10. Buck (Breach, Support)
With his special gadget, the Skeleton Key under barrel shotgun, which happens to be one of the most destructive shotguns in the game, Buck can create entry or rotation holes on unreinforced walls with just one shot. Of course, that applies with unreinforced hatches as well. Now what that means is that when he’s chasing down an enemy roamer, he can use this to get into another area quicker than normal means, and that’ll allow him to outmaneuver the escaping roamer. And this doesn’t only apply when chasing a roamer that’s escaping, it applies for a coordinated attack too.
Because when hunting a roamer, it’ll be good if attackers can cover a lot of ground, or in other words, flank the roamer that they’re hunting. With Buck’s ability to rework the map to the attacking team’s advantage, he and his teammates can make use of the rotation holes too quickly to get into a position that’ll allow them to box in an enemy roamer. Aside from that, when it comes to fragging his quarry, the C8-SFW assault rifle’s fast rate of fire and high damage can make short work of enemies, making it a great weapon for hunting roamers.
What Makes Buck a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- His Skeleton Key underbarrel shotgun is capable of creating an entry or rotation hole with just one shot because of its high destruction rate per shot, and that’ll allow Buck to outmaneuver roamers
- Buck is a 2-speed 2-health rating operator and that provides him with a good amount of speed for catching up to roamers who are trying to escape while also maintaining ample amount of toughness
- His C8-SFW assault rifle is great for hunting roamers because of its high rate of fire and heavy firepower, and since it’s fully automatic, it’s great for sudden encounters, which aren’t uncommon when dealing with roamers
- Oftentimes, roamers who know they’re being hunted will hide in corners and camp, and Buck has access to three stun grenades per round which are great for blinding and deafening enemies who are in hiding spots
Best Loadout for Buck:
9. Zero (Anti-Gadget, Intel)
Zero specializes in gathering intel, and while he’s very useful for pushing the objective spot, he’s great at roam clearing as well. That’s because of his special gadget, the Argus Launcher, which allows him to attach four small cameras from a distance. These argus cameras can provide a 180-degree view of the surroundings, and when attached to a breakable surface, their view can even be rotated to the other side. Intel is an extremely useful weapon against roamers because they use stealth and the element of surprise to stop the attackers.
But with Zero’s Argus cameras deployed on the usual flank spots and the attackers regularly checking them, it could be a lot harder for roamers to hit the attackers from behind, because most likely, they’ll be detected, and they can get hunted down. As for hunting down the roamers, Zero also has 2-speed 2-health rating which means he has decent speed that can allow him to catch up to escaping roamers or outmaneuver them. Zero can also use his breach charges for quickly going down a story as they can be used for destroying unreinforced hatches.
What Makes Zero a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- Zero can deploy four Argus cameras using his Argus Launcher and those cameras are great for watching the usual flank spots that roamers use to hit attackers from behind
- Zero also has 2-speed 2-health rating which gives him decent speed for catching up to roamers or outmaneuvering them on top of providing him with good toughness for withstanding damage
- When chasing down a roamer, apart from his 2-speed rating, Zero can also use his breach charge to destroy an unreinforced hatch and go down a story much faster than normal
- If the player chooses to, Zero can run with two claymores per round instead, and they’re great utilities for countering roamers as they can be placed on spots where flanking roamers could easily miss, like on top of stairs or right beside entryways
Best Loadout for Zero:
8. Iana (Front Line, Intel)
With her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator, Iana can create an exact holographic copy of her that can also mimic all her body movements except for shooting, rappelling, and using utilities. She can use that holographic copy of hers as a drone for scouting ahead of an area, gathering intel, and since it looks exactly like her, it can cause confusion to enemies who see it. This is great for clearing out roamers because before entering a room, Iana can send her holographic copy first to make sure that she won’t be ambushed by one of them.
Once she’s confirmed that the area is clear, she and her teammates can enter safely, and after her Gemini Replicator cools down, which only takes fifteen seconds if her holographic copy wasn’t shot, she can use it again to create a holographic copy. As for hunting roamers, because Iana’s holographic copy looks exactly like her, it’s great for confusing them and making them give away their location. That’s because an enemy will always shoot Iana’s holographic copy, and unless they’re using a suppressor, their gunshot can compromise their location. Iana also has 2-speed 2-health rating, which, as mentioned before, provides a decent amount of speed for operators to catch up, even to 3-speed ones.
