[Top 15] LoL Best Junglers (Ranked)

12 Apr 2024

A Jungler is the player responsible for farming in the neutral areas of the map, known as the jungle, rather than the three main lanes. This player derives their gold and experience from clearing monster camps, as well as periodically dueling with the enemy Jungler and/or invading the lanes to help their laners score a kill (known as “ganking”). 

A successful Jungler must have a good understanding of the game's mechanics, be able to predict the enemy Jungler's movements, and effectively communicate with their team to coordinate ganks, secure objectives, and provide support where needed. Theoretically, any champion can jungle, but there are a couple of characteristics that make an effective Jungler.

Junglers typically choose champions that are:

  • Durable, with good sustainability through tankiness and/or healing capabilities
  • Have strong ganking potential
  • Can quickly clear jungle camps, either through strong burst damage or powerful Area of Effect abilities
  • Have decent mobility for roams

15. Teemo (Good)

Mid-lane expert Zwag gets coached by the Rank 1 Teemo Jungle player in the world.

Playing Teemo jungle can be a fun and unpredictable strategy that might catch your opponents (and your team) off-guard. The annoyance factor of dealing with a well-played Teemo can’t be understated, as he can make the enemy team’s movement and objective control a complete nightmare. Just be aware of your limitations as an off-meta Jungler, and ensure your team is prepared to accommodate a less conventional jungle choice.

Reasons to Pick Teemo:

  • Map control: Teemo's mushrooms provide excellent map control, allowing him to establish vision, control objectives, and create zones of control in key areas of the map. This can help his team secure objectives like drakes, Baron Nashor, and buffs, while also deterring enemy movements through jungle paths.
  • Anti-stealth: Teemo's mushrooms reveal and damage enemy stealthed units, making him an effective counter to champions like Twitch, Evelynn, and Shaco, who rely on stealth for ganks and engages.
  • Sustained damage: Teemo's kit offers sustained damage output with his basic attacks and E (Toxic Shot), allowing him to clear jungle camps efficiently and duel enemy champions in skirmishes. Additionally, his Q (Blinding Dart) can reduce the damage output of enemy auto-attack reliant champions, giving him an advantage in fights.

Pick Teemo If:

  • You’re playing against stealthy champions.
  • The enemy team has multiple Attack Damage Carries.
  • Your team lacks sustained damage.

Teemo is Strong Against:

  • Skarner
  • Wukong
  • Maokai
  • Briar
  • Jarvan IV

Teemo is Weak Against:

  • Brand
  • Nunu & Willump
  • Xin Zhao
  • Taliyah
  • Talon

14. Kayn (Good)

KingStix shows beginners how to successfully play Kayn in the jungle.

While Kayn can be a powerful and flexible Jungler, success with him requires understanding his mechanics, knowing when and how to engage, and making strategic decisions about his evolution. Beyond his strategic benefits, Kayn is simply a fun champion to play. His ability to traverse the map in unexpected ways, along with the significant change in playstyle depending on his form, keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging.

Reasons to Play Kayn:

  • Double identity: Kayn's unique mechanic allows him to transform into either Shadow Assassin or Darkin form based on which type of enemy champion he primarily targets. Shadow Assassin Kayn excels at bursting down squishy targets and assassinating key enemies in teamfights, while Darkin Kayn offers durability and sustained damage, making him a strong frontline bruiser.
  • He's in your walls: Kayn's kit provides him with exceptional mobility, thanks to his ability to traverse terrain with his E (Shadow Step). This allows him to move around the map quickly, making him effective at ganking, counter-jungling, and securing objectives.
  • Snowball potential: Kayn has the potential to snowball games if he can secure early kills and transform into his desired form quickly. Once he transforms, he becomes a significant threat on the map, capable of carrying his team to victory with well-timed engages and picks.

Pick Kayn If:

  • You are against immobile champions.
  • You like more flexible, adaptable champions and playstyles.
  • The enemy team is squishy.

Kayn is Strong Against:

  • Brand
  • Jax
  • Graves
  • Jarvan IV
  • Karthus

Kayn is Weak Against:

  • Ivern
  • Bel’Veth
  • Kindred
  • Master Yi
  • Wukong

13. Lee Sin (Good)

Fz Frost is a Challenger ranked Jungler playing in the Europe-West (EUW) server.

