Even though Genshin Impact gives players a monthly supply of new characters, Xingqiu, one of the oldest characters, is still one of the most played supports. Many people love the National Trio Combination: Bennett, Xingqiu, and Xiangling; and it’s their favourite support rotation for the Spiral Abyss. However, after all this time, have the ways of building Xingqiu changed? Is he worse or better? Learn about his 3 best builds in this updated guide!
3. Full DPS Build: Gladiator’s Finale + Wanderer’s Troupe
The first set we are going to start with is an amazing full DPS set. Although amazing, it leaves much of Xingqiu’s support abilities without any use, making that a bit of a loss. However, there’s some people who love playing with only full DPS, and this is how you can make your Xingqiu deal tons of damage by himself.
With the Gladiator’s Finale increase in ATK and the Wanderer’s Troupe increase in Elemental Mastery, you can already see that most of Xingqiu’s damage will come from powerful elemental reactions. For this, you’ll need to have a powerful team that can buff your DPS and prepare reactions. For example, a vaporize reaction with Bennett.
What This Build Excels In:
- 1. DPS: Obviously this build has to excel in dealing damage, and it does. Xingqiu’s base Hydro Damage is high enough, but changing his build direction to damage dealer can even make him one-shot bosses. If you don’t believe me, look at the video!
- 2. Enabling: As the one dealing the most damage, he’ll be in charge of finishing the Elemental Reactions and won’t need to enable nor buff anyone in the team. That’s why this build doesn’t excel in enabling because of his low Energy recharge.
- 3. Healing: With little to no HP substats or weapons, Xingqiu’s healing won’t be of much effect. However, you can’t forget about it, because this little bit of healing could save you from otherwise certain death.
Build details:
- 5-star option: Mistsplitter (Critical Damage)
- 4-star option: Sacrificial Sword (Energy Recharge) or Favonius Sword (Energy Recharge)
- 3-star option: Skyrider Sword (Energy Recharge)
Artifact stats:
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Hydro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Critical Rate or Critical Damage
- Flower: HP
- Feather: ATK
Artifact substats priority:
- 1. Critical Rate or Critical Damage
- 2. ATK%
- 3. Elemental Mastery
- 4. Energy Recharge
Talent priority:
- 1. Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen
- 2. Guhua Sword: Raincutter
- 3. Normal attack: Guhua style
2. Burst Support Build: Noblesse Oblige + Heart of Depth
Second, we have this burst support build. Thanks to the Noblesse Oblige which increases burst damage, and Heart of Depth which increases Hydro damage, Xingqiu’s Hydro burst will be powerful enough to destroy enemies even with a low levelled main DPS.
This build’s artifacts, contrary to the next we’ll see, don’t increase Energy recharge, just damage. That’s why if you chose this build as the one you’ll use, you have to be careful and look for Energy Recharge substats. If you don’t have any, you won’t be able to activate your burst and show off its impressive damage.
What This Build Excels In:
- 1. DPS (Burst): As its name implies, Xingqiu’s DPS is only centred around his burst damage. That’s why that damage will be sky-high, while his other skills will deal mediocre damage. However, if you’re just interested in having powerful burst damage for a reaction, here’s your build.
- 2. Enabling: Xingqiu’s burst creates a rain of Hydro swords that deals damage with each normal attack even when he’s not on the field. It’s an amazing ability that can help with permafreeze, with Ayaka, for example.
- 3. Healing: As we aren’t building his HP a lot, his healing, which increases with his HP, isn’t high. However, something is always better than nothing, you know.
Build details:
- 5-star option: Mistsplitter (Critical Damage)
- 4-star option: Sacrificial Sword (Energy Recharge) or Favonius Sword (Energy Recharge)
- 3-star option: Skyrider Sword (Energy Recharge)
Artifact stats:
- Sands: Energy recharge%
- Goblet: Hydro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Critical Rate or Critical Damage
- Flower: HP
- Feather: ATK
Artifact substats priority:
- 1. Energy Recharge
- 2. Critical Rate or Critical Damage
- 3. ATK%
- 4. Elemental Mastery
Talent priority:
- 1. Guhua Sword: Raincutter
- 2. Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen
- 3. Normal attack: Guhua style
1. Mixed DPS + Support Build: Emblem of Severed Fate
How is it possible? Well, that’s thanks to this artifact set and the powerful stat called Energy Recharge. This stat decreases the time it takes for his elemental burst to be charged and ready. So your damage per second is higher. Moreover, the Emblem set makes it so that your Energy Recharge increases your damage. That is, it makes any battery support able to deal lots of damage.
What This Build Excels In:
- 1. Enabling: Although I’ve repeated again and again that this building increases Xingqiu’s damage, it also centres more around his support kit and takes him off the field. You can apply reactions quickly, deal damage with just normal attacks, and even have defensive buffs!
- 2. DPS: I have to say that his damage per second is indeed lower than that with a full DPS build. However, that’s totally normal because of the loss of the rest of the kit. Even so, his Hydro attacks are nothing to scoff at.
- 3. Healing: The first two builds didn’t focus on his healing, and neither does this. However, as this build mainly needs ER%, you may be able to increase his HP and healing with some substats.
Build details:
- 5-star option: Skyward Blade (Energy Recharge)
- 4-star option: Sacrificial Sword (Energy Recharge) or Favonius Sword (Energy Recharge)
- 3-star option: Skyrider Sword (Energy Recharge)
Artifact stats:
- Sands: Energy recharge%
- Goblet: Hydro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Critical Rate or Critical Damage
- Flower: HP
- Feather: ATK
Artifact substats priority:
- 1. Energy Recharge
- 2. Critical Rate or Critical Damage
- 3. ATK%
- 4. Elemental Mastery
Talent priority:
- 1. Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen
- 2. Guhua Sword: Raincutter
- 3. Normal attack: Guhua style
The game has changed a lot since Xingqiu was released, almost two years. There are new artifacts, new regions, and lots of new difficult enemies. Even so, Xingqiu’s ways haven’t changed that much, with the Emblem of Severed Fate build being his most balanced choice. The two previous builds are amazing and can shine just as bright with the right teammates. Try to play with your artifacts and weapons and see if these builds satisfy you!