What Makes Iana a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- When roam clearing, Iana can send out her holographic copy from her Gemini Replicator first to make sure that the room is clear before she and her team enters to avoid an ambush by roamers
- Because her Gemini holographic copy looks exactly like her, it can help confuse the roamer that they’re hunting and most likely they’ll shoot it, and that gunshot will most of the time compromise their location
- Iana also has 2-speed 2-health rating which allows her to move quite quickly and catch up even to 3-speed roamers while also maintaining a good amount of toughness for enduring some shots
- Iana’s G36C is a great weapon for hunting roamers as it’s just a menace in close to medium range due to its good damage per shot, steady recoil, and compatibility to the scope 1.5x
Best Loadout for Iana:
7. IQ (Intel, Support)
IQ is pretty much OP levels when it comes to hunting down Pulse and Vigil which are two of the best roamers that defenders have. That’s because both of those operators’ special gadgets stay with them when they’re using them, and both of those special gadgets are made of electronics. It just so happens that IQ’s special gadget is the Electronics Detector, and, as the name implies, it allows her to detect enemy electronics. The scary part is, that happens in real time and she can use her P12 handgun while she’s using it.
Its detection range is also pretty far which is twenty meters. This allows IQ to detect and disable enemy electronic gadgets through breakable surfaces like unreinforced walls and wooden floors. Of course, this applies to Vigil and Pulse as well when they’re actively using their special gadgets. So when they are doing that, IQ can simply detect them and she’ll easily be able to wall bang them or at least, she and her teammates will have a good handle on their position. The great thing is she is a light-armored operator with 3-speed so she can easily catch up to her prey.
What Makes IQ a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- She’s quite OP when it comes to hunting Vigil and Pulse because her Electronics Detector can detect them in real time when they’re using their special gadgets, and that’s basically like a wall hack for IQ
- Her Electronics Detector has a really long range of twenty meters and its effect passes through even unbreakable surfaces, so she can use that to wall bang Vigil and Pulse which are two of the best roamers that defenders have
- Even if she can’t wall bang them because they’re not directly on the other side of a soft wall, IQ would at least be able to have a good handle their location so she and her teammates can act on that intel
- Being a light armored operator, she has a 3-speed rating, and that makes her one of the fastest operators in the game, and that’ll allow her to easily catch up to the operators she’s hunting
Best Loadout for IQ:
6. Gridlock (Support, Map Control)
Gridlock is one of the best anti-roamers that you could use when attacking because one of the hardest things about roamers is that it can be quite hard to predict when and where they’ll hit you and your team from behind. But with Gridlock’s special gadget, the Trax Stingers, which litter a large area full of barbed mats, she can really minimize the effectiveness of roamers. That’s because she has four Trax Stingers and as mentioned before, all four of them can populate a large spot with barbed mats, which damages enemies that step on them.
Gridlock’s Trax Stingers are great utilities for blocking the flanking spots that roamers could use for hitting the pushing attackers from behind. The only way that enemies could get rid of the barbed mats from Gridlock’s Trax Stingers is by shooting at them or using explosives, and both ways will usually create a lot of noise. So if a roamer does that, they’d basically be announcing to the attackers where they’re gonna try to hit from. And even if Gridlock’s four Trax Stingers aren’t enough to cover all paths of attack that roamers can use, they’ll still severely limit their number.
What Makes Gridlock a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- She’s great at minimizing the effectiveness of roamers because her special gadget, the Trax Stinger, is one of the best utilities in the game when it comes to blocking flanking spots
- When hunting down roamers with her teammates, Gridlock can also use her Trax Stingers to cut off the roamer’s escape route, effectively boxing them in and severely limiting the areas they could move to
- Gridlock has four Trax Stingers, and that number is usually enough to block all flanking that roamers could use full of barbed mats that will damage and slow them down
- Gridlock is one of the few attackers that can equip a shotgun for their secondary weapon, and that shotgun is very useful for creating rotation holes that are effective in cutting off roamers
Best Loadout for Gridlock:
5. Nokk (Front Line, Map Control)
Nokk fights stealth with stealth. That’s basically how she does her roam clear duties. Because with her special gadget, the HEL Presence Reduction, she can make her footsteps silent, therefore, making it much harder for roamers to know that she’s coming. Another effect of her HEL Presence Reduction is that she can turn invisible to enemy cameras, and that’s another great way of preventing enemies from knowing where Nokk is and where she plans to attack. And in Siege, intel plays a vital role, so to not have any intel on where Nokk is because they can’t hear her footsteps and see her in their cameras can be very detrimental to the defenders.
