A Fighter is an endurance hero who can deal damage. They may be viewed as semi-tanks and have the potential to shine in the latter stages of battle. They can inspire teams through versatility, mobility and different forms of damage unique to each hero. Learning the Fighter role is rewarding, due to what they bring to a team through their dynamics between staging and engaging in battle. Fighters, and have the ability to adapt to different scenarios.
Fighters are recommended for the Express Lane, and most can also take on Jungle duties as a core. They are late-game heroes who depend on build and gold count to make the most of their unique prowess. In this article, we rate the best late game fighters in order of excellence.
Let's have a look.
12. Argus (Good)
"Light will fall prey to shadow."
Argus, The Dark Angel is known for his ability to prolong engagement through immunity. He ranks low on this list for his level of mastery, especially against other heroes. He specializes in Charge and Burst, with skills that include Buff, Mobility, Damage, Debuff and Death Immune attributes. He is a must-have for those looking to master the fighter role.
It is Argus Ultimate Skill (Eternal Evil) that stands him out as a late-game beast. Through this unique skill, he is able to remove all debuffs and gain death immunity for 4 seconds. Additionally, 100% of damage dealt will be converted into HP. Through this skill, Argus can harass and expand on his specialties in the late game, through Burst Damage and pursuing fleeing opponents.
What makes Argus a Great Fighter:
- Charge/Burst - These are his specialties. Argus First Skill (Demonic Grip) is a Mobility/AoE Skill that can blink him to designated locations, while also being able to stun multiple targets. This bears significance to his Charge Specialty and complements his abilities in Burst Damage.
- Passive Skill - Warmonger is a buff that stacks malice energy up to 100, where Argus unleashes an additional demonic slash to his basic combo. It also penetrates opponent defense by 40%. This attribute enhances his powerful skill set.
- Ultimate Skill - Eternal Evil is a Death Immune/Buff that grants death immunity for 4 seconds. Damage dealt to opponents is converted into HP during this state. This is a powerful counter tool, and enhances his skill set combination, and charge abilities.
Argus is strong against:
- Hanabi
- Yin
- Aldous
- Eudora
- Moskov
Argus is weak against:
- Valir
- Akai
- Jawhead
- Sun
- Gatotkaca
See Argus In action:
11. Freya (Good)
"I am a daughter of Northern Vale. I swear to protect it till my last breath."
Freya, The Daughter of Northern Vale is the only hero who cannot be purchased via Battle Points. She costs 599 Diamonds, which is about $15, depending on your method and platform for purchasing diamonds. She beat Gatotkaca to this spot due to her powerful late-game potential, via her specialties in Chase/Damage and skill attributes that include Burst, Mobility, Morph and Shield attributes. She is a must-have for those committed to the Fighter role and serious about the game.
She is an exceptional laner in the early stages of battle, and can effectively harass and push lanes. She can force foes into retreat and rapidly clear her lane then back up in other objectives, especially through split push and front-line gameplay. Freya is a mini-tank who is capable of expansive splash damage in the late-game especially through her Passive Skill (Power of Einherjar) that increases her attack speed by 200% which stacks in spirit orbs and can enable her to cast her Second Skill (Spirit Combo) consecutively, delivering multiple combination strikes that can knock opponents airborne.
What makes Freya a Great Fighter:
- Charge/Damage - These are her specialties, which are very evident through her high damage skill set that is built for both protection and damage. Freya is a front-line hero who can take on opposition fronts, and also pursue or retreat via her charge specialty.
- Skill Combination - Freya is a highly sophisticated hero. This is evident in her pricing and difficulty in mastering but well worth the effort. She has a range of high damage skills, complemented with mobility, stun and splash attributes.
- Durability - Through her Ultimate Skill (Valkyrie Descent) which is a Morph/Shield ability, Freya can enter Valkyrie State for 10 seconds, while gaining range in damage with additional splash effects. This can sustain her in attack and provides her with enough sustainability when combined with her damage attributes.
