Freya is a fearless fighter that has been battling tirelessly in the Land of Dawn since the beginning. The somewhat rare hero is definitely a force to reckon with especially with her latest update. Not all players have the chance to play this hero since she is the only hero that is only obtainable through in-game purchases through MLBB diamonds. A rare hero not everyone has the privilege to enjoy, she is however possible to obtain anytime if you are willing to spend your real life money in the game.
If you do have Freya,make sure to use her as one of your main weapons in your arsenal. She is one of the best early game heroes that can dominate lanes with ease. Check out these builds to be the best Freya user there is!
Hero Name Strengths
- One of the strongest early game heroes
- Has low skill CD
- Can chase and knock up enemies
- Easy to use
- Very versatile hero
- Solid initiator
- Insane damage in the start of the game
Hero Name Weaknesses
- Skill requires continues button mashing
- Skills are easy to disable
- Heroes can get away because she is short ranged
- Falls off in the late game when not snowballed
3. DPS Build
High damage freya build focuses on getting critical hits and dishing out as much damage as possible. The same build can be used for Freya as a jungler just equip her with the retribution and jungle boots. This build completely revolves around high damage items that will make each of Freya's hits deal a big chunk of health bar off of her enemies.
This build is best used if you're a Freya jungler or if you want to dominate your lanes in the early game. Use this against exp laners that you know are underpowered compared to Freya, this way the extra damage from an all damage build will allow you to get kills right off the bat.
Use This Build If:
- You are a laner
- Want to dominate your lane
- Your strategy is to win team fights
- Want decent damage and sustainability
- You want to take down turrets FAST
This build is perfect against heroes that rely on items to have damage. Since Freya has crazy early game raw damage, she can dominate her lane easily with a completely damage build.
Emblem that will work best with this build: Assassin or Fighter Emblem focused on Physical Damage.
Level 1: Skill 2 - Spirit Combo | Burst & Blink
Level 2: Skill 1 - Leap of Faith | Blink & CC
Level 3: Skill 3 - Valkyrie Descent | Morph & Shield
As a damage dealer, focus on upgrading your second skill, the Spirit Combo will deal high multiple damage to your enemy. Make sure to pair this with a basic attack after every skill click.
1. Warrior Boots (720) - gives +40 movement speed and 22 Phys DEF. (can be interchanged with Tough boots for magic DEF)
2. Blade of Despair (3010) - highest damage giving item. Adds 160 Phys Attack and additional 25% damage to low HP enemies
3. Berserker's Fury (2350) -
4. Increases both critical damage and critical chance
5. Malefic Roar (2060) - increases physical penetration, use against high PHYS def enemies
6. Hunter Strike (2010) - gives hero a short 50% speed boost perfect for chasing
7. Scarlet Phantom (2020) - buffs attack speed and increased critical chance. Perfect for fighter heroes! Critical hits are perfect for a damage heavy Freya
2. Durable Build
A rather unpopular build that somehow JUST WORKS. A tank build Freya may sound absurd but it is a crazy force to face against. Albeit the combination of a few DEF items and damage items, this build can deal heavy hitting blows. The sustain aspect of the kit allows Freya to stay alive longer. The fact is, the longer that Freya stays alive, the longer she can do her role as an unstoppable force in the battlefield. She will dominate clashes with her deadly combo so enemies better take her down fast or just run.
This build uses a combination of damage and defense items. Adjust based on what seems perfect against the enemy team. Use Immortality if you die often, otherwise still focus on building your damage items since Freya's attacks can keep her alive.
Use this build if:
- You are being destroyed by your lane enemy
- You are the designated tank of your team
- You are the initiator and damage absorber
- You are always picked off by enemies
Level 1: Skill 2 - Spirit Combo | Burst & Blink
Level 2: Skill 1 - Leap of Faith | Blink & CC
Level 3: Skill 3 - Valkyrie Descent | Morph & Shield
Always get your ultimate (3rd Skill) up and activated when using this build since your skill 3 will significantly increase your survivability
Emblem that will work best with this build: Tank Emblem with Concussive Blast for the extra damage output while the points for Vitality increases her tankiness. This kit will also work with an Assassin Emblem if you want more damage to your Freya.
