The Best Sea of Thieves Outfits
Sea of Thieves is a pirate game like nothing we have played before. One of the interesting mechanics involved with Sea of Thieves is that there is no progression through skill, only through cosmetics. Since cosmetics are really the only thing to spend money on so far, here is the Top Ten Sea of Thieves Best Outfits.
10. Bilge Rat
The Bilge Rat outfit seen on a few different crew members
The Bilge Rat outfit will make any player look they are a true pirate. Very ratty, weathered, and grungy. The Bilge Rat jacket appears to have seen many battles in its day and collected a number of stories with it. This outfit is perfect for players starting out and even for those who have a lot of sailing under their belt. By wearing the Bilge Rat outfit you will never be mistaken for what you truly are, a pirate!
9. Nothing
A Sailor shows off his chest tattoo
No, I don’t mean play the game naked, although you can play in just the rags that would be your underwear. I mean wear any pair of pants you like, or not, but be sure to go shirtless. We all have an image of a bare chested pirate climbing up the main mast with a knife in their mouth. If that image is something you enjoy, then go shirtless. This is a perfect way for you to show off the scars and tattoos you have gotten over the years, as well as let others know you are confident seaman.
8. Sailor
The Sailor outfit is one of the stock outfits anyone can wear
If you have no preference of what you wear, but just want to get out on the sea, then the Sailor outfit is for you. Nothing flashy about it, but it certainly will keep you shielded from the rough elements of the sea. No matter if you are attacking an enemy ship or just going on a merchant voyage, the Sailor outfit will suit you just fine with its classic seamen look.
7. Sea Dog
The Sea Dog outfit can strike fear in the bravest of sailors
The Sea Dog outfit is perfect for those whose favorite color is red, or for those who get into a lot of fights. The crimson jacket will leave no trace of blood stains and it has a certain sexy appeal to it. The Sea Dog hat has a flare that will catch anyone’s eye with the pair of parrot feathers coming out of the top. Every ship needs a little spice of life and the Sea Dog outfit is the perfect way to bring excitement aboard. Show of your flamboyant character with this wonderful outfit.
6. Ferryman
Stolen right off the back of the ferryman from the Ferry of the Damned
The Ferryman outfit is reserved for a select few sailors. How special they must feel. If you were able to get one of the Sea of Thieves Limited Edition XBOX controllers, then you were able to get the Ferryman outfit. This outfit shows a certain type of prestige as it is very limited. It also shows off the players connection to the Ferry of the Damned. If you wear this outfit, you may have a better chance of not visiting that wretched ferry.
5. Sovereign
The Sovereign outfit will make you feel like the royalty you deserve to be
When it comes to the high seas, not everyone wants to be a royal, but for those who do, the Sovereign outfit is perfect. This outfit screams royalty as it is designed to show off your status, both to your crew and to your rivals. It’s effect can work in two ways. One: people on the seas will see you as having royal status, and may decide to follow you. Two: people of the seas will see you as a prime target with lots of booty. Either way, the Sovereign outfit demands respect.
4. Black Dog
Black Dog outfit cab be used for stealth at any time of day
Another limited edition outfit is available for those who pre-ordered Sea of Thieves. The Black Dog outfit allows its wearer to boast about their experience on the Sea of Thieves. It shows that they have been sailing around before most and with its black decor, it adds a bit of mystery to the pirate under the hat. The Black Dog outfit is perfect for those who want to stay in the shadows and keep a low profile.
3. Wailing Barnacle
Limited time availability, only for two weeks
Limited edition outfits are all the rage because they allow you to show off your prestige and prowess. The Wailing Barnacle outfit is no exception. Only available for two weeks, those lucky enough to obtain it will forever be able to show their merit on the Sea of Thieves. It will also mark you as a true enemy of the Merpeople and a friend of the Bilge Rats. The Wailing Barnacle outfit will keep you dry as you dive into the raging oceans.
2. Admiral
The Admiral Jacket gives a look and feel of command to anyone who wears it
Nobody commands respect on the high seas like an admiral. That is why the Admiral Outfits are the perfect choice for a leader. They will let anyone you come in contact with know who is in charge and they will give you a sense of power that will lead you on your adventures. Choosing between the traditional blue and the ceremonial red is the hard part. No matter the choice, you will certainly be looked up to by the other members of your crew. This outfit might even inspire you to form your own fleet!
1. Whatever you want
I Sit with my Admiral Jacket, Black Dog Gloves, and Shark Tooth Tattoo showing
There is no better outfit for a pirate to wear than the one that is their own. The great thing about all the outfits in Sea of Thieves is that each piece is purchased individually. That means you can make your own custom outfit. If you want to show off some royalty with the Sovereign pants, but would like to wear an Admiral Jacket to keep your status as Admiral of the fleet, then go ahead and do that. You can make any combination you want, and it will be uniquely yours. Nothing says pirate more than the outfit they choose to wear.
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