- Versatility - Freya is extremely versatile with a wide range of capabilities in all areas of battle. She can be played as a Tank, Assassin and Jungle hero while also displaying mage effects with her splash damage. For her price, she is well worth the cost.
Freya is strong against:
- Eudora
- Nana
- Balmond
- Aldous
- Argus
Freya is weak against:
- Wanwan
- Cici
- Minshittar
- Martis
- Esmerelda
See Freya In action:
10. Yin (Good)
"I am Yin, and always will be — no matter what."
Yin, The Martial Genius is known for his Crowd Control (CC) and Ultimate Skill Buff. As a dual role Fighter/Assassin, he is quite difficult to grab and requires active strategy in fully harnessing his capabilities. He has a tactical skill set that combines to see maximum impact. This skill set has Buff, Burst, Speed-up, Mobility and CC attributes while his specialties are in Burst/Control.
Yin is diverse, and can be engaged in versatile fashion. He depends on teamwork, but can be a hyper-carry when well mastered and at his peak. He best fits a versatile role such as roaming or jungling, owing to his Ultimate Skill that grants him an advantage in buff over opponents by teleporting to an alternate dimension. This can allow him to effectively target priority opponents and limit their impact in the late-game. His versatility and unique skills make him a hyper-carry utility in any battle, while he can be flexibly engaged, depending on team gameplay and opponent formation.
What makes Yin a Great Fighter:
- Burst/Control - These are his specialties that shine through his skills. Yin can suppress multiple targets and deal burst physical damage. Additionally, he can engage in two forms. His Passive Skill (Leave It To Me) aids his other skills in this regard, where he receives an 8% spell vamp and damage is increased by 120% if no allies are nearby.
- Ultimate Skill - (My Turn) is a CC/Buff skill where Yin isolates a single opponent in his dungeon for 8 seconds while gaining physical and magic defense. It is during this period that he transforms into a buffed version as Lieh. He also receives 20% HP if an opponent is killed and can also launch another attack if opponents are near.
- Skill Combination - His Second Skill (Instant Blast) is a Mobility/CC skill that can stun multiple foes. His First Skill (Charged Punch) is a Burst/Speed Up that enhances his movement speed and basic attack. Yin can effectively stun opponents while gaining speed, then execute his Ultimate Skill to inflict further damage in a buffed state.
- Versatility - Yin is flexible in speed, endurance and also has assassin-like abilities that can be engaged in as a situational hero. He is great at ganking, pushing and roaming in the late stages of battle. He is also an exceptional lane hero.
- Mobility - Yin has superb movement that can be engaged in both attack, offense and roam. Depending on the situation, he is capable of engaging his skills to enhance his movement and can engage effectively with his assassin-like abilities while having the durability of a fighter.
Yin is strong against:
- Layla
- Guinevere
- Silvana
- Nana
- Eudora
Yin is weak against:
- Edith
- Khufra
- Sun
- Jawhead
- Gatotkaca
See Yin In action:
9. XBorg (Good)
"Light me up and watch the world burn!"
X-Borg, The Firaga Armor is well-known for his Burst ability, which happens to be one of his specialties alongside Regen. His set of skills cover Buff, Area of Effect (AoE), Crowd Control (CC), Burst and Mobility attributes that are extremely tactical with a combination that needs to be understood in order to be leveraged to full potential.
X-Borg thrives on his ability to absorb damage as part of his Passive Skill. He is a late-game hero and can lead teams in push over the territory after focusing on farming and build in the early stages of battle. He is a mini-tank, capable of substantial damage and best played in the front-lines of battle to see his real in-game impact. X-Borg is a late-game hero who excels in initiating through his Burst attributes and capacity to survive close encounters.
