Who Are The Best ADC Players in LOL?
League of Legends has one of the biggest Esports events in the world, with various annual tournaments taking place worldwide.
In terms of esports as of June 2016, League of Legends has had $29,203,916 USD in prize money, 4,083 Players, and 1,718 tournaments.
Here are the top 10 best ADC players currently:
10. Kasper Kobberup „Kobbe“
One of Norways best League Players
Winnings: $53,330.25
Kobbe (23) born in Norway, started playing LoL in 2014 for Denial Esports. Before taking up LoL he played some other games like Warcraft 3, WoW and CS:GO (in which he was actually very good, he reached the rank of Globa Elite).
After changing a few teams he ended up in Splyce in which he is playing today. He is a very sociable guy and his friends say he is an awesome company.
Kobbes Role and Play Style:
- He is often relied on by his team to be the main carry
- He has an extremely good gold share (29.3%) making him, on average, the most fed ADC in the Worlds tournament
- He also has an incredibly good Kill participation for his team, making him a helpful part of Splyce
Signature ADC Champs:
- Caitlyn
- Ezreal
- Jhin
Kobbe Twitter: https://twitter.com/kobbe
Kobbe Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kobbelol
9. Yu Wen-Bo „Jackeylove“
China's proud representative in LoL
Winnings: $625,215,45
Yu Wen-Bo „Jackeylove“ is a Chinese LoL pro player that is currently playing for Invictius Gaming. He joined IG at the age of 15 and was too young to play at LPL, but he was able to play at NEST the next year.
His biggest goal was to win the World Championship and he did it in 2018 at the age of 17.
There was a joke on his name that he could only make a quadrakill until he proved eveyone wrong at LPL 2019 with his first professional pentakill. He is currently 18 and will probably be in the Esports scene for a long time.
Jackeyloves Role and Play Style:
- Aggressive play style. He is extremely confident in his individual skill.
- He is usually in the shadow of his Midlaner and Toplaner, but sometimes he „pops off“ and takes the hands into his own hands.
- He has extremely good synergy with his support „Baolan“. He rarely loses lane and he is a big part of the IG group
Signature ADC champs:
- Draven
- Xayah
- Kai sa
Jackeylove dominating with his Signature Champions
Jackeylove FB: https://www.facebook.com/Jackeylove
Jackeylove Twitter: https://twitter.com/ig_jackeylove
8. Gu Seung-bin „imp“
Fast learner, big player
Winnings: $318,397,95
Gu Seung-bin „imp“(24) started playing League as soon as the Korean servers opened in 2011. At the beggining he only played Ashe and Sivir but when he realised he was good at the game by reaching 2000 elo in 2 months (yes you heard correctly, and some of us are stuck at gold 1 for the last few years...) he decided to start playing more seriously and joined MVP White under the name „4Seasons“ in 2012.
He says that Pride and Girlfriends are a gamer's „kryptonite“ and makes them decay in skill. He is often considered to be the best ADC in Korea. He and his team JD Gaming aspire to win the World Championships.
Imps Role and Play Style:
- An incredibly good ADC player. His farm is always on top of the game and he reached 1000 kills in LPL in 2017
- Aggressive play style which brought him a lot of pentakills in his professional career
- Likes to play mechanically difficult champions, but he makes it look very easy
Signature ADC champs:
- Twitch
- Vayne (He is sometimes called Doubleimp because of his vayne rivalry with Doublelift, so Ill let you decide who is the better vayne)
- Sivir
Best of Imp
Imp FB: https://www.facebook.com/SamsungImp/
Imp Twitter : https://twitter.com/ozoneimp
He does not stream on Twitch.tv
7. Martin Larsson „Rekkles“
The Swedish Wonderboy
Winnings: $378,070.32
„The Swedish Wonderboy“ sometimes called, Rekkles is a familiar face in the world of LoL Esports.
He was an extremely talented football player untill he hurt his leg badly and took up video games (LoL to be more precise). He started playing professional League in 2012 for Playing Ducks and PAH.
Later in that year he joined Fnatic and although he changed a few teams, he is playing for them today.
He was the first player that reached 1000 kills in EU LCS and also one of the youngest LoL professional players ever. And one thing that is interesting is that it is said that he eats a bowl of cereal before every game (That isnt weird, right?).
Rekkles Role and Play Style:
- Since he was first player that reached 1000 kills in EU LCS, it is obvious he likes to go in and take the initiative to himself
- In Fnatic he is the main damage dealer, giving him the number of professional stage pentakills during his Esports career
- His playstyle changed during the years, he was firstly a very safe player, but that changed as the meta of LoL changed
Signature ADC Champs:
- Tristana
- Vayne
- Kennen
Best of the Viking
Rekkles Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RekklesLoL/
Rekkles Twitter: https://twitter.com/rekkleslol
Rekkles Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rekkles
6. Yiliang Peng „Doublelift“
You know him.
Winnings: $305,330.71
One of the most famous faces in the LoL World, Doublelift started his career in the CLG but not as a ADC player but he was known for his Blitzcrank.
Later in 2011 he joined Course Gaming as an ADC. After some time he came back to CLG but this time in the ADC role.
He is most famous for his days in Team Solomid where he really showed his gaming talent. His name comes from the magic world. He liked magic when he was younger and named himself after an easy trick known as the Double lift.
He is currently playing for Team Liquid and is sometimes casting with the LoL casters behind the desk.
Doublelifts Role and Play style:
- He is known for his amazing ADC mechanics (amasing CS and KDA)
- Some of his teams strategy was „protect the Doublelift“ as he was their main damage source
- He is also quite aggressive player as he was the first player to reach 1000 kills in the LCS
Signature ADC Champs:
- Vayne
- Caitlyn
- Ezreal
Best of Doublelift
Doublelifts Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoubleliftOfficial/
Doublelifts Twitter: https://twitter.com/tldoublelift
Doublelifts Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublelift
5. Park Jae-hyuk „Ruler“
Gen Gs finest
Winnings: $481,513.41
Born in 1998 (age 20) in South Korea Gen-Gs very own ADC, started playing for team Stardust in 2016 at the Challengers Korea.
He was firstly known as Bung but later on when he joined Gen-G his coach recomended that he changes his name into Ruler.
He was awarded with the MVP of the World Championship in 2017 and voted unofficial rookie of the split in 2016.
Rulers Role and Play style:
- He is one of the most important players for Gen-G and is not afraid to take on fights
- He won the 2017 World Championship with the MVP title with his smart and consistent playing
- He says that he plays every game with the motto „Victory or Death“. He always gives his best.
Signature ADC champs:
- Tristana
- Ezreal
- Kalista
He also plays Kai sa and Ashe
See how awesome Ruler is
Ruler Twitter: https://twitter.com/ssgruler_ph (fanbase)
Ruler Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lol_ruler
4. Luka Perković „Perkz“
A rare Croatian Video Games professional player
Winnings: $394,432.13
Perkz is one of the rare Esport players that come from Croatia. He started playing LoL for fun but after he easily reached Diamond elo he decided that he could take up gaming more serious.
After changing a few teams where he played as a Midlaner he ended up in Gaming2 or as we know them today G2 Esports. In the last year Perkz was moved from the Midlane where Caps took his place and he was put on the ADC position.
He is an all around funny guy and an extremely good LoL player.
Perkz Role and Play style:
- He is extremely good at gold funneling. His CS game is always on point and that keeps him ahead of the other players
- Very consistent in his gameplay, he rarely slacks and always gives his A-game
- Often carries games with his midlaner Caps but the G2 Esports players have an all around extremely good synergy
Signature ADC Champs:
- Kaisa
- Xayah
- Kalista
But sometimes he picks unusual ADCs on bot like APCs (Syndra for instance) because he is focused on lane pressure and thinks that sometimes that off meta picks are good.
Perkz destroying as ADC
Perkz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Perkzlol/
Perkz Twitter: https://twitter.com/g2perkz
Perkz Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/g2perkz
3. Park Jin-sung „Teddy“
One of the best players in the World currently
Winnings: $65,947.24
Park Jin-sung (21) born in Korea is currently one of the best ADC players in the world. He is currently playing in SKT T1 Telecom right next to the best LoL player in the world-Faker.
He is a very serious player that is greatly passionate about League of Legends and wants to take the World Championship trophy to his hands. He currently holds the record for the highest CS rating in LoL history, with an baffling 1456 creep kills- wrecking Zvens and Bangs record of 946 and 972.
He also loves to hear the crowd scream SKT, it gives him motivation.
Teddys Role and Play style:
- As mentioned, he rarely misses CS, which gives him gold advantage during the game
- He has incredible synergy with his team, especially his supports Mata and/or Effort
- Very safe player, likes to scale and then take the fights on
Signature ADC Champs:
- Kaisa
- Ezreal
- Xayah
See how amazing this dude is
Teddy Twitter: https://twitter.com/t1lol (SKT team twitter)
Teddy Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/team/sktt1 (SKT team stream)
2. Kim Hyuk-kyu „Deft“
He looks so innocent, but he WILL crush you
Winnings: $364,473.43
Deft (22) is another Korean Esports superstar. He started playing Pro League for MVP Blue as their main ADC in 2013. During his career he changed a lot of famous LoL teams like SKT, KT Rolster ect.
After the last years World Championship he joined Kingzone DragonX team and he is currently playing for them.He was offered 1 milion dollars to stay in China but he declined because he considered he needed a change. His favourite champion is Jinx and it is amazing how good of an Win Rate he has with that champion.
He also went to the same High school as Faker. He earned the most MVP titles in LPL and is the only player that reached 1000 kills in two different regions (LPL and LCK).
Defts Role and Play Style:
- He is an amazing ADC player with lots of skill and mechanical outplay potential
- He is also extremely emotional player and soometimes he gets „tilted“ but it doesnt affect his gameplay a lot
- His playstyle is smart, he doesnt take unnecessary risks and waits the right opportunity to shine
Signature ADC Champs:
Deft Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hyuk9zzang
Deft Twitch: https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettiestCarelessReubenGivePLZ
1. Jian Zi-hao „Uzi“
Trust me, this guy is a LoL GOD.
Winnings: $535,426.23
One of the most famous ADCs of all time, Uzi started his career in 2013 for team called Royale Club. He changed a few teams until he joined RNG in 2016 and stayed with them ever since.
He is the only non-Korean player that played two consecutive World Championship finals. He is famous for his temper and condescending attitude, as well as his pink keybord (he uses it all the time).
He is suffering from a shoulder injury and is considering early retirement. He is a killing machine: Most professional kills in the entire world, most kills in the world championships, first to reach milestone for 500/1000/1500..ect. professional kills.
Uzis Role and Play Style:
- He is a highly mechanical ADC and has high expectations for his team
- He is the team leader, they also had the same tactic „protect the puppy“ same as with Doublelift
- He only plays champions with speed ups or dashes because he doesnt like to get caught off guard and not being able to do anything about it
Signature ADC Champs:
- Vayne
- Lucian
- Kai sa
Best of UZI
Uzi Twitter: https://twitter.com/rngroyal (team site)
He doesnt stream on twitch.tv
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