Lee Sin is one of the most popular Junglers in the current metagame, and it’s for a good reason. He’s a monstrous early game champion with a good mobility and fantastic utility, which ensures he can remain useful even if his damage falls off as the game goes on. However, he’s probably the champion in the game that relies most on mechanical skill, making him somewhat unfriendly to newcomers and even difficult for seasoned players to pick up and play. 

Reasons to Pick Lee Sin:

  • Early game dominance: Lee Sin is notorious for his strong early game presence. His high base damage and mobility right out the gate allow him to effectively gank lanes and invade the enemy jungle, potentially putting the opposing team behind while their Jungler tries to get online.
  • Mobility: Lee Sin's mobility, provided by his W (Safeguard/Iron Will) and Q (Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike), allows him to navigate the map quickly and make impactful plays throughout the Rift. 
  • Utility: His utility comes from the crowd control from his E (Tempest/Cripple) and the ability to kick enemies with his Ultimate (Dragon’s Rage), makes him valuable in team fights and skirmishes. Additionally, Safeguard/Iron Will allows him to dash to allied wards, giving him the ability to set up vision and control key areas of the map early in the game, which is crucial for tracking the enemy Jungler and making informed decisions.

Pick Lee Sin if:

  • The enemy team is more late-game-oriented,
  • Your team lacks early game presence.
  • The enemy team is largely immobile.

Lee Sin Is Strong Against:

  • Sejuani
  • Wukong
  • Kayn
  • Graves
  • Jax

Lee Sin is Weak Against:

  • Ivern
  • Brand
  • Zac
  • Rek’Sai
  • Taliyah

12. Shaco (Good)

HuzzyGames is a high Diamond Mid/Jungle/Top player in the EUW server.

League players don’t tend to agree on anything usually, but there is one thing the entire community can get behind: playing against Shaco is a miserable experience. He’s been hovering at a 26% ban rate all season-long, but if you can get your hands on him, be prepared to sow chaos and wage psychological warfare upon the enemy team. Mastering Shaco demands practice, particularly in mastering his Q (Deceive) placements, timing for box traps, and clone micro-management; however, for players who enjoy a strategic, mind-game-centric playstyle, Shaco offers a deeply satisfying experience unlike any other champion.

Reasons to Pick Shaco:

  • Mind games: Shaco's kit is built around deception and mind games. By placing his boxes strategically, using his Deceive to juke opponents, and utilizing his Ultimate (Hallucinate) to create clones, Shaco can outmaneuver and outsmart his opponents, leading them into traps and unfavorable engagements.
  • Ghoulish ganks: With Deceive, Shaco can appear out of nowhere and surprise enemies, making his ganks highly effective. Coupled with his E (Two-Shiv Poison) slow and burst damage, Shaco can quickly take down unsuspecting opponents or force them to burn summoner spells.
  • Under control: Shaco's boxes provide him with excellent objective control. He can use them to set up traps around objectives like drakes, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor, making it difficult for the enemy team to contest or secure these objectives.

Pick Shaco If:

  • You like messing with the enemy on a psychological level.
  • Your team lacks crowd control.
  • The enemy team is squishy.

Shaco is Strong Against:

  • Taliyah
  • Amumu
  • Zed
  • Jax
  • Master Yi

Shaco is Weak Against: 

  • Talon
  • Nunu & Willump
  • Hecarim
  • Karthus
  • Rek’Sai

11. Rammus (Good)

Streamer Nightblue3 balls as a hilariously tanky Rammus

Rammus has a relatively straightforward kit compared to many other Junglers, making him a good pick for players new to the jungle role or to the game, as a whole. His playstyle focuses on macro decisions like when to gank, initiate, or peel rather than complex mechanical plays. While Rammus excels in many areas, he can struggle against teams with strong kiting capabilities or heavy AP (Ability Power) compositions due to his reliance on armor.