What makes X-Borg a Great Fighter:
- Burst/Regen - These are his specialties that are evident in his Passive and Ultimate Skills which have Buff and Burst attributes. His Passive Skill (Firaga Armor)absorbs and replenishes HP on Burst Damage dealt, and represents his specialties the most.
- Durability - It is important to note that X-Borg has an armor that enhances his HP after the 50% mark. He cannot deal ranged melee attacks when below 50% HP.
- Skill Combination - His skills are designed as a combination, where he can engage his Ultimate Skill (Last Insanity) to burst into damage while reeling in multiple foes. Additionally, his Second Skill (Fire Stake) is a CC skill that can slow down multiple foes while his First Skill (Fire Missiles) has continuous damage and is usually engaged last, after the other two mentioned skills.
X-Borg is strong against:
- Chou
- Layla
- Valir
- Gord
- Aldous
X-Borg is weak against:
- Akai
- Esmerelda
- Wanwan
- Nana
- Alice
See X-Borg In action:
8. Arlott (Excellent)
"I will choose my own path."
Arlott, The Lone Lancer is indeed a lone warrior who can excel in battle at his own pace, even setting the pace for gameplay, from the early to late stages of battle. This is via his specialties in Burst/Charge, that enables him durability and damage. His skill attributes cover Buff, Crowd Control, Area of Effect and Mobility attributes. He is a dual role Fighter/Assassin with versatility as a Tank. He was released in Feb 2023 and still viewed as a new hero in the game.
He is quite hard to understand but easy to master once his fundamentals are grasped. His Passive Skill (Demonic Gaze) is a buff that can mark foes in range for up to 8 seconds. This engages control effects that pave the way for his Damage through Mobility, CC and AoE attributes. He is an assassin-like versatile and durable hero who has flexibility and leans more into front-line encounters during the late stages of battle.
What makes Arlott a Great Fighter:
- Burst/Charge - These are his specialties that are evident through his attack speed that is packaged within his sophisticated skill set.
- Skill Combination - Arlott can mark and pursue heroes by attack speed and damage. He can also target multiple heroes via CC and AoE effects. His skill combo is hard to counter.
- Versatility - He can take on a wide range of objectives and tasks from the front to back lines. He can also support allies and lead the team as a hyper-carry. Arlott, when well mastered, is a utility hero who is handy alongside allies in different scenarios.
Arlott is strong against:
- Martis
- Chou
- Balmond
- Argus
- Aldous
Arlott is weak against:
- Yu Zhong
- Phoveus
- Eudora
- Cici
- Gatotkaca
See Arlott In action:
7. Yu-Zhong (Excellent)
"Kindness is the surest path to ruination."
Yu Zhong, The Black Dragon is a formidable late-game hero, renowned for his AoE ability to morph into a dragon and transform into a buffed state after. He specializes in Regen/Damage through a skill set that consists, Buff, AoE, Slow, Mobility and CC effects. He is a well-known hero in higher ranks due to his range of attributes, especially in dealing damage and surviving.
He is a powerful late game hero thanks to his specialties, in being able to deal damage and survive encounters. This is a lethal combination that is aided by his mobility and movement. His buffed state also has tanky attributes that can stage encounters for allied damage dealers to capitalize on. Yu Zhong is a simple mini-tank with high damage who needs timing and positioning to see his impact in battle, especially in the late-game when fully built in items.
What makes Yu-Zhong a Great Fighter:
- Regen/Damage - He has the capacity to deal high impact damage that also regenerates his HP. This is evident through his Passive Skill (Cursing Touch) which is a buff that restores HP on damage dealt.
- Morph - His Ultimate Skill (Black Dragon Form) is a morph/buff that can transform Yu-Zhong into a dragon for 7 seconds. His movement is enhanced with immunity while he is capable of low damage. He enters a Dragonoid Form after, which grants range to his skills for up to 10 seconds.
- Crowd Control/Area of Effect - Yu-Zhong can deal damage to multiple targets and slow them down through all his skills. He is perfect at staging encounters and pursuing fleeing opponents.
- Versatility - With mobility and durability, Yu-Zhong is a master over the battlefield, with his unique combination of four skills. He is a semi-tank with assassin-like prowess. He is quite hard to master in timing and positioning but serves well in battle.
Yu-Zhong is strong against:
- Nana
- Balmond
- Sun
- Argus
- Hanabi
Yu-Zhong is weak against:
- Baxia
- Wanwan
- Diggie
- Hayabusa
- Atlas
See Yu-Zhong In action:
6. Balmond (Excellent)
"My blood boils until the day I die!"
Balmond is well-known for his endurance and agility. He is a tanky assassin-like hero who can transition flexibly between battle tasks and objectives. Aside from this, he can deal high energy and continuous damage. With specialties in Damage/Regen, his skill attributes consist of Heal, Mobility, Slow, Area of Effect (AoE) and Burst effects. He costs only 6500 Battle Points and is a great buy as an impact hero who is versatile in team composition.
Through the engagement of his Second Skill, Balmond can easily clear lanes and harass the front-lines in the early phases of battle. He can also disrupt opponent farming and initiate engagement. In the mid-late phase, he can effectively support or lead in confrontations, either carrying the battle or being of service to other damage dealers. Either way, his agility, continuous damage and mobility are what carry him in the late-game as an impact hero.
What makes Balmond a Great Fighter:
- Damage/Regen - These are his specialties, where Balmond is capable of continuous damage via his Second Skill (Cyclone Sweep) and lethal burst damage via his Ultimate Skill (Lethal Counter) which also has slow effects. His Passive Skill (Bloodthirst) is a healing ability that represents his regen specialty. This grants him 5% HP on eliminating creeps and 20% on successfully taking out foes.
- Mobility - Balmond has attack speed that may be transformed into movement, where he can cover ground swiftly. His First Skill (Soul Lock) is also a mobility skill that allows him to charge in a designated direction and can deal damage if he collides with a target. This aids in his movement and may be leveraged in retreat, charge or other objectives that require navigating the battlefield swiftly.
- Versatility - Balmond is a mini-tank, with his endurance and damage. He is a hyper-carry hero who can support different dimensions of gameplay, both in the front and back lines of battle. He is a must-have for his cost and flexibility in team composition as a utility.
- Skill Combination - His Second Skill (Cyclone Sweep) may be spammed with its low cold down rate, and supported by his other skills, especially in pursuit and clearing lanes. This is also an easy to learn combo that is effective and comes at a great price.
Balmond is strong against:
- Alice
- Nana
- Sun
- Saber
- Layla
Balmond is weak against:
- Karrie
- Wanwan
- Aldous
- Chou
- Ling
See Balmond In action:
5. Guinevere (Excellent)
"Do you know the flower language of Matthiola incana?"
Guinevere, Ms Violet is a mage-like Fighter, with magic damage being one of her specialties aside from Burst. She also has assassin-like skills that allow her to engage and pursue opponents or retreat in rapid fashion. Her skill set is a combination of skills that work in tandem and have Buff, Damage, Mobility, Crowd Control (CC) and Burst attributes.
She has an advantage through range and mobility in the early game as an effective push and gank hero with the potential to kite and poke. She can split-push and use her assassin-like skill combination to ambush and support objectives through the cover of the jungle in the mid-late game. She is a support carry or hyper carry whose presence is always felt or missed in battle, depending on her execution. Guinevere is a tactical hero with assassin-like abilities that requires timing and positioning to see her real impact.
What makes Guinevere a Great Fighter:
- Magic Damage/Burst - This is a lethal combination as her specialties and is illustrated well through her Passive Skill (Super Magic) which is a Buff/Damage Skill that can stack in damage through any of her skills and mark opponents, then knock them airborne and deal extra damage while they are in air.
