Finka joined Team Rainbow back in 2018 and immediately after, the game was hit with a lot of criticisms of being imbalanced. That’s because she, alongside the operator that debuted with her which is Lion, was deemed so overpowered by most in the Siege community.
Since then, she’s undergone a lot of changes in an attempt by the devs to make her less powerful and balance the game out. And while today, she’s definitely not as powerful as she was on launch, she remains one of the most picked attackers in the game despite all the recent changes to her and the game itself that could be seen as a nerf on her.
5. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade
If what the user is looking for is having the best recoil for Finka’s Spear .308, because obviously, having the best recoil possible usually means having the best accuracy with the weapon, this is the loadout setup to go. That’s because both the vertical grip and the flash hider are present on the weapon and both of them specialize in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons. Which is exactly what’s needed to lower the Spear .308’s recoil because its vertical recoil is what’s strong and its propensity for horizontal recoil is not that high.
With the scope 2.0x providing a high level of zoom to Finka combined with the great recoil control benefits from the flash hider and vertical grip, she’ll have deadly accuracy. As for her secondary weapon, the PMM handgun with a suppressor will allow her to fire silent shots, which is really useful for disabling enemy gadgets with less chance of giving away her position. It can also be a very effective weapon for finishing enemies when the primary weapon needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat.
Excels in:
- Having the best recoil control possible on Finka’s Spear .308 assault rifle because of the flash hider and vertical grip attachments working hand in hand to lower its vertical recoil
- Excelling at any range due to the scope 2.0x on Finka’s Spear .308 because of its very balanced zoom level combined with the recoil control benefits of the flash hider and vertical grip
- Providing Finka with the ability to disable enemy gadgets with much less chance of alerting enemies to her position with the use of the suppressed PMM handgun.
- The PMM handgun would also be a great alternative weapon to Finka when her Spear .308 needs reloading during a high traffic situation because of its high damage and low recoil
- The smoke grenade as Finka’s generic gadget will allow her to provide cover for the attacking team’s push as the smoke from it will obstruct the enemies’ vision
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Smoke Grenade
Recoil test on the Spear .308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Stun Grenade
Finka can be one of the toughest attackers around, and that’s because of her Adrenal Surge which adds twenty health to all members of the attacking team per activation. It’s practically a heal to damaged attackers because the health increase is permanent. And when the Adrenal Surge is active, all members of the attacking team will experience a plethora of buffs. So while all of its buffs and added toughness are present, it’ll even be tougher to win against Finka in a straight up one-on-one encounter when she’s also dealing higher damage.
That’s possible because the extended barrel will add more firepower to Finka’s Spear .308 assault rifle and it will also greatly reduce its range damage drop-off. With the Spear .308 in this setup, Finka will be dealing heavy stopping power, regardless of range. This works well with the stun grenades as her generic gadget, because with the added firepower from the extended barrel, Finka will be able to finish off her opponents quicker than normal during the short window of opportunity that they’re blinded or deafened by the stun grenades.
Excels in:
- Increasing the firepower from Finka’s Spear .308 assault rifle with the extended barrel making its damage higher as well as reducing its range damage drop-off
- Maintaining good vertical recoil control on Finka’s Spear .308 because of the presence of the vertical grip attachment which greatly reduces the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- The scope 2.0x on Finka’s Spear .308 assault rifle will allow her to see her targets clearly and that would be a great up to her accuracy while also not being at a disadvantage at close range combat
- The PMM handgun with the suppressor will allow Finka to shoot enemy gadgets like CCTV cameras with much less chance of alerting enemies. It’ll also have a tighter hipfire because of the laser.
- The three stun grenades as Finka’s generic gadget are great for pushing as they can blind and deafen enemies that are near them when they pop off.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil test on the Spear .308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Stun Grenade
When it comes to rushing or aggressive plays on Finka, this could actually be the best setup for her Spear .308. That's because the angled grip will allow her to go into aim-down-sights faster than normal and of course, that means she’ll be able to aim at enemies faster. The drawback to using the angled grip, however, is that it doesn’t provide additional recoil control on weapons. That's why it’s important to partner it up with the flash hider as the Spear .308’s barrel attachment.
