Azami is one of the most unique operators in Siege because at the moment, she’s the only one in the defending team that can perform a quick fix on broken walls and hatches. She has that ability because of her special gadget, the Kiba Barrier, which has a wide array of uses. Not only can it be used to put some quick fixes on broken walls and hatches, it can also be used to provide more cover on previously exposed spots, as well as suddenly deny area to enemies by putting one or two an entryway.
Azami also has some of the best weapons in the game in the ACS12 shotgun and the 9x19VSN submachine gun, and in this article, we’re going to discuss the best attachment setups for them, as well as her utilities and secondary weapon.
5. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + D-50 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade
This is a very solid loadout setup for Azami especially with the recent buff on the compensator making it a lot more effective in reducing the horizontal and random recoil from all directions of weapons. For players who are looking for the best setup on the 9x19VSN when it comes to controlling its recoil, this would be the best. That’s because the compensator will greatly lower its tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions, while the vertical grip will make it much easier to control its vertical recoil.
The recoil diamond of the 9x19VSN submachine gun starts becoming wider after the fourth shot, and the wider the recoil diamond of a weapon is, the stronger its horizontal recoil will be. And that’s why the compensator is a very viable barrel attachment for the 9x19VSN. As for the suppressed D-50 handgun, it will allow Azami to shoot attacker gadgets such as claymores or drones with much less chance of alerting enemies to her presence, and that’s very important when she’s flanking or roaming.
Excels in:
- Having the best recoil control on the 9x19VSN with the compensator lowering its horizontal recoil and the vertical grip lowering its vertical recoil
- Providing Azami with pinpoint accuracy when aiming-down-sights on her 9x19VSN with the Red Dot A’s simple center dot reticle
- Being able to shoot attacker gadgets such as claymores and drones with much less chance of alerting the enemies with the use of the suppressed D-50 handgun
- Having the ability to create rotation holes or escape holes with the use of the impact grenades in Azami’s arsenal
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + D-50 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade
The flash hider barrel attachment is great for lowering the weapon’s vertical recoil, and usually, the setups with it as the weapon’s barrel attachment have the best recoil control. However, since the 9x19VSN’s stock recoil control doesn’t really go that crazy, the Azami player can afford to only attach one recoil control providing attachment to her 9x19VSN instead of two. So in this case, the flash hider will be that attachment that will provide the recoil control benefit, while another one will provide another kind of advantage.
And that would be the angled grip providing the Azami player with more speed when it comes to going into aim-down-sights stance. With this perk, Azami will be able to aim at her opponents quicker, therefore, potentially taking them down faster. This is great for sudden encounters with enemies or for dealing with more than one of them. The flash hider will also hide the 9x19VSN’s muzzle flash and that could lead to opponents not immediately pinpointing where Azami is shooting them from.
Excels in:
- Having a strong vertical recoil control on Azami’s 9x19VSN with the use of the flash hider barrel attachment
- Making it a bit harder for enemies to immediately notice exactly where Azami is shooting from with the flash hider removing the 9x19VSN’s muzzle flash
- Being able to go into aim-down-sights stance quicker than normal with the use of the angled grip attachment
- Having pinpoint accuracy when aiming-down-sight on Azami’s 9x19VSN with the use of the Red Dot A’s simple center dot reticle
- Having the ability to create rotation holes inside the objective spot or escape holes when Azami is roaming
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + D-50 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade
This loadout setup is great for Azami players who prefer to always have the best damage possible when using her 9x19VSN submachine gun. The extended barrel as one of its attachments will greatly lower its range damage drop off, ensuring that Azami will be inflicting the best damage she can on her enemies regardless of the distance she’s shooting from. On top of that, the extended barrel recently received a massive buff which makes it so that it now adds 15% damage on weapons.
So with this loadout setup, Azami will have the benefit of inflicting heavy damage and stopping power to her enemies no matter what the range is. And since the extended barrel doesn’t provide recoil control benefits, it’s best to partner it with the vertical grip. That way, Azami will have at least one recoil control benefit providing attachment on her 9x19VSN and that will ensure that she will be able to manage its weapon kick well. For the secondary weapon, it’s best to still run with the suppressed D-50 handgun so that when Azami needs to flank or roam, she can use it as a utility to silently disable enemy gadgets.
