C9’s 23 year old AD Carry, Zach Scuderi, or better known as Sneaky, is ranked second in the NA LCS ADC standings with an impressive 642 DPM (third most across the rankings). In 2016 and 2017 he was named North American 2nd Team All-Pro. Sneaky is originally from Winter Springs, Florida and started his gaming career with World of Warcraft and then dabbled in DOTA before becoming well known in the cycles of League of Legends (LoL), joining Quantic Gaming (which is now C9). Sneaky has remained on the scene for multiple years which is becoming rare with constant talent coming in and pushing the limits of LoL gameplay. However, Sneaky has been giving his streamers more than just great gameplay.
Recently, Sneaky has been cosplay streaming on his Twitch account and has been uploading the reveals on Youtube as well. For Halloween in 2017 Sneaky portrayed Star Gaurdian Urgot.
Figure 2 Sneaky's Halloween Cosplay (Twitter)
However, fans wanted more. The next day Sneaky uploaded another video wearing a long sleeve white shirt with a blue ascot and a black mini skirt. In January of this year he then posted a video wearing an almost cliché black and white maid outfit. However, none of this holds a candle to what cosplay Sneaky unveiled on March 6. Let’s set the stage a little bit before we dive into the depths of this conversation. On 12 February Sneaky tweeted that he had chosen his next cosplay and would reveal with a picture once he hit 4400 subscribers on Twitch. On 26 February he released a cartoon drawing of the Dark Elementalist Lux and pushed his next goal to 5,000 subscribers. Once his Twitch account hit the magic subscriber number he would don the costume for his fans. On 12 March Sneaky announced that the conditions were set for him to give the fans what they wanted. There were over 8,000 viewers during this cosplay reveal.
Figure 3 Sneaky’s Dark Elementalist Lux cosplay picture (Image credit: C9 Sneaky)
Now I would be remise if I did not mention the atmosphere of Sneaky’s Twitch chat. With the pictures above that were posted you can imagine some of the lewd comments that were being made. The chat was riddled with sexual overtures, so much so that I cannot even put it in this article. I could not help but feel repulsed by what was scrolling across the chat. As far as the question if Sneaky is homosexual, the research does not sway one way or another. There are obvious rumor rumblings in the distance of the Reddit-spheres and other forums, but they are just that….rumors. There is no evidence in interviews or through Sneaky’s posts that actually points to a clear answer. I guess this would be a reveal for a different time. However, that is not to say that there are not some indicators or maybe even some pandering to that side of his following.
In a Twitter post back in 2013.
Zach Scuderi: “I am no longer a closet dweller and have claimed alex penn’s bed as my own. Victory is mine.”
Figure 4 Tweet from 2013
This does not say anything about Sneaky’s “personal” preferences, more so it is a joking way to say that he actually was sleeping in a closet until he was able to acquire, what was once, his friend’s bed. Some might think that there would be some backlash to this, on the contrary most buzz that was generated was positive and uplifting to the veteran LoL gamer. Fans telling him that this was the best cosplay yet and that he has inspired them.
Suffice it to say, this pro gamer has grown his following not just because of the skills or success he has attained, but also because of his cosplay efforts. Every reveal has been more complex and detailed, each time we see Sneaky getting more into the character than perhaps maybe some want, but others crave. Sneaky has developed a unique and eclectic following, pushing the traditional limits of pro gamers in their natural habitat, not fearing what persona awaits him in the wants of his followers. There is no telling what is next on Sneaky’s cosplay list or what the next goal will be for his subscribers to accomplish, however we do know that C9 will be looking to improve their 11 – 5 regular season record against Impact’s Team Liquid, Saturday March 17.