1. Warrior Boots (720) - gives +40 movement speed and 22 Phys DEF. (can be interchanged with Tough boots for magic DEF)
2. Blade of Despair (3010) - highest damage giving item. Adds 160 Phys Attack and additional 25% damage to low HP enemies
3. Endless Battle (2470) - deals true damage when hero deals basic attacks
4. Berserker's Fury (2350) -
5. Increases both critical damage and critical chance
6. Antique Cuirass - reduces physical attack damage received from enemy, effect is stackable
7. Malefic Roar (2060) - increases physical penetration, use agains high PHYS def enemies
8. Immortality (2120) - revives the hero when killed, HP returned is based on hero level. Also helps sustain enemy damage.
1. Burst Build
The perfect build for when you want to do a quick swoop for the kill and immediately vanish back out to secure other objectives. Focus on building the Blade of Heptaseas and camp around crucial bushes to dive in for a quick kill! Pair this kit up with an assassin emblem and your Freya will be feared throughout the game. Make sure to pick which heroes you can take down easily, and visit the most vulnerable lanes for the fast kills.
This is also perfectly paired with tanks like Atlas that can make a set up for you. Do a surprise attack and burst down everyone in your way.
Burst builds are perfect against squishy heroes. Since squishy heroes often deal heavy damage, this build can be used to take them down before they can react.
Use this build if:
- You want high kill counts
- Take down squishy damage dealers
- Like camping and ganking
- Want to nuke your enemies with high burst damage
Emblem that will work best with this build: Assassin Emblem with full points to Agility. This helps Freya make way for her unimpressive mobility.
Level 1: Skill 1 - Leap of Faith | Blink & CC
Level 2:Skill 2 - Spirit Combo | Burst & Blink
Level 3: Skill 3 - Valkyrie Descent | Morph & Shield
With the burst build your priority skill to level up is the first skill. This skill allows you to jump and surprise enemies and deal great damage at the same time. It is perfectly paired with the Blade of Heptaseas because the CC effect of the skill will allow you to deal a basic attack.
1. Blade of Despair (3010) - highest damage giving item. Adds 160 Phys Attack and additional 25% damage to low HP enemies
2. Warrior Boots (720) - gives +40 movement speed and 22 Phys DEF. (can be interchanged with Tough boots for magic DEF)
3. Hunter Strike (2010) - gives hero a short 50% speed boost perfect for chasing
4. Endless Battle (2470) - deals true damage when hero deals basic attacks
5. Blade of the Heptaseas (1950) - perfect kit for ambush. Gives high extra damage when dealing basic attack after 5 sec of not receiving enemy damage
6. Scarlet Phantom (2020) - buffs attack speed and increased critical chance.
7. (Extra option) Haas Claws (1810) - increases the users physical lifesteal. Use this to increase Freya's survivability through her continuous attacks
8. (Extra option) Berserker's Fury (2350) - Increases both critical damage and critical chance
Teammates that will make Freya awesome:
A strong melee fighter needs a partner to bring out the best of her abilities. Freya is already awesome on her own but her really short range of attack makes it easy for enemies to escape especially when her spell is not suited for chasing. Pairing her up with heroes that can deliver enemies to her range will boost her abilities even more. Check out her perfect teammates:
- Kaja
- Tigreal
- Atlas
- Ruby
- Edith
Top 5 heroes Freya is Strong Against
- Alucard
- Hanabi
- Bruno
- Aldous
- Zilong
Top 5 Heroes Freya is Weak Against
- Natalia
- Irithel
- Chou
- Ruby
- Minsitthar