Reasons to Pick Rammus:

  • Beginner-friendly: Rammus is relatively straightforward to pick up and play, making him an excellent choice for players new to the jungle role or looking for a champion with a simple-yet-effective playstyle.
  • Counter to AD champions: Rammus excels against teams with heavy attack damage (AD) compositions. His W (Defensive Ball Curl) reflects a percentage of incoming basic attack damage back to attackers, making him extremely effective against AD-focused champions like marksmen and bruisers.
  • Strong Initiations: Rammus is known for his powerful engage potential with his Q (Powerball) ability. He can quickly close the gap between himself and enemy champions, allowing him to initiate team fights or catch out-of-position enemies with ease.

Pick Rammus If:

  • Your team needs a tank.
  • You’re facing an AD-heavy enemy team.
  • You’re a beginner to jungling.

Rammus is Strong Against:

  • Sejuani
  • Rengar
  • Kindred
  • Amumu
  • Kha’Zix

Rammus is Weak Against:

  • Volibear
  • Shaco
  • Zac
  • Rek’Sai
  • Karthus

10. Brand (Great)

Mid-lane main PekinWolf takes a break from Mid as Brand Jungle to surprising results.

Brand is a non-traditional and off-meta Jungler pick. While he’s typically seen in the Mid lane or as a Support due to his powerful area of effect (AoE) magic damage and crowd control, playing him in the jungle can offer a fun and unexpected twist for those looking to turn up the heat in their gameplay. Just be prepared for the unique challenges this role brings and communicate with your team, as off-meta picks can lead to misunderstandings or frustration for both your allies and the opposing team.

Reasons to Pick Brand:

  • Utility: Brand brings crowd control and utility to the jungle role with abilities like his Q (Sear) stun and his W (Pillar of Flame) slow. These abilities can help set up successful ganks and provide peel for his team during team fights, adding versatility to his kit.
  • Spicy spread: Brand's abilities primarily deal area of effect (AoE) damage, making him effective at clearing jungle camps with multiple monsters. This AoE damage also translates well into team fights, where he can damage multiple enemies at once, potentially turning the tide of battle in his team's favor.
  • Surprise factor: Brand Jungle isn’t a common pick, which can catch opponents off guard and lead to unexpected advantages for your team. Many players may not be accustomed to facing a Brand in the jungle, allowing you to capitalize on their lack of familiarity and potentially snowball the game in your team's favor.

Pick Brand If:

  • Your team lacks magic damage.
  • Your team lacks AoE damage.
  • Your team lacks CC.

Brand is Strong Against:

  • Sejuani
  • Poppy
  • Nunu & Willump
  • Graves
  • Wukong

Brand is Weak Against:

  • Nidalee
  • Ekko
  • Rengar
  • Diana
  • Fiddlesticks

9. Viego (Great)

Coach Sawyer Jungle teaches how to play Viego in the jungle.

Viego’s unique mechanic is his body-snatching passive, which allows him to assume the form of a downed opponent. This can be fantastic when faced with high-damage or CC-heavy enemies, as you can use their tools against them to your team’s advantage. This, combined with his strong dueling capabilities and decent scaling, makes him a compelling choice for all players, old and new.

Reasons to Pick Viego:

  • Assassin champion: Viego's kit is well-suited for assassinating enemy champions. With his W (Spectral Maw) for gap-closing and immobilizing targets, Viego can swiftly eliminate squishy targets or isolate priority threats in team fights.
  • Sustain in skirmishes: Unlike other assassins, Viego has a good amount of sustain. His passive grants him significant sustain during skirmishes. By absorbing the essence of fallen enemies, Viego can regenerate health, allowing him to stay healthy during clears and extended fights.
  • Snowball potential: Viego excels at snowballing leads and carrying games. With his strong early game dueling potential and the ability to possess enemy champions to turn fights in his favor, Viego can quickly become a dominating force on the map if he secures early kills and objectives.

Pick Viego If:

  • The enemy team has a damage-heavy composition.
  • The enemy team has high snowball potential.
  • The enemy team is squishy.

Viego is Strong Against:

  • Kayn
  • Graves
  • Jarvan IV
  • Diana
  • Vi

Viego is Weak Against:

  • Rek’Sai
  • Bel’Veth
  • Volibear
  • Nunu & Willump
  • Taliyah

8. Lillia (Great)

Lillia Jungle is a great pick in solo-queue since she can carry if your laners are bad.

The Bashful Bloom thrives on fast clear speeds, kiting abilities, and impactful team fight presence. While she might not have the instant burst damage of some other Junglers, her strengths lie in her mobility, sustained damage, and the game-changing potential of her sleep Ultimate. For players who enjoy a hit-and-run style of gameplay and thrive on controlling the pace of the game, Lillia offers a rewarding and dynamic Jungler experience.

Reasons to Pick Lillia:

  • Strong AoE Damage: Lillia's abilities deal damage to multiple enemies, making her exceptional at clearing jungle camps and dealing significant damage in team fights. Her AoE damage also scales well into the late game.
  • Disruption in teamfights: Lillia's ability to disrupt enemy formations and strategies with her sleep and consistent damage output can be invaluable in team fights. She forces the enemy team to spread out or risk being caught by her Ultimate (Lilting Lullaby), which can be crucial for setting up favorable engagements.
  • Mobility: Lillia's Q (Blooming Blows) allows her to move quickly around the map. It passively grants her movement speed when she hits enemies with her spells. This can be further enhanced with proper itemization.

Pick Lillia If:

  • The enemy team is less mobile.
  • Your team lacks AoE damage.
  • Your team lacks CC.

Lillia is Strong Against:

  • Sejuani
  • Jax
  • Poppy
  • Warwick
  • Talon

Lillia is Weak Against:

  • Fiddlesticks
  • Elise
  • Brand
  • Xin Zhao
  • Karthus

7. Diana (Great)

Four-time Rank 1 Jungler in North America (NA) Tarzaned gives a showstopping performance as Diana jungle.

Diana serves as a powerful AP Jungler with a combination of devastating burst damage, quick clear speed, and engage potential. Positioning is key, as Diana's engages often place her in the heart of the enemy team, making timing and team coordination crucial to her success. She offers a blend of assassination potential and team fight utility, making her a valuable pick for players who enjoy a mix of farming efficiency, dueling, and the ability to make game-changing plays.

Reasons to Pick Diana:

  • Strong clear speed: Diana's Q (Crescent Strike) and passive allow her to clear jungle camps quickly and efficiently. This leads to faster leveling and the ability to apply pressure on the map early on.
  • Engagement: Diana can serve as both an initiator and a follow-up to team engages. Her mobility from her E (Lunar Rush) allows her to jump onto priority targets in the backline or peel for her own carries if necessary. Additionally, her Ultimate (Moonfall) is one of the most impactful engage tools in the game, as it allows her to pull in multiple enemies and set up her team for follow-up AoE damage. 
  • Tower diving potential: Diana's ability to absorb damage with her W (Pale Cascade) and deal burst damage makes her an effective champion for tower diving during ganks, especially when paired with Moonfall for added CC.

Pick Diana If:

  • Your team lacks reliable engage.
  • Your team lacks frontline.
  • Your team lacks CC.

Diana is Strong Against:

  • Zed
  • Sejuani
  • Udyr
  • Shyvana
  • Poppy

Diana is Weak Against:

  • Rek’Sai
  • Master Yi
  • Volibear
  • Kindred
  • Taliyah

6. Vi (Great)

Pro-player Inori shows off some devastating Vi gameplay in the jungle.

Vi stands for “violence,” and that’s 100% reflected in her powerful and aggressive playstyle. Timing her abilities, especially her Q (Vault Breaker) and Ultimate (Cease and Desist), for maximum impact can dramatically influence the outcome of ganks and skirmishes. Her combination of mobility, tankiness, and single-target lockdown makes her a versatile and impactful Jungler, capable of swinging the momentum of the game in her team's favor with well-executed ganks and team fight initiations.

Reasons to Pick Vi:

  • Ganks galore: Vault Breaker allows her to cover great distances and apply powerful CC with its knock-back effect. Combined with Cease and Desist, which locks onto and suppresses a target, her ganks almost inescapable and exceedingly lethal.
  • Excellent duelist: Vi's passive provides her with a shield based on her maximum health after hitting an enemy with an ability, enhancing her dueling capabilities. This makes her strong in 1v1 situations and able to invade the enemy jungle confidently.
  • Goes with the flow: Vi's kit allows her to adapt her playstyle based on the state of the game. She can focus on farming and scaling if early ganks aren’t possible, or she can play aggressively, seeking kills and objectives if she gains an early advantage.

Pick Vi If:

  • Your team lacks CC.
  • The enemy team is less mobile.
  • You can take advantage of your early game strength.

Vi is Strong Against:

  • Lee Sin
  • Kayn
  • Diana
  • Graves
  • Jarvan IV

Vi is Weak Against:

  • Rek’Sai
  • Brand
  • Volibear
  • Karthus
  • Gragas

5. Warwick (Best)

Warwick one-trick Bucci10 demonstrates a hyper-carry build for Warwick. 

Fear the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun! Renowned for his strong sustain and chasing capabilities, Warwick is a consistent threat on the Rift. To maximize Warwick’s potential, focus on controlling scuttle crabs and dragon objectives, use his W (Blood Hunt) to track and pick off vulnerable targets, and leverage his sustain to maintain pressure across the map.

Reasons to Pick Warwick:

  • Strong sustain: Warwick's passive ability provides him with significant sustain, allowing him to stay healthy in the jungle without requiring frequent backs for healing. This enables him to maintain constant pressure on the map.
  • Efficient ganker: Blood Hunt is an excellent tool for tracking low-health targets across the map. This passive and active ability gives him bonus movement speed and attack speed against targets below 50% health, making his ganks particularly effective and deadly.
  • You’re going nowhere!: Warwick's Ultimate (Infinite Duress) is a suppression ability that can lock down key targets, making it an invaluable tool for initiating ganks, securing kills, and turning the tide of teamfights.

Pick Warwick If:

  • The enemy team has high mobility.
  • The enemy team is squishy.
  • The enemy Jungler has a slower clear.

Warwick is Strong Against:

  • Nidalee
  • Talon
  • Kayn
  • Lee Sin
  • Wukong

Warwick is Weak Against:

  • Amumu
  • Zed
  • Zac
  • Lillia
  • Karthus

4. Nocturne (Best)

Max ability haste, and your opponents won't be able to see the map half the time.

True to his title as the “Eternal Nightmare,” Nocturne is a devastatingly powerful Jungler who can be a massive pain to play against. To maximize his potential, players should focus on timing his Ultimate (Paranoia) effectively to create pressure and capitalize on enemy mispositioning. Understanding when to engage and when to split-push can dictate the pace of the game and lead to victory.

Reasons to Pick Nocturne:

  • “Darknessssss”: Paranoia allows him to drastically affect the outcome of skirmishes and teamfights across the map. The ability to darken the map and then dash to an enemy champion provides unparalleled global presence, enabling Nocturne to catch enemies by surprise and turn the tides of battle.
  • Effective ganker: Even before hitting level 6, Nocturne can execute effective ganks thanks to the movement speed bonus from his Q (Duskbringer) and the fear from his E (Unspeakable Horror). After level 6, his ganking potential becomes even more potent with the addition of Paranoia.
  • Divide and conquer: With his ability to clear waves quickly and his threat in 1v1 situations, Nocturne is an excellent split-pusher. Paranoia then allows him to join his team quickly if a fight breaks out, or to catch an isolated enemy trying to escape. 

Pick Nocturne If:

  • Your team lacks CC.
  • The enemy has strong split-pushing potential.
  • The enemy is less mobile.

Nocturne is Strong Against:

  • Sejuani
  • Kayn
  • Elise
  • Poppy
  • Graves

Nocturne is Weak Against:

  • Master Yi
  • Kindred
  • Volibear
  • Xin Zhao
  • Ivern

3. Master Yi (Best)

Sinerias is a Challenger rank Jungler and the Rank 1 Master Yi in the world. 

For players who enjoy a farm-heavy playstyle with the potential to turn into a late-game hyper-carry, Master Yi offers a rewarding experience. This popular Jungler is known for being a bane to squishy champions, as well as his potential to single-handedly carry games. Despite these strengths, Master Yi does have weaknesses, as he is relatively squishy in the early game and can be vulnerable to crowd control and high burst damage.

Reasons to Pick Master Yi:

  • Incredible scaling: Master Yi is one of the best scaling Junglers in the game. His damage output increases significantly as the game progresses, especially with items that synergize with his kit, like Guinsoo's Rageblade and Blade of the Ruined King. This makes him a formidable late-game carry.
  • High damage output: Master Yi's abilities, especially his Q (Alpha Strike) and his E (Wuju Style) allow him to deal massive amounts of damage in a short period. This makes him excellent at securing kills, clearing jungle camps quickly, and shredding through objectives like dragons and Baron Nashor.
  • Reset mechanics: Alpha Strike resets partially on kills and assists, thanks to his passive and his Ultimate (Highlander), which also resets all of his basic ability cooldowns on kills and assists. This allows him to chain kills in team fights, cleaning up low-health enemies rapidly.

Pick Master Yi If:

  • Your team lacks damage.
  • The enemy is squishy.
  • Your team lacks mobility.

Master Yi is Strong Against:

  • Kayn
  • Shyvana
  • Poppy
  • Nunu & Willump
  • Sejuani

Master Yi is Weak Against:

  • Elise
  • Rek’Sai
  • Shaco
  • Kha’Zix
  • Rammus

2. Briar (Best)

Watch some insane gameplay from a Master rank game in the South Korea server.

Briar is one of the newest champions in the game, and she’s out for blood – literally. Her incredible sustain and built-in CC make her a force to be reckoned with in the jungle, and her Ultimate (Certain Death) allows her to quickly begin or join a fight from anywhere on the map. Just be sure to pay attention to her health, as it doubles as her spellcasting resource. 

Reasons to Pick Briar:

  • Great sustain: Briar’s kit is chock full of sustain, thanks to her passive, W (Blood Frenzy/Snack Attack), and E (Chilling Scream). She’ll be able to stay healthy while she clears her camps, and she can also outlast trades with the enemy Jungler. This allows her to maintain consistent pressure against the enemy team.
  • Long-range Ultimate: Certain Death marks the first target it hits and allows her to dash to them from across the map while fearing other surrounding foes. This allows her to set up ganks from nearly anywhere on the map. A well-timed and targeted Briar Ultimate can completely turn the tide of a fight.
  • Bloodcurdling CC: Chilling Scream stuns the target if they collide with a wall. This is excellent for Briar’s roams and fights in the jungle. Even without the added terrain-collision stun, the ability applies a slow upon its target. 

Pick Briar If:

  • The enemy team doesn’t have a lot of CC.
  • Your team lacks engage.
  • The enemy team is squishy.

Briar is Strong Against:

  • Elise
  • Kayn
  • Shyvana
  • Shaco
  • Jarvan IV

Briar is Weak Against:

  • Volibear
  • Udyr
  • Brand
  • Zac
  • Rek’Sai

1. Volibear (Best)

Pro-player Broxah, who has jungled for several teams including Fnatic and Team Liquid, shares his opinions on why Volibear is the best Jungler in season 14.

Volibear stands as a formidable force in the jungle, merging the roles of a tank and a fighter with his impressive sustain, crowd control, and burst damage capabilities. Playing him effectively requires a proactive approach to ganking and leveraging his strong early game to secure advantages for his team. Understanding when and where to use his Ultimate (Stormbringer) can significantly impact the game's outcome, whether for initiating teamfights, executing tower dives, or disrupting the enemy team's positioning.

Reasons to Pick Volibear:

  • Great ganks: With his Q (Thundering Smash), Volibear can quickly close gaps and stun targets, making his ganks highly effective. Combined with his E (Sky Splitter) and Stormbringer, he can tower dive with ease, making him a threat even under enemy turrets.
  • Flexible playstyle: Volibear can adapt his playstyle, depending on his team’s needs and enemy matchups. He can focus on farming and scaling if early ganks aren't viable, or he can be aggressive in securing kills and objectives if the opportunity arises.
  • Relevancy: Volibear has a powerful early game presence. His base damage and survivability allow him to contest scuttle crabs and secure early ganks successfully. He remains relevant in the late game with his ability to initiate fights and disrupt the enemy backline, which can change the tide of late-game teamfights.

Pick Volibear If:

  • Your team can help you tower-dive opponents.
  • Your team lacks frontline.
  • Your team needs a tank.

Volibear is Strong Against:

  • Amumu
  • Poppy
  • Sejuani
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Talon

Volibear is Weak Against:

  • Taliyah
  • Udyr
  • Jax
  • Brand
  • Ivern

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