The flash hider will greatly lower the weapon’s overall vertical recoil, making it manageable, even if it’s the only attachment present on the gun that provides additional recoil control. As for the scope 2.0x, it might take getting used to for beginners, but its high zoom level is great for the usual distance that Finka engages enemies in which is close to medium range, and it doesn’t really take up a lot of peripheral view because its zoom level is not that high and its frame is quite thin.
Excels in:
- Providing Finka with an aim-down-sights speed boost on her Spear .308 assault rifle with the use of the angled grip attachment which is great for close to medium range encounters
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on Finka’s Spear .308 because of the flash hider on its barrel which will greatly lower its overall vertical recoil
- The scope 2.0x on Finka’s Spear .308 assault rifle will provide her with a good amount of zoom while also not putting her in too much of a disadvantage at close range
- The suppressed PMM handgun will allow Finka to shoot enemy gadgets silently, so with less chance of giving away her position, and it’ll have a tighter hip fire due to the laser
- Finka having three stun grenades is great for both frontline and backline support roles as they can blind or deafen enemies, and they can also be used to offset anti-projectile defender devices.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil test on the Spear .308 in this setup firing 16 bullets before I started feeling like I’ll lose control of the gun:
2. SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, Vertical Grip, and Laser + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Frag Grenade
If you excel at using shotguns, this loadout setup is for you. It actually also works really well even if the player is only average when it comes to using shotguns. That’s because with the added health and plethora of buffs from the Adrenal Surge, Finka has a better chance than most operators to get close to her opponents. And when she does get close to them with this loadout setup, it’ll be devastating for them, because the SASG-12 has massive stopping power and a unique sort of perk.
That perk is that it kind of has an integrated suppressor. I say that because the suppressor is the only barrel attachment available to it, and now that the suppressor doesn’t reduce weapons’ damage anymore, there’s no more drawback to attaching it when it’s the only available barrel attachment. With the suppressor on the SASG-12's barrel, it’s highly possible that enemies will have a delayed response to Finka’s assault, because the SASG-12's gunshots will be silent and won’t create a directional threat indicator.
Excels in:
- Assaulting enemies at close range with the SASG-12 shotgun with a high possibility of them having a delayed reaction due to the silent shots from the weapon
- Finka having the close range superiority because of the SASG-12 shotgun which inflicts high damage per pellet and goes so well with the buffs and added health from her Adrenal Surge
- The vertical grip on the SASG-12 shotgun will allow Finka to maintain a good amount of vertical recoil control on the weapon and through it, Finka will be able to align its subsequent shots better
- The suppressed PMM handgun as Finka’s secondary weapon will allow her to silently shoot defender gadgets from a distance with much less chance of alerting enemies to her presence
- The frag grenade goes so well with the SASG-12 shotgun because with them, Finka can force defenders out of their hiding spots, and when they try to escape from them, Finka can deal with them with her shotgun.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Frag Grenade
Hip fire pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 5m range:
Hip fire pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 10m range:
1. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Frag Grenade
This is generally the best loadout setup for Finka. While it doesn’t provide the close range superiority that the one above does, for most cases, this will be more effective in dealing with enemies as well as be more convenient to the user. That’s of course because the Spear .308 won’t have the very limited range that the SASG-12 shotgun has. And speaking of range, this loadout setup will excel at any, because of the scope 2.0x as well as the suppressor on the Spear .308’s barrel.
With the suppressor, the Spear .308’s shots won’t have a directional threat indicator or even muzzle flash. The suppressor will also greatly silence its gunshots, and as one can imagine, at medium to long range, it can be quite hard for enemies to determine where the shots are coming from. Even at close quarters combat, the suppressed Spear .308 will be great because the silent gunshots and the removal of the directional threat indicator from its shots can really cause a delayed reaction from the enemies.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without them immediately knowing where the shots are coming from which has the big tendency for them to not be able to counter or protect themselves well
- The vertical grip on Finka’s Spear .308 assault rifle will help her handle the weapon’s vertical recoil which is important because the suppressor doesn’t add recoil control
- Providing Finka with a good amount of zoom level which will up her accuracy in a big way through the scope 2.0x on her Spear .308 assault rifle
- Having an excellent secondary weapon for finishing enemies off when the primary needs to reload in the PMM handgun which has a muzzle brake that greatly lowers its recoil
- The two frag grenades can be used by Finka to flush defenders out of their hiding spots. She can also use them in destroying pesky bulletproof defender gadgets
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil test on the Spear .308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: