If we have some friends who we would love to visit their islands, we have two main options. The first one is to play locally with another person and the second is playing online either by using a Dodo Code or going directly to their places. In any case, the only thing you need to do is head to Dodo Airlines and tell Orville that you want to visit a friend! If you're considering the second option, it is very important to know that you'll need an active Nintendo Switch Online membership to access the online functionality.
Visiting other islands is not only fun and useful to have a great time when playing Animal Crossing, but it also allows you to make trades with strangers on the internet, especially when using services like Nookazon in which you can trade some bells, NMT, or even dignity to get Raymond into your island; and that was just an example, I'm not talking about personal experiences… Not at all.
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