Which perks will benefit me the most?
Acquiring perks can help you gain the upper hand in 7DTD. The biggest issue is “Which ones should I buy?” There are some items that can only be crafted after acquiring perks. While others will help your health and stamina.This will help you decide which perks to spend your hard earned points on.
Choose wisely!!
10. Advanced Engineering
This perk can be found under Intellect, and this is definitely an essential perk. You will always need to have a forge (duh), workbench and cement mixer and the perks that come along with them. You won’t get far without them!
Advanced Engineering will give you the following perks:
- Ability to create a forge, workbench, cement mixer and eventually gun turrets!
- Craft items faster
- Earn extra XP from Trap kills
- Recipes cost less to craft
9. Physician
Someone call a doctor!!
The Physician skill will allow you to fix yourself up after a busy horde night. It can be found in the Intellect section. Just don’t think now that you are an actual doctor.
Physician perks:
- Craft chemistry station
- Make healing items more effective
- Gain extra XP when using healing items
- Craft your own items including, first aid kits, splints and bandages
8. Sexual Tyrannosaurs
Sexual Tyrannosaurus will help you early in the game. Stamina won’t be a problem once you unlock this perk found under Strength. Trees won’t stand a chance against you!!
Sexual Tyrannosaurus Perks:
- Using tool requires less stamina
- Attacks also use less stamina
- Gain Stamina from killing blows
7. Master Chef

Well, you're no Gordon Ramsey!
Whether or not you want to, you will need to eat while roaming through Navezgane. We all know you weren't a chef before the Apocalypse, so unlock some delicious recipes with the Master Chef perk found under Strength.
Perks include:
- Faster cooking
- Unlock recipes like bacon and eggs, grilled meat and baked potatoes
- Higher tiers will allow you to use fewer ingredients in your recipes
6. Miner 69er

Hey, I'm a 69ers fan!
This is one of my favorite perks. ;) I love mining in 7DTD and with this perk you can get it done quicker and get more from it. You can find this awesome perk under Strength.
Miner 69er perks:
- Increase damage to blocks allowing you to break them faster
- Increase quality of tools
- Unlock all iron tools
- Increase tool damage
5. Lucky Looter

If you love running around and scavenging, this perk is for you. Lucky Loot is found in the Perception section and is well worth it. Because no one wants crappy loot! Except maybe the Trader.
Perks of Lucky Looter are:
- Chance to find better loot with each rank
- Looting is faster
4. Pack Mule

Who doesn’t want more room to carry loot? I think everyone does. I know I hate making extra trips back to their base. The Pack Mule perk in the Strength section is pretty straightforward. Unless you don’t know how backpacks work!
- Each tier opens up more slots to carry items without being encumbered
3. Healing Factor

Tell me where it hurts
You’re going to get hurt, you know you will! With the Healing Factor perk in the Fortitude section, you don’t have to worry quite as much about healing.
Healing Factor perks:
- Gain health with natural healing (more with each tier)
- Critical injuries heal faster
2. Salvage Operations

Wait, that's still good!
So... you love to recycle, huh? Well, this perk is for you. The Salvage Operations (In Perception) perk will help you get more from taking items apart.
Perks of this skill:
- Craft your own wrench
- Craft better quality salvage tools
- Gain more resources when salvaging
- Salvage faster with each tier
- Deal more damage
1. Skull Crusher

I want to split your skull!
You love splitting some skulls!! The Skull Crusher perk can help with that. Found under Strength, this perk will allow you to destroy anything in your path with sledgehammers.
Perks include:
- Craft the iron sledgehammer
- Craft better quality sledgehammers with each tier
- Deal more damage
- High chance to knock down enemies.
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