- Skill Combination - This is an assassin-like combination where her Second Skill (Spatial Migration) is a Mobility/CC skill that allows Guinevere to leap and knock opponents airborne. She can leave behind a clone of herself and blink to a designated spot. It also deals minimum damage. This is always followed up with her Ultimate Skill (Violet Requiem) which is a Burst/CC skill that can knock opponents up to 6 times if already airborne and deals finishing damage in the form of a forcefield.
- Versatility - Guinevere has great mobility and assassin-like prowess, making her a situational hero who can roam flexibly and take on different roles and objectives without being out of position in rotation.
Guinevere is strong against:
- Valir
- Chou
- Vale
- Diggie
- Zilong
Guinevere is weak against:
- Badang
- Eudora
- Layla
- Alpha
- Wanwan
See Guinevere In action:
4. Chou (Best)
"In the world of Kung Fu, speed defines the winner."
Chou, The Kungfu Boy has been a top hero in terms of Charge/Burst for a very long time. He is well-known for his skill combination that can lock on and target foes. His skills have buff, AoE, Mobility and Burst effects that can strike in succession, while immune to attack.
With a skill combo buffed by his Passive Skill, Chou is quite durable with CC immunity and the ability to deal continuous damage. He is an outstanding roam in the mid-late game after farming in the early stages of battle. He is quite offensive, with a dash ability that also generates a shield, and allows him to poke and initiate in the late stages, with the capacity to burst into damage.
What makes Chou a Great Fighter:
- Charge/Burst - These are his specialties that allows him to engage with impact, especially when striking his skill combo.
- Skill Combination - Chou has a superior set of skills that can stage and engage. Additionally, it is a one hit combo.
- Versatile - He is versatile in gameplay and can take on multiple roles and objectives.
Chou is strong against:
- Zilong
- Nana
- Miya
- Natalia
- Aldous
Chou is weak against:
- Moskov
- Bruno
- Freya
- Sun
- Lylia
See Chou In action:
3. Cici (Best)
"Let's hear from the crowd! Make some noise for yours truly!"
Cici, The Buoyant Performer is a well-balanced specialist in Damage/Regen. Her range of skills have Buff, Burst, Mobility and Slow effects. She has great endurance, owing to her specialties and is flexible with mobility and versatility. She can also deal ranged damage. She has potential in physical burst damage and is flexible in team composition.
She may be built with attack or tank items, in taking advantage of her damage and regen. Depending on your style of gameplay, you can decide to capitalize on her mobility through attack speed or endurance. Cici can poke, initiate, gank, kite and even take on jungle duties. In the late game, she is a front-line aggressor who can survive close encounters and back up through ranged damage. She is one of the very few fighters with a regen specialty.
What makes Cici a Great Fighter:
- Damage/Regen - These are her specialties, which are very evident in her skill set and especially through her Passive Skill (Performer’s Delight) that generates a stack of delight and increases her movement speed and spell vamp. When it reaches full stack at 10, the effects are doubled, making Cici a hard-to-kill hero, especially when well built in items and skill level in the late-game.
- Mobility - She has unique footwork and is swift on her feet. Aside from being enhanced by her skills, her Second Skill (Buoyant Bounce) allows Cici to leap in designated directions. She can even deal damage if she lands on foes.
- Burst - Her First Skill (Yo-Yo Blitz) is a Burst Skill that is extremely effective in the late game when built in items. It enables Cici to strike targets up to 10 times and increases damage by 20% when engaged in lanes, which is an effective push strategy. It can be engaged alongside other skills and greatly complements her Ultimate Skill (Curtain Call) which is a CC/Slow skill that can draw opponents together and slow them down.
Cici is strong against:
- Tigreal
- Alpha
- Miya
- Badang
- Nana
Cici is weak against:
- Aamon
- Eudora
- Akai
- Saber
- Lancelot
See Cici In action:
2. Martis (Best)
“These blades are my teeth... heh, and I'm all bite and no bark."
Martis, The Ashura King has been a favored meta hero in recent seasons and is renowned for his endurance and charge ability which is one of his specialties aside from being a Finisher. He is a must-have hero for serious ML gamers who can counter and outclass opponents through timing and coordination, with a skill combination that has Buff, Crowd Control (CC), Area of Effect (AoE), and Burst attributes.
His attack speed and crowd control complement each other, making Martis an impactful early to late game hero. He can suppress and disarm multiple foes, which grants him versatility over team composition in both the front and back lines. For the most part, Martis is a hyper-carry who excels in the late game. He is a great utility for his ability to sustain and counter attacks.
What makes Martis a Great Fighter:
- Charge/Finisher - These are Martis specialties. Crowd Control and Area of Effect complement and enhance these capabilities especially through his Passive Skill (Ashura's Wrath) that increases his attack speed by 30%, and capped off at 120%. He can deal extra damage if full stacks are reached.
- Skill Combination - His Second Skill (Mortal Coil) is a Mobility/AoE skill that can deliver continuous strikes while gaining CC immunity. It can also knock opponents airborne while allowing Martis to leap in the same direction, which bears significance to his Charge Specialty and signifies him as a Finisher through his Ultimate Skill (Decimation) which is a Burst/Buff skill with immense physical damage while launching forward. If an opponent is killed, he gains 100% mobility and amp damage by 10%, capped at 30%.
- Versatility - Martis can stage and engage in his own encounters. He can also clear lanes rapidly, and has mobility to cover ground quickly. With his ability to deal extra damage, he is an exceptional laner and solo push hero. In all his essence, Martis is a mini-tank capable of continuous damage.
Martis is strong against:
- Hanabi
- Odette
- Layla
- Gusion
- Estes
Martis is weak against:
- Akai
- Kagura
- Freya
- Helcurt
- Tigreal
See Martis In action:
1. Dyrroth (Best)
"The Abyss is home to me."
Dyrroth, The Prince of the Abyss is an endurance artist who is well known for his Life Steal ability where he is second to Alucard amongst Fighters. He has an effective skill combination with a low cool down rate, which allows him to deal continuous damage. With specialties in Charge/Burst, his skill set has a range of attributes that include Buff, Heal, Area of Effect (AoE), Burst and Slow effects.
In the early stages of battle, Dyrroth may roam and gank, through his ability to dash and lock on opponents. He should be mastered as a core in the jungle, but is also an effective lane pusher, especially in the late game, when he can lead in split-push. His Passive Skill shines in the late game, since it enhances his skills in attack. His life steal and continuous damage sets him up as an endurance artist in the mid to late-game.
What makes Dyrroth a Great Fighter:
- Charge/Burst - These are his specialties. He is a high impact hero through his set of skills, with mobility and lock on damage. Dyrroth can launch into attack from range and then deal immense and continuous damage through his skills.
- Life Steal - His Passive Skill (Wrath of the Abyss) is a Buff/Heal Skill that enhances his basic attack. After 3 different strikes and reaching 50% rage, the third strike will enhance his HP by 40% and 50% of damage dealt. Dyrroth is well-known for this ability.
- Low Cool Down - For such a hero with a combination of strikes, his skills have a low cooldown rate and can be effectively engaged alongside his life steal and continuous damage.
- Skill Combination - Aside from his basic skill being a combination of three strikes, his other skills also work in tandem. His Second Skill (Spectre Step) is a Mobility/Damage skill that can launch Dyrroth into attack from locked on range then deliver a stun. This can set up his other skills, but his Ultimate Skill (Abysm Strike) is a late-game finisher as a Burst/Slow skill that can deliver a fatal blow to multiple targets and slow foes down by 55%.
Dyrroth is strong against:
- Eudora
- Layla
- Kimmy
- Hanzo
- Leomord
Dyrroth is weak against:
- Argus
- Freya
- Guinevere
- Chou
- Claude
See Dyrroth In action: