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
14. Killing Machine
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH-sSy2zB0A&list=PLw6ZbALCeqcV3KB2X7yFZyHT4Yl_Ua1Iv&index=30
Another extremely vibrant Bangalore skin is her Killing Machine Skin. Not only does this skin have some super bright and contrasting colours, but its gloves are some of the best in the game. Gloves are the main part of skins we see, so it's amazing that an already great skin has such good ones.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
13. Radical Action
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOWa8vpHdvw
Battle Pass skins tend to be used a lot throughout the community, and the Radical Action for Bangalore is no different. Being one of Bangalore’s most used skins, this one is super unique. Rather than sporting glasses, she instead has these super cool deep red goggles that really stand out alongside her awesome hair.
How to Get the Skin: Battle pass
12. The Enforcer
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNtFd3gynXI&list=PLw6ZbALCeqcV3KB2X7yFZyHT4Yl_Ua1Iv&index=18
The Enforcer is another one of Bangalore’s original skins, being a super simple skin with a great design. Though it doesn't change her look all that much, it's extremely simple and a great skin overall. The deep blue is a great colour on her and really makes this skin pop in the game.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/EZiseuZLP_w?si=RLFbnvxOK-b59n7o&t=27
MIL-SPEC is a very cool skin for Bangalore that makes her look way slimmer than the other skins. Stripping away her body armour and going for a much sleeker approach overall, this skin is amazing. The white and black body with purple accents makes the skin pop and it's just an awesome design overall.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
10. Violet Veteran
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKIAj8QpDek
One of Bangalore’s best event skins has to be the Violet Veteran. Being based on the Loba skin with the same design, this iconic event Bangalore skin really stands out amongst her others. The bright purple design and robotic look on her skin are just awesome to see. It's such a visually intriguing skin, so it was hard not to place it on this list. It sits at number 10.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
9. Decorated Line
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ETtU-or-Q8&list=PLw6ZbALCeqcV3KB2X7yFZyHT4Yl_Ua1Iv&index=15
Decorated Line is Bangalore’s Stories From The Outlands skin, meaning it is not only a unique model for the legend but also has its own unique select animation in the game. This skin is super sleek, featuring a majority white body with black and red accents to top it off. Though the helmet looks a little weird, it's a great skin for Bangalore mains who love her lore and origin story.
8. Viceroy
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/AHrKLS3l4I4?si=3GsLnyVyXRr6npJL&t=17
The Viceroy skin was easily one of Bangalore’s best upon its initial release, as it changed her model quite a bit. Bangalore’s hair is a mainstay in most of her skins, but this one takes it all away for a shorter look. It really suits her and makes the skin stand out even more.
This one looks extremely royal, thanks to the black and gold look of the entire skin. What a great one, especially if you love the new hair.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
7. Cherry Bomb
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIoekO0JgCo
One of the rarest Bangalore recolours in the game is Cherry Bomb, and it's also one of her best skins. This one takes the basic Enforcer model and makes it even better. Having an animated cherry blossom texture across her body, and with pink/purple accents, it's just such a great skin.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
6. La Catrina
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EepN3jgXJ0
La Cantrina is such a unique skin in Apex Legends as there aren't many skins like it. Not only does this skin have some wonderful colours to make it stand out amongst the competition, but it completely changes the look of Bangalore herself with the body paint.
It's a great skin but is beaten out by its recolour, which we will get into later.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
5. Full Metal Jacket
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OY3Fi7tEZE&list=PLw6ZbALCeqcV3KB2X7yFZyHT4Yl_Ua1Iv&index=32
FMJ was a very early release for Bangalore, during the initial launch of the game. Since then, this skin has been one of Bangalore’s more iconic skins. It just looks fantastic. From the blue-tinted eye gear to the steam-punky yet futuristic-looking body armour. FMJ is one of Bangalore’s best for a reason, which is why it sits at number 5.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
4. Outland Warrior
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79mHhiU8G-U
Bangalore’s Outland Warrior is a great recolour of one of her best skins, which we will get into later. The gold and white are just perfect for this get-up and truly make it one of the best skins in the game. Bangalore looks like a goddess here, that's for sure.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
3. Soldado de la Muerte
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhK4QAijSUg
Soldado de la Muerte is the best recolours in the game by far, I mean, just look at it. It changes the original skin from super colourful to extremely dark. However, flipping that scheme on its head doesn't mean it's not still bright, as the blue bone paint and glowing red eyes truly take this skin to another level.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
2. Crimson Queen
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrIih_GUkAQ&list=PLw6ZbALCeqcV3KB2X7yFZyHT4Yl_Ua1Iv&index=14
Before the final skin on this list was released, Crimson Queen was by far the best Bangalore skin in the game. Every sweaty player uses this to this day as it's just a perfect skin. From the colour choices right down to the shape of her hair, it's literally perfection. Red, black and gold are always a great combination and this skin proves that.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Store Rotation
1. Apex Commander
See the skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLmzZNGvveY
Finally, we have the best Bangalore skin in the game, and the best Heirloom skin by far out of those currently available. Apex Commander is a perfect skin for Bangalore, sporting a wonderful selection of colours and a great set of three skins. This one is also a huge reference to Titanfall, which so many people love to see in Apex Legends.
There isn't much more to say about this skin, it's the best by far.
How to Get the Skin: Apex Heirloom store