What would Spider-Man be without his trusty gadgets that he uses to take his foes down? Spider-Man is known for constantly upgrading his arsenal of gadgets and suits to aid him in combat as he becomes more experienced.
It’s nice that there are a lot of gadget options in the Spider-Man game that give you more and more ways to take down enemies in creative ways. You can combine gadgets with other gadgets to quickly web up a lot of enemies to the wall, or you can use gadgets a little for some added crowd control while you beat up the enemies with cool combos, either way, gadgets are a necessary skill to master if you want to be the Ultimate Spider-Man!
8.Web Shooter

The Web Shooter is the most basic gadget in the Marvel's Spider-Man series, available to players at the start of the game. It is a chief weapon for the Spider-Men, worn on their wrists beneath the gauntlets of their costume, and capable of projecting chemical webbing.
The Web Shooter is a versatile gadget that you can always rely on when you’re out of your stronger gadgets, since you the Web Shooter always refills quickly upon being spent. You can use it to web-up enemies to walls and other surfaces and you can also easily impair the bigger enemies with the Web Shooter and quickly take them down.
Cost To Craft:
- None
Requirement To Unlock:
- None
7.Impact Web

Impact Web is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man, unlocked via completing the Fisk Hideout mission, wherein Dr. Otto Octavius provides Peter Parker with the plans needed to craft this gadget.
Impact Webs are useful because they can instantly stick an enemy to the wall if they’re close to it. However, taking care of the smaller grunts is not too hard in Spider-Man, so this gadget is only situationally useful.
Cost To Craft:
- None
Requirement To Unlock:
- Mission: Fisk Hideout
6.Web Bomb

Web Bomb is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man. It fires a bomb that hovers in the air before blasting nearby enemies with webs. Players recover the blueprints for this gadget while on the Home Sweet Home mission.
Web Bomb is good at quickly handicapping a lot of enemies. Peter either throws it in the air to blast enemies around that zone, or you can aim at a specific enemy and web-up all enemies around him. If you’re being overwhelmed by a lot of grunts and want to focus on a single enemy, Web Bomb gives you the opportunity to web the weaker enemies and focus on the stronger foes.
Cost To Craft:
- Web Bomb Blueprints
Requirement To Unlock:
- Mission: Home Sweet Home

Spider-Drone is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man. It launches an automatic drone that defends Spider-Man by attacking any and all enemies in sight. The gadget can be crafted after reaching level 8, costing 1 Base Token and 3 Research Tokens.
Spider-Drone is a very useful gadget that can help you by constantly annoying enemies around you. This gadget works best when used around many enemies that have guns, since it will annoy them for a while, which gives you enough opportunity to either take care of the shooters, or focus on other enemies while having to worry a little less about constantly dodging bullets.
Cost To Craft:
- 1 Base Token
- 3 Research Tokens
Requirement To Unlock:
- Level 8
4.Trip Mine

Trip Mine is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man. Players unlock the ability to construct this gadget during the course of the Dual Purpose mission. The Trip Mine gadget fires a small device that attaches to a wall or enemy, which upon detecting an enemy nearby, will hit them with a web and pull them towards one another, causing them to slam together.
Trip Mine can help you take down enemies silently when there are multiple enemies that are clustered together. Trip Mine can easily pick off an enemy that you can’t target because other grunts are near, when he starts walking. It can also be used in combat as a substitute for the Impact Web since it will instantly web the enemy to the wall.
Cost To Craft:
- Laser Components
Requirement To Unlock:
- Mission: Dual Purpose
3.Concussive Blast

Concussive Blast is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man. Unlocked at level 10, it has the highest cost of all gadgets, requiring 2 Challenge Tokens and 6 Crime Tokens. The Concussive Blast emits a powerful sonic wave, causing nearby enemies to tumble backwards with great force.
Concussive Blast is extremely useful for Rooftop fights, since it can knock the enemies off the building and instantly take them out of the fight. It’s nice to know that using Concussive Blast will also disarm all enemies that are hit by it, which can give you some time to beat them up before they pick their weapons up again.
Cost To Craft:
- 2 Challenge Tokens
- 6 Crime Tokens
Requirement To Unlock:
- Level 10
2.Suspension Matrix

Suspension Matrix is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man. It is unlocked at level 25, and can be obtained in exchange for 2 Base Tokens and 4 Challenge Tokens. When deployed, the Suspension Matrix creates a gravity field that affixes enemies into the air.
Suspension Matrix lifts the enemies up in the air where they are way more vulnerable than on the ground. You can freely move in the air and attack enemies while their movement is impaired. If you upgrade this gadget it will lift even the brutes and suspend them in the air, which can’t be done with any other gadgets.
Cost To Craft:
- 2 Base Tokens
- 4 Challenge Tokens
Requirement To Unlock:
- Mission: Wheels Within Wheels
1.Electric Web

Electric Web is a gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man, available to players only after they have acquired the stun gun during the Wheels within Wheels mission. The Electric Web shooter applies an electric charge on each web shot before firing. This electric charge can be used to power certain electronic conduits.
Electric Web is the most useful gadget to have in combat. All it takes is one charge to stun most of your enemies! All you have to do is hit an enemy and electrify him and web-spin him around and you’ll electrify most of the other enemies in the area. It’s also super easy to take care of big guys with machine guns that quickly tear through the normal webs by electrifying them and stunning them for a longer duration.
Cost To Craft:
- Stungun
Requirement To Unlock:
- Mission: Wheels Within Wheels