While Nokk can only silence her footsteps when she’s moving at normal speeds, meaning she’s not sprinting, she can still make good ground on enemies, especially since it’s highly unlikely that they’ll notice her. But when she does need to come after them faster, she has a 2-speed 2-health rating which means that she can catch up to most operators. Another thing is that a lot of times, when roamers know or feel that they’re being hunted, they’ll decide to camp behind cover and wait for the attacker who’s hunting them. But with Nokk, when she knows that a roamer is hiding behind cover, she can simply throw in a frag grenade towards them and score an easy kill.
What Makes Nokk a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- With Nokk, the user can fight stealth with stealth, because Nokk’s HEL Presence Reduction special gadget allows her to silence her footsteps, which makes it much harder for enemies to know that she’s coming
- Nokk’s HEL Presence Reduction also makes her invisible on enemy cameras, so even if the defenders have someone in their team watching their cameras, it could be very hard for them to gather intel on Nokk
- When she really needs to quickly catch up to an escaping roamer, she has 2-speed and 2-health rating which gives her ample speed to catch up to most operators while maintaining a decent amount of toughness
- Once she’s gathered intel in a room and found out that a roamer is camping a hiding spot, she can simply throw her frag grenade over them and score an easy kill
Best Loadout for Nokk:
4. Grim (Front Line, Map Control)
Grim has been receiving buffs for a few seasons now and he’s definitely a much more powerful operator than he was when he joined Team Rainbow back in Operation Brutal Swarm. Now, his Kawan hive swarms are larger, and their deployment method is more versatile. But let’s talk about what his Kawan hive swarms do first. Grim’s special gadget, the Kawan Hive Launcher, as its name implies, launches Kawan Hives that populate a large area with nanobots that resemble bees. Defenders who touch those nanobots will have a tracker activated on their person.
That tracker is basically a ping that can be seen by the whole attacking team in real time, and it lasts for several seconds. Grim can deploy five Kawan Hives per round, and that brings us back to the topic of roam clearing. Because of his Kawan Hives, Grim is an excellent roamer hunter because he can cut off roamers’ escape routes with his Kawan Hives. If they force their way through a path that is littered by a Kawan Hive’s nanobots, they’ll basically give away their real time position for several seconds. The Kawan Hives also work well for defense as they can be used to prevent roamers from flanking the attackers.
What Makes Grim a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- Grim’s five Kawan Hives can be used to block the escape routes of enemy roamers, because if they choose to still use a route that is blocked by a Kawan Hive, they’ll get pinged for the whole attacking team to see
- Grim’s Kawan Hives can also be used for defense as they can prevent roamers from flanking the attackers who are pushing or hunting said roamers
- Grim has 3-speed 1-health rating which provides him with the fastest speed available to Siege operators and that’ll allow him to easily catch up to escaping roamers as well as outmaneuver them,
- Because of the recent buffs, Grim’s Kawan Hives are now larger, and they can be deployed through two methods now, one is the sticky deployment, and one is the bouncy deployment method
Best Loadout for Grim:
3. Lion (Intel, Map Control)
Lion is one of the go-to operators when it comes to roam hunting because his special gadget, the EE-ONE-D, heavily discourages enemies from moving. That is because if a defender moves during an EE-ONE-D scan, they’ll get pinged repeatedly for several seconds and the whole attacking team will be able to see it. That obviously compromises their location, so it’s overall just not a good idea for a defender to move when an EE-ONE-D scan is being performed. Lion can perform three EE-ONE-D scans per round and they have a cooldown of only fifteen seconds.
This is very effective when it comes to hunting roamers because it stops them from moving for a few seconds, and if they move, the attackers will know their location. It works well even when Lion is operating solo, but it reaches its full potential when the attacking team is conducting a coordinated roamer hunt. That’s because Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans work well in combination with other attacker utilities like Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb and Jackal’s Eyenox Model III. And when these three operators start working together, there’s a very high chance that they’ll either just kill the enemy team’s roamer or render them useless.
What Makes Lion a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- His EE-ONE-D scans heavily discourages enemies from moving, because if they move during an EE-ONE-D scan, they’ll get pinged for the whole attacking team to see, and that’s very effective for hunting roamers
- Because the EE-ONE-D scans make enemies stop moving, especially roamers, Lion and his teammates can gain some ground for a few seconds, while the roamer’s movement is broken and not able to move
- Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans work so well in combination with other great roam clear operator special gadgets like Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb and Jackal’s Eyenox Model III which is honestly quite an OP combo for hunting roamers
- Lion’s wide variety of choices for his primary weapon, secondary, and generic gadget, provides him with a lot of versatility, and he can basically have a set up that specializes in roam clearing
Best Loadout for Lion:
2. Dokkaebi (Intel, Map Control)
Dokkaebi compromises enemy locations with her special gadget, the Logic Bomb, which is a hack that turns on their mobile devices and calls them. The loud ringing from Dokkaebi’s call will, most of the time, alert attackers to the positions of the defenders, and as one can imagine, it’s extremely helpful when hunting down roamers. First off, the difficulty of hunting roamers stems from the sizable maps that Siege has, and they have a lot of verticality. Most maps have two to three stories, and roamers could be anywhere in those stories.
But with Dokkaebi, the attackers who are performing roam clear duties have a high chance of identifying where a roamer is due to the ringing from their mobile devices from her Logic Bomb. On top of that, once the attackers pin down and kill a roamer, Dokkaebi can hack through their mobile device and gain access to defender cameras. This makes roam clearing highly rewarding for Dokkaebi and his teammates as it’s one of the best ways to gain access to defender cameras. Obviously, it would be much harder for Dokkaebi to hack a dead anchor’s camera as objective spots are usually high traffic areas.
What Makes Dokkaebi a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- Through her special gadget, the Logic Bomb, she can hack defender mobile devices, forcefully switch them on and call them. The loud ringing from that call usually compromises the current location of the defenders
- With the loud ringing on the defenders’ mobile devices from Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb, the attackers would, most of the time, have a good idea on where the enemy team’s roamers are located
- Dokkaebi has 2-speed 2-health rating which allows her to catch up with roamers well, and she can use the destructive capabilities of her MK 14 EBR to destroy soft hatches if she needs to go down a story quickly
- Dokkaebi’s other special ability makes it very rewarding for her and her teammates to hunt a roamer because that ability allows her to hack a dead defender’s mobile device, and that hack will give the attacking team access to all defender cameras
Best Loadout for Dokkaebi:
1. Jackal (Intel, Map Control)
Jackal, even by himself, is pretty much OP when it comes to roam clearing. That’s because his special gadget, the Eyenox Model III, allows him to clearly see the footprints that defenders left behind in bright hues. Each set of footprints are even differentiated by different colors per operator, so he’d also have an idea about the number of defenders that passed through an area and where they went. What’s more is that he can perform a scan on a set of footprints and once that scan is successful, it’ll activate a tracker on the owner of those footprints.
That tracker is basically a repeated ping that lasts for a whopping twenty seconds. Twenty seconds is quite a long time in Siege, considering that competitive rounds have a time limit of only a little over twenty minutes. That tracker will be visible to the whole attacking team and that’ll allow them to hunt the tracked defender and eventually box them in. That is why most of the time, a roamer who’s being tracked by Jackal will just try their best to go back to the safety of the bomb sites. So even if Jackal and his team couldn’t kill the tracked roamer, his special ability basically rendered their roaming capabilities useless.
What Makes Jackal a Great Roam Clear Operator:
- Jackal’s special gadget, the Eyenox Model III, allows him to highlight the footprints that defenders left behind, so he’ll always have a good idea where they went
- The Eyenox Model III also allows Jackal to scan a set of defender footprints and once successful, it’ll activate a tracker on the defender who left those footprints, and that tracker will last for twenty seconds
- For catching up to roamers and outmaneuvering them, Jackal has pretty good speed because of his 2-speed rating, and he can also equip a shotgun as his secondary weapon which will allow him to rework the map to his advantage
- Since the tracker from Jackal’s Eyenox Model III is visible to the whole attacking team, often times, roamers get hunted down, killed, or forced to go back to the safety of the bomb sites
Best Loadout for Jackal:
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