
I have been a video game enthusiast ever since I can remember. The first video game console I owned was a used Sega Genesis, which I had two games Sonic and NHL 96. From that point forward I gained a passion for video games that still carries to this day. From the Sega I went to a PC that I put in hundreds of hours into the first Call of Duty, ah nostalgia. I since have had every PlayStation to date, an Xbox 360, multiple PCs, and subscriptions to Gameinformer that littered my backpack and locker, which got me and my friends in trouble more than once. Recently, I have immensely followed Esports in the categories of LoL, CS:GO, Rainbow Six: Siege, and Rocket League, analyzing hours of post match/tournament gameplay. More than the number of consoles and PCs I have owned or the countless nights at friends houses playing video games for nights on end; video games have kept me connected to close friends. I joined the Marines when I was in college and since then I have been all around the world. Video games have been a great reprieve from stressors and through out my military career I have written and produced countless articles to progress my professional writing, now I am grateful to bring gaming news to Gamersdecide.
Jthouston26's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Fortnite, Rainbow Six: Siege, and Rocket League
Top 3 Favorite Games