Excels in:
- Inflicting the best damage possible to opponents regardless of range with the extended barrel greatly reducing the range damage drop-off of Azami’s 9x19VSN
- Making Azami’s 9x19VSN’s damage more powerful with the recent buff on the extended barrel that makes it so that it now adds 15% damage on weapons
- Having great accuracy when aiming-down-sights on Azami’s 9x19VSN with the Red Dot A’s simple center dot reticle
- Having the ability to silently shoot enemy gadgets such as drones and claymores with the use of the suppressed D-50 handgun
- Being able to create rotation holes inside the objective spot which is great for defending both bomb sites with the use of the impact grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + D-50 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Impact Grenade
For the players who prefer to use the 9x19VSN submachine gun as their primary weapon when playing Azami, this is the best loadout setup. That’s because the suppressor on the 9x19VSN will provide them with great stealth benefits. With the suppressor, the 9x19VSN will not create a directional threat indicator of where Azami’s shots are coming from, and it will hide the weapon’s muzzle flash. That means that it will be harder for enemies to see where Azami is, and that will greatly reduce their effectiveness when it comes to returning fire.
The suppressor will also greatly silence the 9x19VSN’s gunshots, making it even harder for enemies to know where Azami is when she’s shooting. These stealth benefits are great to have in a tactical shooter like Siege where positioning and intel on enemies plays major roles. And since Azami would already be able to silently shoot attacker gadgets with her suppressed 9x19VSN, it’d be better this time to attach a muzzle brake on her D-50 handgun. That way, when Azami switches to it, its recoil will be much easier to control.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without providing them a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from with the use of the suppressor on the 9x19VSN
- Making it harder for enemies to immediately pinpoint the location of where your shots are coming from with the suppressor hiding the 9x19VSN’s muzzle flash
- Making it even harder for enemies to know your location while you’re shooting with the suppressor greatly silencing the 9x19VSN’s gunshots
- Having a great recoil control on the D-50 handgun with the use of the muzzle brake and the laser attachment making its hip fire a lot tighter
- Being able to create rotation or escape holes with the use of the two impact grenades in Azami’s arsenal
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. ACS12 with Scope 1.5x and Angled Grip + D-50 with Suppressor and Laser + Barbed Wire
This is the best loadout setup for Azami because the ACS12 single-slug firing shotgun inflicts heavy damage per shot and is fully automatic. It also has a great destruction profile per shot, allowing Azami to use it as a utility for creating rotation holes and more lines of sight on unreinforced walls. The ACS12 is a drum fed shotgun so its reload speed is faster, and like other single-slug firing shotguns like the BOSG.12.2. and the TCSG12, it’s capable of headshots and damaging enemies at long-range.
Another reason why this is my preferred weapon for Azami is that it can be attached with a scope 1.5x. With a scope 1.5x, Azami players would be able to see their opponents much better than with a 1.0x one. The ACS12 also has a big magazine capacity, allowing the user to shoot a lot of bullets before needing to reload the weapon. And since the ACS12’s stock recoil is so low, Azami can freely use the angled grip on it and enjoy its aim-down-sights speed benefit.
Excels in:
- Dealing heavy damage per shot to enemies with the use of the ACS12 single-slug firing shotgun
- Being able to use the ACS12 as a utility for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage due to its high destruction capabilities
- Having access to the scope 1.5x which provides a good amount of zoom that will allow Azami to see her enemies better
- Being able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal with the use of the angled grip attachment on the ACS12
- Having great recoil control on the D-50 handgun with the use of the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- Having a tight hip fire on the D-50 handgun due to the laser attachment
- Slowing enemies down with the barbed wires which are also great early warning devices for usual flanking spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ACS12 with Scope 1.5x and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Barbed Wire
Recoil pattern test on the ACS12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: